Novel Chapter

Simon(e) - Book Two: Chapter 11

Book 2: Chapter 11 of 12

by D.L.

Copyright  © 2011 D.L. All Rights Reserved.

At first, I was afraid, I was petrified.
To come out, show the world who’s hiding deep down inside.
And after spending nights thinking, how I didn’t belong.
I grew strong, and I learned how to right that wrong.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 5 of 22

“Kazmina,” she said, gently shaking the wizard, “you've got to change me back now... Or tell me what's going on.”

Kazmina wasn't fully awake. “What's wrong?” she mumbled, propping up on her left arm.

“This doesn't feel wrong, that's what's wrong! I'm forgetting what I'm supposed to be, just like when we were geese. By the time we go to see Psavian, I'm afraid I'll have forgotten why I came back to find Tsavila!”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 4 of 22

“We need something better,” she said. “We need to make a good impression, as a pair of fine ladies — ”

“What?” he exclaimed.

“I'll explain in a little bit; I've figured out how to disguise you when we meet Psavian and Tsavila.”

The Angry Mermaid 40 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 40

Just another step on Drustina's journey to Constantinople where Drustina and her companions finally meet the emperor.

The Angry Mermaid 40.
Y Morforwyn Dicllon 40.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.

Melody Blossoms

Melody Blossoms
A free sample from my new ebook!
Harriet and her friends are at that age when girls blossom into young ladies. Except for Clarence. Clarence still needs a lot of help to reach his potential. Only Harriet understands his secret — deep down, he’s a girl named Melody. Gradually, Harriet and the girls coax their new friend out of his shell. Can they help Melody to blossom?

Open Your Heart - Chapter 3

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew

Chapter Three

Janet set her burden down on the floor next to the tub and walked back out of the bathroom to the sounds of a rap remix of Canon in D using a keyboard and percussion. “We’re lookin’ on the sunny side,” incongruously sang the female vocalist doing melodic counterpoint. The song couldn’t be more inappropriate.

Healing a Princess...36 (Its about time)

Healing a Princess Ch. 36

by Anistasia Allread

“It’s okay, Dear. Let the others sing him to the heavens.” Gemma wrapped Monyka in a motherly embrace.
“It hurts so bad.” Monyka sobbed. “why does it have to hurt so bad?”
“The greater the love, the greater the hurt, Dear.”
“Can’t you do something to make it hurt less?” Monyka begged. “Something with the Gift?”
“If I did that it would diminish the person you have lost. It is better that you feel the pain so that you remember him and how much he means to you.”
Monyka answered her with a cry, and held tight to her.

Trick of the Mind - 49 & 50

Trick of the Mind — 49 & 50

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

She reached down and kissed me before settling back onto my chest. “I love you,” she said stroking the soft lace of my nightdress.

Could things get better than this?

Are Those Yours? -1-

Sometimes my muse ambushes me with odd little things like this. I hope you'll like it.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 1

"Here's your tea, love," the girl said, putting the mug down on the table.

The man carried on eating his Full English breakfast, only nodding briefly to thank her. After a short while he became aware that she was still standing beside him and he paused, knife and fork in mid-air.

"Do you mind if I ask you," she said softly, "are those yours?"

He knew exactly to what she was referring and nodded again, keeping his head low.

Trick of the Mind - 47 & 48

Trick of the Mind — 47 & 48

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“The rugby club is putting on a 'Top Of The League' ball next week to celebrate our success. The guys from yesterday were wondering if you'd like to be their dates for the night. That kind of includes you and Pete, Rich... er I mean Rachael. What do you say?”

Somewhere Else Entirely -32-

As the day of the festival approaches the palace begins to fill up with noble guests. A chance encounter means that Garia faces a challenge unlike any she has come across so far.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

32 - Meet the Neighbors

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 17

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 17
A collaboration by darkice and kitn

“Don’t you recognize your best friend, Arron?” He stared at her again and she bared her teeth at him in what could, possibly, be taken for a smile by the truly unobservant.


Trick of the Mind - 45 & 46

Trick of the Mind — 45 & 46

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“You OK?” I asked her.

“Yeah, you?”

“Better knowing we aren't lying to your folks anymore.”

“Yeah. You needn't have folded so neatly under Mum and Dad's cross-examination though.”

Trick of the Mind - 43 & 44

Trick of the Mind — 43 & 44

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

Pastor Mike turned up for me at the appointed hour. He noticed, but didn't comment as I swept my long skirt out of the maws of the car door. It looked like I was in for a longer conversation than I'd planned.

Trick of the Mind - 41 & 42

Trick of the Mind — 41 & 42

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

Uncle Stan calmed his nerves and collected his thoughts, before putting down his knife and fork, and looking across the table at me.

Trick of the Mind - 39 & 40

Trick of the Mind — 39 & 40

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“Alice is fine with us helping for the moment. We were just off to the shops so we need to dash if we're going to get the bus. Is there anything you need?”

“From the shops? No I don't think so, thank-you.”

And with a wave we were away to the bus stop.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 1 & 2.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…

I was never ever normal, I never felt normal and I think that most people feel that right? I’m from Toronto and I’ve gotten out of there. I got out of high school this Summer and I got accepted to the University of British Columbia. In truth I had to get out of there, Mom and I don’t get along and neither do me and my sister. Both of them are those real city girls. They want to be treated with respect but they don’t do a damned thing to earn it.

Trick of the Mind - 37 & 38

Trick of the Mind — 37 & 38

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The courtroom scene depicted in this chapter is fictional and bear little or no resemblance to real life (as far as I'm aware).

“Sit down everyone. Alright, I've had time to review all the information and make my decisions. We are here this afternoon to pass judgement on Mr Raymond Baxter and Judge Derek Priestly in the matter relating to young Mr Richard Baxter. Would the defendants please rise.”

Starship 2

* This is a tentative continuance, no guarantees.
All because vanity calls.

I hope you won't be too disappointed.
We'll see if it works, or not.



There’s a mountain, and no, I’m not speaking of one of those thin ones, those fashionably slim, elegantly cutting through the air. You know, the ones that all mountaineers so dearly love.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 2 of 22

“I'll be lucky if my father even attends. He doesn't have much time for those of us who didn't inherit his power. But my brothers and my cousins on my mother's side will be there, they're fun to be with, and some of our neighbors I know well... and my sister. You'll like her; she's pretty.”

She was, and he did.



Chapter 6

I blink several times trying to make sure where I’m at is really where I’m at. Brandy’s looking at me and comes over and kneels down and she slowly unbends my fingers from the frame of the bed. “Maddie…Maddie…” It still hasn’t hit me that it’s over.

I’m shaking and shivering actually and my head is pounding. I think I’m crying a little too.
“Maddie honey what’s wrong are you hurt?” I’m just not in that place were talking works and I shake my head no. I try to get it out.


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