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Part 7
Sea Gal
by Susan Jean Charles
Jessica learns what it’s like to show off in a cheerleader’s outfit and gets to be a real cheerleader. She hosts her first dinner party. Cindy meets Jessica.
© 2012, by Susan J. Charles. All rights reserved
Edited by Holly H. Hart
I wanted to surprise Phil about Terri’s offer, so I didn’t tell him that she was coming to the next party or that I was going to the Sea Gal practice. Terri had told me to wear dance equipment, so I showed up in leotards and tights, with a short practice skirt. The skirt came off and we started warming up. Our class warm ups were the same ones the Sea Gals used and I really began to feel at home. A couple of other girls and I lined up behind the squad and watched carefully as they went through their moves. It wasn’t hard to pick up and I realized that Terri had been incorporating a lot of the movements into our class. That made me really comfortable, and I began to really cut loose, moving from side to side in time with the music. It was so much fun!
The practice finally ended and I toweled off. Terri and a couple of the other girls came up and complimented me on my dancing. For obvious reasons, I begged off accompanying them into the dressing room to shower off, saying I had another appointment and the shower would have to wait until I got home. I felt tired, but had a warm glow of well-used muscles as I drove home.
The phone message light was blinking when I came in the door. Karen had followed up on my question about bar codes. There was an order to the way they were laid out and all the big manufacturers had to conform to it so there was no duplication. Unfortunately, while the manufacturers’ databases were supplied to huge chains like Wal-Mart and Safeway, managing the sheer volume, to say nothing of updates was at least a full-time job. The costs, while not too great, were more than I could justify for a home operation such as mine.
While I was relaxing in my bubble bath, I thought about the problem and decided I’d have to create my own database while I was scanning packages. It would be easy enough to scan the brand name and product name along with the bar code. I could also scan the weight on most packages and read it all into the database. It could even be linked to recipes if I also included my favorite ones. All it would really take is a print recognition program that translated a scanned word or number into a usable data field. Simple!
When I put on my Sea Gals costume Sunday, I was still worried about my boyish waist. With the new vagina panty I didn’t have to worry about taping myself. I had a slight indentation in front and was smooth all the way back between my legs. In those shorts, there was no room for error. As I took a last look before heading downstairs, I decided there was no way anyone would doubt that I was a girl.
As it turned out, I didn’t have to worry about my waist at all. All the guys were either staring at my boobs or my crotch. As I moved around, I felt completely naked and exposed. Eyes were undressing me all over, especially Phil’s. But, I realized, what those eyes were seeing was a naked girl! I had fooled everyone. So I stuck out my chest a little more and wiggled my bottom a little wider and proudly walked around. Jessica was a sexy success. I even got used to the guys looking at either my boobs or crotch while I was talking to them.
Then Terri arrived. It was the only time I could think of when two women didn’t mind that the other was in the same outfit. She’d brought some pom-poms and during every commercial, we’d do one of the routines. Everyone loved it. We were a hit. Terri kept answering questions about what it was like to be a Sea Gal and it sounded like so much fun. I gave her a big hug of thanks when she was leaving.
“You were really good,” she said. “See you in class.”
Karen was one of the last to leave. She gave me a big hug and whispered into my ear, “Girl, you are so hot!
“By the way,” she added, “don’t forget, we’re coming on this week.”
That served to bring me down a little, but just a little.
Phil couldn’t wait to get me in bed, and I was walking a little bowlegged the next day.
Tuesday, very reluctantly, I took the first of my monthly water retention pills. I really didn’t want to, but if I was really to understand being female, I had to continue to experience as much as I could.
By Wednesday evening, I was beginning to feel bloated again. My ankles and feet swelled some and I was feeling a little fuzzy. I was pretty much uncomfortable all over. When Phil reached for me, I told him I was approaching that time of the month and I didn’t really feel like it. He looked a little puzzled, but didn’t insist on anything else.
The next day about noon, Phil called. I’d been working on my kitchen program when the phone rang.
“Jessica,” he said. “I’m bringing six very important people home for dinner. Please set up for a formal dinner and make sure the bar is stocked. We’ll be there about 6:30.” Then he hung up.
I nearly panicked. I wasn’t feeling that well and he dumped this on me. What would I serve them? What about the house? Were the diners all men, or would there be couples?
I called Phil back and told him I needed a little more information. It turned out that there would be three couples and no dietary restrictions. Two vice-presidents and their wives were in town from New York, and Phil’s boss and wife would be coming too.
I called the caterer, but they had a big banquet at UW that evening celebrating the football team’s season. All they could offer me was the use of one server. I was on my own for food.
Diving into my cookbooks, I decided I had time to whip up a chateaubriand with béarnaise sauce, provided the gourmet shop had a suitable cut of meat. Dashing over there, I found the meat and purchased enough for ten people. There were only eight of us dining, but I wanted to have enough if someone had a big appetite. The shop also had the right potatoes for chateau potatoes and I grabbed a few other veggies to serve with them. Since French Onion soup would be the first course, I picked up the makings for it, including the thick cheese for the topping. For the small salads, I got three kinds of lettuce and a red wine vinegar. Of course the store also had the shallots, tarragon and chervil I needed.
The other ingredients for the Béarnaise sauce including the cayenne pepper had been part of my stock-up run days earlier. Three bottles of rose’ wine would balance the delicate taste of the meat. I mentally ran through my pantry and decided on mousse for dessert. The bill was astronomical, but I had the business credit card with me to cover it. The bill served Phil right for hitting me with this at the last minute!
Once everything was going in the kitchen, I grabbed the cleaning supplies and gave the downstairs a quick going over since the cleaning crew didn’t come until Friday. I paid special attention to the bathrooms, scrubbing the toilets and sinks.
I kept running back to the kitchen to do what was needed there. Right in the middle of everything, the server appeared. I gave her instructions on how to finish the next few steps and ran upstairs to jump through a shower and pull out one of my long hostess dresses. There was little time to do much with my hair, so I just pinned it up into a formal style and slapped on some evening makeup. I cursed a little as I crammed my swollen feet into my strappy heels. What we women went through!
Back downstairs, I grabbed an apron to protect my dress as I finished the food and demonstrated the presentation to the server. She understood immediately, thank God!
I pulled off the apron, just as I heard Phil and our guests come into the house. I hurried out of the kitchen to become the gracious hostess as Phil introduced me to the couples. I really liked Phil’s boss, Steve and Steve’s wife, Madeline.
We relaxed with drinks in the television room and I made small talk with the women. After about 20 minutes, I decided it was time to adjourn to the dining room. By then, I’d learned everyone’s names and who outranked who, and was able to seat everyone at the table. I rang my small bell and the server began the first course.
It went well, but I was glad when it was over. The ladies were astounded to find out that I’d had to cook the meal myself, and were very complimentary, especially Madeline. After dinner, we adjourned for coffee, the men to the TV room and us ladies to the living room. I was curious what the men were discussing, but my job was to keep the ladies entertained. It didn’t last too long. The two couples from New York were on east coast time, so while it was only 10 p.m. here, it was 1 a.m. their time and they were tired. I bid them goodnight and again received compliments from all.
After they left, I couldn’t wait to get my heels off. Women went through this every month and successfully hid it? How did they manage? I’d barely held it together for one evening. Phil was most appreciative, even after I told him how much I’d had to spend.
“That’s okay,” he said. “Tonight was a big boost to my career hopes. You did well.” He gave me a big kiss and we adjourned to the upstairs. I could barely keep my eyes open long enough to get my makeup off. I pulled on a negligee and, as I was pulling the matching panties up for it, remembered to insert a pad in them. While I didn’t have any flow, wearing pads at that time was part of the regimen
As I stumbled toward my bedroom, I heard Phil call. I walked into his room. There he was lying on the bed, and you could have run a flag up his pole. He said he was tense from the strain of the dinner and needed relief. I was dead tired and didn’t feel like doing or having anything done to me, but reached down and began to rub his cock. I wanted to get this done as soon as possible and get to sleep so, to hurry things along, I cupped his balls in my other hand and began to roll them around. His breathing got faster and faster. As he started to surge I took him in my mouth and finished the job as quickly as possible. I swallowed and licked him clean and fell into bed beside him. I didn’t want to cuddle; I just wanted sleep. The last thing I remember was my head hitting the pillow.
The next day I spent time with my cookbooks. In light of the previous day’s sudden dinner demands, I decided I’d better have the ingredients in the house for at least two easy-to-make but delicious formal dinners. It wasn’t hard to do, and I actually was able to scan the recipes into my evolving kitchen computer program. The scan and read feature worked fine, and I was able to generate a shipping list from the program. I did have to add a step where I entered the number of people eating to ensure I had the proper quantity of ingredients for each meal. Ten people seemed like a good default number. Then I went shopping wearing my trainers. Such relief being in flat shoes that accommodated swelled feet!
I thanked the powers that be that the Seahawks had a bye week and I didn’t have to worry about the weekend football party. I suppose I could have pulled it together, but I was relieved I didn’t have to. My yoga class was work enough, and I even skipped my workout.
I wanted to go for a drive or a sail on the weekend, and put on a tight top and shorts to be ready when Phil walked in the door Friday night. I found something to have to bend down and pick up in front of him and wiggle my rear end, and then went over and plopped in his lap. I moved around enough getting settled to have given him a lap dance and a big kiss. After that, there was no way he wasn’t going to agree to my wishes.
But, in typical Seattle winter weather, it rained all weekend. We ended up going to a movie.
Monday marked the end of my water pills, for 23 more days anyway. I’d stocked up on heavy-duty pads to ensure I wouldn’t leak if I couldn’t make it to a bathroom in time. That was a lesson learned while I was shopping and the line was too long in the ladies room. At least I’d taken precautions, but it wasn’t pleasant having a wet pad between my legs.
Phil called my cell while I was out and informed me we were going to a big charity banquet the next night. I asked him what the women wore to such an event. He didn’t have a clue. So I called Madeline and asked her.
“Well, we old broads usually wear long dresses, but trophy wives or girlfriends like you usually come in something short, but tasteful,” she told me. “And go just a little heavy on the makeup. Phil will want to show you off, as in ‘This is what I’m fucking, aren’t I a stud?’ All the young up-and-comers do it.”
I could agree with her assessment. I’d done it myself with Cindy in college when we’d first started dating. It was a rush to be out showing that a guy like me could snare a hot girl like Cindy, and I’d even preened a little. I’d walk with my head up, thinking, ’Eat your heart out, losers. You can get a hard-on looking, but mine is going inside this hot piece of meat!’
This time around, I realized I was going to be the hot piece inspiring all the hardons. At least, I hoped so.
So, I headed downtown to the exclusive dress stores. I was going to help Phil as much as possible on the stud meter.
The next day, I was tempted to skip my dance class, but decided I needed the workout before heading to the beauty parlor. Terri put us through our paces and afterward invited me to come to the Sea Gals practice again. “And,” she added, “if you’re up for it, I can get you on the sidelines for Sunday’s game. You wouldn’t have to do anything, but you could see what it’s like.”
She told me to wear my costume and where to meet her. I was thrilled to get the chance to see what happened behind the scenes of a game.
When we parted ways, I headed to the beauty parlor for a makeover. I wanted to look my absolute best for Phil at the banquet.
That night, my long red hair was set up in a very attractive style that I liked a lot. I was wearing a metallic blue off-the-shoulder formfitting dress that came down to about mid-thigh. Jewelry, pumps with three-inch heels dyed to match my dress and a matching purse completed my outfit. Since the dress was so short, I even had on panties that matched the dress color in case someone should see up my skirt. I had to take very short steps in the dress, and hung onto Phil’s arm as we walked into the hall, and made sure to keep my knees together as I sat down.
The CEO of Phil’s firm was getting some sort of award, so Steve and Madeline were at our table. She and I were talking recipes when I choked as I took a drink of water. I quickly grabbed my napkin to cover my mouth. But I really hadn’t choked. I was really hiding, as my soon-to-be ex Cindy walked by. Wouldn’t you know it? She sat down at the next table.
I took a big breath, which Madeline thought was me recovering. In reality, I was trying to keep from panicking. I told myself that there was no way Cindy was going to link the hot chick, (and I knew I really looked hot!), in the sexy blue short dress with her ex-husband. My makeup, together with my arched eyebrows made me look completely feminine. I told myself several times that there was nothing male about me. Gradually, I calmed down. I resolved to focus on my role as Phil’s beautiful woman. I took another breath and stuck my breasts out a little more.
Madeline and I continued to talk, but I found myself stealing looks at Cindy. She looked good, as the head of a major agency in town should. Jake was with her, and from the looks of things, was being more attentive to her than Phil was to me. Of course, I told myself, Phil was schmoozing up his superiors, and it was necessary. But, after all the work I’d put in to being his perfect woman this evening, I found myself wishing he’d pay at least a little more attention to me.
Everything went well at the banquet for a while. The main speaker went on and on and on about some obscure man in the early 1900s who had come to the Pacific Northwest to study salmon and the discoveries he had made. Finally, we learned this man had been able to make his fortune with his discoveries and had started the charity we were celebrating that evening. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except that I was on my second day off the water pills and my bladder was getting bigger and bigger. I didn’t dare leave until Phil’s CEO received his award. It would have reflected very badly on Phil.
Thank God I was wearing a heavy-duty pad! It was full by the time the applause for the award died down and felt very unpleasant between my legs. The liner was supposed to keep me dry, but I was really straining it. As soon as I could, I made a beeline for the ladies’ room. I managed to beat the crowd and dove into a stall. I pulled down my panties and sat, letting fly. After achieving some much-needed relief, I pulled another pad out of my purse and carefully opened the bag it was in. I peeled my very heavy used pad out of my panties, carefully slipped it into the bag and put it in the little white box on the floor beside the toilet. As the little swinging top made a swish-swish noise as it went back and forth, I put my replacement pad into my panties and pulled them up again. I straightened my hose and pulled down my dress, at least as far as it would go.
As I started to open the door to my stall, I heard an identical swish sound from the adjoining stall. I stepped to the sink and washed my hands. As I was drying them, Cindy stepped out of the adjoining stall. I almost dropped my paper towel, but managed to keep my cool.
“I thought that old fart would never shut up,” Cindy said as she stepped to the sink. “Isn’t it a bitch to have to come to these things when you’re on?”
“You know it,” I replied in my best Jessica voice. “I thought I was going to overflow my pad before I could get changed. Thank God he stopped when he did.” I hoped I was reacting as a woman would. I’ve listened to other discussions in ladies rooms before and women are surprisingly frank about what they discuss. No bodily function is off-limits.
I guess I passed, because Cindy didn’t react, other than to nod and say, “Me too!”
I pulled out my compact and lipstick and began to repair my face. Cindy did the same. Then she looked at me in the mirror.
“Do I know you?” she asked. “You look kind of familiar.”
“No, I don’t think so,” I said, thinking fast. “I’m Jessica.” I almost said “Stafford” which would have been a complete giveaway, but I continued, “Jessica Watson,” taking Phil’s last name that was on my credit cards.
“Cindy Harris,” she replied as we shook hands in the light way women do. She looked again.
“I’m just sure I’ve seen you.”
“Well, do you ever go to Seahawks’ games?” I asked. “You might have seen me on the sidelines. I’m a Sea Gal backup.” At this point I was thinking about one sentence ahead of where my mouth was. I needed to stay as close to the truth as possible so I didn’t dig myself a hole I couldn’t get out of in this conversation.
“I’ve been to a few,” Cindy said, which was news to me. “Perhaps that’s it.”
“Well, if you go Sunday, look for me,” I replied. “I’ll be in the far corner.”
We exchanged a few more comments on the banquet, picked up our purses and returned to our tables. “It’s nice to have met you, Jessica,” Cindy said as we parted.
“Me too, Cindy.” I replied. “See you at the game.”
I almost fell into my chair as Phil held it out for me. My knees were weak. I was a bundle of nerves. Then I started feeling elated. I had passed probably my biggest test yet. Cindy, who had known me intimately for several years, had only seen another woman!
The next day was the Sea Gal practice. I listened closely as final instructions were given for the weekend. Terri had cleared my attendance with the front office and had been given permission to issue me a Sea Gal warm-up outfit since the weather forecast wasn’t all that favorable. I found I was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t get to show my body off to thousands of fans. Now is that weird, or what?
Terri handed me an entrance badge which would get me through the designated gate, into the dressing room and onto the field. We agreed to meet at the gate two hours before the game.
Karen and Brandy, another regular attendee of the football parties, agreed to keep things flowing in my absence. It shouldn’t be a problem. After all, it had only been about five months since I’d started attending, and things had come off okay before I arrived. When I mentioned this to Brandy, she was quick to correct me.
“Oh no,” she said. “Before you came, things were kind of haphazard. Some Sundays, it would be fine, but other times there wouldn’t be enough snacks. Once we even ran out of drinks, and Phil was too snockered to go get more. You’ve made things a lot better and everyone has a better time now.”
I was flattered. No one had told me how much difference I was making. Certainly not Phil! It felt good to be appreciated.
Sunday dawned gloomy. You almost couldn’t see the water in the bay it was so foggy. While this wasn’t unusual for Seattle, I’d hoped for better weather for my first live Seahawks game.
I showed up at the right gate at the right time and signed in. If anything, weather at the stadium was even worse than at the house. The stadium is only a couple of blocks from Puget Sound, and the fog was blowing in. I was really glad they’d given me the powder-blue warm ups.
It was exciting seeing behind-the-scene things. A lot of work goes in to putting in a pro football game. Terri helped me add to my makeup to make it more of a stage makeup look. When you are in front of thousands of people, everything needs to be bigger than normal from your gestures to your makeup. Otherwise, you just won’t be seen. I stretched with the regular girls to warm up and Terri showed me where to stand.
Frankly, while being down on the sidelines on the field is fun, it isn’t the best possible way to watch a football game. However, I could also see a lot of things that happened there, that aren’t noticed from the seating, and never shown on TV. There was a lot of communication going on between coaches and the players who were not on the field. There were also a lot of guests standing around. Most of them were taller than I am, which blocked most of the field from my view. There was a great view of the action from the 20-yard line to the goal line, but most of the game was played beyond that.
The girls did their thing in front of me. In addition to the dances that they did on breaks, the girls were kept busy cheering and waving pom-poms after each play. They actually faced away from the field most of the time so that the fans could see and hear them. I gained a real appreciation of how hard these girls worked.
Then it happened. A pass came into the corner of the end zone where we were standing. One of the girls, Jan somebody, had turned away from the field towards the stands. A receiver trying to catch the ball was looking back for it as he barreled into the end zone. It was over his head and he made a leap to catch it and smashed right into Jan.
She screamed as 220 pounds of football player slammed into her at full speed. He rolled off of her as quickly as possible, but by that time, her right leg was sticking out at a very wrong angle. Trainers were there quickly and they carefully examined Jan’s leg. Then she was slowly lifted onto a stretcher and taken to a waiting ambulance. The player walked with her as far as he could, apologizing all the way. Then, he was called back into the game for the next play.
Terri came running up to me. “Jessica, we need you to take Jan’s place!” she yelled.
“Me?” I said. “But I’m not a regular back-up.”
“You are today,” she replied. “That’s how I got you into the game today. You’re it.”
“But I’ve only practiced with you girls twice!” I protested.
“No matter. You’re very good and I taught you everything in class.”
So, with a big gulp, I picked up Jan’s pom-poms and took her place on the line, resolving to keep at least one eye on the action on the field.
It was a blast! I screamed and yelled and shook my body around and helped give the fans a show. It was such a trip! I remembered all the moves in the dance numbers and fit right in with everyone else. I almost wasn’t sure who had won until this huge football player picked me up and tossed me into the air. Luckily, he caught me on the way down and gave me a big hug. I screamed and hollered and waved my pom-poms. Then we all lined up and danced our victory dance and it was all over.
“You were great, Hun,” Terri said giving me a hug. “You saved our bacon.”
“I didn’t do that much,” I replied shyly.
“Yeah, you did,” she replied. “Without you, we would have been unbalanced and it would have showed. Thank you!”
In the dressing room, several of the other girls also came by to give me hugs and thanks.
A woman from the front office who was in charge of the Gals came by to thank me and have me fill out a couple of forms.
“What are these?” I asked.
“Oh, the usual,” she said. “W-4, Workman’s Comp, the usual.”
“For what?” I asked, still confused.
“For your pay, girl,” she said.
“I’m getting paid?” I asked.
“Of course. You provided us a service, you get paid for that service,” she answered.
“But it was for fun,” I said.
“I’m glad you had fun,” she replied. “But all aspects of Pro Football are part of a business, and we pay our employees.”
And so, for a couple of hours of fun, I’d earned a tidy little sum.
“Did you see me?” I asked Phil when I burst in the house a little later. I was still excited and on a high from my afternoon.
“See you?” he asked. “I saw a great game, but I didn’t see you.”
I was disappointed. He hadn’t even looked for me!
Karen had left a message on my cell phone. “Was that you in the dance line at the end?” she asked. “I saw a few shots of you on the field, but they kept cutting away so quickly, I wasn’t sure.”
I called her back and we talked for almost an hour about my experience. She assured me that everything had gone fine at the party, but that I had been missed. I hadn’t realized how many of the people at the party were becoming my friends. I only rang off when Phil asked me to fix something for supper.
Later, he took me to his bed and spread my legs apart. “It got me so hot thinking of you with the Sea Gals,” he said as he plunged inside of my rear end. I only grunted in reply. He was a little rough with me and pounded in and out of me with an urgency that had him explode in record time. Then he turned over and was soon snoring. I had to reach down to finish myself off. I pressed down on my taped member as I pictured myself showing off my body to thousands of fans. It felt great.
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Enjoyed the Chapter... usual.
I get the feeling that Phil doesn't appreciate Jessica nearly as much as he should, and that it's going to explode in their faces eventually.
I guess it's not impossible that Cindy will do a delayed double-take -- "THAT'S who she looked like." But it's probably not likely unless they keep running into each other.
Ignorant horny man
Go figure, he only sees the football players, gets excited about cheerleaders and wants some only to pass out afterwards. Typical men!
So Phil is now typically used to having her around and taking her for granted, ARGH!
On the good side though she got to be a Cheer Leader and paid for it, YES!
Seems to me Susan.
Jessica's getting a taste of what Cindy experienced in their marriage.
Good story thanks.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)