Sequel or Series Episode

Boys Will Be Boys - 9

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 9 — Verdict

Last time...
"Your honor, I believe there is a bit more to this recording that might help to clear things up for everyone." Mr. Darvin said. The judge gave him the go ahead to play the rest of the recording. Aunt Karen looked smug, probably figuring she'd won. She even glared at me with a smile, which was a weird combination if you ask me. But the smile went away fast!

On the recording I was watching aunt Karen leave the room. I waited for a few seconds and then dropped the doll and ran up to the camera, "If anybody sees this, please help me! She made me say all that stuff, and wear these clothes. I don't want to be a girl, I like being a guy! Look what she did!" In the recording I pulled my dress up so you could see all the bruises on my stomach and chest. They were pretty ugly looking, worse than I realized, really. I pulled it down real quick and look to make sure aunt Karen wasn't there before continuing.

"My aunt is crazy! Please, if anybody sees this, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I said in the recording.

Kittyhawk - Part 16

Though still troubled by what happened to her, Alicia finds a way to fit into the group and learns more about her new body. The club is finally dealt with, though not in the way Cat planned...
Part 16
by Saless


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