Sequel or Series Episode

Angel Season One, Episode 14 (Dwayne's World)

Angel Season One,
Episode 14 (Dwayne's World)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

Liz recounts to Ashley early memories of her and her father leading up to the day of his death and their arrival in the shelter. Meanwhile in Russia, Megan and Mitri establish a newfound friendship based on their shared knowledge of Michael and the powerful woman he has become. Megan seeks comfort as the two reminisce about their training days with Michael. Michael, out of options and alone with nothing but memories, begins to lose hope, while Reid conducting his own investigation, makes a shattering discovery.

The Death of Angels - 3

Mom told me, “Sometimes I just know I am an Angel doing God’s will and sometimes I am not so certain I am doing the right thing. I really get upset with myself if I think I did something wrong according to God’s will.” Then Mom asked me, “If you ever find in the Bible where it says angels are always right please let me know.”
“Well, I just thought you always are right, aren’t you?”

The Death of Angels
Chapter 3

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C All Rights Reserved.

Angel Season One, Episode 13 (Hope Lost)

Angel Season One,
Episode 13 (Hope Lost)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

Michael, alone again deals with the pain of taking a life, while Megan far away deals with her own buried emotions. Meanwhile Liz makes a startling discovery that things aren't quite what they seem.

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 5 - Traumatic Education

Patti had been in my arms but I just had set her down. Three guys on roller blades came rolling down the walk. I gave them space, but one reached out and knocked me to the ground…
The trauma of a young injured woman; the care and observation took its own toll. The first Doctor a Resident, while he knew what he was doing, but I could have been a side of beef…“ Mom, I think they were angry with me because of Ryta or the street guys. One said, ‘I needed to watch out who I associate with…’”

Ashley Phoenix Riley
Chapter 5
Traumatic Education

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Angel Season One, Episode 12 (Motherland Part 2)

Angel Season One,
Episode 12 (Motherland Part 2)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

The exciting conclusion to Motherland. Michael's friends are in danger, and teams up with his Russian friend and his brother by revealing he is not of this world. By the end, friendships will be made while others lost. Superpowers will topple, giving birth to something new.

Ashley Phoenix Riley - 4 - Colliding Lives

I was approached by Ryta to whom I accepted a request to dance...
I gave her a kiss upon the end of our last dance…

Jess and I bumped into each other. I had lost my balance and took
hold of Jess so I wouldn’t fall. Standing face to face, we embraced
with a warm kiss… Jess and I would have more time in the future.

Ashley Phoenix Riley
Chapter 4
Colliding Lives

by Jessica C.

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.


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