Sequel or Series Episode

Expert Witness

For the folks who have been here for a while,
I bet you thought this story chain ended two years ago ...

Expert Witness

by Randalynn

It took two years, but I really needed to finish this.
It's best for new readers to begin at the beginning,
with A Legal Requirement by Angharad,
and continue through the rest of the sequels by me that include
Case Closed, Won on Appeal, and Testimony.


Sometimes you need someone who knows where you’ve been to make your case ... to yourself.

The Death of Angels - 4

I had stepped out for some cool air and was coming back in when I saw Karl and the young woman entering the dimly lit hall and his silhouette all but disappeared. He had a spiritual presence that stunk with the ugly stench of evil. Suddenly I knew Marie’s name and asked her to leave him, “Marie, I encourage you to leave, Karl’s promises are not worth it.”

“Woman, I do not know who you think you are, but this is none of your business and I can crush you if you do not shut your mouth. If she leaves you can take her place.”

The Death of Angels

Chapter 4

by Jessica C

Copyright © 2013 Jessica C
All Rights Reserved.

Angel Season One, Episode 14 (Dwayne's World)

Angel Season One,
Episode 14 (Dwayne's World)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

Liz recounts to Ashley early memories of her and her father leading up to the day of his death and their arrival in the shelter. Meanwhile in Russia, Megan and Mitri establish a newfound friendship based on their shared knowledge of Michael and the powerful woman he has become. Megan seeks comfort as the two reminisce about their training days with Michael. Michael, out of options and alone with nothing but memories, begins to lose hope, while Reid conducting his own investigation, makes a shattering discovery.


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