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Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

Drabble Theatre: Third Time's the charm!

"Congratulations! It's a beautiful ba...by... uh, heh, nurse?"

"Oh for heaven's sakes, can't you tell it's a... well..."

"It doesn't matter," the newborn's father interrupted. "We have a son and a daughter already. I guess now we have one more of both."

The doctor smiled in relief at being let off the hook, but couldn't help wondering, what color blanket to use?

The Prince Bride - 5

The Prince Bride - Chapters 11 & 12
By Missy Crystal

Prince Charles was heir to the throne. At his christening, three of the four fairy protectors of the Kingdom (the kind with wings and wands) appeared to give him the customary blessings for a future king. The fourth fairy sister, arriving late from partying all night with the elves, mistakenly believes the baby is a girl and gives her the blessing of being a happy bride. Can the fairy magic be undone? Will the prince grow up to be a queen of one kind or another? Read the story and find out.



The chance of a life time, something I’d dreamed of since watching the movie “Splash”. I am attracted to the idea of mermaids and mermen, with so much of the earth covered in water, and yet so little that we can visit, a whole new world to be explored is just waiting.

At Aunt Greta's 11 — Farah Way from the U.S.A.

At Aunt Greta’s–
Farah Way From The U.S.A.

by Gabi

Chapter 11 of a Continuing Saga…

‘There’s a surprise for you tomorrow,’ Auntie Greta told me as soon as I was in the house. ‘Miss Morgan phoned and she wants you to be a friend to a new girl who’s starting school the day after tomorrow. She’s the same age as you, an American and she’s over here for a few years because her parents are working here now. She sounds really nice.’

‘D’you know her name?’ I asked.

‘Yes. She’s called Farah Way and she’s from Boston.’

The Unicorn's Gift - Part 5

Hushed, so like the Darkness.
It creeps among the trees.
Vague and pale of power.
Like distant memories.

At first, not seen, unnoticed.
A vague cool morning light.
More felt than seen, never keen
a stir of breeze at night.

Then it’s there, a breath of air
at once how it should be,
With opened eyes, and lighter skies,
new worlds for you to see.


Sarah Lynn Morgan
The Unicorn's Gift
Part Five

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 320

Easy As Killing Little Furry Things.
by Bonzi >^^<

I was eating my sandwich catching up on some marking when Pippa called through. "Tom wants to see you."

"Any idea what about?"

"He didn't say but he is a little exercised about something."

"What time does he want me?"

"Like yesterday!"

"I have a tutorial in half an hour."

Marcie And The Amazons: 7. First Prize Is An Old Nightgown

"Um, I'm okay," she said with a puzzled frown. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you dressed?"

"I don't know," I replied. "I've been asking myself the same question."

At that, Nina burst into laughter. "Oh, Marcie, you are so funny!"

Marcie And The Amazons by Kaleigh Way

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 318

Easy As Walling Up A Kite.
by Bonzi trans. his mum.

I drove home wondering what this Hickman person wanted. I wasn't exactly new news, rather the opposite. I was very old news. So why would anyone want to do an interview? I don't live in a fabulous house, or live with David Beckham or Brad Pitt, so why would anyone be interested?


More DopplerPress

A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle


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After his mother dies the only option Kris has is to take his kid sisters to grandma's house. But Massachusetts to Maryland is a long way to travel on only $50. How will they make it, will grandma be able to keep them and what kind of life can they expect?


A Summer's Odyssey

By Jennifer Sue

Now available on Kindle

The Princess of Q'fahr now on Amazon Kindle


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This is a story I did a few years ago and posted on Sapphire's. It's an attempt at Science Fiction and Adventure. At the time I wrote it, I had never read any of the Gor books. Now that I have, I'm surprised at some of the similarities.

The story is about Bill, who, through a travesty of justice gets involved with a dying boy. With the help of the boy's late uncle's writings, Bill is pulled into a strange, savage world.

The Princess of Q’fahr

Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2005

Princess of Q'fahr
Princess of Q'Fahr on Amazon

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