
Catwalk Confidence - Part 31

Catwalk Confidence
by Connie Alexander

Copyright  © 2010 Connie Alexander

You spend your entire life thinking you’re just like any other boy, when you suddenly find out you aren’t, trying to adjust can be difficult.

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 2

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 2 - First Duel

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

As soon as I entered into the blackish, purplish, sphere of screams, I see a large area of the same stuff.

W. O. P.

W. O. P.

By Melissa Tawn

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

---Emma Lazarus, 1883

Sweet Dreams-2...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams…I’ll never have them-2

There’s the swirl of his tongue and mine. Alex’s strong hands gripping me, hard yet soft. Almost synonymous with his massive cock.
Pressing into my stomach…I want him. I want it so bad I cramp in aching need.
Alex breaks the kiss and squeezes my breast.

Tuesday, September 21rst, 2010.

I wake up from the nightmare, wet, red hot sex dream and I’m cumming pressed into the ratty old mattress I sleep on. I swear I can feel his touch…I’m not gay!, I’m no faggot!

Joan - Chapter 13

Joan - Chapter 13

 © 2010 - Andrea Ribeiro
Many thanks to Stanman63 for editing.!

Previously:Mother pays the bill, leaving a generous tip. Once outside she says, “Joanie, I think your father will have a heart attack when he sees the next month credit card bill.”

“Oh god, mom. I hope you didn't spent too much.”

“No sweety, I was just joking. And you do need everything we bought today.”
“OK, Mom. Thanks for today. It was tiring, but fun.”

“Next time will be even more fun as we won't be buying so much.” Jenny says.

“I hope so. I think I tried half the mall's clothes today.”

“Ah, come on, that is the fun part.” Mindy says.

“And that's how you develop your own sense of style.” Mom tells me.
We then walked to the car and soon we were our way home.

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 1

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 1 - 1000 Years

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

Well the next bit of this story occurs over 985 years later, although I'm not sure how I got to this time.

The circumstances of my arrival were told to me by my adopted mother - Selina Kaiba. The following is from her point of view - some scenes recorded and transferred to this holo diary are not for the fainthearted.

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 5

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 5:
Live another day

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 0

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 0 - How it Begins

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

This is my story of how my life changed for the better.

It began in the year 2010, gosh it seems so long ago. But as a part of my acceptance of what happened, I'm writing this so I can cope with it, well that’s what my Therapist says.

Oh I forgot, I should have mentioned my name, oopsie.

My name is Tanya Kaiba, that is not my birth name, but that is what this piece I am writing now is about.

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 4

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 4:
It was the two armed man

Sarah Carerra - 2.06 - Hospital Blues

sc2.jpg The constant hum of machinery and the intermittent beeping were the first things that I became aware of. The smell of antiseptic was next. I opened my eyes a moment later.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.06 - Hospital Blues
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: September 6, 2010

Sweet Dreams-1...I'll never have them

Sweet Dreams…I’ll never have them.

Okay yes that’s one hell of a depressing statement. But it’s true. Hey…My given name’s William Hunter, I get Will or Bill or Billy but the thing is I’m none of those. I don’t have a clue who I really am but tell me one teenager that does.

Monday September 20th, 2010.

TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 2

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 2:
How I realized I was special

Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Chapter 2-Possibilities

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly is given a very thorough scan to determine if she can have children as her family learn the good news about Debbie, giving them hope for Kelly, too.


TGL - Book 1: Through Death, Rebirth: Chapter 1

Gateway to Life
-:Book 1:-
Through Death, Rebirth

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

Sometimes, it is what you do that matters. Sometimes, it is who you are. Usually it is just being in the proper place at the proper moment in time with the will to act.

Chapter 1:
How I ended up in Earth2

Joan - Chapter 11

Joan - Chapter 11

By Andrea Ribeiro
Many thanks to Stanman63 for editing.!

Previously: “No, Mom, we thought you would want to go too, and maybe we could go to the hair salon to give Joanie a new haircut and some pampering. It will be a new experience for her, an all girly day,” Jenny says with an evil grin on her face

“That’s a great idea, maybe we should get her ears pierced too,” Mom says with her eyes sparkling with the same grin as Jenny on her face.

Oh my, what did I get myself into?

Sex and the Little League

A tale about Little Leaguers, eleven-year-olds, having sex? Nope. This story is about the sex (or gender) of the players who played youth baseball before girls were officially admitted to the program in 1974. It’s about one particular girl, Kelly Rodman, who may have been the first of her sex ever to play in the Little League World Series. Those who know my stories will appreciate that there must be a twist — a curve ball — to this tale. After all, it does come from Texas, the land of Pecos Pete and other tall tales.

Sex and the Little League
By: Dawn DeWinter

HatBox Gateway Page

This is a gateway page for the HatBox, BigCloset's premium pages where stories given by authors can be viewed or downloaded by people who have contributed money to the maintenance of BigCloset. After one year in the Hatbox, contributed stories are made available elsewhere, either on BC or on the donors' own websites. Downloads are made available on the honor system, please do not distribute these files privately as that would be a violation of the copyright of the author.

If you want to go directly to the HatBox the link is: The HatBox. You will need your Hatbox user id and password (different from your BigCloset id and password) to access the HatBox stories.

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After the |Read More| is a list of the stories currently in the HatBox with links to the pages there offering the stories in various download formats.


Audience Rating: 



Pregnant Pause

Pregnant Pause

by Gillian

Alice woke at her usual time, feeling uncomfortable as usual and just as so many days before, a beautiful distended heavily pregnant tummy was as large and heavy as it was the day before and the day before that, but it wasn't a discomfort she disliked, no, instead she felt so wonderful and complete inside. She looked every inch a very pretty mid 30's woman in the blossom of pregnancy, subtle very fine lines of age surrounded her eyes and only added to her glamour.

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 5

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 5
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Joan - Chapter 10

Joan - Chapter 10

By Andrea Ribeiro
Many thanks to Stanman63 for editing.!

Previously:“Right after you left, she told me something just before I came back here.”

“What did she say?”

“Protect her, my child. She is the key.”

Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Cast Of Characters-0

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Is a list of people in Kelly's Journey Book-1 And Book-2.


Black Canary Sings

Black Canary Sings


Lance Laurel is attacked in the street and has his world turned upside down. Coping with this new mess would be a test of his abilities.


Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. This is a retcon of the story of Black Canary and her origins. Detective Comics owns the character of Black Canary, and Lilith owns the copyright to Jade of the Green Lantern Corps.

Motorcycle picture credit taken from the Ducati website and it is a picture of Multistrada 1200 S. Unretouched image of Black Canary is taken from The Savvy Stylist.

Little Pink Pills, Part 29

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Nine, by Michelle Wilder

Holding back the tears
Cause nothing here has grown

I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all those years
And nothing had the chance to be good
Nothing ever could yeah

I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on

(Holding Back the Years, by Mick Hucknall)

Joan - Chapter 9

Joan - Chapter 9

By Andrea Ribeiro
Many thanks to Stanman63 for editing.!

Previously:He was then holding me with one arm on my waist and the one hand doing soothing motions on my head and saying “It’s OK, Sis. It’s okay. I’m here. Welcome home.”

Sarah Carerra - 2.05 - Wake Up!

sc2.jpg I was nervous. For the first time since before the concert, I was nervous.

"Please welcome Sarah Carerra!" I heard a male voice say. I knew that it was the voice of Matt Donaldson, one of the co-hosts of 'Wake Up!'.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.05 - Wake Up!
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: August 30, 2010

Princess For Hire Part 14

Princess for Hire

By Melanie Ezell

Daniel Henderson has managed to beat the odds and been accepted into Kingston Academy, one of the best private high schools in the country. However, when Daniel is invited to take part in a special program, he learns that there's more to the school than he had thought...

NOTE: This story is loosely -- as in VERY loosely -- based on the manga/anime "Princess Princess." After the initial concept, any similarities are mostly coincidental, unless they aren't. (Puzzle that out why don't ya.)

Part 14: A Princess And Her Prince

Joan - Chapter 8

Joan - Chapter 8

By Andrea Ribeiro
Many thanks to Stanman63 for editing.!

Previously:After they left I lay down on the bed, close my eyes and think about my day. ‘What a strange day. I still can’t believe that I am a real girl. And do I have a crush on Mindy? I’m so confused right now. And what about my dreams? Are they just dreams? Is Josh real?’

Little Pink Pills, Part 28

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Eight, by Michelle Wilder

I could stay home every night,
Wait around for Mr. Right.
Take cold showers every day,
And throw my life away,
On a dream that won't come true.

(There are Worse Things I could Do, lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey)

Life Drawing 101

Life Drawing 101

by Jonelle

It was my first semester in the Art Department. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of drawing naked people, it really wasn't what I had in mind when I changed my major from Biochem.

I just thought I'd be able to draw some pretty pictures, and get away from all the formulae and math that I had no further tolerance for.

Don't get me wrong. I've always been a bit of a science geek. Astrophysics, sub-atomic particles; muons, nuons, quarks and the like have always fascinated me. Biology was just second nature though.

Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 34- Ambush!

Quentin returns to the school to try to get the goods on Professor Ydde.
What could possibly go wrong with this plan?


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