
Araya's Hope -2- The Return of Hope


Back on earth with the remnants of mankind, Araya makes a decision that could cost her her life. But she makes it willingly to rid the Earth of the alien threat waiting just outside the protective screen around the Earth. Join our heroine as she makes a sacrifice no woman should should have deal with.

Altered Phase


Another BigCloset TopShelf story.

A teenaged runaway dreams of wearing the dress he sees in a boutique window and he makes a deal with the shopkeeper, little does he know where the deal will lead.

Rainfall -2- Assault


Therobelin and his two companions, Xhaiden and Meghalen, venture into the foreboding Talon Forest to face the Rainfall Cult, unprepared for the challenges that await them. (Part 2)

Rainfall -1- Arrival


The brave Battlemage, Therobelin, enters the town of Ghanton, seeking knowledge regarding the dark and mysterious Rainfall Cult. Discovering he may be in over his head, he calls forth his most able companions and prepares himself for the coming fight. (Part 1)

My Wife, My Lover, My Transformer


Authors note: This was my very first attempt at writing a story, and was written in 2002.

This is the story of my transformation from a male college student to almost a woman. Jackie was out of my league or at least I thought she was. But, there was something that drew us together.

Ma'at - Chapter 04: Nomads


Dani's travels take a little side-trip to help out one of Ma'at's friends ...



Chapter 4: Nomads
By Itinerant
Edited by Amelia R.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place ( or the Big Closet ("

The Unexpected Elf (slightly revised)

Synopsis: One holiday season, a desperate store executive, an earnest young man with a dream even he couldn’t put into words, a secretly lonely young woman who needed a good friend and didn’t know it; they all came together and a special something, or someone was added to the mix. The result: maybe a little magic, the kind that lasts.




TG Elements: 

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The Rise of Michelle


A story moved from Classic BigCloset.

The Rise of Michelle

By jasmine

The continuation of "Triumph of My Will". Michelle seeks out the Eternal Ones.

Will she succeed, will her anger consume her or will she find redemption?

Game Theory


Audience Rating: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

This is my NaNoWriMo entry this year. OK so I didn't 'win'. I came in slightly under 40 thousand words. Also, that's not the whole story, but I did reach a point I can realistically call the end of part 1. (There's now an intended part 2, hence categorising this at novel > 40,000 words.)

Honestly, I can go months without seeing anyone, it seems, and when try to do this suddenly my house is full of people! I'm actually surprised I did as well as I did, and it's the best by far of my three (so far) attempts at NaNoWriMo.

Woman in Dis-Dress


What would happen with a person addicted to X-box 360 games, when he is told of a game he could download, from a website on the NET, that is totally X-rated. And the only character he could be, or select, was a female character and he plays this game from morning to night?


Another BigCloset TopShelf story. "The name is Bond, James Bond." Five actors have played the role. Is Bond number six up to the challenge? An insider's view: the adventure begins–part one of three parts.



by Laurie S. aka l.satori


Araya's Hope


Thousands of years in the future, man has become something else, since they fled the wave of destruction that was going to annihilate all life on Earth. Now they are a race of people living in a galaxy far far away in huge space habitats. They are people that cycle regularly from partly male to somewhat female in a strange hermaphroditic process, due to gradual genetic changes in their DNA caused by the radiation from space. One rebel that lived on the edge of the space laws, falls captive to a wormhole while fleeing from those that wished to board the unique ship the rebel had found abandoned. Araya Lightsword survived the emergence from the wormhole to find the legendary Earth, only to find it intact and under siege by aliens. This story tells of the travails Araya goes through, to bring back the news, and of Araya’s body transformation back to the original human form using the undamaged store of DNA preserved on the ship called Hope.


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