Science Fiction

A Little Private War - Part 1


A Little Private War
Part 1
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2016 Melanie Brown

The commander of a small recon vessel thought it was just another boring mission .

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This story is 25 words long.

Off the Deep End 1 ~ "ARRRRRRR!!!"


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My name is Susan Donnelly, and this is the story of what happened to me on my summer vacation in 2014. The doctors couldn't explain how I could disappear for a week and come back turned into a girl but I can, even if it sounds insane. “Trauma induced hallucination” is what Dr. Morris is calling my story.

Like I am so traumatized! This is what I'd always wanted, and I couldn't be happier! But people will only believe what they can believe and that isn't me, apparently. And while my parents do believe my whole odyssey actually happened (having read my classified case file), when it comes to other people they’re sticking to the story that I’d been intersex all along...

But I can’t blame them for not wanting folks to think our whole family is nutso enough to buy a story like mine. Because with the pirates, the mermaids, moonmaids, genies, fairies, tentacle aliens, time travelers, jackalopes and those sinister government Men Without Hats, it was like reality itself had gone...


Laika Pupkino 2016

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This story is 184 words long.

Project: Super Soldier - Part 2


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Project: Super Soldier

Written by Nuuan

71 year old John Dodge, retired military, now sits in a nursing home, his body riddled with cancer, waiting on the grim reaper to come for him when he is given another option.

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This story is 38 words long.

Project: Super Soldier - Part 1


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Project: Super Soldier

Written by Nuuan

71 year old John Dodge, retired military, now sits in a nursing home, his body riddled with cancer, waiting on the grim reaper to come for him when he is given another option.

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This story is 38 words long.

Mind Rider

Mind rider

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2016

Where does one person end and another begin? Usually not a difficult question to answer as each mind is confined to the brain it inhabits, but as our ingenuity enables us to overcome the barriers nature would impose on us, so we discover there are unforeseen consequences.

Nietzsche famously said that when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. I'm not sure this is what he meant by it, but it fits. Physics predicts that you can't observe something without changing it, and as you exert an influence on it, so it responds by exerting one on you.

Not in any way a Valentines story, but it's finished, so it might as well go up.

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This story is 126 words long.

Goodbye Sun Chapter 1

Part 1

New York

Anthony stared at the mirror, trying to ignore the sounds of the school that echoed in the hallway and into the small bathroom. His perfectly cut blonde hair matched school regulations, not touching his collar. A year ago he'd had a ponytail that reached well below his shoulders, he'd managed to man up and not cry when it was cut off on his fourteenth birthday to meet the high school regulations, but he desperately missed it whenever he combed his hair.

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This story is 86 words long.

The Decaying World: Kiranim

Sparrow sat at a table in the cafeteria reading the girl’s diary. She was quite the information gatherer. If the diary was anything to be believed, Kiranim grew up in another world. Homeless but still finding a purpose in life. This thing call Free Running. Which, up till now, kept her safe and out of trouble. This Jeril seemed to have a positive effect on her. The more she read, the more engrossed in the girl she became. Until the point she didn’t notice Hawk behind her.
“You’re really into that diary.” Hawk announced his presence, causing sparrow to jump. “Sorry.”

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This story is 104 words long.

Crush Alternate U


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Ever watch something you can see perfectly start moving so fast it disappears? Yeah, well propellers on airplanes and machinery does that. What is speed? Is our world balanced on speed, vibrations, harmonics, gravity and many other equations? I told John my story and he didn't believe me so I'm sharing it with you. Of course you won't believe me either.

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This story is 61 words long.

The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

Here is another older story I thought I'd knock the dust off of.


piano-keys.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."
- Rod Serling

The Piano - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Chris Blake had one wish, to appear on stage in front of a large crowd and experience the thrill of their applause and adoration. Chris is about to find out what happens, when you open the door to... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

He wanted stardom, and headed west with Hollywood as his destination. Hoping all of time and money spent on singing, piano and acting lessons would surely pay off. Confidant of his abilities, he decided that the time was right for the move.

Motoring along a dusty back-road, Chris happened to glance down into a small tree lined valley and spied what looked like an old town. His curiosity being what it was, he began to look for a way down into the well hidden little town.

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This story is 187 words long.

Crossfire Hotel

It is 2676. It is the future. And in the outer rim of the Milky Way Galaxy, something is about to happen that will change everything we know.

Well, not really. But it might be kind of cool.

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This story is 37 words long.

Marine 2


Marine 2
An Agent of Time Novel

by Tanya Allan

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This story is 9 words long.

The Enhanced: TRI - 38

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

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This story is 29 words long.

MAU: Robot in Disguise - Chapter 9

MAU: Robot in Disguise

by Sleethr


Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby...


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This story is 20 words long.

Do No Pharm

Do No Pharm
A Mercynaries Story from

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This story is 9 words long.

Game Time: A Tale of the Star Wars

Game Time

A Tale Of The Star Wars


E. E. Nalley

It had been heralded as the latest thing.

Normally I'm not what you call an early adapter. I'd rather wait till the bugs are out of something before I start putting my eggs in that particular basket. Yes I did swear I'd never leave Windows For Workgroups, why should I? It was a great OS! Still XP seemed to finally have ironed out all the 'hidden features' of Windows 9X and just as things are starting to get good and stable I get Vista-ed.

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This story is 96 words long.

The Mixed Tape Mythos Stories


By Persnickety Bitch

In the Australian outback a solitary traveller stops at a strange roadside store and leaves with a mysterious cassette. A homeless busker tells of the night that they became a conduit for a wild and otherworldly force. A young writer meets a man with no shadow. We will encounter her again, a student at an academy for witches and warlocks. The results of a pitched and secret battle in a secluded valley shapes humankind’s destiny amongst the stars. The wondrous and terrifying magic of the Mixed Tapes links disparate tales of sex, superheroes, fantastical kingdoms, and human and inhuman monsters. If you have ever wondered what the little indulgences that frame my anthologies add up to, here they are, all in one place, for your reading pleasure.

Concludes with an announcement regarding the first Mixed Tape of 2016

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This story is 146 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 16 Petra Reveals God's Expectations (the end)


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Chapter 16: Petra Reveals God’s Expectations


“Please know that only the worst offenders were reaped,” Petra informed the audience. “Many who supported the blasphemers are still alive. God feels they were tricked, misled and coerced into following those who were reaped. It is God’s sincere hope they repent. If they do not, all peoples should ostracize them and report them to the governments. EVERY government must be prepared to utterly destroy anyone who resorts to terrorism.”

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This story is 77 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 15 The Reaping



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Chapter 15: The Reaping


Two days before New Years Eve, all over the earth, every commercial broadcast was suddenly and simultaneously interrupted. The avenging angel Petra appeared on every TV screen and radio speaking in the language of that station.

“I am Petra, the avenging angel,” Petra declared as she stared at those watching her after five seconds.

“I have been sent by God to put the fear of the Lord into evil doers. This message will repeat every four hours through 8pm Greenwich mean time New Years Eve. No power on earth can prevent my interruption of these broadcasts. I invite you to try to find how I’m simultaneously doing this on every commercial broadcast channel in the language normally used on that broadcast. You will fail.”

After another five second dramatic pause she continued. “I started my mission by confronting pedophiles. So far fifteen have been sent to Hell. When those abusers of childhood innocence attempt to act on their perversion, I will strike them down. The only way they can avoid going to hell is to confess their evilness and accept their earthly punishment. They must then confess their sin before God and beg HER forgiveness. Their eternal fate will depend upon God’s judgement of the sincerity of their repentance. Dealing with pedophiles was simply a warm up for my main task which is to eliminate terrorism.”

“God is furious that HER message of love and peace has been perverted into condoning and supporting hatred and terrorism,” Petra sneered after a ten second pause. “Those who practice or support terrorism will pay for their evil actions. Even worse is the fact there are pastors, imams, mullahs, ayatollahs and others in leadership within their individual faith intentionally misinterpreting the Bible or Koran, perverting the message of God’s love and peace. There will be no forgiveness from God for their betrayal. Because they have led innocent believers astray, they will suffer unspeakable horrors while in eternal damnation in Hell!”

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This story is 332 words long.

Goddess of the Arts

Goddess of the Arts

Josephus Carter is dying of cancer. Believing there is no grace in death, he abandons his family and friends to sail into the Pacific and die alone. Josephus soon finds himself in a strange yet familiar world. A world with gods, where a Goddess of fate and a God of Labor have called Josephus to take his place as their child a Goddess of the Arts.

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This story is 72 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 14 Stepping in to Right a Wrong



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Chapter 14: Stepping In To Right a Wrong


Jenken immediately sent a tendril into the evildoer’s mind and froze the perp’s ability to control his limbs, locking them in place. Then she jumped into the victim, Hannah, to soothe her fears. The innocent child knew the man was about to hurt her and had been praying that God send an angel to rescue her. Thus inspired, Jenken wished she could appear as an angel. It was then she discovered that thanks to being linked to JK2 her telekinetic abilities were much greater than she’d supposed. Without conscious thought she tapped into the power vortex in Moselem Cave. Utilizing the earth’s innate positive power she tapped the myriad mass of individual mind emanations and the earth’s innate quantum power, actually converting the sub-atomic wave particles into real mass. Picturing herself as a powerful female avenging angel she materialized as such in the room Hannah was being held. She was quite muscular but not obscenely so, a very impressive statuesque amazon; wearing a green leather armor tunic over a short sleeved green chain mail dickie and green metal greaves carrying a scroll of justice in one hand with a sword in a scabbard mounted on her back. The joy in the eyes of the child and the abject terror in the eyes of the perp proved she had created the desired image.

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This story is 234 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 13 Music Heard Around the World


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Chapter 13: Music Heard Around the World


During the first week of August, the Ravens headed to Zurich to meet with the two pop stars and Kurt to review the charity’s goals and for the benefit concert. All were impressed by the wizened old man who looked quite a bit like Ian McKellen’s portrayal of Gandalf in “The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings”. The genial man eloquently and passionately espoused the lofty goals of TAMTF. Already the initial groups of TAMTF staff were out in the field using live satellite feeds. They had already exposed quite a bit of corruption and greed that blunted the effectiveness of other charities in the third world as they set about their missions. Anyone who stood in the way was instantly revealed to the world. On more than one occasion they had been turned back at customs and forbidden to enter a country. Of course millions of people protested the bans via the internet forcing several nations and even the UN to add their voices to the protests. This was especially true after Jenken clandestinely revealed the skeletons hidden in the closets of the leadership of the offending nations. The native populations were roiling and the mysterious release of data about large secret bank accounts held by corrupt leadership only added to the burgeoning outrage. The released data also revealed how the money had been accrued. Needless to say the accounts were frozen.

Letzigrund Stadium in Zurich had been reserved for the concert. Arrangements had been made to do a live webcast of the concert and also to have it available on YouTube. Donations could be made to the TAMTF via their own online account. All 50,000 seats were filled. The back 2/3 of the raised stage was hidden behind 2 curtains, a small one 5 meters wide and a larger one 8 meters wide.

Since nearly being psychically overwhelmed by the closeness of all the people at Jane’s graduation, Jenken had practiced setting up mental shields to prevent future events of being psychically overwhelmed. By tapping into the earth’s positive power she learned how to shield her empathy.

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This story is 354 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 12 The World Meets Jenken


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Chapter 12: The World Meets Jenken


While that was going on Adele and Sean were learning the satisfaction and joy of physical work and interaction with the public as they worked the various jobs in The Raven’s Perch. Their former smug narrow superior outlooks had been completely erased. For the first time in their lives they felt satisfaction with their lives. In April Adelle and Sean announced they had purchased the Kutztown Campground - The Nei Dietch Meihl (New Dutch Mill), located on a bend of the Saucony Creek in Richmond Township just 4 1/3 miles from Moselem. Jenken knew the site was just on the other side of the road from Schofer Cave. It had transient and seasonal campsites as well as efficiency apartments. They planned to expand and modernize the facility as well as add activities and attractions.

Just after Easter the Raven’s moved into their spacious state of the art new home. The shared areas were the kitchen, dining room, livingroom, game room formed the center of the dwelling. Four suites consisting of a master bedroom with bath and walk-in closet and two smaller bedrooms that shared a bath projected off the central shared area.

As soon as they moved into the new home, the construction team bean to remodel their former home into the headquarters for Neknej Security.


At the end of April the angel voice in Kurt’s head told him to send an e-mail to two popular pop stars as well as one popular Youtube musician explaining the concept of TAMTF and asking for a public starting donation. The request included asking each to be celebrity co-chairpersons and as such to be the public faces of the new charity. Jenken was the Youtube artist and the same request had been sent to all listing the names of the other two. This was done to prevent those investigating Jenken from wondering how he became involved in the new charity. Since the two singers had already been tagged by Jenken, he knew they would be open to such a far reaching and thoroughly open charity.

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This story is 349 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 11 Moving out into the World


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Chapter 11: Moving out into the World


With Jenken’s success as a day trader many money management corporations as well as many domestic and foreign government agencies began investigating how a three year old could be doing what she was doing. Just the fact she’d achieved a consistent 50% profit each week baffled all the experts. The SEC launched an investigation of Jenken’s astounding day trading success. In addition the DHS, FBI and CIA began investigating and developing dossiers on the precocious youngster. Dozens of foreign government agencies and businesses also began investigations. Everywhere the corporations and government agencies looked they found total transparency. Jenken made no attempt to hide her activities or finances. The money management giants and government agencies were easily able to follow the massive electronic trail of her successful trades but could not find even the barest hint of insider trading. It seemed she was able to somehow deduce and act on trends quite precisely before they occurred. No business, much less any individual, had ever matched her phenomenal winning streak much less across such a wide spectrum of stocks and markets. Other brokers and dealers who tried to jump onboard her trades could not begin to keep up with the speed or volume of her transactions. No one was able to figure out why she was so successful much less how she was able to conduct thousands of worldwide purchases and sales in a massively diverse and constantly changing portfolio, hour after hour, for twenty four hours every business day in the top twenty worldwide exchanges. At times the volume and variety of her trades threatened to overwhelm the computerization of the exchanges. Companies with offices full of people couldn’t come near Jenken’s round the clock multiple trade volume.

Jenken felt the heat and didn’t like it. Thanks to her multitudinous tags she quickly learned which agencies, companies, and individuals who had targeted her.

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This story is 323 words long.

He Woke Up

The exchange was a set-up. My partner, James, and I with backup from a few other teams were to meet with an anonymous informant to learn where the disappearances were taking place, how they were taking place, and why. We had gotten indications that an ancient spirit from the Eastern Asia area, possibly Korea, possibly Japan, possibly some of the islands between. This is why we were called in, because we have been trained to deal with them.

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This story is 78 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 10 Becoming Proactive


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Chapter 10: Becoming Proactive


The night of the wedding Jen and Ken were happily exhausted and easily fell asleep. Since Jenken didn’t need to sleep, he began to explore his newly realized connection to the place of power. First he projected himself into Moselem Cave At a point 13' above the edge pond beneath the highest point of the cavern was the epicenter of power, a maelstrom swirling vortex. With little hesitation he plunged sveral mental tendrils into the vortex. Now intimately linked with the innate essence of the earth, his mental tendrils flowed unimpeded wherever his thoughts pointed. The tendrils worked together, splitting and uniting as they spread. The energy Jenken received from the vortex boosted his ability to utilize millions of tendrils. The earth itself revealed itself to his curious probing. Geologic knowledge was open to him.

In order to practice his enhanced his telekinetic power Jenken began seeing what he could lift and move. Each morning he tagged into the vortex as he headed into the forest so he could play around moving fallen trees and broken limbs. He excavated around two partly buried rocks until he was able to psychically lift them out. Then he stretched his abilities to perform similar feats of telekinesis at points increasing distant until he was able to do so at will anywhere in the solar system.

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This story is 226 words long.

The Enhanced: TRI - 37

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

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This story is 29 words long.

The Riddle of Sappho - Canto V

A Whateley Academy Adventure

The Riddle of Sappho

by EE Nalley & ElrodW

Canto V

Now she runs away, but she'll soon pursue you;
Gifts she now rejects--soon enough she'll give them;
Now she doesn't love you, but soon her heart will
Burn, though unwilling.

Hymn to Aphrodite, Sappho

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This story is 49 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 9 Marriage and Renewal


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Chapter 9: Marriage and Renewal


Adelle and Sean were clearly shocked by Jenken’s girlishness and more than a bit of their prejudice showed.

“I’m Jen,” the pretty little girl explained. “On top of being so precocious I’m also intersexed. While I usually present in boy-mode, I feel girl mode is better for the wedding.”

While a bit shocked, Adelle and Sean once more realized Jenken was like no other person they’d ever met and begrudgingly accepted the explanation. Judy, JJ and Jane were preparing back-packs with treats for the wild-life and supplies needed for the wedding. Jane had three digital cameras, two for filming the wedding and a third for snapshots. Adelle and Sean questioned Misty about her Wiccan beliefs. The pair were lapsed Catholics, having lost the their faith in the tough business world. The rote religion had lost all validity for them. At 6:30 they headed down to the Raven’s Perch for a light meal. The staff and patrons were not really surprised to see Jenken dressed as a girl. Jenken calmly explained that because of the injuries he’d suffered in vitro his split brain had developed two distinct personalities, one a boy, the other a girl which meant that at least mentally and probably physically he was intersexed. With a bit of telepathic soothing of ruffled feathers everyone accepted the explanation. To them it was merely another aspect his uniqueness. It was the first Adele and Sean had been made aware of Jenken’s in utero injuries. Judy and JJ explained the details of the injuries and that for Jenken to even be alive was a miracle. It was 7:00 when they shouldered the packs and began the trek.

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This story is 285 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 8 Essence and Mysticism


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Chapter 8: Essence and Mysticism

“Welcome to the Raven’s Perch,” Jenken smiled as he approached them reaching out to Misty for a hug. “I’m Jenken and I know you’re Misty Dawn.” Then he turned to Serenity for a hug. “You’re Serenity. Judy and JJ have spoken highly about you both. They and the rest of the family are currently busy with customers. Please, take this table. I’ll get you menus and let the others know you’re here. Please, select anything you’d like, it’s on the house as thanks for coming to talk with us.”

Misty and Serenity were clearly surprised by the effervescent and well spoken child and took the seats at the table. When Jenken returned with the menus he touched their minds, first to keep them calm, then to telepathically speak to them.

“Please relax, I’m communicating telepathically. I’m going to link your minds so we can have a silent discussion. Just think what you want to say and we’ll ‘hear’ it.”
“This is impossible,” Misty and Serenity mentally burbled.

“Not with me,” Jenken smiled. “I’m quite unique. Please, make your selections while I let Judy and JJ know you’re here.”

Misty and Serenity were stunned as Judy and JJ both joined in their mental discussion to welcome them to the Raven’s Perch. They stated they were busy with customers but would be over for proper welcomes as soon as they could, then they disconnected.

The women had been able to tell when Judy and JJ joined them and when they left. They also were able to recognize their ‘voices’.

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This story is 275 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 7 The Murphy's


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Chapter 7: The Murphys

A bit over two weeks after Judy filed the support petitions against her parents they walked into the Raven’s Perch. Judy and Jane were busy waiting tables, JJ was working in the kitchen, and Jenken was at the register. Jenken saw the scowls on the couple and instantly pinged their minds identifying them and their hostile intentions.

They had temporarily set aside their differences to confront their common foe, Judy. They saw Judy waiting tables in the rear of the dining room and were embarrassed to have their child doing such menial work. Jenken sensed their desire to disrupt and put Judy off balance. Upset by their haughty superior attitudes, Jenken disrupted their single minded agenda to let them realize they were hungry.

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This story is 127 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 6 A Unique Game of Tag


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Chapter 6: A Unique Game of Tag


Once they were all seated Jenken linked their minds then opened a link with one of the red tailed hawks. They could see, hear, smell and feel everything the hawk was experiencing. It was calmly soaring above a meadow by the dam breast about five miles away on the other side of Lake Ontelaunee. The clear view was breathtaking as they suddenly understood the phrase ‘a bird’s eye view’. The hawk was sailing with wings outstretched riding the thermals. As it glided in slow circles above the lake shore, the road (Pa Route 73) that crossed the dam breast, and the dam itself came into and vanished from view. With each revolution the hawk was spiraling slowly to the southwest away from the lake. They saw it the same instant the hawk did... a rabbit in the foot high grass!

Instantly the hurried flapping of it’s wings appeared at the edges of the hawk’s field of vision as they felt a sudden burst of energy sweep through the hawk... an adrenalin rush? The swooping head first wing tucked rapid descent almost took their breath away. They could feel the hawk’s tail flaring and shifting to maintain course and stability. With the target in site when the hawk was about 30’ up and 60’ away it let out a loud screech. They instantly understood the purpose of the screech. It was not to warn the animal to flee. Instead the screech made the prey freeze in an effort to become invisible, leaving the hawk had a stationary target. At the last second the wings flared out, the neck came up, and it struck the target feet first. By the time the rabbit saw the hawk’s shadow they could feel the talons grasping the rabbit, piercing it’s fur and holding it firmly even as it struggled to flee. The rabbit’s efforts only caused the talons to sink in deeper. They could feel the satisfaction in the hawks mind as it’s hunt was successful. The sharp beak opened as the hawk lowered it’s head to partake of it’s still living meal.

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This story is 361 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 5 Mind Games


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Chapter 5: Mind Games


A lot of the spring break visit consisted of JJ showing Judy around Berks County often with Jenken along for the ride as the giggling cute toddler Jen with her hair tied up in twin bouncy pony tails. Ken, in typical boyish pique, referred to Jen’s ponytails as ‘Rowlf ears’. (Vignettes from the Muppet Show were a Youtube favorite of the trilateral child.) In point of fact, Jenken was instrumental in helping select destinations of interest as during his mind probes he had accumulated a lot of knowledge about the diverse area. The Gruber Wagon Works at the Berks County Heritage Center was one of the more spectacular locations they visited.

All three helped in the Raven’s Perch in the evening. The Ravens were impressed with Judy’s waitressing skills. Jenken easily formed a bond with Judy and helped his mommy, mom and dad to do the same. JJ asked that Judy join the family for their regular Thursday night open stage performance. Of course they agreed once Jenken silently let them know she’d be an asset. On Thursday night at the start of the open stage, JJ introduced Judy to the patrons as the family set up. With guitar in hand she did a modified curtsey. Then unexpectedly JJ dropped to a knee and presented an engagement ring to Judy. While Judy knew they planned to be formally engaged, she was caught completely off guard and left speechless. Blushing deeply she could only nod affirmatively as JJ slipped the ring onto her finger. The patrons erupted in cheers and congratulations.

“The Wavens be a famiwy band,” Jenken stated seriously while sitting on a stool to better reach the mike. “If Judy hadn’t ‘cepted de pwaposaw, we wasn’t goin to wet hew pway wit us. Now, wet’s jam!”

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This story is 307 words long.

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 5 New Beginnings Ch. 30

New Beginnings
Chapter 30
Written by rachel76m

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This story is 7 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 4 That Does Compute


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Chapter 4: That Does Compute


If the toddler found a word in the internet research he didn’t understand, he looked it up on online dictionaries. What was even more amazing was that he remembered what he read, understood what he read and most impressively was able to integrate what he learned. In front of his family he dropped the baby talk and spoke as well as an honors highschool student.

The family was more than a bit unnerved by Jenken’s sudden explosion of knowledge and understanding. The lad let them be concerned but greatly tamped down their worry.

Jenken spent his computer time researching brain anatomy to fill in the gaps he discovered in Dr. Green’s knowledge. After all, as a pediatrician she had knowledge and understanding of the brain, but that was far from what a neurologist knew. But what Jenken gleaned from her knowledge guided his research to fill in the gaps and expand on what he’d learned.

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This story is 163 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 3 The Tripartite


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Chapter 3: The Tripartite

JJ was more than surprised. “So inside your head are two people, Jen and Ken.”

“Jen an Ken an Jenken be togeda in head,” Jenken patiently corrected his uncle.

Multiple personality disorder didn’t normally appear until a person was older, Jenken’s case might possibly related to the in-uterine brain injury. JJ grew excited. “Do Jen and Ken and Jenken talk to each other?”

“Dey tawk but not wike me an you,” Jenken replied with a hint of worry. He was picking up JJ’s vibes and they didn’t feel right. “Dey tink tawk. Dat much fasta den mouf tawk.”

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This story is 105 words long.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes: A TG Mixed Tape


A TG Mixed Tape

(Curated by PersnicketyBitch)

A young woman is singled out of superherodom, but is having none of it. A group of teenagers disturb a malicious spirit. A radical plan to improve the American political process. Hit play on the last TG Mixed Tape for 2015 for all these stories and more, featuring contributions from Efindumb, Ellie Dauber, Desert Willow, Misaania, Jenny North, Callie Messenger, Person42, Hikaro, Shauna, Trismegistus Shandy, kandijayne, Desert Willow and Anon Allsop

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This story is 78 words long.

Homo Sapiens version 2.0


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Homo Sapiens version 2.0

©2015 — Foxxe Wilder

Due to a few supporting comments and much thought I've decided to put this short story back up.
Now PLEASE REALIZE that this IS FICTION, and speaks of various theories etc. So please do NOT go ape shit on me for "scientific inaccuracy" as one foolish reader did! You will save your own embarrassment

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This story is 59 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 2 Home Coming


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Chapter 2: Home Coming


It was the last week of February when Jenken was released from the hospital. The doctors cautioned Jane to be vigilant. Although Jenken seemed to be doing well with little noticeable affects of the pre-natal brain injury, seizures were always a possibility. Also, due to his premature birth his immune system might be compromised so they were cautioned be sure to keep him indoors and away from sick people until he grew stronger.

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This story is 76 words long.

Quoth the Raven Chapter 1 It Begins


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Quoth The Raven
by Jennifer Sue
Chapter 1: It Begins

During the Friday after Thanksgiving fifteen year old Jane Raven was working in the family restaurant just like she did nearly every day. The pretty girl had become quiet and shy since she’d been drugged and date raped. As the second trimester was coming to an end, the increasingly active child inside filled her with love and concern for the child. She was at the cash register having just finished ringing up a customer when loud voices echoed throughout the dining area.

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This story is 92 words long.

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 6

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Sleethr


Sequel to: MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

Jenna tells Mike her secret and Hector gets married.




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This story is 30 words long.

Seeds of Evolution

Seeds of Evolution

Alien spores have spread across the planet, causing those infected to evolve. Bryan learns that he is one of those who has been infected, and that soon, he too will become an evo.

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This story is 40 words long.

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 5

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The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 5 New Beginnings Ch. 29

New Beginnings Chapter 29
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman

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This story is 11 words long.

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 4

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Sleethr


Sequel to: MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

Jenna discovers that she is a secret agent.




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This story is 29 words long.

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 3

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Sleethr


Sequel to: MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

Jenna wonders if she has been transported to a pirate movie.




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This story is 32 words long.


Story under construction...

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MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 2

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Sleethr


Sequel to: MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

Hector has a wonderful week with his fiance, but Jenna's success pulls him deeper into the pink side.




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This story is 39 words long.

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Chapter 1

MAU: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Sleethr


Sequel to: MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

Jenna discovers that an aspiring female action star dealing with a macho male star is more trouble than she expected.




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This story is 41 words long.

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 5 New Beginnings Ch. 28

New Beginnings
Chapter 28
Written by rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman

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This story is 11 words long.

South of Bikini 3: Episode 10- Proving Ground

Now that another Time Traveler is loose upon Earth’s fragile timeline, what will he change and could the Empress and her sisters be the first casualties? Can the wondrous Empress of Time and Space return history to the way it should be or will she need to ‘step back’ to re-evaluate her historic options here and in other universes?

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This story is 60 words long.


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