Quoth the Raven Chapter 16 Petra Reveals God's Expectations (the end)

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Chapter 16: Petra Reveals God’s Expectations


“Please know that only the worst offenders were reaped,” Petra informed the audience. “Many who supported the blasphemers are still alive. God feels they were tricked, misled and coerced into following those who were reaped. It is God’s sincere hope they repent. If they do not, all peoples should ostracize them and report them to the governments. EVERY government must be prepared to utterly destroy anyone who resorts to terrorism.”

“For those of you who are proud to call yourself liberals, please listen closely,” Petra continued “You can NOT help people by giving them things they did not earn. You HELP them by assisting them to help themselves! You can NOT give someone equality. You can help them ACHIEVE equality. Giving people RIGHTS without requiring RESPONSIBILITY only destroys them. The ultimate irony is that those who seek to do good by attempting to GIVE equality and rights are actually harming those they seek to help! Satan could not be happier! Unfortunately it is those who seek to ‘Do Good’ who allowed the Jihadists to get away with their evil by claiming terrorism is the result of the success of those who have earned better lives! They excuse the Jihadist hatred because the ‘haves’ take advantage of and use the ‘have nots’. While there are many cases where unscrupulous greedy people, businesses and even nations have used the less fortunate, the vast majority of interactions are beneficial to both sides.”

“For those of you who are proud to be conservatives, please listen closely,” Petra declared. “Humanity is not stagnant. To be human means to change. By resisting change you restrict humanity’s growth. Galileo was denounced for trying to show the earth was not the center of the universe. The dogma of the Catholic Church denied progress for centuries and in some areas still does. A bit over a hundred years ago conservatives were declaring that if God had meant for man to fly he’d have given them wings. Today, despite what medicine and science are discovering conservatives still insist that homosexuality is a perversion. They insist transsexuals are perverts. Denying same sex couples the right to be married is abhorrent to God. Conservatives continue to resist change thus causing grievous pain to those they should love.”

“God has a powerful sense of right and wrong as well as justice. She also has an ironic sense of humor. She feels a song written by Glen Fry and Don Henley, recorded by their group The Eagles and released 1994, is quite appropriate and, with one exception, that being substituting the word ‘undo’ for ‘kill’, should be taken extremely seriously. I quote:

I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me"
They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else
Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat
Get over it Get over it
All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit
Get over it, get over it
You say you haven't been the same since you had your little crash
But you might feel better if I gave you some cash
The more I think about it, Old Billy was right
Let's undo all the lawyers, undo 'em tonight
You don't want to work, you want to live like a king
But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing
Get over it Get over it
If you don't want to play, then you might as well split
Get over it, get over it
It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak
You're makin' the most of your losin' streak
Some call it sick, but I call it weak
You drag it around like a ball and chain
You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
Got your mind in the gutter, bringin' everybody down
Complain about the present and blame it on the past
I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little ass
Get over it Get over it
All this bitchin' and moanin' and pitchin' a fit
Get over it, get over it
Get over it Get over it
It's gotta stop sometime, so why don't you quit
Get over it, get over it.”

“To put it bluntly, God wants humanity to stop making excuses and get over it. It’s absolutely disgusting that people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton live high on the hog while bemoaning the suffering and oppression of Black People. Granted, there are economic and educational walls to tear down, however they only advocate the walls be torn down from the outside. They never stress the need to climb over the wall from the inside! In effect they stymie the people they claim to want to help by giving them excuses to wallow in their situations. The efforts of Mr. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton only serve to raise the walls higher and reinforce the prejudice of both sides. Rev. Martin Luther King tried to overcome the walls from the inside as well as the outside and was quite successful. Today he is recognized for his efforts much like Ghandi upon whom he modeled his efforts.”

“Each person is responsible for their actions, it’s part of free choice. God would like everyone to do what they can do to assist their less fortunate fellow humans help themselves. Those that have much should voluntarily share their bounty by assisting those less fortunate raise themselves up. No one, be it a person, business, or government should erect roadblocks to keep others from bettering themselves. Those who knowingly exploit other humans thus preventing them from earning a better life are Satan’s acolytes and will receive no mercy when their earthly life ends. Anyone who hinders people from bettering themselves condemn themselves to eternal damnation in their afterlife. Those who inadvertently support such oppression have a chance at redemption but they must act quickly. If a person supports an oppressive government or owns even a minuscule interest in a business that takes advantage of or abuses the poor, they must take action to correct the evil behavior the support! The best example of assisting needy people to help themselves while simultaneously exposing Satan’s acolytes is TAMTF. I was the angel who told Mr Kurt Goldstein to created TAMTF.”

“God is also tired of hatred for old wrongs. The Israelis and Palestinians are a prime example. Their hatred goes back thousands of years! What was done in the past IS the past! Who was right and who was wrong back then is meaningless today! Stop repeating and reliving 4000 years of hatred! GET OVER IT! Share the land. Share the history!”

“God is also disgusted with bigotry. Race, tribal affiliation, creed, gender and sexuality should never be causes for hatred or distrust. It doesn’t matter what color skin you have or who your ancestors were. What your faith is does not matter... what’s important is that you have a faith! Gender has no bearing on what job you do. A person’s sexuality does not matter. God is more concerned about promiscuity. Sometimes genetics and the expression of DNA does go astray, but even then, GOD does not make junk! Most people are born being attracted to the opposite gender just as some people are born being attracted to the same gender. It’s no different than most people being born right handed while some are born left handed! How you are born is NOT a choice! God has told me to tell you point blank without any qualifiers that homosexuality is just as valid as heterosexuality! Some are born with the body of one gender and the soul of the opposite gender. Again, that is not a choice! Medical science has advanced to the point such physical errors can and should be medically and surgically corrected. No one would deny corrective surgery to a child born with a cleft pallette, so why deny corrective surgery to someone who is transgender? God gave humanity a brain to think and learn and grow, it’s time you started doing so! As I said earlier... GET OVER IT!”

“Another point is that despite how nice equality and justice sound, those lofty ideals have never been part of God’s plan for humanity. It’s recorded in the Christian scriptures that Jesus stated the poor will always be amongst you. But that does not mean you shouldn’t try to help them! The only way to achieve equality and justice is to have everyone be the same. The only way to accomplish that would be to have all humanity at the lowest common level. That in turn would end drive and achievement as well as free choice. However, thanks to God, every human is different! They have different abilities, different likes, different dislikes, different ways of thinking. Those differences along with every other difference is what makes humanity human, just as God planned. That is the very reason why God has allowed so many different beliefs and faiths to develop! There is something for everyone!”

“Homo Sapiens evolved about 200,000 years ago. Yes, I said EVOLVED! The scientific evidence for the origins of life are fairly accurate. When God decided to create this reality, she did it with a BIG BANG about 13.8 BILLION years ago. God created the universe out of nothing! Time to God is meaningless. Time came into being with the creation. The stories of creation are simply that, stories! Humanity didn’t have the capability to understand what God had done so the creation stories followed the reality but were couched in terms early humans could understand, just as one would explain a complex issue to a toddler. The creation stories are fables based on reality! Even today, with modern scientific knowledge and evidence, many people still refuse to believe the truth when they hear it! There will be some who will deny that I reaped the blasphemers or even that I’m here talking to you!”

“During humanity’s pre-history with a hunter-gather lifestyle, and even into the beginnings of sedentary lives, mankind worshiped the Earth Mother. Then about 52,000 years ago there was a sudden explosion of human ingenuity that you know as the Great leap Forward. Language blossomed, tools that had barely changed for tens of thousands of years diversified. Art exploded onto the scene. Those early humans knew all life came from a mother and instinctively understood that God was female. Females and males were respected as equals, partners, not the same but one gender was just as vital as the other. That belief existed and continued until the development of villages, towns and cities. That is when Satan made major inroads into corrupting mankind in the form of greed and avarice which led to warfare. Warfare led to militaries and male dominance. Males forced females into a subservient role under the guise of ‘protecting’ them.”

“About 5500 years ago writing developed and along with it recorded human history. Time after time God attempted to explain HER desires for humanity. Unfortunately every time her words were misunderstood and warped. The problem is that while humans might hear the words of God they can not fully grasp the intent. People understand what they ‘hear’ based on their life experiences and knowledge. The emergence of civilization with male dominated societies prevented women from being taken seriously by men. That necessitated that God’s messages be given to men. Those men could not conceive that God could be anything other than male, so they changed God’s gender to fit their experience. In effect they gave GOD the first sex-change! Men simply could not accept that God was female. As a result God’s messages were corrupted from their very utterances. Even today many men think females are to be subject to males. I’m here to tell you that is blatantly and blasphemously wrong! No human should be subject to another. Satan has been quite successful in warping Islam to marginalize women. I’m telling you now with no qualifiers or restrictions that any man who refuses to give women total equality is condemning himself to eternal damnation!”

“Religion and faith are vital to humanity. No human can handle all the cares and heartache of life alone. That is only possible with God. But no religion is superior to another. What is right for one human can be wrong for another! That is why there is such a diversity of faiths! It’s part of God’s plan! Because of that truth, governments need to be secular while ensuring religious freedom. Please remember that every Theocracy has failed because by humanity’s very nature, morality can NOT be legislated!”

“Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Shinto, Taoism, the beliefs of indigenous peoples through the world, the polytheistic beliefs of ancient civilizations, up to and including Druid and Wicca are ALL based on God’s core teachings! All have also been corrupted by mankind to meet political and economic needs. However they still share the common core of love of God, in whatever form that may be, love of their fellow man, and harmony with all existence. No human shall oppress another. That includes human institutions such as governments and businesses. Equality is impossible, but striving for equality is very doable. Justice is difficult but not unattainable. It is humanity’s duty to assist each other. But keep in mind, your life on this world will end. When it does, God WILL judge you. Your decisions in your earthly life will determine if you go to hell or heaven.”

“Remember that belief in whatever form of God you find fitting is not static just as Humanity is not static. Faith evolves just as humans do because God is a living God. The faith of your grandparents is different from your faith today because the world has changed! Faith will always change and grow right along with humanity. God is ALWAYS by your side. You have free will! Use it wisely!”

“Each faith must change to accommodate what I’ve revealed today. Remember this... each faith in their beliefs have things that are right but they also have things that are wrong. All faiths are valid and accepted by God regardless of the form they envision God taking! They must disavow anyone who claims their faith is the only way. They must disavow anyone who advocates violence. Respect by the various faiths for other faiths is vital. All these things must become a part of each faith’s creed.”

“For eons humans have asked why God allows evil to exist, why she allows she allows disease to exist, why she allows natural disasters to occur, why she allows war. The answer is simple but many will not like it. This existence, this universe, was created for sentient life. Here on earth that is mankind. Also know that mankind is not the only sentient life form in this existence. As harsh and cruel as it seems, this existence is a means of testing your soul. Facing adversity, be it manmade or nature, requires use of your spirit. How you use your spirit is up to each individual. That may seem harsh but you never have to endure hardship alone. God is here with you to assist you in handling life’s crisis. You have free will to accept, reject, or even deny God. Life as you know it is finite, but your soul is eternal. Where your soul goes after this life is determined by how you handle this life. Your goal is not to die, but to graduate to the next level!”

“Also know all creation must be respected and protected. Natural resources can be used but they must be used wisely. Pollution must be limited as much as possible if not stopped. Those individuals, businesses and governments that pollute must be stopped and severely punished. Jail time and forfeiture of ill gained wealth along with severely punitive fines must become common worldwide law. Pollution that has occurred must be isolated and cleaned up. The planet has been raped by unscrupulous people. It must stop and be reversed.”

“Lastly, know this, God sent me to earth to reap Satan’s minions and deliver this message. It is not an accident today is Epiphany, for today is most certainly a manifestation of a divine or supernatural being. Any faith that has reduced females to second class must promptly reform. If the leadership of those faiths fail to do so, the leadership will have blasphemed God’s words the world has heard today thus condemning themselves and all who follow them to eternal damnation! Women are to be accepted and welcomed into leadership positions, including the top position, in all faiths. This does not mean women are superior to men. It means both sexes and all variations of gender expression are equally accepted and valued by God. Mankind must do no less.”

“Furthermore, I have NOT been recalled to God’s side. I will remain here and watch. If I see evil, I will expose it. God is hoping humanity promptly deals with the issues I raised so I don’t need to take further action. This means humanity will need to take responsibility of earthly affairs! Do not let evil regain a foothold in the hearts of mankind. If evil in any form is left unchecked, I will again reap! I can guarantee SHE will not be happy! It is my sincere hope that you will not see me again!”

Petra raised her arms in a V with her fingers extended as visible arcs of electricity leapt between her fingers. “God in her many names and forms will bless each and every believer.”

With that Petra rose into the sky. Thousands of instruments kept track of her ascent. When she reached 1000' a massive lightening like green flash rippled outward for 1000' before dissipating into nothingness. A mighty roll of thunder instantly followed rattling windows for miles. Petra had disappeared into nothingness just as she had appeared from nothing.


After analyzing all the sensors and thoroughly analyzing her communication interruptions, nothing could be found to explain where she came from, where she went, how she appeared or how she had done what she’d accomplished. Those she had touched said they felt a mild electric buzz that engulfed their body while they were instantly filled with peace and well being. All the evidence they’d accumulated indicated that during her appearance she had a corporeal body.

But what truly stunned the world was how Petra spoke. Everyone present heard her speak in their native tongue. There were ninety different languages amongst the hundreds of news and film crews that broadcast Petra’s appearance. Each simultaneously broadcast and recorded her appearance and words. Yet each not only heard and recorded the speech in their own language, their video showed her lips were moving to form the words they heard! When put side by side, the movement of her lips matched her words for each language. Yet all ninety languages were recorded at the same time!

Science was at a loss to explain Petra. That she existed and physically reaped the evildoers was undeniable. That she had appeared in St. Peter’s square in Vatican City was also without dispute. There was only one explanation but many people didn’t want to go there... Petra had been sent by God! Which meant that God had to be real! Atheists had to rethink their denial. But it was those who professed a conservative belief in God that faced having their faith torn asunder. They could not deny that Petra was God’s messenger which meant God was female! Centuries of male domination of religion crumbled as women throughout the world demanded the equality centuries of male arrogance had denied! Islam’s treatment of women as chattel was turned upside down and shown to be blasphemous. The unwarranted sexism of the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Russian Orthodox and many conservative Protestant churches was revealed as blasphemy.

Most males were unprepared for Petra’s condemnation of their vaunted male religious supremacy. Women welcomed the truth. Suitably chastised, public attitudes about the LGBT shifted as a result of Petra’s actions and speech. Membership in the LBGT organizations quadrupled as those who had hidden or denied their sexual orientation were emboldened to step out of the closet.

In fact, thousands of lawsuits were being filed around the world to eradicate legal restrictions on alternative gender expressions. Constitutions and bylaws of nations businesses, and organized religions had to be rewritten granting equality to all. Islam, Greek and Russian Orthodox and the Roman Catholic Church were all in turmoil as they tried to deal with the revelations Petra had shared. Centuries of male centric dogma were rendered obsolete. Their institutional condemnation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender individuals was revealed to be sinfully wrong.

In many instances women, energized and vindicated by God’s words that Petra shared openly rebelled against the repression they had endured for millennia. Mosques were stormed and hard line male supremist Imams who kept women relegated to chattel were driven out by irate frustrated women. The male dominated Christian churches fared only a bit better in that the arrogant male leadership was voted out. Many women abandoned the centuries old male dominated churches in droves when the male leadership balked or dragged their feet to open themselves to female leadership. Since women were traditionally the workers and supporters of those churches and mosques with their families, the very bedrock of male domination, social chaos ensued. Arrogant macho men were thrown out of positions of power by suddenly empowered women. Governments around the world stumbled, many fell, all were reformed. Militaries found themselves without wars and were wisely redirected to public safety and disaster relief. The good old boys that long dominated politics were forced by public outrage to resign. Around the world special elections were held to replace them.


Jade took over the duty of monitoring the flags of evildoers and the skeletons hidden in the closets began coming out as the revelations mysteriously appeared on the internet. Those in the most influential positions fell first. Several times Petra put in very noticeable and public appearances to pointedly accuse wrongdoers of their evil and present incontestable evidence of such. Bribery, payoffs, pollution, abusers of every ilk were exposed with undeniable proof of their misdeeds. Those in authority had no choice but to take prompt corrective or isolating action or face a massive public backlash. Those who had supported terrorism were revealed as all evidence of their collusion was made public prompting severe reaction from governments and citizens. Every three to four months Petra put in a public appearance to reap a pedophile or dangerous religious fanatic. That kept the fear of God in everyone’s consciousness.


The Ravens settled down to enjoy life. The Raven’s Perch prospered. The Ravens hopped around the world to perform their uplifting music and the demand for their videos, CDs and downloads never ceased. Jade became a vital part of the Raven family. She met and fell in love with Dave Garrett while he was visiting his sister Linda, the Neknej office manger. They married after a year courtship and soon started a family. A year after the reaping JJ and Judy had their first child. Jane met a nice young man at KU and brought him home. They married upon their graduation and it wasn’t long until Jenken had siblings.

Neknej flourished as Jenken guided the business in preserving land and headed efforts to reverse pollution. On the eastern slope of Moselem Hill where the trees met farmland south of Gehret Road and west of Maidencreek Road and north of Water Street, Neknej bought the land. In a massive excavation an area 4000' east to west and 3000' north to south was excavated to a depth 360' above sea level. A massive ten story energy neutral building was constructed, the roof earth covered and planted with vegetation. The all above ground walls were covered in solar panels. The green roof held ribbon wind generators amongst the foliage. The building held Neknej Research Labs. Jenken made sure to hire the brightest and best scientific, engineering, and tinkers.

Utilizing the knowledge Jenken continually downloaded she guided the staff to develop ways to recycle/mine landfills and safely neutralize toxic chemicals and radioactive waste. They also developed safe pesticides and fertilizers. Cheap desalinization of seawater as well as safe cold fusion power generation would emerge withing ten years. Profits were limited to ten percent and all profits were equally split between donations to Tamtf, further research, and maintaining the lab.

Tamtf brought economic viability to the second and third world while helping to eliminate bribery and greed in government.

As for Jenken, she maintained her tags and whenever she noted someone nearing an outburst of violence she made sure the chance of violence was cut off by either tweaking the person to get help or alerting someone who could safely intervene. She also used her tags to decriminalize illicit drugs, bringing the manufacture and distribution of drugs under government safety guidelines. This effectively ended the drug lords and underworld organizations while bringing tax revenue into the government. Safe drug use became as acceptable as safe alcohol use once being under the influence was removed as a defense for dangerous actions and any dangerous actions while under the influence became felonies with mandatory incarceration and punitive fines for first offence.

As for Jenken herself, she blossomed into a vivacious teen and stunning woman who looked like her older cousin Jade. Helping the world in anyway she could was her life calling.

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