
Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 101

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 101
The box. What do we have?
The dance competition.

The Friday barbecue had been fun. Chief Tom and Vickie were there, and we found that they had come up for the dance competition. We even took time to work on their Navajo while we ate.

Saturday, Ajie and I had overslept and didn’t get breakfast before we left for the dance competition. When we were finally there and were walking through the vendor area, we stopped at one of the vendors that sells beaded jewelry and pottery, but they happened to have a hair-pipe bone choker with silver for sale. We bought it and took it to Mr. Yazzie. And we found out from him that Kilchii Nez had made part of it. Ajie and I went back to the vendor that we’d purchased the choker from and found that they had a wooden box that they had gotten at an estate sale.

What was in this box?

It looked like what was in the box was tools used by a silversmith. There was also a cloth bag in the box, and it looked like it contained tools that a silversmith would use to make various marks on silver pieces. As we looked at the contents of the cloth bag, I handed one to Ajie to look at, and as she did, she asked, “Kai, is this what I think it is?”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 100

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 100
A good barbecue. A new choker.
The dance competition.

On Friday we’d gone up to the resort for the barbecue, and on Saturday we were going to the dance competition near Taos. We were going to see Dibe dance in maybe her last competition.

But there was something else that was drawing me to the competition. What was it?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 99

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 99
Cousin Ahiga. The Eagles. A hike.

The past few days have been crazy, Amy finally has her New Mexico Nursing license after a run in the someone from the licensing board. And some serious soul searching that included a visit with two Eagles, a meditation session at the bonfire, and a hike to the sacred place, where we both received new meteorites.

A trip to Taos turned interesting when we ran into Uncle Paul’s Cousin Ahiga at Mr. Yazzie’s shop as Mr. Yazzie was trading for another piece of my Great-Great-Grandfather Kilchii Nez’s silver pieces.

The two Eagles. Hmm. Were they local and just happened to find us? Or did our two feathered friends from back home follow us out here?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 98

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 98
Breakfast with the Etsitty’s. Taos and Mr. Yazzie.

The past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions for Ajie and me. But more so Ajie, she had gotten the results from her nurse’s license test and had also received her Ohio Registered Nurse’s license. Then on Wednesday, she had a meeting with the Dr. Etsitty, Dean Milford, the Dean of the nursing school, and someone from the New Mexico Board of Nursing. The woman from the nursing board had been very nasty towards Amy. And Amy was ready to go back to Ohio. We’d taken a walk along the river and found two Eagles, or had they found us?

Ajie and I had gone to the resort and back to the sacred place to meditate. And Ajie received an answer to her problem. And we each came back with another meteorite. Chief Etsitty and his wife Vickie were at the barbecue, and we found out that the University, from the President down, had supported Ajie, and had gotten her, her New Mexico License. Ajie also told everyone that she had decided to stay in New Mexico.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 97

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 97
How does he know these things?
The barbecue and …

Amy had had a real problem with the lady from the New Mexico Board of Nursing. She had treated Amy like she wasn’t a person let alone a nurse. Amy is so upset that she’d said that she wants to go back to Ohio. We took a walk along the Rio Grande River and had a long talk. Then we saw two Eagles. Did they find us?

Amy had decided to skip her classes on Thursday and go to the resort to relax. And leave it to Naainish, he’d shown up, and he and Ajie had a long talk. And on Friday, Ajie asked about going to the sacred place in the mountains. Uncle Paul had to check on the cabin, so the three of us headed to the mountains. As Ajie and I hiked to the sacred place, Uncle Paul did his work around the cabin. We sat, meditated, and I chanted. Just how do I do that? On the way back to the cabin, when we reached the spot where the first arrow was carved into the rock, we saw something …

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 96

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 96
What happened? The sacred place.

After the clan meeting in Window Rock, where Tahoma Etsitty was installed as the rightful Chief of the Azee'tsoh dine'é (The Big Medicine People clan), we’d spent the night at my Aunt Ginny’s house. Amy and I had spent the night in a hogan with amenities, like electric lights and a wood floor. That night, since it was the monsoon season, there had been a couple of thunderstorms roll through, Amy didn’t notice the second one. And that may have been because of what had happened during the first storm. She’d received a LONG foot massage.

We were back home on Monday morning, and Amy was back in her classes. Since she had received the results of her nurse’s license test and her Ohio Registered Nurse’s license, she was meeting with Dr. Etsitty and someone from the New Mexico Board of Nursing on Wednesday afternoon. When she finally got home from the meeting, she was depressed and wanted to go for a walk, so we went to the Rio Grande River to walk along the river. I’d asked her what was wrong, and her reply brought me to a dead stop.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 95

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 95
Aunt Ginny’s house. And back to Albuquerque.

On Saturday Ajie, Kelly, Larry, and I had spent time exploring Albuquerque, and we’d found things that Ajie and I hadn’t found. Then we had a nice dinner at Nunzio's Pizza and then the four of us watched the Sunset from the Sandia Crest.

On Sunday morning we took Kelly and Larry to the airport, and we said so long to them. Then we changed clothes and headed to Window Rock, Arizona and a meeting of the clan at the Tribal Council Chambers.

The meeting turned out as I knew it would. Tahoma Etsitty, the husband of Dr. Etsitty, who is Amy’s preceptor at the university, became the Chief of the Azee'tsoh dine'é (The Big Medicine People clan).

Now, back to our summer routine, or ...

Shalim IV

Mark was about to begin his career as a human species transition expert. Fresh from the Academy, Mark was sent across the galaxy to bring a new human race and planet into an alliance with Earth. Mark was ready for this, but he wasn't ready for the accident that happened during his insertion into the planet.

Now trapped as a female on a distant planet, what will Mark do?

Isosceles Love Triangles Chapter 1


Warning: I haven’t touched this story since...maybe...2006 and there may be some issues with spelling (more so than most) and some scene shifts. I’m just trying to see if the story can be completed. It’s about two love triangles (or perhaps parallelograms?) that may end happily ever for one couple or for opposite members. I’m not too sure yet.

A Change Will Do You Good Chapter 1

A writer is only content twice in their life: When they first think of a story idea and when they receive a check for the book sales.
Unless they’re writing a series; and then it becomes a never-ending Catch-22 of idea beget idea, but it’s needed on page three hundred of book four and not on page ten of the second chapter of book two. That was my life for three years. It was my fault to begin with. I mean, I titled the series “Four Seasons of Love” with the first book called “Autumn Amore”.

Missing you

.Missing you

Written by Dauphin
Being a Transgender effects so many people, Can you please them all
"Heartbreaking on a Girls journey and how much she cares for others" Diana
"A parent looses a son but gains a daughter, or do they?" Dauphin

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 94

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 94
Window Rock and the clan meeting.

Friday had been fun with Kelly and Larry here. The first thing on the agenda was a visit to Mrs. Yanaba Cyl who was the weaver who’d made my white Biil dress. Ajie was looking for a Biil dress to wear to the meeting of The Big Medicine People Clan on Sunday. She found a gorgeous red Biil dress with a fancy black and white sawtooth pattern on it. Kelly also found an elegant long skirt and blouse.

Then Kelly and Larry had asked us to be the godparents to their baby, who could say no to that. The barbecue went smoothly. No surprise guests. I sat and meditated at the bonfire under a full Moon. And as Naainish had told me, there were no problems with my spirits and the Moon or spirits of the bonfire. I did tell Kelly and Larry that I felt that their son would do some amazing things during his lifetime.

On Saturday morning all four of us slept in. Amy and I were up first, followed in a short time by Kelly and Larry. And we decided to make frybread breakfast tacos for breakfast. And I think that our tacos get better every time we make them. Then again, maybe it’s sharing them with good friends.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 93

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 93
A new Biil dress. God parents? A bonfire.

Kelly and Larry had surprised us by asking if they could come a couple of days earlier than planned and stay with us. When they arrived Kelly was distraught, her brother, Connor, had been listed as missing in action in Vietnam, and who could blame her for being upset. And I had to help her and the baby. We’d gone to a park, and I or Kai had meditated with Kelly. When we’d finished, I told her to call home. When she did, she found out that Connor had been found safe and sound.

Earlier we’d found out that the members of The Big Medicine People Clan were undecided about how to replace Chief Peshlakai. My grandmother wants me to go to a meeting of the clan and try to sway them to accept the real winner of the last election.

Today, Friday, we’d taken Kelly and Larry to a Mexican restaurant for breakfast. And as we were eating, Amy said, “You know, if we’re going to that meeting we’d better look our best.”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 92

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 92
What’s wrong? A swing vote.

At about a quarter to three Amy walked in the door, and as she put her books on the kitchen table, the phone rang.

Amy answered it, by saying “Hello.” …

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 91

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 91
The crew in Taos. Mr. Yazzie! Chief Etsitty?

Yesterday the crew was together at a barbecue, and that made me happy. But, what made me the happiest was just the six of us were together again. Then Chief Peshlakai showed up at the barbecue and so did the Tribal Police and the FBI, and the chief left in handcuffs.

The sunset was a good one, and the crew pledged to get together once a year no matter what. That also made me happy. We also decided to stay the night with my aunt and uncle and go to Taos in the morning.

On Saturday morning the crew witnessed a sunrise and met the wolves. Then we headed to my aunt and uncle’s house for breakfast.

As we walked into the house, the smells were incredible. Aunt Ruth must be cooking already. We followed the aroma into the kitchen and found my aunt and grandmother cooking, and I said, “Well, good morning grandma and Aunt Ruth.”

Grandma looked at me, and said, “It’s about time you got here.”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 90

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 90
The barbecue. Yes! The bonfire.

We had gone up Sandia Crest, and I was worried about the altitude being too much for Maria. Read altitude sickness. Then we headed to Santa Fe and some sightseeing. Later on the way to the resort, we stopped at Mrs. Benallie shop for Maria to look at skirts and blouses. And Amy and I received something very unexpected. It seems that Mrs. Benallie and Naainish had gotten together to get us each a unique braided leather headband with Eagle feathers.

When we were back at the resort, Naainish filled us in on the Eagle feathers. And I filled him, my aunt and uncle, and Maria and Mark in on the Eagles back home. Was this too much information for Mark and Maria.

Of course, as my uncle was escorting me to my new job, I had asked him if there were any special quests. His reply was, “Well, of course, Naainish is here. Chief Kinlicheeny dropped in. And … ”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 89

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 89
Maria & Mark. Santa Fe. Headbands.

We had attended a cookout at Dr. Etsitty’s home. And I had spent some time talking with Dr. Etsitty’s husband, Tahoma or Tom, who is a Navajo. And I felt at ease talking with him. We discussed me as a Nádleeh’s and then we discussed Chief Peshlakai. And Tom thinks that something is going to happen. And I told him that I felt good things about him.

Kelly and Larry had arrived to use the gift certificate that we’d given them for their wedding. And they had brought a big surprise with them. Maria and Mark. So we now had our first house guests.

Friday morning I’d heard some noises, ,,,

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 88

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 88
Dr. Etsitty’s Cookout. Kelly & Larry.

Ajie and I had gone shopping with my grandmother and aunt. We had found some rugs, pottery, and baskets to help us decorate the apartment. While we were shopping, we’d stopped at Doc Martin’s Restaurant in Taos where grandma bought lunch for all of us.

After we’d finished shopping, we paid a call on Mr. Yazzie the silversmith. It was a surprise, as he didn’t know that Ajie and I were in town. We joked around with him about the two rings that he’d slipped into our goodie bag last year. He’d also shown us a lovely piece of work that my Great-Great-Grandfather Kilchii Nez had done. It was a small silver box with a round turquoise piece in the center of the top.

We were going to drop my grandmother and aunt off at the resort, pick up our things, and head back to Albuquerque, and that's what we did. After we’d left the resort and were on the way back to Albuquerque, I asked, “Honey, why the tears earlier?”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 87

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 87
A surprise. A shopping trip. Mr. Yazzie.

We had worked on getting the apartment as homey as we could. But we had more to do. And we'd taken our first trip to Old Town, Albuquerque and found Uncle Paul’s cousin Ahiga who knew a lot about our silver. Then we found a restaurant that will become one of our favorites, La Placita Dining Rooms.

Amy had started her summer classes. She has two classes that meet four times a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Which limits the time that we had to do things, but we’ll work around it.

Today, being Friday, we were at the resort for the barbecue. And it was as Kai and Ajie. We’d talked with Dibe a little. Then we wandered around talking to the guests.

After a while, my uncle walked up to us and said, “Kai, come with me. I have something for you to do.”

Becoming Sara Day Eight

Having my sister here brought back a lot of memories. Even though she is a year younger than I am she caught up with me in height and for a little bit she was taller until we both stopped at five two. Many people mistook us for twins as we acted alike and drove our parents nuts like most kids. Even with short hair and boy's clothes people thought I was a girl more than half the time. Even worse when she would wear my clothes as well. It somewhat stopped as my voice deepened, but there was always someone who would point it out, or be shocked speechless when I spoke.

Ring of Zulo

Long ago a magic user of normal skill came across the Medallion of Zulo. Divining its purpose on the first day he studied the item for weeks figuring out every nuance of the mystic item. Using a specially designed box and a ring of the same metal, he was able to link some abilities of the medallion to the ring. Not satisfied he tried several more times to add the full abilities to the ring, but nothing changed. In the end she lost the medallion and surprisingly happy with her new role as a witch.

Unknown number of generations later

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 86

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 86
Old Town. Classes start. Dr. Etsitty.

Yesterday, Saturday, had been crazy. We’d stopped at Mrs. Benallie’s shop on the way to the apartment, and some guy had tried to steal the camera bag with some of the silver jewelry in it. I think he thought that there was a camera in it. Well, I stopped him, and then we met two Santa Fe County Sheriff's deputies.

After we were out of that mess, we finished the drive to Albuquerque. I was so mad at myself for setting the camera bag down that I was ready to put all the jewelry in the safe and weld the safe shut. But calmer heads prevailed, Amy calmed me down. And she suggested that we find someplace to watch a sunset. That place was an hours drive and five-thousand feet higher then we are in Albuquerque. But it was worth the trip. But what was even better was finding a drive-in afterward that served ginger ale milkshakes and great fries. Now if their hamburgers are just as good.

What next?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 85

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 85
Mrs. Benallie’s shop. The police.
And a mountain top.

Last night Ajie and I had been to our first barbecue since we’d been back to New Mexico. And we had some fun with Dibe, the girl that had received the Chief Nastas Todachine Memorial Scholarship, we presented her with a plaque that said that she was the first recipient of the scholarship, and this embarrassed her. We also did this to make it known that Ajie and I were behind the scholarship. This was because of the things that Chief Peshlakai had been pulling.

Ajie and I also met with a reporter from the Navajo Times that was going to write an article about Dibe receiving the plaque. We also found out that he was an investigative reporter and was working on something that Chief Peshlakai was doing that went deeper than what the chief was doing to us.

We also meditated at the bonfire with Dibe, and she felt her spirit. When as we took her home, we talked, and she learned that when she had challenged me to do something for my people that it had sparked the idea for the scholarship.

Last night, Dibe had said, “It’s hard to remember that you are a boy, seeing you as Kai.”

My response had been, “Sometimes it’s even hard for me.”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 84

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 84
The barbecue and the reporter.

We were now in our apartment in Albuquerque waiting for the summer session to start next week. Amy has two classes that she needs to take.

We’d had also found maps of the parks in Albuquerque, and one of the parks had a trail that sounded interesting, and we’d taken a two-and-a-half mile hike on a loop trail. And we found out that we haven’t adjusted to the climate and altitude in the area. Albuquerque is a little over five-thousand feet above sea level, and back home is only about nine-hundred feet.

And now we were back at the resort, going to a barbecue. A barbecue where we were going to formally award the Chief Nastas Todachine Memorial Scholarship to Dibe Bylilly, and where we were probably going to lay all of our cards on the table as far as the scholarship was concerned thanks to Chief Peshlakai.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 83

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 83
A plan. A plaque. A hike.

The Fairbrother were back at the resort, and we were happy to see them.

Then today, Tuesday, we had meetings with my advisor for my master’s program, and Amy’s preceptor for her master’s program who was Dr. Etsitty. And during our talk with Dr. Etsitty, she told us that she knew I was Kai. Which, for some reason, didn’t upset me. And as we talked, we found out that Chief Peshlakai was up to his old tricks. Now that did upset me just a little bit. Yeah right. It upset me a hell of a lot!

After dinner, we watched a Sunset and then went to the bonfire. Naainish was there, and after greeting us, he had said in Navajo, “Kai, I sense trouble. Is everything good?”

“Naainish, it is not good.”, I replied in Navajo.

The Blue Whale Chapter 17

A Lord Of Hell is challenged by a young [1,000 years old] Nephilim attempting to protect a young girl...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A frightened Jackie Eaton has become a pawn in a supernatural conflict between a Lord Of Hell and a NEPHILIM, the Son of the Leader of THE HEAVENLY HOST...


Asmodeus said:

"I have no desire to cross swords with Lucifer's Brother this day. The girl is of no consequence. You may keep her"

The Blue Whale Chapter 16

A beautiful woman walks through The Blue Whale stopping at a table where a handsome older man and a beautiful young woman wearing a French Maid Uniform were siting. The man and the young French Maid stood up...



My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton no longer exists. A young woman named Jackie Eaton is troubled by her transformation and the future ramifications of a rash decision made without thought. A decision she already regrets.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 82

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 82
The Fairbrothers. Dr. Etsitty. And not again.

Amy and I had made our first trip to Albuquerque and the university. We’d visited the departments that we need to visit, the Registrar’s Office and the Student Housing Office. We now had our apartment, which was close to the hospital, and thanks to my aunt and uncle we had some furniture. After tonight, we’d probably only spent one more night at the resort.

Tonight we were at the bonfire just enjoying the fire and being around the guests. Amy and I were standing side by side concentrating on the bonfire when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It startled me. And the karate training kicked in, I spun around, and took a defensive stand. And ...

The Blue Whale Chapter 15

The limousine stopped in front of The Blue Whale (a popular tavern in Collinsport). Darkness was falling as the late afternoon sun disappeared. Fog began to roll in from the harbor when a beautiful woman and a young man exited the limousine and walked towards the door of the Blue Whale...


My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton has entered the Blue Whale to meet an older man. A meeting that will change Jack Eaton forever...


The Blue Whale Chapter 14

A Strange Woman entered the room and noticed mail stacked neatly on the table next to the girl's purse. There was a brochure on the floor and a young girl wearing a Cheerleaders Uniform was unconscious and slumped over...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A confused young woman has fainted. The thought that one of her nightmares was about to come true was too much for her troubled mind to handle...


The Blue Whale Chapter 13

A young tomboy reluctantly allows an imperious French Designer to fit her for the Girl's Uniforms for an exclusive Swiss Finishing School...



My name is Josette Du Pres. An unwilling young tomboy reluctantly allows herself to be fitted for Girl's School Uniforms. She will find the experience embarrassing. Her embarasement will continue this day until she begins to prepare for a date - A date with an older man...


Better Than The Alternative? : Chapter 11

Jordan had been given a second chance to live after overcoming a very unique medical condition. While the procedure saves his life, the side effects that he faces are the last things a 14 year old boy would want. Convinced with what he knows lies ahead, is it better than the alternative?

Better Than The Alternative?
Chapter 11

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2018 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 81

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 81
Albuquerque, the apartment, and a bonfire.

We had made it back to New Mexico and the resort. We had witnessed our first Southwestern Sunset of the year and attended our first bonfire. My aunt had given me an old, fancy, Navajo rug, and we’d taken it to the bonfire to sit on. Two women that were there saw the rug and tried to buy it. But it wasn’t for sale at any price.

Today, Monday, we needed to go to Albuquerque and the university. So Amy and I were up early, it was five in the morning local time, seven back home. We quietly dressed. I was back to being Tom. At least for now.

The Blue Whale Chapter 12

In a world of black and white, two strange creatures crawl on a young girls breasts. Her hair begins to grow rapidly longer and the color of her hair changes from a dark gray to an intense auburn. It is as if her hair has turned into strands of gleaming copper wire...



Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 80

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 80
We say so long and then we say hello.

It was early on Thursday, June 22, and today is the day Amy, and I head to New Mexico. We had just finished a great breakfast, with my parents, Amy’s parents, and Bill. Amy and I were about to excuse ourselves to finish getting ourselves together. When I swore, I heard a car pull into the driveway, a minute later there was a knock on the door.

I said, “Who the heck is here at this hour?”

My mother asked, “Tom, would you answer that please?”

As I got up, I said, “Sure mom.”

I walked over to the door, opened it, and was startled. ...

The Blue Whale Chapter 11

Jack Easton unable to scream or move closed his eyes and again fell into a deep but restless sleep...



My name is Josette Du Pres. A troubled young girl once more has fallen into a deep but restless sleep. She will face no more nightmares this night, but will suffer another attack by two of the fierce creatures that prey upon the unwary young males of Collinsport and the surrounding woods during the coming day - a fateful day for a troubled young girl with an uncertain fate.

The Blue Whale Chapter 10

The young woman helplessly bound and gagged opened her eyes and began shivering. She felt cold as if she was a frozen body in a morgue. She looked around as much as she could with terror in her eyes. With a final shiver, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep but restless sleep...



Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 79

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 79
-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, Zero

Amy and I had chosen a new car and picked it up. It was a graduation gift from our parents.

We had taken a hike on the lake trail, and this time we had a blanket with us. Then we’d washed the ‘61 Chevy but ended up getting more water on us then on the car.

My parents had taken us out for pizza. When we were back home, and Amy and I were getting ready for bed as Amy crossed off Friday on the calendar, she said, “Five and counting.”

The Blue Whale Chapter 9

The young girl opened her eyes. She was unable to scream or move. She tries to test her bindings. She feels a yearning - something is calling to her...



My name is Josette Du Pres. On her first night in Collinsport, a young girl has survived her first nightmare. She will face two more terrifying nightmares before this night ends. But first, she will face another encounter with the fierce creatures that prey upon the males of Collinsport and the surrounding countryside...

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 78

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 78
New car. A thunderstorm. A hike.

I had received a newsletter, from the Fairbrothers, that is written for the American Indian people, and it had an excellent article in it about the two spirt people, and they’d used a picture of Kai and Ajie in it.

The most significant thing that had happened to us is that Amy and I had graduated from college, and she did it as a Summa Cum Laude graduate. I love this girl and I’m so proud of her.

Well, our parents giving us a new car was another big thing that happened.

The day after commencement Amy had to take the exam so that she could be a licensed registered nurse. And I’d just picked her up after she’d finished the exam and we were on the way to a drive-in to get her something to eat. As I drove, I asked her, “So, how do you feel you did?”

The Blue Whale Chapter 8

The young girl in the Maid Cafe Uniform slowly walked over to the table blissfully unaware that she was wiggling her bottom in a highly calculated manner designed to draw all eyes to her. She sat down carefully brushing her petticoat and dress under her as she sat down concentrating on heeding the warning of The Woman to avoid flashing her very naughty ruffled panties.



Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 77

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 77
A newsletter. And Commencement.

Amy and I, or really Amy and Kai, had gone to a support group meeting for two reasons, first to say so long to some people. And I also wanted to see Dr. Whitmeyer or Claire, who was supposed to be there.

Today was Monday, April 3, the first day of our final quarter of undergraduate studies. We had a calendar in our bedroom that showed the countdown to two things. The first was the countdown to commencement, and that was at seventy days. The second was the countdown to the day we leave for New Mexico, and that was at eighty days.

Amy and I only had three classes each this quarter, and none of those classes met on Friday. So, in theory, we had three day weekends. But Amy set Friday as her day to study for her test for her registered nurse's license. And that was okay because it was important to her.

Amy found out that since there was such a large graduating class of nurses that the university was going to be a testing site for the registered nurse's license exam, and that they planned to give the test on the Monday after commencement. No partying after commencement for us.

The Blue Whale Chapter 7

Exhausted by blood loss and overwhelmed by his ordeal, Jack could barely keep his eyes open. The Woman smirked and said:

"You look very cute in makeup and a Maid Cafe Uniform. I can tell that you are really enjoying the experience. I enjoyed watching you deliberately sway as you walked so that you could feel the sweet caress of your petticoat against your willing thighs. I bet you thought I wouldn't notice - Didn't you?"
You just couldn't help fluttering your eyes and smiling to show off your makeup and display how much you
liked wearing your Maid Cafe Uniform...

Forever Hers

My name is Talith. I'm a greater guardian, one of the six that actually stands guard near the Fae princess Anfel Winterborn.

Anfel is the younger daughter to Queen Maeve, the queen of the White Rose Court of the Five Fold Courts of the Seelie Fae.

I'm young as Fae folks go, just about to celebrate my 250th Midsummer's Eve. Shanci Dupresne will be there as the event starts.

Who is Shanci Dupresne, you ask? Why, the love of my life. She is human, but from a line with Fae blood in it, so she may be very long lived.

The Blue Whale Chapter 6

Exhausted by loss of blood, Jack began to doze off while The Woman continued to softly brush Jack's hair...



My name is Josette Du Pres. Jack Eaton, weakened by loss of blood, assaulted by aggressive hormones, overwhelmed by strange new feelings, swathed in clothing a real man would never wear, and stripped of all his male posessions by a strange woman fears that he is losing who he is...



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