
Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 64

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 64
Hi Helen. The pictures. Mr. O’Brian.

We’d found that the ‘dead’ piece of wood that Amy and I had planted in my mother's flower garden had grown. It was now about six inches tall and had some needles on it. My uncle thought that the tree it came from was a Colorado Pinyon Pine. We had also met with the attorney, Cathy Edwards, that we’d met in New Mexico and spoke with her about setting up the scholarship.

Today, being Tuesday, I had an early morning appointment with Helen Taylor, the hairdresser that works at the department store where my mom works. And I had to face the wrath of Helen about my black hair.

Alexa Chapter 36: London Calling, Part 2

The trip to London continues. Alexa searches for answers to the question that seems to be dogging her. More friends are made and the return of one of our favourite groups. Plus Alexa finally sees the dress

A Slave of Jupiter

A Slave of Jupiter is an independent sequel to A Princess of Jupiter. You might want to read that story first to get the context, but it isn't absolutely necessary.

Casey Brooke receives a visitor from Jupiter requesting help to save the planet. Unsure if this was a hoax or if Casey was going insane, Casey decides to bring what the visitor requested to a location in Sedona, Arizona at the appointed time. An accident ensues and Casey finds himself now on Jupiter; alone, naked, and female. Can Casey, now Cassia, save the planet and find love at the same time?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 63

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 63
Spirits? A tree. A meeting.

We’d gone bowling with our friends, and some guy had harassed Amy about being with an Indian, just like what had happened in Taos. The manager of the bowling alley had thrown him out. When the guy had left the bowling alley, we’d heard a car peel out of the parking lot and then a tremendous crash.

We’d run out, and Amy had checked the only occupant. Amy looked at me and said that it didn’t look good. After the cops and fire department where there, we’d come back inside and were talking with our friends.

Then I’d remembered where I knew this guy from, and I said, “Oh my God!”

“What’s wrong, honey.”, Amy asked.

“I just remembered where I knew this guy from.”


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 62

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 62
Ice cream. Frybread tacos. The bowling alley.

Amy and I had just driven home from New Mexico with a detour through the Rocky Mountain National Park. We were home early enough to fix dinner for my parents and tell them the highlights of our trip.

And we had a little over three weeks before classes started. Our senior year.

After dinner, Amy and I were meeting Larry and Kelly, and Mark and Maria for ice cream. And as we sat at a table outside the ice cream parlor, eating ice cream, I asked, “So, guys. What’s new?”

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 61

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 61
The last bonfire and the journey home.

Tonight was our last night in New Mexico. My two aunts had done Ajie's and my hair. And we were at a bonfire in long skirts and fancy blouses. This would be our last bonfire of this year.

And along with some friends Chief Peshlakai was also here. Why?

Chief Kinlicheeny and Naainish had brought him along to apologize for what he’d done at the dance competition. He tried to apologize, but I wasn’t in the mood to accept it. So, instead, I gave him a piece of my mind.

The three of them, Chief Kinlicheeny, Chief Peshlakai, and Naainish, had talked after Ajie, Uncle Paul, and I had walked away from them. And now the three of them were walking towards us.

Now what?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 60

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 60
The last day, for now.

It was Sunday morning, our last full day here. I was lying in bed enjoying the feeling of Amy’s naked body cuddled up to my naked body. I’m glad Amy came up with the idea of sleeping in the nude.

Yesterday had been a good and a bad day. A fun time at the dance competition had turned into a bad time thanks to Chief Peshlakai, and I’d almost put an end to the scholarship thanks to him. But thanks to Dibe I hadn’t. And Ajie, Naainish, and I had had a long talk with Dibe’s family.

But today we had to get ready to head home. And this time instead of flying, we’d be driving.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 59

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 59
A talk with Dibe and her family. A bonfire.

We, grandma, Aunt Ruth, Ajie, and I attended the dance competition today. And I’d put one over on Mr. Yazzie when I’d paid him in full for a squash blossom necklace that he’d discounted for me. I still wanted to pay him for the two meteorite necklaces. But he wouldn't hear of it.

Chief Peshlakai had pulled something that had made me very mad. He had told everyone at the competition about the Chief Todachine Scholarship and that Dee would be the recipient of the first one.

Was I mad? You had better believe I was mad. Very mad.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 58

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 58
The dance competition. Chief Peshlakai.

Last night had been our final barbecue for this trip. It had been fun, but we couldn’t talk with Dee because Ajie and I were with Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother. And Dee was dancing tomorrow, and the Fairbrothers were some of the judges. We’d also had a pleasant talk with the Fairbrothers and learned why they were so interested in two spirit people. They’re one son was one.

Naainish had also had an interesting talk with us. More with Ajie than with me.

Right now my grandmother, aunt, Ajie and I were getting ready to drive to Taos for the dance competition. And we had to bring back dah díníilghaazh (frybread) for my uncle.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 57

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 57
Why the interest? And dah díníilghaazh.

This morning, Amy and I had breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother and talked with them about my two spirits. And they were unquestionably surprised to hear that Kai was a guy and married to Amy. We talked about what they were writing.

Then Amy and I had taken a drive to Taos to see Mr. Yazzie and found out that the two stones that we’d taken out of the hole in the rock were meteorites. Why meteorites?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 56

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 56
Sunrise, Taos, and looking good.

We’d met two people, a Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother, at the bonfire last night. They are members of the Ojibwe Tribe. And they are in town for the dance competition in Taos. They’re judges. They are also researching people with two spirits, and someone in Taos had told them about me. I wonder who told them that? And Amy and I are meeting them for breakfast.

Politics is... Pretty Close to Home, Too [2.3]

Spring Rolls.jpg

Screaming is healthy... well, sometimes at least?
Screaming in bad situations can help you resist much worse, politically unwise actions as well in the long run.

There's no shame in letting off a nice big girly scream or two while falling through the air at speed at least, no matter who you are.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Plans being made and shared repeatedly,
Someone gets clingy for semi-valid reasons,
And Hannah uses John as a meat shield!


Alex and Nicole (chapter 3)

Alex and Nicole (chapter 3)

I looked at Nicole's grinning face, the hot chocolate coated her big toe
and was spreading over her stocking. Her legs were crossed and her
bouncing foot was close to my face now. She sipped on her hot chocolate and
watched me over the brim of the cup without saying a word. The steam didn't
cover the playful glint in her eyes. The rule was though, I had to be asked, uhm
told? To lick her toes. So I just watched her foot bouncing, inches from my face.

When among Dragons... Chapter 14 Acceptance

When among Dragons... Chapter 14 Acceptance

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me
and Gabe as my editor and friend

Looking at the glimmer of the embers in the fireplace which were now almost gone Garrus gathered his thoughts before heading up after Drew. Back in his room he looked around to find Drew lying on his bed, rolled together in the fetal position close to the wall, holding a pillow to his head, sobbing.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 55

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 55
Back to the resort and a bonfire.

Yesterday was crazy. Amy and I had followed a bunch of bent trees that led us to the rock outcropping. Then we followed some arrows carved into the rocks that lead us up the rocks to what must have been, no, was a sacred place. Then after we got back to the cabin and had dinner, we had one of the hikers that we’d seen on the trail earlier show up looking for help. His friend had fallen and hurt himself. Then the cabin became the base camp for a mountain rescue crew for a few hours.

Today, Wednesday, we were heading back to the resort.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 54

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 54
A sacred place. And a rescue.

On our first full day at the cabin, we’d hiked to the fire lookout tower and met Paul Goodfellow, the fire lookout. In talking to him, we found that he had heard of something northeast of the tower. He’d given us a map and shown us the approximate location of where a special place was rumored to be.

After a thunderstorm had rolled through and we’d been visited by a bear, Amy and I had taken a hike. The hike that had proven fruitful, we think we found the trailhead of the trail that might, just might, take us to the sacred place that Naainish had told us about.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 53

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 53
The cabin. The fire lookout tower. And a hint.

Amy and I were now at a cabin in the mountains. And we were completely alone, except for whoever was in the fire lookout tower that was a mile away. And maybe a bear or two.

Our first night there had been great. In fact, we were awoken by the Sunlight peeking in the window.

When among Dragons... Chapter 13 Lessons

When among Dragons... Chapter 13 Lessons

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me

Please note that my editor did not yet get to fully review this chapter. I may update it with corrections later.


“Oh, but the evening has barely begun, hasn't it? Well then… let's get started…“

Horst looked at both of his children and smiled.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 52

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 52
A Massage. Naainish. And a cabin.

Thursday night into Friday morning had not been good. I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about Amy getting hurt because of me. She came out into the living room with me, and we had a good talk.

Then on Friday morning, my uncle had an idea for us to get away, alone, for a few days. A cabin on a mountain, in a National Forest. At the barbecue that night, Naainish picked up on me being troubled, and we had a talk in which he suggested that we get away alone. He was happy that we had already decided to do it. Then he found out where we were going, and he surprised us with something about the area where Amy and I were going.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 51

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 51
A troubling night and a talk with Naainish.

Thursday was supposed to have been a relaxing day, and it was anything but relaxing. We’d gone to Taos with my aunt and uncle to have our jewelry appraised, and Amy and I had been accosted by two guys who did like her being with an “Injun” and that had ruined a great day.

Thursday night had been relaxing, sitting on the patio enjoying the fire and watching the stars. But my mind started working, why did so many bad things happen to me? There was the time at the university. There was time right here at the resort. And now in Taos. And maybe it was four times if you count the traffic accident.

Amy and I went to bed. My mind was working, and I wasn’t sleeping.

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

With a loud crack and a flash of light, a portal formed right next to the half-siblings. While this was totally unexpected to them, at least this time they knew what was likely happening. Someone walked through the opening that looked eerily like a hole in space.

How Could I Not Miss My Prom

Tonight was the night. The night of the end of school prom. The prom where everyone would be there with their dates. Everyone except me. As I looked at the suit that hung upon my door, all I could think was, "I'm not going." It would be far too embaressing as I stand at the side of the dancefloor, alone, watching all the couples dance together.

Then my mother walked in.

"Kaleb, I got the bow tie for your suit tonight"

"I don't care. I'm not going"

The Synthodyne Conspiracy

Brent Daniels’ life is going nowhere fast until one day everything changes when he discovers his parents’ disappearance six years earlier might have been something more sinister than he realized.

As he tries to discover the truth, he uncovers a global terrorist plot, however, his capture by the terrorist organization will leave him questioning everything he ever held of value.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 50

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 50
Back to Taos. And, OH come on!

Thursday was going to be a laid-back day. Amy and I had planned to sleep in, maybe go on a hike, maybe relax in the thermal pools, maybe get a massage and such things.

To start with, we didn’t sleep in, but we did hike up on the cliff to watch the Sunrise. There were a few guests up there with us. Amy and I noticed that the coyotes were silent this morning and that usually meant that there are wolves in the area. As we watched the Sun come up, we kept watching for the wolves. The Sunrise was a very pretty pink, so we’d probably have storms later today. Not Amys favorite thing.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 49

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 49
Taos, Naainish, and a trip.

I had been bothered, again, by the power of a full Moon, and Naainish had helped me. I’d met the new chief of our clan, and I’m still not sure about him. We had also met with the two chiefs and others to discuss the possibility of setting up a scholarship. And the new clan chief, Chief Peshlakai, didn’t make any points with Amy or me.

When among Dragons... Chapter 11 Discoveries

When among Dragons... Chapter 11 Discoveries

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

Garrus hummed, still focused on each other’s ministrations.

“As much as I’d love to, I’m not sure either of us can lift the other, at the moment.“

A hint of sarcasm shone through Garrus’ humor.

“I'm afraid I’ve got to ask you to…“ he harrumphed “… step down.“

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 48

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 48
Troubling spirits, a ceremony, & a meeting.

As we entered the barbecue area, it looked the same. The barbecues, cooking the meat and other things. The tables. A space for the dancers. There was a singer, a drummer, and a flute player already there playing. I don’t know why, but I felt at home. But something wasn’t right. But what?

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 47

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 47
From Santa Fe to a barbecue.

Friday morning I was lying in bed watching Amy sleep. I just smiled.

Amy finally started to wake up, she rolled over, looked at me, smiled, and said, “Good morning love.”

“Good morning, Mrs. Young.”, I replied.

“Why so formal?”

“I just like the sound of it.” And I kissed her again.

We got up and noticed that it was still dark. I asked, “Do you want to watch a Sunrise this morning?”

“I’d love that.”

We got dressed. Yes, I dressed as Kai. It just felt right. ...

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 46

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 46
A home away from home?

On the first Thursday of August early in the morning, just like the first time we went to New Mexico, Amy and I were on a plane heading back there. Amy’s parents had picked up my parents, Amy, and I, in their van and taken us to the airport. We said a long so long. Promised to be safe and to take care of ourselves. And we told them that we’d see them in a few weeks. Amy and I slept all the way to Dallas and then endured our one-hour layover.

After we left Dallas, Amy started talking about the last Friday of her clinicals. And she finally said, “The ...

Stormwall: Chapter 3

Again, it's been a fair while since I've posted anything new for this story. That darn muse keeps throwing other ideas at me, blame her!


After we were allowed to continue on our way, dad and I headed for our departure gate at a brisk walk.

We still had most of an hour before the plane would be there, so we relaxed in a cafe for a while over two hot coffees and fresh doughnuts.

When among Dragons... Chapter 10 Time well spent

When among Dragons... Chapter 10 Time well spent

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

Garrus deadpanned.

“… right. Dem waffles.“

He couldn’t keep a straight face however and started grinning, his mouth watering.

All hard feelings then seemed forgotten and so they went to the table and ate.

The Angel of Chicago: Part 6

I've been a bit busy the past couple of days - including dealing with a plumber - so this is a bit short. I just hope it's readable.

The Angel of Chicago

Part Six: Collisions


Rodford Edmiston

Melody and Arielle didn't have much time to catch up.

"Unfortunately, Dad wants to see you as soon as you are unpacked."

"Give me five minutes," said Melody, even as she turned and hurried towards the bedroom.

"Five minutes?" said Arielle, laughing. "How unladylike!"

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 45

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 45
Amy! Why? And Maria’s wedding.

Amy had spent the first part of this week gathering together copies of our college transcripts and letters of recommendation for herself. And we both had filled out the transient student registration applications.

Then on Friday when Amy and I had gotten together to come home, she was very quiet. She had something on her mind.

She was quiet all the way home, and when we got there, she took my hand, and said, “Tommy. Let's go sit on the porch.”

She led me out onto to porch and to the glider. We sat and cuddled for a little while, then Amy said, “Tommy. Honey. You’re going to hate me.”

“Never.”, I said.

“Yes, you will.”


“I …

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 44

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 44
Can we really do this?

We'd gone to a support group meeting with Patty and Ralph. And we had a surprise, Dr. Whitmeyer, the professor that had tried to disrupt the seminar where Larry's paper was presented, and that Tammy had politely told off, was there dressed as Claire. And the second meeting between Claire, or Dr. Whitmeyer, and I had been interesting.

The girls, Maria, Amy, and Kelly, had started planning for Maria’s wedding this coming summer. They had firmed up a date of the second Saturday in July, July 9, at the local Catholic church.

Then Amy had found out that she could do her clinicals next summer at any teaching hospital that would accept her. This just might make things a little interesting.

When among Dragons... Chapter 9 Compensation

When among Dragons... Chapter 9 Compensation

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend
as well as Sammi for ideas

Sitting up now, perched on top of his bed Garrus smiled at Drew, his head tilted slightly. Once Drew noticed Garrus, he lept up, dashing towards him until Garrus’ nose was pressed right up against his.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 43

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 43
The support group.

Amy, Patty, Ralph, and I had been sitting outside the church where the support group met, watching the membership arrive. I had a bad feeling about this meeting, but so far I hadn’t sensed anything about the people going in. We were about to go in when a car pulled in.

I watched as the man got out of his car, remove a suitcase from his trunk, and walk into the church. I had a bad feeling about this guy. And, Ralph had gotten out of our car saying, “You three wait here, and I’ll be back.”

We watched as Ralph followed the guy into the church.

Amy then asked, “What were you feeling?”

“It was almost like what I felt with Ralph when I first met him. There was something, but it was different in some way.”

“So you’re concerned about that guy that Ralph followed into the church.”, Patty asked.

“Yeah. It may be nothing. But then … “

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 42

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 42
Back to normal? A support group?

Amy and I were sound asleep when the phone rang. Sometimes when someone is in the hospital and the phone rings here’s an air of foreboding. ...

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 41

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 41
A girls get together. Daddy, you’re going!

Somehow my Dad and I found time to make the frames for the certificates and the pictures of Grandpa Nez. It was interesting, but in working with the branches of the tree, I felt something. Maybe it was the spirit of the tree. Both Amy and Mom liked what Dad and I did. Dad put one of the pictures of grandpa up in the den, along with the certificates. The other picture I put on the wall in our room.

Amy and I kept going to the karate classes twice a week, and the instructor spent time teaching moves to use in self defense. We also did regular walks in the park. And Mom started on our Navajo language lessons.

At the next full Moon, something unusual happened. ...

When among Dragons... Chapter 8 Bonds

When among Dragons... Chapter 8 Bonds

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend
as well as Sammi for ideas

Garrus’ words broke the spell Drew seemed to have been in, and at first, he considered just saying something non-committal. But then everything in him broke and he huddled himself against Garrus, half leaning against, half holding onto him, and he started crying.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 40

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 40
The aftermath and Kelly finds out.

Amy and I had said so long to Kelly and walked out of the lecture hall. As we walked out of the door, we found Dr. Whitmeyer and a couple of the people who’d left with him standing there. I froze.

We just looked at each other, then he finally said, “Young lady. Can I speak to you?"

“No sir.”, I said. “I have nothing to say to you.”

“Young lady. Please. ...

Mating Spell

Emily's senile witch of a grandmother has placed a mating spell on her making her destined to fall in love with the first man she encounters. While fighting the lusty spell, Emily is being barraged by men wanting to meet her. Only her roommate, Alicia, can keep these men at bay and keep Emily from getting herself pregnant. However, things are never as they seem.

A Game Of Cards Chapter 3

A Game Of Cards

Chapter 3

" You got me a BIKINI?"

Jake looked at the red string bikini in utter disgust as Jen chuckled. He was now annoyed at Jen.

" This is too much Jen! First you cheat and paint my nails but I don't utter a word. You make me wear heels but I don't complain much. Now a bikini? What are you trying to do?"

" Okay. I agree to cheating in poker. I only did that because I wanted to paint your nails since three years and I could never make you agree to it."

" So that is why every bet we make involves you painting my nails?"


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