
11th Sun: Chapter 15: Goodbye

Finally Carolyn pings me, and I have to put on pants. They’ve got the money.

To Ci’s mind, I check my terminal, then get up and immediately start dressing. I don’t have any way of telling her where I’m going, or that I plan to come back.

Do I plan to come back? Eleven wouldn’t have come back. 11 will.

Candy Crush

Candy Crush

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2017

This one started as an entry to the Feb 2016 Crush Mini-Competition. The name came from the game (a former, temporary addiction) but the game has nothing to do with the story. As happens on occasions, the story kept growing, and I was only half way through when the competition deadline went whistling past. I persevered though.

I actually thought I hadn’t finished it, so it was a little surprise, when I dug it out earlier today, to find that it was complete, albeit that most of it seemed to have been written on my phone, which meant that parts were all but unreadable, thanks to the Autokorrect Nazis in my former piece of junk. For that, and many other reasons, I will never be tempted to buy a Widows phone again.

Anyway, I’ve spent an enjoyable day reacquainting myself with this little piece, and fixing (I hope) most if not all of the buggerups. I hope you all find it just as enjoyable. Please share your thoughts and feelings at the end. Remember, it takes twenty-six muscles to frown, four to smile, and only one to click on that comment button (then maybe one or two more to add some text). I really love hearing from you. Private messages are good if you want to stay anonymous.

11th Sun: Chapter 14: [XXX] Empowerment

I’ve been on the station nearly a week. It’s taking this long for Bob’s Gun’s to get their money together, and I’m beginning to think they’re jerking me around.

But that’s not why I’m staying.

I’ve been sleeping in that weird bed for three nights. Well we do a lot less than sleep. That is, very little sleep goes on in the bed. Sort of.

For three days I’ve slept in, while Lia goes off to work her ten hours. Hard is the kind of place that stay open at her convenience, and the regulars know when to come. The non-regulars find somewhere soft to drink.

11th Sun: Chapter 13: 11

Something has broken deep inside me. I cry on the inside, laying in their arms, while I try to process what has happened. Something has happened inside my head and it’s devastating.

Sometimes a hooker would cry after sex. I tried to get offended, but the truth was, I never really cared that much. Not even enough to look down on them for it.

Now the emotional tole of the last two days, hell the last three months, is hitting me more deeply than I thought I could feel. These damn lesbians have mind-fucked me.

The Twoderful Story of Cinderella - An Inflationary Tale

Author's Note:

Perhaps one of the greatest comedic pianists of our time, the "Clown Prince of Denmark" Victor Borge was known for inventing what he called "Inflationary Language". It's premise was simple: to every word that included a number or number sound, he simply added one to that part. Thus, wonderful became TWOderful, before became beFIVE, created became beNINEd, and so fifth. Here is my take on a classic Grimm's fairy tale, Cinderella. I hope you enjoy it.

Haylee V

The Island

Ryan Morgan, an injured veteran and recently divorced takes a luxury cruise with his last savings. His life held nothing more for him and felt this might be the perfect way to end his life. While on the cruise he meets a young woman that he is immediately drawn to but her own wounds only allow them to be friends. When her life is threatened during a shipwreck Ryan decides to risk his own life to save hers only to find himself on death’s door on a remote island.

Corset Magic

Jesse has an addiction to corsets and it has gotten stronger over the years. It has affected how his body has grown just enough that he has more of a hour glass shape than a typical boy. When his sister tells him of this antique corset he is a bit reluctant to go see it. He had to wear corsets, but he disliked wearing a corset dress. The old shop they go to has more than just a corset as they are transported to an alternate world. He slowly learns about the world and that her future husband is there to meet her for the first time and something strange happens.

The Cauldron

In a world where magic is dispensed to everyone on their eighteenth birthday people look forward to the day they stand beneath the Cauldron that gives out magic. That is everyone but Jaden as he’s not like everyone else. What will happen when he is called?

The Cauldron

H & J Mysteries: Episode 1 -- Hugh Better Be Good!

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

H & J Mysteries
Episode 1: Hugh Better Be Good!


Hugh met Jackie, formerly Jack, a con man, while on an undercover assignment in Fort Worth. She now helps him solve crimes. Follow their continuing adventures in this series.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Stormwall: Chapter 2

Sorry for the delay on posting this part, I was stuck at one point in the piece and my muse was apparently on a long vacation.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to post more pieces fairly soon, but I need to find a new place to live, that's much more important right now.


Well, as they say, life goes on, and on Wednesday, it was back to the training, but this time it was purely physical. They had me lifting weights on various machines, running as fast as I could around a one mile underground track circuit, jumping jacks, toe touches, stuff like that.

A Life Greater Than Expectations

Greater Than Expectations
Supposition Life

Sean Kinsman Raul a genius, very rich, history geek, that is socially stunted, and still a virgin at twenty-two. Finds out your life and be a real life Fairy tale. If that is your true Destiny.

Hugh Don't Know Jack! Chp. 6 -- See Hugh Later, Jackie & Epilogue

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

Hugh Don't Know Jack!


Have the police got their man and their money back? Only Hugh knows.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Hugh Don't Know Jack! Chp. 5 -- Amid the Hugh and Cry

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

Hugh Don't Know Jack!


Will the police get their man and their money back? Only Hugh knows.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Hugh Don't Know Jack! Chp. 4 -- Win One for the Grifter

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

Hugh Don't Know Jack!


Will the police get their man and their money back? Only Hugh knows.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Hugh Don't Know Jack! Chp. 3 -- The Art of Negotiation

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

Hugh Don't Know Jack!


Will the police get their man and their money back? Only Hugh knows.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Hugh Don't Know Jack! Chp. 1 -- The First Meeting

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

Hugh Don't Know Jack!


Will the police get their man and their money back? Only Hugh knows.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Turnabout Part 12

The saga of Dan and Jessa continues

Jessa learns that sometimes to get what you want you have to let go....

Thanks as always, Lizzy Bennet for your comments and kind words.

Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 1

Book 2
Lady in Waiting Part 1
Lady in Waiting 3.jpg

Note: for those that have read this story before this is a slight re-write of the original chapter 12.

This is the year that Charlotte departs England for a short while with her brother who is working for the government she is to all intents a young lady of quality. They are accompanied my Charlottes Ladies maid Anna and bound for Portugal.
Charlotte decides that Anna is more suited to be a companion rather than a ladies maid but before this could happen poor Anna undergoes a fate worse than death – she has a full body bath!

The Perfect Shave

Feminist writer, Joey, decides to give the Dollar Shave Club a try but gets a nasty shock when it promotes unseemly hair growth and masculine changes to her body. In the end, she must choose to either embrace the change or fight the company that has cursed her.

A Princess of Jupiter

In the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Jupiter follows the life of Captain Caelen Carter. Finding himself dying in a Mexican cenote he is flung outward to wake upon the surface of Jupiter. Not only does he have to survive in a strange world but he also has to do so as a woman.

Turnabout Part 10

Lizzy Bennet, once again thank you!

Dan (now Jessa) and Jessica (now Dan) continue their trip to Palm Beach. Jessa tells Dan how she really feels. Then, they go to dinner with the boss and Jessa learns about playing the corporate game.


Stormwall: Chapter 1

The cautions given here are for events described in the long background portion in the middle of the piece.

I could have told this story without all that background info, but she was visiting family, and catching up on everything related to them.


As short a time as a week ago, I thought everything was just as it should be. I was a young male in my junior year of high school, a strong member of our track and field team, and I was doing pretty darn well in my classes, only one B grade in the previous semester.

Stumbles Of Love Part 3

Here is the next bit of Stumbles, I've known the initial premise for Erin being Erin, but didn't know WHY until I woke up several hours ago.

I added the tag for Magic because it is and will be part of the story, as I will explain in the talk between Erin and Stasia here.

The cautions are due to the violence in parts of this chapter and the suicide of Erin's father before she was born.


Stasia had to stand there and wait for a few minutes before the door opened and Erin spoke, "Welcome to my home. Please enter."

Chaos Theory

*** Introduction ***

Cade Maxwell and Tatiana Pierce were partners in the CIA for over thirty years. Their current mission is to capture their target and return to the CIA with a new piece of technology, a chaos machine. Although warned of unforeseen circumstances, Cade and Tatiana are exposed to the machine and thrust headlong into an alternative reality; a reality where Cade is a seventeen year old girl and Tatiana is an eighteen year old boy. Their final year of high school might just be their toughest mission yet.

*** Story ***

Chaos Theory

Turnabout Part 9

Once again, LIzzy Bennet, thank you for all of your help and encouragement

I woke up Tuesday morning ready to face the day. Today was the day we were going to try and get pregnant. I had been regularly checking my basal temperature and I was sure that this afternoon was the perfect time.

Turnabout Part 8

Thanks as always to Lizzy Bennet

Jess and I were about to leave the airport to go to the Breakers. I turned to her and asked, “Do I look OK?” I was wearing a batik print dress that came to just above the thigh and a pair of Tom’s canvas espadrilles. I would have worn sandals but it was too cold.

“Stop it. You look gorgeous. That dress is perfect. I can’t believe you put in all this effort for the plane,” Jess said.

Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles! Parts 1 - 5

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Shit Happens, But So Do Miracles!
by Tanya Allan


Shit_Happens_iStock_000004431591Small.jpg Synopsis
Young Martin Collins was the youngest of five brothers, and no sisters! His mother, Jenny, had always wanted a girl, and although slightly disappointed, treated him no differently!

However, from a very early age, Martin himself realised that things weren’t quite right, and when playing with some girls his age, he made the discovery that was to charge his life!

He was in the wrong body!

Childhood should be a time of fun and laughter, but for Martin it was to prove a depressing and miserable time, until things started to change, and a light shone at the end of his tunnel!

Miracles are few and far between, but for Martin, his life went from bad to brilliant!

Making Up the Numbers (Preview/Demo)

Making Up the Numbers

A DEMO of a new story in the works by:
Melanie E.


Yep. I'm writing this. What you're seeing here is a first draft of the first 3 chapters of a brand-new tale by yours truly that, when finished, will be submitted to Erin for use in the hatbox and, maybe, for Amazon sales. We'll see.

It's been a while since I wrote anything substantial, so this time around I'm going for something a bit, well, a bit different.

Hope you enjoy the demo, and if you like it... well, keep an eye out :)

Two First Times

“If you’re sure... I don’t want to pressure you or make you feel like you owe me.”


“Tell me what you want,” I said. “I can’t promise I’ll do it, but I’ll at least consider it. And I won’t judge you for it.”


He was silent again. Then: “All right... promise not to laugh or freak out?”

Turnabout Part 7

Thanks again Lizzy Bennet for all of your feedback, encouragement and kind words

Dan and Jessica make a huge decision...but not without drama


It was Charles’ day off, so Marty offered to take us to the airport.

Turnabout Part 6

Thanks to Lizzy Bennet for her comments. They are much appreciated.

We were walking into the apartment after dinner with my parents.

“What’s wrong with this outfit?” I was wearing a blue women’s oxford shirt, black skinny jeans, boots and a black blazer.

“Nothing,” Jess said, with a smile. “You actually look really good. Clothes look good on you.”

“Why did she say something then?”

She laughed, "That is a separate question.”

“Why is she pushing my buttons?”

Jess grinned widely. “She installed them.”

The Weather Girl

This is a story I wrote some time ago. It's shorter than most. I hope you enjoy this short story.

The Weather Girl

Have you ever flipped through the local news stations just to find the one with the best looking anchors or weather person? For me, it is not so much about the content of the news, it is who I got to stare at for those forty-two minutes every morning while I get ready for work. I'm not strange or some weird stalker. It is the same reason why I choose female gaming characters. Personally, I would rather look at something pretty than a clunky, chunky, male.

Vesta's Hearth 17 and 18

Vesta’s Hearth Chapters 17 and 18


Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012

This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Helen learns to hate telephones, yearns for a kiss and takes her brand new 50 year vintage Ford Zephyr Zodiac for a spin.



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