
Synergy - Chapter Two

Synergy - Chapter 2

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I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Synergy - Chapter One

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

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I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Synergy - Prologue

Synergy: When Past and Present Collide

Girl with Sword

I would soon learn the mistake I had made to cure my incessant boredom; I had led mankind down a road that only gods should traverse. The mistake that came from ignorance and curiosity would change not only my destiny, but that of mankind itself. But like any event there is a point in time where all the threads meet, a time when the slightest change has the greatest impact, its synergy.

Comdex - 11 - You Want me to do WHAT!!!

COMDEX Chapter 11, “You Want Me To Do WHAT???
“This has to be a Joke!”

Steven’s Hall, 1400 hours EST, Friday, December 28,

Linda turned to her wife, still asleep on her shoulder and gently shook her, “Hi Honey, we’re home.”

“Ow, that hurt. Is it morning yet?” I muttered, disoriented.

“Uh, I don’t think you wear your UZI to bed honey,” Hal informed me, trying to be helpful.

“I’m sorry Love, I didn’t think.”

The White Squaw

indianWoman_0.jpgThe White Squaw
By Anon Allsop

A young settler is captured by Indians while wearing women's clothing. To keep from being killed, the boy is forced to assume the role of the white female he is pretending to be. Donovan becomes friends with a white female who has been living with the Indians for many years, however, his ruse only worsens as he desperately tries to ward off the amorous advances of his Tehya's step-brother.

From my research on this story, the Osage were as far north as Independence Missouri in 1825. The youth was captured along the Platt River in 1851 by a lone Indian and then taken south for Several days. He had no real idea where he was...he only knew that Indian was in control, and he would die... The Osage Indians at the time of my story, were mostly living in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, however, It would not be beyond the realm of possibility for a single Indian to venture as far north as the Platt River.

Marooned In Paradise

sea-storm_0.jpgMarooned In Paradise
By Anon Allsop

A young boy traveling with his Grandmother across the ocean encounters a great storm, suddenly washed upon a deserted island frightened and alone, he must brave the loneliness and survive. Everything seems to change when another young man is washed ashore a few years later, will they get along...can they both cope while, "Marooned In Paradise"

Purple Pimp or Kneel

The Third Street Saints have been in numerous turf wars over the year against other gangs, the authorities, and even an alien empire. Maybe Father Time should have thought twice before he messed with their rackets.

The Bride's Groom Chapter 1


My name is Albell Sentnaria. I am a 4th generation boy of the famed Sentnaria merchant family. Unlike other merchant families, my family is incredibly poor. So when someone of high birth offered a large sum to my family in exchange for marrying me to his child, my family jumped at the chance.

Now here's my dilemma. I'm betrothed to the prince of the kingdom, who has a weird taste in brides. Depending on how I seduce him, I will either have him as my bride or he will have me as his bride. To make matters worse, I will have to seduce him, who will be crossdressing as the princess of the kingdom while crossdressing myself as a young girl. Why me?!!!

The Bride's Groom Chapter 1
A tale of crossdressing love between two straight boys.

By Shinieris

Transgender Cinema: The Fuller Breast Man

Erin's FULLER BREAST MAN Story Challenge

Transgender Cinema: THE FULLER BREAST MAN
In which the titular character makes a clean breast of things...
Film review by Laika Pupkino

THE FULLER BREAST MAN is an odd movie for several reasons, but perhaps the oddest things about this old black + white comedy is that it was released at all, especially in 1957 when it was fairly taboo to even saying the word "breast" in films. It stars Bob Hope (and then Eve Arden) as Chester Buxley, a door to door salesman with a suitcase full of products from the Fuller Breast Corporation, which as the name implies sells a bustline enhancement product. But unlike that junk you see advertised in the back pages of magazines their stuff actually works- a formula with magical properties that makes bosom of whoever drinks it swell almost instantly.

Halloween at the Old Infirmary


Estate Agent, Tim Dudley, went to the old Infirmary on Halloween hoping to sell it to a client, but the client quickly left and he was left to wander the building by himself. The old manuscript was in a hidden laboratory next to the mortuary. It proved to be compelling reading!

Author's Note: There is no explicit sex in this story, but it does tell of certain activities with dead bodies. But then, if you read Halloween stories, you should expect nothing less.


Audience Rating: 



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The Angry Mermaid 79 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 79

Drustina receives a summons to attend King Ethelred's court to resolve some issues concerning her pregnancy. She keeps her baby's paternity a secret to avoid any complications concerning the baby's potential rights to claim the Viking throne. Later she discovers her love for Carl and agreement to marry wins her some unexpected bonuses in her quest to regain her queendom of Lleyn.

Let it Rain

girl in field

Writers block, life in general as well as a lack of a muse has contributed to the sharp drop of stories. I hope that this story meets with those expectations that many who like my stories have had in the past; hopefully it will transport them into a place and time that they will remember fondly. Thank you, Anon Allsop

Let it Rain
By Anon Allsop

A shrill whistle woke the young woman. She raised her head up from the crook of her arm and took in her surroundings. The first thin light of dawn was breaking the horizon, golden rays of sunshine creating a strange glow within the car. The gentle rocking and steady rhythmic clacking of the train reminded her of where she was.

The Angry Mermaid 66 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 66

In this chapter, Drustina experiences her first pre-prepared and planned engagement with the Vikings. Andrar, the young heir to the Freisian throne has his first terrifying experience of battle.

Angel Season One, Episode 14 (Dwayne's World)

Angel Season One,
Episode 14 (Dwayne's World)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

Liz recounts to Ashley early memories of her and her father leading up to the day of his death and their arrival in the shelter. Meanwhile in Russia, Megan and Mitri establish a newfound friendship based on their shared knowledge of Michael and the powerful woman he has become. Megan seeks comfort as the two reminisce about their training days with Michael. Michael, out of options and alone with nothing but memories, begins to lose hope, while Reid conducting his own investigation, makes a shattering discovery.

The Angry Mermaid 56 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 56.

The Angry Mermaid 56

I would first suggest that any readers read back to Chapter 55 just to pick up any loose threads and recollect the gist of this saga. basically, for any newcomers, The Angry mermaid is a story that describe's Drustina's many adventures as she tries to make her way home and recover her homelands from the Viking Pirates who stole it from her when she was only fourteen and lucky to escape with her/his life.

We pick up the story where Drustina has visited Brendigan to use her testimony to ensure the succession to the throne of Dame-mark and thus ensure a lawful peace amongst the Baltic and Scandinavian countries.

Angel Season One, Episode 12 (Motherland Part 2)

Angel Season One,
Episode 12 (Motherland Part 2)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

The exciting conclusion to Motherland. Michael's friends are in danger, and teams up with his Russian friend and his brother by revealing he is not of this world. By the end, friendships will be made while others lost. Superpowers will topple, giving birth to something new.

Angel Season One, Episode 9 (Needle in a Haystack)

Angel Season One,
Episode 9
(Needle in a Haystack)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

The police have had little luck finding Liz and Ashley leaving Michael/Karen skeptical that he will ever find his wife and daughter. To make up for his loss, he sets out to use the gift he was given to help others in need.

Angel Season One, Episode 8 (It's the End of the World as We Know It)

Angel Season One,
Episode 8
(It's the End of the World as we Know It)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2012 G.M. Shephard

While Michael/Karen and Megan prepare to spend Christmas together, another Christmas celebration somewhere else is in the planning stages, one that will be less enjoyable for those participating. The big question will finally be answered.

Angel Season One, Episode 7 (Event Horizon)

---Angel Episode 7 "Event Horizon”---
By G.M. Shephard

Michael/Karen cracks under the strain he/she is under and takes Megan up on her offer to wait with her in Houston in hopes Liz and Ashley come home. Megan decides to tender her resignation at NASA and focus attending to her new friend/patient.

Angel Season One, Episode 6 (DC Follies)

---Angel Episode 6 "DC Follies”---
By G.M. Shephard

Megan having retreated from the party early, receives devastating news before she can tell her fiancee about the good news regarding his flight status. Michael/Kaaren passes his time in the city, contemplating how he/she should spend the next twelve years, while waiting to see his friend again. Later he makes a startling discovery.

Angel Season One, Episode 5 (Anguish)

---"Angel" Episode 5 Anguish”---
By G.M. Shephard

"Angel" Season One continues as Michael/Karen checks into a hotel in the Nation's Capital and awaits for his friend to call with good news. The anguish he faces, wondering where is family, is is too much for him to bear. That along with stress of his sudden change of life, and the loneliness he feels, prompts him to seek out a means to forget about life for a while. His first experience in the public nightlife living as Karen, he experiences for the first time many issues women have to face at the hands of men and other women.

Angel Season One, Episode 4 (Solitude)


With the Earth safe, Michael collects his thoughts and examines Kaaren's body up close before his reunion with his wife and daughter. Meanwhile NASA tries to figure out the strange set of anomalies that lead to their salvation, while the government tightens down on the truth. Beginning of the regular season of Angel.

Angel - Season One - Pilot (Parts 1-3)

---"Angel" Season One Pilot---

Mission commander Michael Owen is on the verge death after a failed mission in space to save the planet earth. Saved by what he thinks to be an angel, this friend from another world offers Michael the opportunity to save his planet by endowing him with great power, but at a great personal cost.

Ezekiel's Victory - Epilogue

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB


In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 13

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB

Chapter 13

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

Ezekiel's Family have fled and Charity is to finally get her wish.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 12

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB

Chapter 12

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

The family have fended off a delegation from the village where they are currently staying, but they have been told to leave in the morning. In the meantime, Constance is disguised as Ezekiel, her late brother. And Charity has asked for a favor from Samuel, her father ...

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 11

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 11

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

In their flight from their home village, the family has stopped for a few days in a small abandoned house while they wait for a river to subside.

Lost in the Mists of Time - Chapter 4

Lost in the Mists of Time
By Fiona Murray
I lost sight of Andrew and the soldier. I adjusted where I was pointing the pistol towards the officer who was drawing his sword and fired. As the smoke cleared, I saw Andrew coming out of a crouched run quickly batted the soldier’s musket away with his left arm and hacked him with his broadsword. I saw the officer lying dead by the door and fainted.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 10

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 10

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

In their flight from their home village, the family has stopped for a few days in a small abandoned house while they wait for a river to subside.

Thorvald's Saga

Thorvald and Olaf Gundarson are sentenced to three years as outlaws by the medieval parliament of Iceland, and any man can kill they. They seek the help of a wizard, but the help they get is hardly what they expected.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 9

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 9

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

In their flight from their home village, the family has stopped for a few days in a small abandoned house while they wait for a river to subside.

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 8

Ezekiel's Victory

by BB
Chapter 8

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

Constance kissed Charity lightly on the lips. "Do not fear, like all else it is a part of God's plan. Hold God in your heart and all else will happen as He wills. Now let us sleep for it is late and I am finding this travelling to be very tiring."


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