Angel Season One, Episode 7 (Event Horizon)

---Angel Episode 7 "Event Horizon”---
By G.M. Shephard

Michael/Karen cracks under the strain he/she is under and takes Megan up on her offer to wait with her in Houston in hopes Liz and Ashley come home. Megan decides to tender her resignation at NASA and focus attending to her new friend/patient.

Angel S:1E:7 “Event Horizon”
By G.M. Shephard
Copyright 2012
Edited by: jeffusually


Dear Readers, Thank you for following along so far. What you are about to read, it a personal favorite of mine, it's also very personal. Please enjoy this episode.



Episode 7 "Event Horizon"

---Megan's Place---

Megan was glad to finally be home after such a long journey. She sat bundled up in a blanket at her kitchen table with a bottle of wine, going through her mail. She was able to deduce roughly at which point Brad started screwing around on her by the neatness of the mail piles. The first few months, Brad had meticulously sorted each envelope into neatly stacked piles depending on type. All of her bills, opened and paid by him, were sorted by type, followed by a pile of junk mail, and lastly her growing fan mail from thousands of aspiring young girls whom she inspired.

As the year progressed, her bills were clumped together and no longer divided based on water, electricity, phone, mortgage. Each of the piles showed signs of his distraction as he no longer took the time to put them in tight stacks, but threw them in crude piles atop the neat piles. By the time his affair was in full swing about four months ago, her mail was just dumped in one large unsorted mess in a mail carrier box. Megan started crying as she wondered if he was heartless enough to bring that whore into her home. She wouldn’t put it past him, that the two defiled every room in her house while she was living in a space about the size of her office with six men. She was depressed enough having just ended an emotional call to her parents where she told them the news. Her dad was frank and wanted nothing more than a few rounds alone with the bastard that hurt his little girl, while her mother spent the better part of an hour trying to analyze the situation, using emotion to read into Brad’s black heart. In the end, the call was making her feel worse inside and did little to comfort her. She looked forward to talking with her brother who was always the voice of sound reason in the family, able to cut through the crap.

To break free of the depression, she turned her attention to the pile of fan mail. Dumping the box of unsorted mail on the the center island in her kitchen, she carefully placed the pile of pink and white envelopes all addressed to her, handwritten in the most feminine of handwriting. It brought a smile to her face knowing all the young girls who aspired to be her someday. Bottle of wine in hand, and the fireplace crackling, she unpacked the box onto her sofa, took seat next to the pile and began reading. One by one, her tears of sadness were replaced by tears of joy as she carefully read each of her fan’s dreams. The stories of these girls struggling in all aspects of growing up into young women and the inspiration she gave them, suddenly rendered her problems null and void. Her relationship problems were trivial compared to the plight many of her fans were going through. It made her feel better how she was able to turn lives around without even having to schedule a counseling session with them.

She was in the moment, happy to know her failed mission, somehow succeeded in changing a part of the world for the better, and her heroism was justified, when the phone rang. She looked at her watch and saw it was midnight. Typically, emergency calls were routed through her office, but she hadn’t started taking patients yet. She wiped her tears from her face and picked up the phone.

“Hello,” She answered.

---Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston TX---

“Mr. Thompson, Mr. Carter is here to see you,” the soft voice of his assistant said through the intercom.

“Great, give me a couple minutes and send him in.” Frank cleared a few preliminary classified reports of Operation THOR off his desk and put them back into his safe. Nothing that happened made any sense and they would probably discover a unifying theory of everything before they unlocked the mystery surrounding the world’s miraculous salvation a few weeks ago. There was a polite knock and after granting permission to enter, Brad opened the door and hesitantly stepped inside.

“Mr. Thompson, you wanted to see me.”

“Brad, have a seat,” Frank said pointing to the chair. He was a little busy so he skipped past the formalities of standing and shaking the man’s hand. They all knew each other, so bypassing social etiquette wasn’t unusual around here, “I take it you talked to Megan?” He appeared to look a little uneasy and shifted in his seat.

“Yes, she said you wanted to see me this morning.”

“Well, what do you think?”

“Think about what sir?” It was becoming clear that for some reason, Megan decided forego being the barer of the news. Frank scrapped the dialog he had prepared and changed his approach.

“Brad, there were a few unfortunate events that have forced us to make a few changes,” Frank’s job demanded constant seriousness and he had little time to let his humorous personality shine. He was somewhat known for having a dry sense of humor and leading people down a false path where a punchline was waiting for them. He was about to give Brad his dream shot, but decided to take advantage of Megan’s silence and screw with him a little. Apparently he knew what this meeting entailed, but had no clue as to which way it was going to proceed. He was sweating, knowing his career was either going to crash and burn or reach escape velocity right here in this office. Before Frank could continue, Brad spoke up.

“Look Mr. Thompson, I know what you are going to say, I deserve it.” Frank thought the panel’s decision was the right one, he had all the right stuff, and you had to have that kind of attitude, but he seemed to have a unusually high ego to say that he deserved it.

“So you think you deserve it, is that right?” Brad lowered his head.

“Yes,” he said as if feeling reluctant to admit it, “I’m a jerk, it was completely selfish of me. Things just happened and I couldn’t control myself. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.” Frank was suddenly confused as to the sudden change in trajectory the conversation just took. He was completely in the dark, but didn’t want to admit it as he was now very curious as to what Brad was talking about.

“Ok, tell me what happened,” Frank said to get him talking, Brad kindly took the bait and started spilling his guts.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen, but we started going out four months into the mission. I knew it was wrong, but I, well we didn’t think there was much time left in the world. I didn’t know everyone would find out. Megan knows everything, she broke off the engagement the other night.” As Brad spilled his story of his affair, Franks hands, while hidden under the desk, clenched into tight fists. His blood was boiling as what he was hearing. He proceeded calmly at first.

“So let me get this straight, you have been having an affair with someone this past year?” Brad barely finished saying yes, when the personnel outside his office jumped out of their skin as Thompson when ballistic.

“Are you fucking kidding me, you egotistical bastard,” He pounded his fists on the desk as he got up and walked around bringing himself within of the standard bubble of distance Marine Corpse Gunnery Sergeants stay outside of when yelling at new recruits. “Your fiancee was risking her life 54 million kilometers away from earth, saving your ass, mine and the one you were banging in the back of your Mustang. You piece of shit, she might as well be my daughter. Who the fuck were you banging?” Frank could see the silhouettes of people massing outside his blinds listening to the commotion. Giving Brad a quick moment of relief, Frank threw a magazine at the window sending a message to the crowd to disperse. For a moment they scattered, only to reconvene seconds later like a school a fish.

Frank, making his point clear, instantly calmed down and returned to his desk.

“Do you know why I called you in here today” Brad was about to speak, when Frank cut him off, “You shut your hole, I wasn’t asking you a question. I called you in here to tell you the panel approved putting you on the active flight roster. Looks like that woman who’s life you just destroyed is smarter than we both think. She was supposed to tell you that, instead she convinced you to feed yourself to a lion that wasn’t even hungry.” Frank enjoyed watching as the prick before him realized she had been played into giving himself up.

“I’m such an idiot,” he said knowing he just completed flushing his career down the toilet.

“You are. I don’t know who you are screwing, but she is nothing compared to what you just let slip through your fingers. There is a really good guy out there that deserves such a fine woman, and you just gave him his shot. Here’s the deal, the panel chooses who goes on the roster, I don’t have a say in that, but I am king of this castle, and I get to chose who on that roster is on my flight team. In case it hasn’t been apparent to you yet, we are all a big family. Lives are at stake, and we don’t fuck each other over. If that’s what you want, I know plenty of people in Washington you can work for, but it won’t happen here. I would love to send you packing but I can’t. You better hope and pray that I get fired over what just happened, because as long as I am the Flight Director, you’re not going up. Do you understand me.” Brad shook his head in agreement.

“Now, I am suspending you for two months while you think about your career. I hope you will do what Dwayne did, and find another job so I don’t have to look at you. One more thing before you get out of my office, if whoever you are screwing works for me, you tell her to put in her resignation now, because if I find out on my own, she will never work anywhere in this field again. Now get out of my office.

---Megan's Place---

It was close to noon, Megan had spent the better part of the weekend cleaning her house of the dust that had accumulated over the last year. She was tired and her hips and legs were hurting, but she was feeling stronger and able to move around a little un-aided. She finished cleaning up and put some coffee on while she get cleaned up. Karen was due to arrive around 12:30 and had little time to get dressed. As she stepped into the shower, she recalled the phone call she received the other night. She knew Karen would call her, but didn’t count on it being so soon. Megan knew her friend was very alone and hurting and she wanted nothing more than to reach out and help her. She hoped she could gain her friend’s confidence where Karen would be able to open up to her. She needed a way to quickly convey her friendship and loyalty and hoped Karen would respond to her. Megan finished getting ready, checking for the fifth time in the mirror that her hair and makeup were perfect. 'This is going to be tough.' she thought as the doorbell rang.

---McCormack Residence Exterior---

I scanned the address number one more time before ringing the doorbell, ensuring I wasn’t about to disturb the wrong house. Megan’s place was very nice with a sizable front and rear yard. I knew approximately where she lived, but had never been to her house in the years prior. Most of us lived close to Houston or just outside, although during training we could spend much time away. The families enjoyed being close to the central hub of communications to the Orbiters while we were in space. Megan lived in a crowded neighborhood so to be safe I landed in a park several miles away and took a cab, passing navigation duties to the cab driver, who found her house as if he had been there a hundred times. After my third confirmation of the address, I rang the doorbell and waited.

“Just a moment.” A rapid clicking of heels on the wood floor approached the door, which opened, revealing my friend who wearing a navy blue dress that stopped just above her knees. It was casual, yet appropriate for entertaining guests. She wore black nylons and black leather high heeled shoes. Megan was cute, her most attractive feature was her bright smile that lit up when she got excited about the smallest of things. Her shoulder length brunette hair was freshly trimmed and worn straight. She had a geeky look to her making her stand out as being the intelligent yet attractive.

“Hi Karen! Thank you for taking me up on my offer, I am so excited. Come on in, welcome to my home.” I timidly stepped inside where she gave me a hug and escorted me inside and locked the door behind me.

“Thank you for having me over. I’m sorry I called you so late the other night.” I felt terrible calling so late, but I was desperate and a complete emotional wreck.

“Don’t apologize, I am really glad you came by. I made some coffee, can I get you some?”

“Thank you, it smells great, I would love some.” She poured two cups and handed one to me motioning towards the cream and sugar.

“How was your flight? It’s about a three hour flight from LAX right?”

“A little shorter than that,” I said before complimenting her on her choice of coffee hoping she wouldn’t ask any more about my journey. She took me on a quick tour of her house and let me put my bags in her guest room.

“Quite a nice place you have here, how long have you owned it.”

“I bought it about five years ago. My dad helped me get it while I was putting my money into my Practice across town. I really loved the neighborhood and it would be a great place for a family if I ever have one. Might be a little longer than I thought, but it’s not about me today. Let’s go into my office and we can talk.” She led me to the back office and pointed out a couch for me to sit on. Again she closed the door even though they were the only ones in the house.

“Karen, I want to you to know, that what is said in this office remains between you and I, understand. I will be doing everything this Dr. knows how, but I am, first and foremost your friend, and I want you to know you can trust me.

“Thank you, I don’t know why you are treating me so well, you hardly know me, you are a blessing to me right now and I appreciate it.”

“I want to begin by showing you something. It may not be easy for you, but I want you to please trust me. Will you let me?” I began getting frightened as she unlocked a drawer and withdrew a large envelope. She walked over and took a seat next to me. Our hips touched as she sat very close. "Can I show you something?" I agreed and right on cue she began opening the envelope. Inside was a folder with the white glossy backside of a large 8x10 photograph. Immediately I sensed she had an ulterior motive trapping me here to show me crime scene photos of my murdered family. My hands trembled and shook as fear once again flooded my mind. I could hear the beating of my heart thumping loudly as she withdrew a letter sized photo and passed it to me face down. I wish I hadn’t lost that crystal, I would know how to read the thoughts running through her mind right now and be free me from the suspense.

“No one, knows about these, except me, and I plan on keeping it that way. You and I are the only one to know of their existence.” The whole puzzle I have been trying to figure out about her strange behavior suddenly started to come together as I flipped the sheet over coming face to face with a close up of Kaaren’s face and the long range array behind it, realizing I had been played the entire time. I started to stand up to leave, when she gently touched my shoulder.

“I’m sorry, I had to talk to you. I was afraid you wouldn’t let me reach out to you, but I wanted to - ” She paused and started crying “- Thank you for saving us and know I am your friend.” I stood up, I couldn’t do this. Revealing anything about who I am inside scared me to death.

“Megan, thank you for your time, but I must leave.” She quickly stood up and blocked the door. “Please, I have so many questions. Who are you? Why are you here? I want to know what happened to my friend. Please, I need to know, you can trust me.” She fell to her knees crying, blocking my exit. By no means trapped by her frail body, I was unable to leave. I knelt down in front of her and took her hand.

“Megan, I - I can’t tell you who I -” My tongue was knotting up.

"Come on get yourself together Michael,"   I said to myself.   I stared into her face, her makeup running down her eyes.   'I want so much to tell you that I am your friend, but I am so scared.   I don't know who I am right now.'   Why can't I tell her? She knows me better than anyone. I am so alone right now and have no one to talk to. My family is missing, and she is my only link back to my friends. I have to trust her.

“Megan, thank you for bumping into me at the cemetery. Looking back, you did that on purpose didn’t you?”

“Yes,” she said allowing a laugh to escape while she was still crying, “You, you stood out like, like a sore, sore thumb. I recognized you right a away.” She stuttered, as her sobbing was causing her to inhale suddenly while speaking.

“You are very a very bright young woman, and I am glad you found me for I would have been too afraid to come talk to you. Thank you for being a friend to me, I really need you now more than ever. I have something I need to say, but I am so frightened.” I paused thinking twice about the path I was about to go down.

“It’s ok, you can trust me, I owe you my life.” I sat there for a minute trying to get the words to come up but lacking the final bit of courage to tell her who I really was inside this body. My true self felt so out of place like it didn’t belong and I wanted so much to be able to tell someone. Megan was the only one I could trust. Half of my journey coming out and revealing myself was already done. She did all the work for me, graciously finding me and opening the door. All I had to do, was step through where I would emerge a free person unchained.

I began sobbing like a little girl and teared up. It was like standing on the edge of an event horizon of a black hole, wanting to explore what mysteries lay in the unknown, but afraid knowing I could never return. Perfectly safe and debating whether to make that final leap towards the unknown in which there was no return, I raised my foot and slowly stepped inside.

“What do you want to tell me? You are safe with me, let me help you lift that weight off your shoulders and free you from the burden you carry.” It was the same thing she told me during one of our sessions in the privacy of the Deliverance’s lab a week before we arrived at the asteroid. The fate of the world was resting on my shoulders, all the training couldn’t prepare me for dealing with the fear I carried inside, fear of the consequences if we screwed up and killed all life as we knew it.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, there is nothing you can tell me that will turn me away. Let your secrets be ours to share.”

“Ok, ok. I’m not - I mean I am - What I am trying to say is...Michael is alive,” Finish the step. Grow a pair, “Michael is alive and well, and he is standing before you.” She embraced me as I completely let go and exposed me invulnerability to her. Weeks ago the mighty savior of the planet Earth, now utterly reduced to rubble in her arms.

“Oh Michael, I knew it was you. Don’t ask me how, but somehow, I knew,” She tried to hug me as tight as she could as I was spilling my tears all over her dress, “It’s ok, let it out. You have great courage to be able to tell me what you just did. I am here for you, and we are going to figure this all out together, ok?”

Megan pushed me away slightly so she could look into my eyes. “Ok, hard part’s over, now I wanna here how this all happened.”


My time had come for me to tell my side of the story. We ended up leaving her house and taking a long walk in the park where I told her about my near death experience, thinking an angel was coming for me. I told her about Kaaren and the ship. She was proud of me for giving up my male pride and agreeing to a life as a woman in order to save all whom I cared about.

“That took great courage Michael. Even though you had little choice, it was still your choice and you sacrificed yourself for the sake of all. For some men, that would be worse than dying and spending an eternity in hell.” She had a point, many would have turned Kaaren’s offer down flat.

“I admit, I almost did myself for that same reason. I didn’t want to be a woman, and I still don’t, but I wanted redemption, and I wanted the gifts she possessed to undo my failure.” I told it like it was.

“Michael, what’s the matter with being a woman, you won’t always be a woman. She will be back, won’t she?”

“I don’t mean it like that, but come on, you understand the mind better than I do, women can be like men with little to no scrutiny from society, but the same is not true for me. We have to be tough, and be manly in our actions, our choice of clothing, even our entertainment. Besides, it’s not that I hate being a woman, it’s that I am confused being both. Worse, I am not even in a woman’s body, your friend here is in some female alien’s body. I may look very human, but I am very different.”

She stopped me and looked up at me. “Michael, I can help you with all that. I may not be the most feminine of women out there, but I have spent my lifetime learning to be female. You have had three weeks. If you are willing to learn, I can teach you how to be more comfortable in your body and all the other things that come along with it. In time you will be a pro at maintaining that angelic body of yours.

I backed off. “Listen Megan, I’m really not interested in going shopping, putting on makeup, wearing high heels and going on dates, I just want to hide out as best as I can until Kaaren comes back with my true self.”

“Michael, you are going to find that you are wrong, women do not have that freedom you think we have. That time may be approaching, but society still demands a lot from us girls and thinks we should have a specific place in the kitchen cranking kids out. You are going to have to try to fit in. You don’t need to engage in relationships, but-”

“No Megan. None of that girly crap for me. I might have the body for it, but I don’t want it.”

“Michael I am not going to force you to dress up and do things you are not comfortable with.” A couple was staring at us as they walked by listening to Megan’s strange words. She paused looking at them. “What, we are practicing our lines for a play, got a problem?” The couple shook their heads and walked off in a hurry. We turned and started laughing.

“Nice recovery.”

“Thanks - Now where was I? - Oh yes, I am not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do, but keep in mind your idea is not going to work in that body of yours. You picked one hell of a gorgeous alien to switch places with; it would be impossible to dress as a tomboy. Trust me, you will draw the attention of men no matter what. I promise I will do my best to help you however way you want me to. I am just glad I found you and you are alive. She hugged me wrapping her arms around me and placed her head on my chest listening to my heartbeat. I hugged her back happy I had a friend in this lonely world. We walked in silence down the path a ways.

“Michael, what’s it like?”

“It’s amazing, I see the world in a completely different light, I hear things no one else can hear. Soaring through the clouds and flying in space is exhilarating.” Megan realized he wasn’t responding to the question she really wanted to know about.

“That sounds amazing, but I wanted to know what it was like for you being one of us now? Men all over are dying to understand us girls, and you are the only male in history to know what it’s really like. I’m so jealous. If I could be a man for a week, I would die rich from book sales sharing my experience.”

“Thats a complicated question, one I am sure you will be able to help me unpack soon, but the short answer is I’m not really one of you. I am not a genetically human female, but an alien female. So far, Its not that different as long as I am not thinking about it, but when I do, I have different feelings. It’s still my male mind in a very female looking body, but I don’t know if my girl parts are the same or different as yours.” She laughed at his childlike description, knowing he was uncomfortable as are all men talking about female genitalia.

“I didn’t think about it that way, you could be right, there might be differences, but whatever differences you may have with us genetically human females, we can study together. Think about the science we can do! Michael, you don’t have to say yes right now, but will you let me examine you?”

I was about to protest her sticking cold objects inside me when a guy on a bike zipped past us and snatched Megan’s purse before speeding off down the path. She started screaming at the thief who just stole her belongings when I turned to her and said,

“Shh, quiet, don’t draw any attention.”

“He just stole my purse, what do you mean be quiet?” I smiled at her as the purse snatcher disappeared around the bend.

“Wanna see something really cool?” Before she could respond, I had already scanned the area for possible witnesses and upon determining we were alone, broke off into a run several times the speed of sound. In a flash I was gone, to only appear in front of our poor thief seconds later with Megan’s purse back in my hands.

The thief was in shock not sure what to make of me. Scared he tried to turn around and flee, only to find me in front of him again. “You know, this bag is a little too girly for you, I don’t think pink is a good color on you,” I walked up to him. “It’s not nice to steal what doesn’t belong to you.”


Megan heard a loud scream up ahead followed by a flash as Michael appeared before her holding her purse. “Oh, thank god. You didn’t hurt him did you?” Kaaren’s face lit up as Michael manipulated her lips into a very pretty smile. She was so beautiful and would be a knockout if Michael would let her. The two continued down the path talking the whole way.

“You know, I have to stop calling you Michael when we are out in public. Are you ok with Karen, or is it Kaaren...Or Phyllis? By the way, you know I saw that tombstone too don’t you, terrible name?” Her laugh was so cute as was her voice. It would be hard for anyone to know the real him. Next to Liz, she knew him better than anyone. I hope we can find her and Ashley soon.

“Her name is Kaaren, pronounced like Kaar-En, but let’s keep that name between us. For now, Karen is fine until I can think of something else to go by.”

“How about Michelle?” Megan said with excitement.

“Please,” Michael said, “that’s so cliche, besides, you know how I feel about my name.” Megan looked up at her old friend in the body of her new friend.

“It really is you in there.” She said as they passed the purse snatcher. He was squirming on his stationary bicycle nearly naked trying to keep his balance. The crank arms, where the pedals had been attached, were wrapped around his ankles, and the handlebars were bent around his wrists, trapping his hands securely on the bike. To make his situation worse, the was seat missing, keeping him from being able to sit. The man was gagged with the inner tube from one of the tires keeping him from yelling for help. Megan started laughing as Michael approached him. His eyes went wide in fear as Michael reached out and rang the bell on handlebar a couple times, teasing him. Megan laughed as she watched the man squirm in his bonds. She held her purse up teasing him further, before they both ran off, leaving him there alone.


Life was far from normal, but it was getting better, as better as it could get. I was no longer alone. A good friend of mine, was now my best friend and confidant. She was the sole keeper of my secret and the only person on Earth to know what I did to save the planet. Death staring me in the face produced little fear, but standing in her office trying to muster up the courage to free my inner being and let Michael live again scared me. I wish she would have told me she knew it was me inside, but her approach freed me and taught me that there are those in the world who see people for the soul inside, rather than the fleshy outer appearance. It’s a blessing having her in my life as she is the only person who can stare past the beautiful bombshell of a body I am trapped in see nothing but the soul inside, the soul of her friend.

The holiday season was in full swing, as I remained at Megan’s place. As much as she has done for me, I kept her company and helped her through her own rough times. While she worked on my emotions, I put her through a physical routine, taking her walking and eventually running every day until she could walk normally again. Once part of my daily routine to maintain my health, I now ran for pure enjoyment and insisted she join the daily routine. Brad was a short lived hole in her life, I become her project, and she quickly forgot about the cheating bastard. Posing as one of her fans, she took me to the Johnson Space Center where I reunited with old friends while hiding out as a geeky looking college student interested in astrophysics. People I used to work with took a liking to me and my intelligence, all expressing their interest in me coming to work there some day. Megan presented her bosses with her resignation despite their pleading otherwise. She had new avenues she wanted to take her career, but they felt her experience in critical situations along with her other credentials would make her effective working with and training future teams. In the end, they gave her three months to think it over, and take a much deserved break, after which, if she still wanted to leave, they would accept her wishes.

Still as positive as my life was, one thing remained. The police had found no traces of Liz and Ashley. The house showed no signs of foul play. The closest clues were reports of her suddenly becoming withdrawn as the mission reached the final critical phases. As the mission fell apart, and personnel were scrambling to work the problem, she stopped coming around. Before anyone noticed, they had completely vanished without a trace. Her credit cards were not being used, her Volvo was still in the driveway. None of the neighbors had seen her leave the house. Ashley’s school said the last time she came to class was October 13th, less that a week before my encounter.

I used what ever resources at my disposal to spearhead a national campaign to find my family. Once word started spreading and the media caught wind that the late Commander Owen’s family was missing, an endless stream of exposés on my life and their possible whereabouts flooded the TV. Despite all the attention the story got, not a single credible source came through. There were many sightings flooding the department that was handling the case, but after the police wasted their time following up on each lead, it turned out to be false information from people wanting attention. With all my powers and abilities, there was nothing at my disposal to help me find them. With Christmas a few days away my anguish started returning as I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever see them again.

To Be Continued....Episode 8 “It’s the End of the World as we Know It”

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