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(aka Bike) Part 1885 by Angharad Copyright © 2012 Angharad
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I vaguely remember Simon coming to bed but I was too tired to speak to him or do anything other than go back to the depths of somnolence. It was morning when I was awakened again by Simon, who was dressing to go to work.
“Feel better?” he asked, though I wasn’t sure about the tone.
I sat up and looked at the clock. It was five in the morning. “You’re up early?”
“I have to go to work, remember–pay for your woodlands?”
“I didn’t ask you for them.”
“No but I thought you could have been more gracious about accepting them.”
“Okay, sorry. It was a lovely idea and I do appreciate it, it was just such a shock, and when you mentioned Billie, I was–I don’t know–overwhelmed.”
“Okay, I thought you’d like the idea.”
“I wished you’d told me. Doing it in front of everyone–it was too much for me to cope with.”
“Okay, but it was meant as a surprise.”
“It was that all right. Sorry, that wasn’t what I meant.”
“What did you mean then, Dr Watts?”
His response made me shudder a little, it was quite cold compared to last night. “I was surprised by your announcement, in fact it knocked me for six. I’m still trying to get my head round it.”
“Well, all right, I accept it was a bit of a bolt from the blue, but Dad and I have been working on this for months.”
“I’m not surprised at that, getting funding of ten million–that is astonishing.”
“Yeah, isn’t it? One of my better negotiations. They start building the two centres in April, so we get tax relief this year and next on the capital, and then afterwards on the revenue element. When the Department heard about it, they were very enthusiastic, as were the Education bods–so I got them to agree to a schools liaison officer for both for three years–they’ll fund it, so I expect they’ll want to pick them or hand it down to the local councils. Personally, I think it should be your job to choose who works with you at the centres, assuming you will work there.”
I felt like saying that I hadn’t made my mind up yet and if he continued badgering me, I’d refuse. Instead I told him that I’d make him some breakfast and that I needed to discuss some elements with Tom. He accepted my prevarication.
I got up, and pulling on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt over my nightdress, went downstairs to make his breakfast. Essentially that was coffee and some toast, although I offered him a bacon roll or even bacon and egg.
Sammi arrived as I began to butter his toast, which meant she had the next lot of toast and I dipped out again. “Thank you, Dr Mummy,” she smirked at me, and Simon sniggered.
I gave her a Paddington hard stare but she continued to smirk so I made myself some toast instead. I sat down to eat it and they got up to go. It was half past five and they were going for the six o’clock train. I stood up and both of them pecked me on the cheek before they said goodbye, pulled on their coats and scarves and left. I felt very alone for a short while and so choked up that my toast was cold before I nibbled a little at it and gave it to Kiki, who had no such qualms. I fed the kitten and sat nursing her as she purred and washed herself on my lap.
Tom was the next to arrive and poured himself a coffee from the batch I’d started for him. He always grumbles about my coffee making skills, but today, sensing my fragile mood, he simply sat and drank some without saying anything.
“I need to talk to you about these two projects that Simon and Henry mentioned last night.”
“Aye a’richt when ye’re ready.”
“What about now?”
“Cathy, I heft tae walk thae dug an’ ye’ve tae get thae bairns up. To-nicht?”
“Okay.” Coward, I felt like accusing him, but perhaps he was right and it would give me a chance to organise myself and ask the questions I needed answered. I assumed the purchase of the woodland was in hand or had been done, the one in Scotland was huge. The study centres or whatever Simon had called them wouldn’t start until next April and would probably take a year or so to build, especially if they were going to offer school sessions. I wondered how much input I’d have to their design–assuming I took the post offered. No one had mentioned salaries yet, it would probably mean I’d have to give up the bank advisory post–no time to do it; though Henry could well oppose that. I hoped as well they didn’t just think I’d do it for the same money they were paying me now? I didn’t need the money, but if ever I gave it up, at least they’d have the history of funding a director.
I went up and washed myself and dressed properly before rousing the children. I had to start organising Christmas, cards, presents and speak with David about the food. I didn’t even know if he was staying over Christmas or taking time off.
He appeared as the children were finishing breakfast. “I need to speak to you about Christmas,” I said while helping Mima into her coat.
“If you’re happy, I’ll draw up a menu and start getting the stuff in. I’ve spoken to a butcher I know who rears his own turkeys–I presume you want a turkey?”
“Unless you have a better idea?”
“Plenty, but turkey is fine and better for left over meals than goose.”
“You’re staying for Christmas then?”
“Unless you don’t want me to–what did you do last year?”
“You’re staying–but you get double pay for the whole week.”
“I’ve never been known to argue with an educated woman.”
I glowered at him, “When you’ve all finished taking the piss out of my degree, I’ll feel a lot happier.”
He looked a little sheepish and apologised. “We’re all really pleased for you, Cathy, we know how hard you’ve worked for it, but I also thought you’d enjoy a bit of fun.”
I was a bit fragile this morning, so I nodded and went out to scrape the ice off the car windscreen only to find that David had done it for me already. I thanked him and he shrugged.
After getting back from the taking Phoebe and the girls to their educational edifices, I made some tea and was about to go to my study with it to consider the offers I’d had made to me last night when Stella appeared with Puddin’ and Fiona.
“Ah, our party pooper–you missed a riot last night.”
I said nothing, but glared at her and walked down to my study. Sometimes I loved her and sometimes I’d happily strangle her–today was moving towards the latter course.

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Yep! Cathy is still
gobsmacked, and needs a few days to accept it all.
May Your Light Forever Shine
at least
she's calm.
Bit of a shock me-thinks.
Though she should get over it. Ten million smackeroos is a tidy bit of bunce by anybody's measure. And she gets the choice of how to run. Cathy's lucky girl, no wonder she was somewhat 'disorientated'.
Good chapter Ang and I'm still lovin' it.
She has to establish some control
.... instead of letting well-meaning people set the agenda for her. That is her real problem right now as nobody is letting her set her priorities. So, the first thing she has to to do is set up a plan as to what she wants to do with all his unexpected largesse and responsibility and make it stick.
Cathy is ...
... so much up her own arse I'm surprised she doesn't need a torch to find her way about in broad daylight. However her tantrums make for an entertaining character and interesting plot development so there's credit due to Ang and her twisted imagination.
To some extent, yes. On the other hand, she's been under a lot of stress lately, and combining that with her chronically low self-esteem does have an effect.
Her behaviour at the party last night was pretty much what I'd have expected -- I had great fun right until the end of my own Ph.D. party and then cried in the car all the way home, and that was without the kind of surprise Cathy just got. It took a couple of months to get back into a mood where I could get anything done, too.
One of the things here is that she should figure out how awesome she is, stop worrying that she's not good enough, and relax a little. Another thing is that the rest of the family should start accepting that she really doesn't deal all that well with the kind of surprises they tend to spring on her. This latter is mostly directed at the Cameron crowd, although in the recent case Tom has his share of the blame too, as the one in the family who knows first-hand how the build-up to a thesis defense (and the release afterwards) feels.
Perhaps there was...
Perhaps there WAS a riot "last night"... Down near the hotel.
Cathy IS fragile. And, folks had best be careful. It's possible for those who go through the kind of stress he just went through (defending)... Can have this issue remembering things long term. (If they don't take pains to reinforce this position and the property, come April, she might get blind sided and not recall the birthday party at all! Yes, I know what I'm talking about. My wife went through this... And, yes, it was about the same time of the year - a tad closer to Christmas is all... And, she didn't have the kids to deal with as well.)
Sad it never occurred to anyone how up tight Cathy had gotten and what this meant. :-(
Hope she gets over things soon - and it doesn't take months.
Chatting with Cathy
at the moment is something akin to juggling porcupines , Maybe her family ought to do what she seems to want at the moment and steer well clear, And then hopefully in the clear light of day Cathy will realise just what a marvelous job Simon and Henry have done in establishing the woodland projects.
Yes it will mean extra work initally but if Cathy delegates the work ( something she may find difficult to do given her nature ) then with the right people in place it will run itself, You cannot help but think if she did make the mistake of not being involved she could well regret it for a long time..
Chatting with Cathy
at the moment is something akin to juggling porcupines , Maybe her family ought to do what she seems to want at the moment and steer well clear, And then hopefully in the clear light of day Cathy will realise just what a marvelous job Simon and Henry have done in establishing the woodland projects.
Yes it will mean extra work initally but if Cathy delegates the work ( something she may find difficult to do given her nature ) then with the right people in place it will run itself, You cannot help but think if she did make the mistake of not being involved she could well regret it for a long time..
Then there is the question
of some Me-Time. Cathy has been too involved with others and her kids to have any real time to herself. She needs a week long vacation from the house and kids and be elsewhere (without a phone - unlike the illustration below!) to explore herself and enjoy in some peace and serenity - her way. :)