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(aka Bike) Part 631 by Angharad |
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Cathy sank to her knees and still holding Simon’s limp hand between hers, she kissed his fingers and began to silently pray that he would recover fully. She prayed to the universe, to the God she didn’t believe in, to Uncle Tom Cobbley and all. Did it help? She’d never know, but Henry stood at the foot of the bed astonished by what he thought he could see happening.
He was sure he could see Cathy surrounded by–well, a halo of white light–and a blue light was passing from her hands into Simon’s arm and thence his whole body.
He rubbed his eyes and the vision was still there. If it was an illusion, optical or other, he didn’t care if it gave Simon any better chance of survival. This girl was remarkable, Tom had said so, Simon had said so and now he was thinking it.
He heard footsteps approaching and a nurse bustled towards the room, Henry, thinking quickly intercepted her and took her back out again. He bought Cathy, maybe another five minutes to work her magic, if that was what she was doing.
Cathy felt as if she was in a trance, mumbling to herself a mantra of, I love you, please get better, as she felt something happening between the two of them. She didn’t know what, but it seemed something like what had happened when she stood touching Puddin. She tried not to think about it, if it was happening, then she didn’t want to influence it, so she carried on with her mantra, saying it aloud, it getting higher in volume as the moments passed.
As the nurse returned to take Simon’s blood pressure, which had been very low, she heard him cough a couple of times and the woman’s voice stopped and gasped.
Cathy hauled herself to her feet and looked at Simon, his eyes were fluttering. Then they opened and she kissed him. He recognised her and smiled, “You’re in heaven too?”
“Me, no, I’m going the other way,” I replied smiling at him, “Welcome back to earth, your lordship.”
“I thought we were through?” he said hoarsely.
“Now why would you think that? You don’t think I’d let a catch like you slip away, do you?”
“Catch? You’d be better off with a net full of herring,” he said back to me.
“Do you want a drink?” I asked him.
“Please, my throat is parched.” I poured him one and placing the straw in it, guided it to his mouth. “Thanks, that’s better.”
“What did you take?” I asked him.
“Paracetamol, about thirty of them.”
“Why, Simon?”
“I thought I’d lost you and didn’t want to live with out you.”
“Oh, Simon, you haven’t lost me, I love you too much for that. I’ll never let you go again, I promise.” Tears were streaming down my face as I hugged him, so tightly I was in danger of breaking his ribs. My shoulder was hurting like hell, but I didn’t care about that.
“Excuse me, but I have to take his blood pressure,” the nurse bustled in and proceeded to wrap a cuff around his arm. “How do you feel?” she asked.
“Awful, stupid isn’t it, all those pills and I’ve got a headache.”
“I always thought I was a pain in the neck,” I said trying to keep him smiling.
“Neck, nah, much lower than that, rhymes with farce.”
“Gee thanks, Lord Cameron.”
“Your welcome, Lady C.”
“You’re not a lord, are you?” asked the nurse.
“’Fraid so, you’re not going to throw me out are you?”
“You’re joking in ya?”
“He’s not, and the gentleman behind you is his dad, Henry Cameron, Lord Stanebury.”
“Never! Well I’ll be blowed, it’s like the ‘Ouse o’ Lords ‘ere, innit? Cor blimey, an’ there was me thinkin’ you was just an or’nary punter with an un’appy love life.”
“Yeah, well, hopefully that’s on the mend now.”
“Oh, the consultant is coming to see you later.”
“Okay, I’ll try and be here,” said Simon, weakly. He was beginning to fade and closed his eyes. I held his hand, the feeling from earlier had gone, which meant either he was getting worse or he’d taken as much energy as he needed for the moment. I looked at Henry, and we decided to wait for the consultant. Simon slept while Henry and I sat waiting trying to keep still and sane. I was worried to death.
About an hour later, a Mr Armstrong, arrived the hepatic surgeon. I hoped his first name wasn’t Lance because I’d not be able to take him seriously. Seeing that Simon was still sleeping, he spoke to us first.
“It’s not good, I’m afraid. He’s done considerable damage to his liver. I’m going to suggest placing him on the list for a transplant.”
“It’s that bad?” gasped Henry. I was too shocked to speak at all, just this coldness spreading from my solar plexus began to cover my entire body.
“Are you alright, my dear,” said the surgeon, and helped me to a chair.
“Liver transplant? It’s all my fault,” I said in a monotone.
“From what I understand he took the pills by himself, which means in my book, it’s self inflicted. So you’re not to blame, whatever you might think.”
“Oh geez, what are we going to do?”
“Well, I’m going to order some new bloods, just to see how bad the damage is, check a few enzymes. The liver has a capacity to repair itself, but from what we saw in the earlier tests, it looked beyond that. Still miracles are said to happen, mind you, I don’t see many of them. Take care young lady, get yourself a cuppa or something.” He nodded at Henry and left.
“Oh shit, what are we going to do, Henry?” I wanted to cry but was too shocked to even manage a few tears, I felt absolutely helpless. What would the girls say if he died? They’d blame me when they found out. I’d spoiled it for everyone–I’m totally useless.
“We’re going upstairs for that cuppa, you look like shit warmed up, then we’re coming down again and you’re going to put the fluence on him again.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked feeling sick to my stomach and he was babbling like a mountain brook.
“I’m talking about what you used to do with Stella’s baby. I saw the blue light going from you to Simon. Come on, let’s get a cuppa and you can zap him some more.”
“I don’t know if I can,” I said feeling even more inadequate.
“What d’you mean, you don’t know if you can?”
“Well, I have no control over it, it either happens or it doesn’t.”
“Well I reckon we’ve got maybe half an hour for you to get some control over it and get back there and zap my son.”
“And if I can’t.”
“He’s going to die.”

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What's Love Got To Do With It!?
EVERYTHING! What happens next? Will Bonzi do something mean, now? If he does, no catnip for him! Replace it with DOGNIP!
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Oh Stan..
You romantic! I knew it, you've got that shrubbery under your nose to hide a truly sensitive streak which otherwise had been betrayed by your face. You big softy, you. But you're right. Love is in the air...
Yes, fine writing Ang. Now there's Saint Cathy the Blue lightning. Oh what fine yarn you'll spin I wonder.
BTW, dognip Stan? :)
Most dogs prefer a short beer, but our poodle would turn her nose up at anything other than a nice white wine or champagne for special occasions.
Henry does know how to put the pressure on, doesn't he?
They know they can survive
Blue light special coming up
(I hope!)
(Maybe they need to bring Puddin in for a shot at Simon. I'll be that baby has some awesome fireworks in her after all she's been through)
Wonder if the new blood work will look any different. Anyone willing to place a bet? Hint, I'll never bet against Cathy.
Has there been anything in the story that suggests where this power of Cathy's is coming from?
Time to bring in the preacher?
No, not for that.... get Cathy and Simon married just in case.
Although it is quite a
Although it is quite a distance from where Cathy met the woman pastor, it would rather interesting to have the two of them meet there in the hospital by chance. Cathy for Simon and the Pastor for a relative she has in there. Cathy could finally really sit down and talk to her about the "blue light" and the other issues currently causing her problems.
I do hope her "blue light" and white glow will have healed Simon's liver and other body problems he caused by taking all the pills. Do they actually work that fast to destroy the liver? I would have thought that as fast he was placed into the hopsital, that his system would not have absorbed them completely yet. J-Lynn
Talking with the Priest
may or may not be a good idea. Churches from what I see really kinda frowns on miracles ( despite Jesus doing all of his ) as it brings up all sorts of thorny questions when it is played in a modern context. For one, it forces them into a sanction/no-sanction situation and above all Churches are keen on the politics of such happenings. Besides, who says the white light came from the God of that Christian church down the road anyway ? ;-).
Anyway, if she is the real deal, it is bound to become very public while the C of E tries to sort it all out, and then Cathy will have no peace. Being the caring person she is, she will do 'healings' despite misgivings as the Henrys of the world who has a dying relative or another would come knocking on her door day and night.
No Thank You.
Alternate Reality
So, Cathy turns on the BLS (not the Wal-Mart one) and it fails.
Henry finds out that Monica is the traitor.
Cathy marries Henry and everyone lives happily ever after.
Or not
> the BLS (not the Wal-Mart one)
S'not Wal-Mart (birthplace Bentonville, Arkansas) that does the Blue Light Specials; it's KMart (birthplace Detroit Michigan). KMart started out life, in the 1960s, as an offshoot of the SS Kresge Co., a chain of "five and dime" stores.
Not the approach I might have taken...
But then, I'm not a "captain of capitalism" along with being an "lordship"... Heck, I'm not one to threaten anyone (well, unless they first threaten my family). Nah, I'd have not told Cathy, and "set her up" to do it anyway... Sorta. No, I couldn't do that either. Not manipulative enough.
Maybe it's a good thing Henry's there, instead of me. :-)
Interesting switch on things.
I just noticed the Amazon add - next to the screen is advertising "Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"... A clasic movie... That had "everybody" in it. :-)
Thanks for keeping the soap comming.
Let go let God
... Cathy.
Cathy needs to twelve step out of her spiritual denial. She has a connection that a priest would give his eyeteeth and more for with the Universe. I do not presume to KNOW God and she should not either. Sometimes the Universe just taps you on the shoulder and says you're it.
However, Henry is being a bit of a shit, virtually ordering Cathy to do her thing. Typical man. A little more tactful wording that should be more in the form of appreciation and a request would have been more appropriate. Henry better not try to farm her out if this works out.
I am not impressed with Lord Muck.
It would seem
...that, despite Cathy's insistence that she doesn't believe in God, she really does deep in her heart; and God knows it! Because of that, He is working his healing miracles through her, possibly as a way of helping her realize that He does, in fact, exist. As the saying goes, God moves in mysterious ways!
Even the most intelligent
Even the most intelligent people do some odd things, that are totally out of character, when they are under great stress. Hopefully; Cathy will come to her senses and realise what a waste of time prayer really is.
Waste of Time
The question really isn't whether there is a god or not. The real question is whether you take some comfort from prayer.
Michelle B
Wiley Dormouse?
Isn't that the latest release of Ubuntu?
Nah, Ubuntu releases are always alliterative:
Warty Warthog
Hoary Hedgehog
Breezy Badger
Dapper Drake (released June 2006, so sadly before the sport of Dormouse Juggling was conceived)
Edgy Eft
Feisty Fawn
Gutsy Gibbon
Hardy Heron
Intrepid Ibix
Jaunty Jackalope
Karmic Koala (spot a pattern in the naming sequence - well, from Dapper onwards?)
So if they continue the naming scheme, it'll be April 2019 before D comes up again - and I don't think even Angharad would contemplate the story continuing that far! (Err...part 4,000, anyone?!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
This is what happens if Bonzi writes, Give Whizz a shot
Speaking of which, how is the little premee.
Cathy was really working it, white and blue auras at the same time.
Simon's liver is stressed by the booze, it doesn't need help from Percocet (?)
Overdose was not Percocet
The medication he overdosed on is known as paracetamol in the UK, and acetaminophen (Tylenol) in the U.S./Canada.
The drinking didn't help things, but it was the overdose that tipped the damage to his liver past the point where it could recover on its own.