Masks Chapter 30

Masks Chapter 30


I take out the box and…Oh em gee.

They’re Riedell’s…They’re Riedell’s Red ribbon ladies figure skates. I open them and they’re new and their white except for the sole/bottom of them which is red leather and red enameled bracing for the blades and they are so pretty.

I start tearing up and then Mom and Aunt Els and Mary Jane and Jen all hold up their skates and stuff and I can’t help it but bounce up and down. “Really!?, really!?”

Mom nods and has the biggest smile and she gestures upstairs. “Go get changed Steph we do have to keep or ice time y’know.”

I Squee! And hug her and grab M.J. and head upstairs at a run. “C’mon I need help!”

*And Now…

I run up the stairs with Mary Jane in tow and I start going through my stuff and digging out clothes and stuff and I actually know exactly what I want to wear and I scamper off to the bathroom to get de-stevened.

I can’t help it but to hit play on my CD player there and kick in *I’m walking on sunshine* by Katrina and the something’s but it’s a really good tune and I really fast and super soapy shower and stuff and M.J.’s there as I’m getting out and drying off.

“Panties!” She says like a surgeon.

“Aye ma’am!”

“Turn woman!” I turn and she splotches my chest with the adhesive and then she put’s one boob in place and then the other and with each she takes my hand and slaps it over a boob. “Hold em.”

“Aye ma’am!”

She turns me around and we see the whole thing in the mirror and me with my hands on my boobs and we burst out laughing and into the giggles and stuff. I hold myself in place and Mary Jane starts in on doing my hair.

It’s all sorts of awesome considering my life and stuff just last week and everything and it kinda hits me right in the feels.



“This, I mean all of this and you doing stuff like this is really amazing you know right?”

“Steph you’re my best friend, you always will be.”

“Mary Jane…” I say her name kind of seriously.

She looks at me. “What is it Steph?”

I look at her back in the mirror. “I want you to do this when I get married; I want you to be my maid of honor.”

She sniffles. “You know we’re like thirteen and stuff right?”

(Sniffle.) “Yeah I know but you’re my cousin AND my best friend you’re closer than blood to me.”

She tears up and she cries and she slides her hand on my shoulder and I reach up and we hook pinkies.

“As long as you’re there and mine too….Deal?” (Sniffle.)

(Sniffle.) “Deal…”

And we pinky swear and shake on it which means its serious stuff.

It doesn’t take too long to get ready after that and a cold wash cloth between us and I get dressed to go skating. Regular bra and panties but over my panties a set of tights that I wanted to wear and more than for just around the house. They’re just plain and black but they are pretty awesome when I combine them with this short skirt that I have. It’s not that short like four or so inches past the knees y’know like above them and they’re a cute tartan print and I get a tee-shirt on and them I dig out one of my Christmas sweaters. It’s one of those one that the half blind great aunt knits you that would get a guy beat or teased for it.

Me…it’s big because she Great Aunt Tilly made if for me to grow into or was bored or something but it’s huge and it’s fluffy white wool all except for like the blue snowflake trim at the cuff and collar and there’s more like all the way around the last five or six inches.
Steven would never wear it, could not wear it because it’s really guyboden, but I think it’s really cute.

And so does Mary Jane because she’s looking it over and smiling. “I’m so borrowing this.”

I nod. “Of course you are because I mean you and like sweaters you know.”

And I’m actually checking myself out in the mirror with the whole sweater boob thing as I’m saying it too and I’m grinning. I sooo love this, I really do.

“Wow…I just feel right…”

“You look it.” I look at M.J. and she’s looking at me and she gives me her serious nod. “You really do, this is sooo the real you.”

I grin and we sort of run and bounce downstairs together and I get my boots on. Yes! Oh I have my boots my girl boots down by the door like everyone else’s are and it’s so cool and I head out with them and dad’s go the BBQ going and the picnic table is beside him and he’s got the pig laid out on a really big tray and he’s showing it with his spices and stuff and Rob and Will are watching.

Mark’s actually doing up the beets and stuff and Jen and him share a kiss before we all head and pile into Aunt Els’s jeep.

Eeeeee... it’s a whole bunch of girls stuffed together into a jeep and it’s so cool!

Jen’s like. “That looks so good what their making. What is your dad making anyway?”

Mom’s riding shotgun so the three of us younger girls are all wedged into the back and Aunt Els looks back in the mirror and she says in this like country voice. “Hossenfeffer!”

Okay…I don’t get it but Mom’s laughing and Aunt Els backs out really, really fast and then we’re off so fast she chirps the tires! That’s so cool, I’m so used to Mom and Dad’s driving and Aunt Els drives like well.

Well Mom’s using the Holy Eff Handles.

But we’re all laughing.

And then the stereo starts to blast *Joyride.* by some 80’s band but its fun and Mom and Aunt Els know all the words to it.

And a whole bunch of like really awesome girl pop and stuff.

*Touch Me.* By another 80’s girl and wow it’s really suggestive.

*True Colors* Okay cool I know that one and that’s Cindy Lauper the like blonde New Jersey version of like Sharon Osborne. Oh and we sing along to *Girls just wanna have fun.* right after that and that was way cool.

It was likely one of the best rides going someplace I’ve had yet. I mean it was us and driving and singing along.

The one little bit of kinda no-fair.

Jen can really sing.

But she was that good that it was still awesome.

We pull into the old rink and it’s like not that old but it’s just not the one the town wanted for the hockey games and the sports stuff that comes in here and stuff plus it’s always a good idea I guess to have like a big place or something for like concerts.

The old rink is just that about twenty rows of seats and the rink surface. Well there’s a canteen and changing and bathrooms too but that’s about it just another small rinky-dink-rink.

There’s a whole bunch of other girls there on the ice and maybe a guy or two but not that many and they’re actually kinda older like Mark’s age.

They wave to “Jen!” and she waves back.

I look at her well we’re all looking at her. She blushes. “What they take dance lessons from my mom.”

I nod. “Are they?”

She raises and eyebrow then she smiles. “What? Are they gay? Nope not a bit.”

I blush.

She giggles. “I know, when I met them I thought so too I mean it’s like the whole stereotype but they’re not they’re just two nice guys.”
“I really try to not do the stereotyping thing.”

Jen nods. “I can guess why. But Ian and Derek are really good guys.”
We get our skates on and we all hit the ice and we do a lap or two and I’m leaving them in the dust except for Jen who looks at me. “No, like this you’re guy skating its hockey player moves and she’s right, the way that I’m moving my legs is different than what you see real figure skaters do on TV.

She shows me and it’s actually not that hard to pick up especially since I’m all me and not Steven. It’s really easy to not to fall into my whole body memory thing when there’s so much different. My little boob jiggle and I love my boob jiggle.

What? I do…and my hair and really, really my gaff.

It feels so good to be smooth and to have the Yick stick and the little evil twins out of my way and just be me.

I’m still mostly just doing laps and hanging with Mary Jane as we skate and stuff and she’s watching those two guys that know Jen.

“See something you like?”

She blushes. “Maybe…kinda…”

I look too and like actually look and try to be girljective about it and well their muscled and stuff and clean shaven and not really girly guys when I really look at them but they do look good. Okay that could be that they’re actually helping and teaching other kids but there’s at least half of those girl in that age range from our ages to like eighteen or so and guys tend to try to clean up around girls.

Okay and the clothes are too bad either. Those sort of windbreaker pants you see sometimes but also they’re wearing those tight cotton sweaters that hug you when you wear them and a t-shirt over those comfy and cool and yet warm at the same time.

There’s definitely something I can see girls liking about them. I’m actually more interested in the stuff that they’re showing these kids.
I do though look at M.J. “Yeah I can get it.”


“Kinda, I mean I’ve never really thought about it ‘cause I don’t have the drives and stuff yet which is why I like don’t know what I’m interested in yet but I mean looking at it girljectively I can admit there’s something there that most girls would like.”

Mary Jane twitches her nose. “Girljectively huh?”


She looks at them again. “They are definitely boy pretty.”

I look at her as we do another loop and I spin around and skate backwards. “I wouldn’t go as far as looking pretty but…”

She grins and does this impersonation I actually get. “Shiny.”

I laugh and turn around and we slip our arms together and she looks and me and bats her lashes and points at the guys. “Inara look, they got boy whores, isn’t that thoughtful.”

She said it so sunny and bright and just so…I’m laughing and I can’t stop and I know that someone hearing it outside if like the context or something would think all kinds of stuff but I love that show, it’s one of the few that I own and because of those girls…Kaylee so sweet and Inara soulful and sexy and Zoá« so beautiful and strong and even poor River.

I’m laughing so hard my skates come out from under me and I buttplant and take Mary Jane with me and we burst out laughing all the more from that and all over again when we sort of stop and there’s people looking at us and the two guys just there and just them looking like that and looking at them makes us laugh all over again.

Jen ends up skating over to us and asks. “What just got into you two?”
We just giggle and she helps us up. “Nothing, we’re just being silly.”

“Well come on over and we can learn a few moves.”

“Okay!” That was me because as funny as the whole thing was it’s still me…me getting to learn how to do figure skating stuff.

M.J. takes my hand though smiling as we head over.

And the guys are nice.

I mean they really got points from me because they had the younger girls that were girls and then like anyone that was like our age or older they called ladies.

Also points because yeah they looked at us like all guys do and stuff it was that hmm-girl look but not a disrespectful one? I mean they definitely gave us the look over that boys/guys do but it didn’t linger and it wasn’t like all pervy.

It was sooo awesome to be included in both little things without obviously being included in such things.

Yay me!

It’s mostly learning turns and those smooth little curvettes that are like this whole way of skating the building up to a trick style stuff. I don’t care even doing this I feel so graceful and pretty.

Derek takes me aside since he thinks I’m good enough to learn more and he teaches me step by step how to do a crossover. That’s that sleek way that you go from skating backwards to front and then from that he shows me the half cross which is harder.

That’s when you go and do a crossover but you start it on one foot and end it on the other. It’s not a jump but it’s the foundation move for all the basic jumps because it teaches you the whole body rotation thing that you should have down pretty good before you get into all the real jumps like the axles and sow’s.

It’s a lot of work and skating a little bit different than hockey it has my legs sore right at the tops of my thighs like you get when you climb a whole lot of stairs.

Derek looks at me. “Take a break? You’re looking like you could use one.”

“Thanks, I’m not used to figure skating and doing these sort of things. I’m more of a regular kind of tomboy skater.”

He nods and gestures over to the bench area and I skate over with him. “You use the muscles differently than in regular skating just in keeping a whole other kind of balance.”

I nod. “Definitely, I’m really glad that I’m getting to learn though it’s something I always wanted to learn. So uhm…how’d you and Ian get into it.”

He takes out a big thermos and pours us two cups of coco and passes me one. Its coco and not hot chocolate but it’s really, really good still.

“Our hockey team actually, we did a charity thing where we were sort of dared to do a figure skating show for charity so we took pledges if we did it and we raised a bunch of money.”

“What was the charity?”

“It was for the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.”

“Cool, good cause.”

He smiles and nods. “We’re doing a show with some other teams after Christmas for the Cancer society this year.”

I smile and sip my hot chocolate. “So the charity stuff’s not a one time thing?”

“If everyone only did something, anything it’d be a different world Stephanie.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I…uhm…was that a line? Because I’m like thirteen.” I blush.

He laughs. “No and double no because I’m not one of those guys. But you’d be worth it if we were the same age though.”



“Definitely, you’re smart and easy to talk to.”

“Isn’t that friend zone stuff?”

“I’ll let you know something, Most guys like someone that get’s them over everything else.” He doesn’t even look insulted on anything just kind of normal…?

“So you guys need any help with the charity stuff?”

“Always, look lets get back out there and I’ll show you a few more things and I’ll get you some contact info for some of the stuff we’re doing.”

“Cool, this all sounds very WE-Day.”

He grins. “WE-Day’s awesome and I’ve been to two of them.”

We finish our coco’s and skate back out and we start doing more stuff. I mean all of us as a group and stuff but at the same time…

I know Dad and Mark and they’re cool because they’re family but Derek and Ian…as a guy…I wasn’t like exposed to guys like them. I really didn’t know they came like that outside of books and movies.

And while no yay, gooey zing feelings.

I could really see myself enjoying hanging out with them or someone like them.

And what Derek said.

If I was the same age.

Yeee…that just made me feel all like…like solidly girly. It was like me being younger was the only thing different in us talking. Very big solid girly yays.

And the rest of the ice time, was great too.

I mean it’s not like figure skating exploded in my blood or something but to skate around and do curvettes and changeovers and even do hat glide coasting on one foot. That’s what I end up doing the rest of the time there that whole ballerina coasting thing.

I feel so pretty and girly doing that.

And M.J. too I think, she’s got this grin as we’re unlacing our skates. “That was awesome.” I kinda say with the whole dreamy sigh thing.

She nods. “I gotta agree there was some real awesome moments.”

I’m stopping to watch Jen actually teaching Ian some dance thing and we get to see that sort of behind the scenes stuff for like partners dancing on ice. (Sigh…) “That looks kinda cool.”

M.J. Nods. “They I guess do stuff for charity.”

I nod still watching. “Yeah Derek said that he’s going to get me some information and stuff.”

“For what?”

“The stuff they work at. I kinda think giving backs a cool idea. We could do stuff like the stuff on WE-day like Derek said.”

Mary Jane looks at me. “We could, I’ve seen it on TV.”

I smile. “Besides and I know this is kinda of sexist and corny but it feels right as a girl.”

M.J. looks at me. “That’s because caring as a girl about anything isn’t guyboden.”

I snerk at her using my word.

Mom settles behind us. “I think helping out’s a great thing, it builds character and looks good on a resume.”

“Mom…I’m not doing it as a resume builder.” I stick my tongue out at her.

Mom grins and does the same and crosses her eyes.

Aunt Els pinches her while she can’t see her and Mom squeals. Then there’s a ten second Momnager slap and squeal fight between the two of them. I lean into M.J. who hugs me. It’s a family thing but it like two pairs of sisters thing too.

Best friends two sets of them.

My heart’s so big right now.

Derek and Ian meet us at the way out of the rink and he passes me some folded over printer paper. “Here’s some of the contact info for some of the charities we’re working with it’ll get you started and it’s really cool that you ladies want to help out and stuff.”

“It’s really cool being called ladies Derek, thanks for not treating us like we’re just kids.” Mary Jane says smiling.

Okay…there’s such a big difference in reactions there too. I mean I know that they’re good guys but there’s a difference between them talking to me and then M.J.

Several cup sizes difference.

Jen and I share a look though and a grin, which is kinda cool since my up-top problems are really close to hers.

I do smile and thank them both and give them both light hugs.
I’m not a handshake girl, just don’t really, it's not me.

We all do actually and leave piling out again and back into the jeep and my legs and feet are having the game day feelings. That’s when you skate so hard in the game that your legs feel sort of strange walking without blades and just walking. I’ve done the rink thing twice and I’m definitely feeling my skate legs.

We get back home after a stop at a café place Aunt Els knows and we get something to drink. I get an almond milk latte to be different and we just go for a drive just us girls to kill some time and look at the changing leaves.

We actually stop at one of those little ramp roads that come off the highway that the road crews leave behind and that other people use afterwards and we park and lock the jeep up and take our hit drinks and just walk in and then down one of the ATV trails following the highway until it comes to the railroad overpass and then we go out on it and just sit watch traffic and talk as we finish our drinks.

It’s how cute the guys were and me getting involved, I’m not on their level without like hormones and stuff but it was cool the way Derek made me feel and the whole thing at the rink. That, that I share. Kind of like Mom and Aunt Els talking about how long it’s been since they’ve been on skates just having a day like this. Like our age, like high school…like twenty some years.

And M.J. about how when she was skating she wasn’t all about her looks and boobs but just feeling free.

Jen with how in her family there’s just her and her mom and dad and they’re so busy working that they don’t get to have days like this.
We all agree that it’s like really overdue and the day was so good and we walk back to the Jeep taking our time.

You know I’ve never just, gone for a walk before.

It feels like I’m leaving some life BS I’ve stored up in my bootprints.

And this, five girls/women just being us…it sort of speaks to me too. All of us I think as we’re all pretty good, like happy kind of zen good coming home.

Oh the smells.

First it’s hardwood burning smells like just a little but definitely coming off the BBQ. And them pork and herbs and spices.

They did some more stuff from what I could tell around the house and there’s more lights and stuff but they also cooked and made supper.
Mom so has this hugely smug wife-mom look on her face and Dad passes her a beer and they kiss. I…yeah sigh. Boy/Girl I want that with someone someday.

Aunt Els comes in giving Dad a hip bump and sniff’s the air. “Hossenfeffer, I want my Hossenfeffer…” Again with that odd accent/imitation and while M.J. and I are drawing a blank and shrugging at each other Dad’s laughing.

The boys actually keep it up and set the table and serve the stuff out on the table.

There’s the porchetta which is a young pig deboned and rolled up like a jelly-roll but with olive oil and kosher salt, pepper and chopped rosemary and even some chili peppers and dark olives. It’s spit roasted until the crust gets all crackling like a roast pig only you cut this off in slices.

Roasted porchetta fat potatoes….dad puts a big roaster under the porchetta to catch the drippings and to keep things from flaring up too bad. (Too much grease smoke makes food waxy tasting.) So instead of wasting it or the heat he tosses in the rosemary and lots of chopped garlic and a pot of halfway boiled potatoes. The pork fat and juices fall into the roaster and cook them the rest of the way and he adds in salt and pepper and a bit more chopped herbs before their done.

Then there’s the root veggies.

Yum… actually always a fave for me. Dad just takes the yellow beets and tops them and peels the and cuts the big ones into halves or quarters then it’s like chunks that size for the carrots and turnips, squash chunks and sometimes sweet potatoes and parsnips. Then it all gets tossed in melted butter and black pepper and some pumpkin pie mix, not a lot just like a few table spoons of it but…yum. See he wraps it up like a mushroom and onion pack on the bbq and it all steams together, the juices come out and together and blend with the butter and pumpkin pie filing and the starchy veggies will all pull it in too at the same time like potatoes in a stew.

You never have to worry about kids not eating their veggies here. Not when they’re done like this. And it all has a kiss of the smoke since dad tossed in a satchet of smoking chips just before everything’s done so there’s this campfire effect…BBQ’s are awesome in the fall.

Add that to Mark making apple pie…yeah he made pie and Rob and Will making hot apple cider with spices in the slow cooker.
Dad kills the some of the lights in the house and Mom puts on the radio from the stereo in the den and stuff and we all settle down for a big Saturday evening supper passing food and dishes and talking as the music plays on.

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