Masks Chapter 6

Masks Chapter 6


I’m partly excited and I’m partly bracing myself to be jealous and I go with her upstairs.

I feel better than I did…opening up and helping each other even if it’s not all the way it’s helped, the clothes are helping heck being in an exclusively female home helps.

I’m not into the spiritual stuff that much because I can’t it’s guyboden but there is a female energy to the house.

I…okay M.J. bedroom door has these little tole-painted flowers around the old moulding for the door and she has a dream catcher hanging there in the middle of the door. It’s cool already.

*And Now…

Oh seriously what a cool room and yeah in between the ohhh and aww moments there’s a stab of jealousy.

First off it’s location.

M.J.’s room is at the end of the hall and it’s the back of the house. Or the back of the second floor of the house and it’ like ten by like twenty or something like that so like it’s huge.

Secondly it has a bunch of windows and right under the windows is the peaked roof for the back porch.

Yep she can climb out the window and sit on her porch roof.

Then the rest if this room that’s a girl’s bedroom and I’ve never been I one before. Oh there’s like all the standard stuff a bed which is awesome because it’s one of those four poster princess ones and it’s huge…like a king sized bed and then she has this vanity and set of dressers that are cute and near the side of the room with her bed and then there’s this really big looking closet.

But even the rest is…she has all these plastic shelving units like those for shelf rubber and plastic ones with all these things on them ranging from little glass figurines to ceramic unicorns and toys even she has little care bears and my little ponies but she has like stuff from like comic toys too like some of the girl action figures from like Batman and X-men and all the action figures for like Sailor Moon.

Yes I watch anime sometimes…and yes I like the girl ones.

It sucks that I don’t get to see as much as I want to and that I have to sort of sneak doing it but there you go.

Things out of life in the trans-closet.

But this side is a girly place but not like the super femmy girly thing but books and bookshelves with authors that I’ve heard and some that I have myself. It’s easier to get away with hard fiction and fantasy books with my brothers since they’re not really looking at books. Mark might but then Mark’s thankfully gotten to the point of he has a licence and that means that he’s either working or playing football or just out since that’s happened.

I know about half of the authors she has on there and she has comics too. Girl comics and not the stuff that I’d have thought of but she has Ghost, Fathom, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and there’s other titles likely about a dozen and some are old but really most I’ve only heard about.

She had movies on VHS and DVD’s and even things that she’s built with like legos and she has the cool legos the grey space stuff ones.

It’s so both of everything and it smells like girl…like girl body smells and make-up and perfumes and potpourri here and even the lingering scent of like incense too.

I’m actually just turning around and around staring at everything and I’m just blown away. Even the wall posters are like girl and yet her. Mostly rock bands and stuff but she has few Riddick posters so I think she likes Vin Diesel and I smile at her having the real poster art image for the first upside down Spiderman and Mary Jane kiss…I don’t have that issue but I have seen it before and no…it wasn’t the same as the movie scene.

It’s better actually.

I grin and wave my hand at it. “Oh so you’re a fan?”

M.J. shrugs. “Oh the kiss? Oh yeah I mean I’m named sort of like after her so yeah…besides it’s really romantic.”

“Yeah it actually kind of is.”

“So…wadda-ya think?”

“Cool room I’d love to have it.”

“See I told you that I’m a geek.”

“Yeah but girl geek is a whole lot different than I ever thought it’d be.”

M.J. nods. “It’s different for sure, you’re the first girl I’ve had up here that didn’t shoot me this semi look of horror at my uncoolness after seeing all of this.”

Oh…yay she called me a girl. That’s got me grinning really big time. “Well you’re still cool to me.”

She unfolds a card table and sets the food on it and I go for another piece of the toast and she sits behind her computer and she’s looking stuff up. “So what’s the plan?”


“For like the party. What are we going as?”

“I have no idea it’s not like there’s a theme everyone’s just going to head home to the boat garage after everyone’s done like trick or treating.”

“Seriously like you guys actually go trick or treating?”

I blink and look at her. “Uhm yeah, it’s still kinda a big deal here.”

“Most places when kids get our age they don’t y’know.”

“Well we still do here I mean it’s Halloween.”


“And we go out to show off and then there’s like the whole town costume contest thing.”

“What’s that?”

“The town has like ballots that parents pick up and they take names and they vote and there’s a prize for the person that gets the most votes in like the age groups and stuff.”


“Yeah it’s like a town spirit thing and it’s like good for business thing.”

“So like what’s the contest prizes?”

“Well for our age coup I’m pretty sure it’s like five movie tickets for the Cineplex.”

“Really that’s kind of cool.”

“Smart too, since the movie is free you can buy more treats and popcorn and stuff plus I mean you go to five movies in a year odds are you’re going to want to see more because you got used to going.”

“Oh cool…Thor’s coming out in November.”


“Uhm yeah hello…hottie big buff blonde guy and lots of cool action and stuff.”

“I saw the first one but I’ve not really kinda put him or any other guy in that place.”


“The hot place.”

“Hot place?”

“Yeah with the spotlight and the angels singing ‘Aaaaaahhh….’ Like in the TV shows.”

M.J. giggles then snorts then she slaps her hand over her mouth and nose because she snorted which sets me off laughing and I fall down on this bean bag chair she has by her bookshelf.

We laugh for a nit and it’s actually sooo good. I mean when you’re like me even laughing like a girl is guyboden.

And I don’t really giggle but it’s just different then my boy laugh and it’s nice not to watch my body language too.

I sit up once I’ve gotten the laughs under control and grab onto the chair and wriggle-walk it over to where she’s sitting and looking at the computer.

We start to look at costumes and we Google the stuff that’s trending for like girl costumes this year and there’s a lot of these thing and even though they’re for kids there’s a lot that’s kinda adult stuff.

Yeah there’s like the icky adult stuff not that it’s icky but there’s just some stuff that teens my age shouldn’t be wearing…like naughty french maid outfits.

But there seems to be this definite trend to the really girly kinds of things with like pastels and body suits made to look like other stuff.

There’s a lot of the standards like nurses and witches and princesses, witches and cat girls and some of them are kind of neat. Some of the newer ideas are good too like car-hop girl…I like the look of that but at this point that’s a kind of really old days kind of a thing.

“I remember dad talking about those.”


“Drive in restaurants instead of a drive through.”

“I thought drive ins where like those old styled movie places?”

“I think it’s both. This was like you pull into someplace and the waitress would roller-skate out to your car.”

“Really that’s cool, wish we had those now.”

“Yeah roller-skates are awesome.”

“You like roller skates?”

“Yeah sometimes even better than like in-line skates. I actually have a whole bunch of them home that I bought at a flea market and I’ve been fixing.”

Actually I have but I’ve cobbled together a cute pair of girl’s skates too…I never thought I might get to use them and it was almost it was enough just to have them.


“So any ideas?”

“I was thinking maybe roller derby girls?”

“Oh okay that would be cool and we wouldn’t look like dorks.”

“That and we could cruise around skating as we went trick or treating.”

“Oh yeah that…” I can see her still wrapping her head around that.

“The contest and prizes….”

“Oh yeah…” I see her eyes sort of light up and stuff and we end up turning on some music and looking at more stuff online.

There’s a lot of cute stuff and a lot of cutesy stuff but it’s getting something for M.J. that’s the challenge I mean there’s stuff that’s okay but then there’s the fact she’s a red head and that leads to stuff that’s okay but you don’t want to be too adult and you don’t want to be too cliché and we’re both pretty sure that we’re not going to do something that’s over done or too geeky.

We actually start kind of hodge-podging ideas and stuff and trying to find something that might actually have a chance of winning or at least placing.

M.J. leans back in her chair. “Gawd….I so don’t want to do these things.”

“Well what about the roller derby stuff?”

“It sounds cool but that’s not Halloweeny enough.”

“Like what then? I don’t want to do like EMO or something like all Gothy and stuff because that’s going to be done to death.”

She nods. “And the comic stuff too. I’m not doing Mary Jane Parker and there’s going to be some Black Widows out there from the Avengers stuff.”

“Anime’s out since no one will really get that either.” I add.

“And no Disney I’m not doing Ariel.”

“But you could do the girl from Brave.”

“No…I canna do the accent.”

I laugh at that. “Hey that wasn’t bad.”

She smiles. “Thank you I try.”


“I don’t know, we still have time to think about it some.”

“Yeah…so what are we going to do now?” I soooo don’t want to go home right now.

“Movies or videogames?”

“Movies I’ve had enough video games and being competitive for awhile I just want to relax and not live in the Guylight zone for awhile.”

She looks at me. “You’re really into this huh?”

I look at her. “Actually yeah…it’s nice not having to be Steven.” I’m not lying I’m just not that ready to jump out of the closet and do little ballet jumps across the room.

“So it’s not just you being a really cool cousin and a friend?”

“No not just this is such a nice break from like everything.”

“Yeah honestly I’m a single child and there were times that I wanted to have a sib but getting older and seeing people with them it’s kinda nice that I don’t too. I can’t imagine what living with the butt-brothers would be like.”

“And Mark.”

“Mark’s bad too?”

“Mark was sort of the worst. He’s the oldest so to him he’s like duty bound to be an ass half of the time to the rest of us. It’s not so bad now that he can drive and has a car so he’s got a part time job and he’s like dating and stuff.”

“Well that’s kinda good then.”

“True but it’s a recent change of events it doesn’t change the fact he was the biggest butt.”

M.J. snickers and giggles.

“What’s so funny?”

“Biggest butt.” And she brings up You Tube and starts playing *Big Butts* I can’t help it I had to start the song with me being one of the two girls and it’s like so cool that M.J. did to.

“Like oh-my-gawd Becky look at her butt.” We both did it at the same time which set us off laughing and we high five each other and we do silly happy chair dancing along to the song being like total spazzes.

I’m having girl fun.

And it’s awesome.

We actually spend time on You Tube showing each other some stuff that we like there that’s funny before we start looking through her movies and we end up putting in that Tom Cruise movie *Rock of Ages.*

It’s hackneyed but it’s supposed to be it’s meant to be a little spoofy but at the same time it’s got all these tunes that our parents grew up listening to and playing around us so we still kind of know the music and yeah we’re singing aloud and with some of them being as cheesy as the movie is and we don’t care either because it’s awesome.

And it’s one of the few musical movies I can stand. The other one being *Across the Universe.* But hey that’s The Beatles and who…

“Hey you have *Across the Universe*?”

“Uhm…I don’t but mom might?”

Mary Jane pulls me off the bed and drags me to her mom’s room and I’m in awe here too. This…it’s the bedroom of a single grown up adult female and it’s cool beyond words for me.

Actually it’s very mother like daughter in a way but yeah…bookcases with loads of books and sooo many hardcover’s and a platform bed that’s just like really cool and real paintings on the walls and a nice but still there home entertainment system with a stereo and flat screen TV and all the stuff for that plus a really big looking DVD collection.

Lots of stuff I’ve never seen and some of it is pretty adult and I think there’s even some porn there too but she’s a big collector of like boxed sets and TV shows and stuff actually a lot of her stuff seems to be on the edge of sci-fi and fantasy stuff but right there heavily into that whole romantic edgy stuff.

And some of it kind of looks interesting like this whole series called *Beauty and the Beast*…the beast guy looks like he’s like some kind of anthro or something and he actually has a name too….Vincent? Huh I didn’t know that The Beast had a name.

M.J. Finds the movie and we take it and we head back to her room and…

We run into Aunt Elsbeth in the hall way.

And me fully in girl mode.

Oh shit.

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