Teenage or High School

Mike versus Michelle 12: Nothing To Be Embarrassed About

Michelle is now home from her family trip to the Halsteader's cabin. The rest of her summer is spent in therapy with Dr. Martha, working at the grocery store, and working on her G.E.D. Dr. Martha tries to get Michelle past her boyish pride. Note this chapter is rated as "Mature". There's no sex, but it is discussed in a tasteful and necessary way.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 12

Nothing To Be Embarrassed About

By Sharon Parsons

My Summer Mutation

My Summer Vacation Mutation
by Saless

My English teacher had us write a paper on what we did on our summer vacation. My vacation was really different, but here it is:

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 2

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 2
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

“Lynn! This is what girls do! We shop! We try things on even if we have no intention of buying them. Why do you think it takes so long for us to shop?”

“I don’t know.”

“Because we’re having fun! We are trying to find clothes to look good in and impress boys and other people, it takes time to see what looks good on each of us. So get a move on! The stores close in four hours.”

Four hours? What the heck is that? Shopping takes fifteen minutes!

The Blossoming of Billy - Part 8

“I know. I don’t know what's wrong with me.” Billy replied with a sense of relief.

“It might be a hormone imbalance. Have you told your mom?”

“No. You are the first person I have mentioned this to. What if my mom tells my dad? I would be dead.”

“No you wouldn’t. That would explain a lot. This is probably why you are having so much trouble with your exercises. Billy, I’m not joking. Your skin looks and feels exactly like mine.” Jenna stated as she grabbed his arm and rubbed it against her arm.


The Blossoming of Billy

Part 8

By AshleyTS

The Blossoming of Billy - Part 7

“Did you boys finally start using that moisturizer I put in your bathroom?”

“What are you talking about mom?” Billy replied.

“Your skin is extremely soft or haven’t you noticed? I figured that you were using the moisturizer that I had bought.”

Billy rubbed his hand against his arm. Wow! His skin really was very soft now that it was pointed out to him.

The Blossoming of Billy

Part 7

By AshleyTS

Mike versus Michelle 11: The Holsteader's Cabin

Michelle and her family go on vacation with the Holsteaders. Michelle becomes one of the girls and debates her first kiss.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 11

The Holsteader's Cabin

By Sharon Parsons

Accidental Magic - Chapter 22: Deviations

Synopsis: What do our dreams tell us about ourselves? What can they reveal about our futures? Sometimes the truth is scary. Sometimes it is just to make us want for something better.

Accidental Magic
Chapter Twenty-Two: Deviations
By Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller

Homecoming Princess (Revised) - Part 1

Homecoming Princess (Revised)
Part 1
By Arecee
Edited by Holly Hart & Sephrena Miller

I was in the middle of one of my jokes when Mr. Copeland entered the classroom. Unfortunately the rubber band holding my ponytail decided it was time to fail at that moment. My below the shoulder hair flew everywhere around my head.

“Miss Collins, would you please settle down and be seated!” Mr. Copeland ordered, with authority.

Did I hear that right? Did he just call me Miss Collins? I guess my name doesn’t help and I haven’t been in his class long enough for Mr. Copeland to know me, but Miss?

Transcendent - 6: ~Changes~


Jaiden's entire world changed in one instant. Now he struggles to adjust to the changes. Meanwhile Nesath has taken Rachel as his personal slave. Now she must overcome her personal demons and find a way to survive.

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson - Part 8

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson

Written by Kristine Roland
Edited by Joni W

Part 8 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story.

Kelly and Tom go searching for Emily and Billy, lost in the woods.

Mike versus Michelle 10: Coming Out

This chapter covers the next eight weeks of my life after first meeting Dr. Martha and ends with the start of summer vacation. Because I was being home schooled, summer vacation didn't mean as much to me as it did to my friends. I called them my friends back then, but obviously our relationship changed.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 10

Coming Out

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 9: Dr. Martha Collins

Michelle's mother takes her to see a gender therapist named Dr. Martha Collins. Much is gleaned from their six hour appointment. At last we get down to all those pesky mother issues!
Mike versus Michelle: Part 9

Dr. Martha Collins

By Sharon Parsons

Netherworlds - Chapter 10

We walked through an area that wouldn’t have looked out of place at the Berlin Wall during WWII, through another area that had HOLOGRAPHIC LANDMINES (I was so freaked out when I saw that explosion hit Mike) before passing through another place with HOLOGRAPHIC MISSILES. They were really having a field day with the holograms, as the holographic guards with holographic AK-47s shooting holographic bullets at holographic escapees showed. It… just… I mean, when did they even develop this kind of thing? It was so bloody over the top that I wouldn’t be surprised if they released ARMOURED TYRANNOSAURUSES with LASER CANNONS.


Chapter 10

By Taveena

Mike versus Michelle 8: Just Like Mom?

This chapter describes Mike's first day as a "public woman" even though he doesn't leave the house or see anyone other than his mom. Keep in mind, Mike has very troubling issues with his feelings for his mother, his sexuality, and his ideals concerning what is or isn't a real woman.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 8

Just Like Mom?

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 7: Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Holsteader

Michelle's first day after dealing with Dr. Limpke and presenting herself as woman to her father and brother.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 7

Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Holsteader

By Sharon Parsons

The Missing MacGuffin (5) - Still More Chapters

Hells I was totally stuck, no phone, no ride, no one to help with the disguise, no friends. But enough was enough,...

The Mystery of
The Missing MacGuffin
A Jordan Hailey Story
By Jan S

Still More Chapters

Mike versus Michelle 5: My Mother's Wedding Dress

14 year old Mike wears his mother's wedding dress for the first time and they discuss his future. Does he want to be a cross dresser or a woman like his mother?
Mike versus Michelle: Part 5

My Mother's Wedding Dress

By Sharon Parsons

Football Girl ~ Chapter 12

‘That is you! What the hell is going on here?’

Claire stepped in quickly, dragging Andrew off me.

‘Look, Andrew, don’t throw like, a wobbly. We can explain…’

Football Girl
Chapter 12

By Susan Brown

The Princess and the Plague : 26

The Princess and the Plague
Part 26
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Karen J.

Dr. Barts, was waiting for her in the office lobby. “Your parents are already in there.” She stated, “Are you ready to go through with this?”

“Yes,” Erika nodded.

“Make sure that you are, because if you choose to change your mind later, you will lose all credibility.” Dr. Barts added.


Jason’s Secret Life

Jason’s secret life

By wargamerguy

Chapter one

I always wondered why hospitals couldn’t have more comfortable beds. Don’t they get millions of dollar? Why do they charge hundreds of thousands of dollars for even the simple operations? Well, I laughed to myself. Of all things to be wondering about, that was what came to my mind. I was sent here for another emergency. I was bit, and damn, it hurt a lot until the doctor came in. Then she got the venom from the bite

Something Feels Strange - 20

Feels Strange

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I confide, “I’m so afraid that, if I let myself go, I’ll like it too much to go back.”

“Well, girl, it seems to me that you’ll have to go back to being Chris. After all, how would you explain Chris’s disappearance? I would miss him terribly. Just think, if you didn’t switch back then we’d both need to find new boyfriends; and let me tell you, girl, guys like Chris are rare and very hard to find. Anyway, letting yourself go may make the transition back to being Chris harder, but not unbearable, and I think that it will make your summer much more fun. Think about it, girl friend.”

I do think about it–a lot–before I finally get to sleep.

Chapter 20: Race Day

Mike versus Michelle 4: The Public Sissy

This is part 4 of "Mike versus Michelle". Mike goes out in public for the first time dressed as a girl. He also meets a boy and it bothers him in many ways which he explains. As a matter of fact, as always, Mike is doing a lot of explaining.
Mike versus Michelle: Part 4

The Public Sissy

By Sharon Parsons


A Gaby Fan-Fiction
by Stanman

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.

I Love Lucidity ~ Part 2

As they made their way toward the food court's exit Tina pointed to an empty table and suggested they stick around and watch the floor show...

"It is pretty wild," agreed Kendra as she took in the spectacle of all the other patrons who had undergone transformations. A giraffe boy and an elephant girl seemed very much in love as they shared an ice cream sundae, oblivious to the hard stares of the normals. A party of piratine changelings were banging their heavy hooks on their table + singing pornographic sea chanties, and a bevy of TGD-girls had pushed a bunch of tables together to form a catwalk for a spontaneous fashion show, while overhead the nebulous form of an omnipotal fancier floated around creating miniature solar systems...

Tina shook her head, "That's not the floor show. I meant the one starring your two buddies over there."

"They're not my buddies," frowned Kendra, still recoiling from all the vicious things her former best friends had said to her, "Not anymore..."

"You'll enjoy this then. I guarantee they won't be calling anyone a freak after today!"

"What do you mean?" asked Kendra. The wicked vulpine grin on Tina's face was making her nervous.

"Just keep watching. You'll see..."

by Laika Pupkino

Mike versus Michelle 3: Praise For Mom

Mom was very generous with her closet. She was also generous with her patience and understanding. On our way home from the mall, we talked about the situation.

I confessed a lot to her on the way home, but I didn't confess everything. At the same time, she said things to me that went a long way toward explaining her tolerance for what I was doing.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 3

Praise For Mom

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle 2: Secret Sissy Summer

This is a continuation of "Mike versus Michelle: I'm Not A Sissy". Mike who is Michelle in private tells us a little about his likes and dislikes. This is his first summer as a secret sissy.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 2

Secret Sissy Summer

By Sharon Parsons

Mike versus Michelle: I'm not a sissy!

Most people who know me...and I mean really know me, can't understand how or why I could have given up my life as a boy to become a girl. Of course the reason they don't understand is because they don't know me as well as they think they do.

Its hard to tell by looking at me now, but up until last year, I was a regular looking boy who was leading a rather average life. I had friends and played sports. Girls liked me and I liked them. I didn't look, act, or talk like a sissy. As a matter of fact, and I'm ashamed to admit this now, but I was downright hateful towards people like me. Publicly hating them was my way of putting up a front. No one ever suspected a thing. No one that it is, except for my mom. Mothers have a sixth sense when it comes to their children's likes and dislikes.

Mike versus Michelle: Part 1

I'm Not a Sissy!

By Sharon Parsons

I Love Lucidity ~ Part 1

Kenny told that psychiatrist that he would never ever mess with that weird drug again---which was more or less what you had to say when you were in a locked ward and your parents had come down to get you and it was two in the morning and they were furious---but he was pretty sure he needed to give this TGD stuff another try. Because while he was on it he’d been a woman; his body, and what he was wearing, and it was all so REAL!!!! So that part at least had been utterly amazing, he just wouldn’t take so damn much. Because maybe next time he’d become some totally hot babe instead of that obnoxious airhead Lucy, with her creepy bongo-banging bandleader husband Ricky and weird old Fred & Ethel Murtz from next door; the whole adventure so dumb and goofy until it turned so savage and ugly- sneaking around the jungle hiding from what seemed like the whole Communist army, and then old Fred getting stood up against the wall + shot as the plot to kill that dictator dude started to rapidly unravel...

by Laika Pupkino


The Challenge Part 009

I was really damn excited because tonight was the night of the big homecoming dance. Our cheer squad would perform during the football game and we had a jazz dance routine ready for halftime. I had a lilac flower-print dress with cap-sleeves ready to go. I also had matching heels.

The Challenge: Part 9

By Tyler

The Blossoming of Billy - Part 5

“You look mesmerized Billy” Mom stated as she noticed him fixated on what she was doing.

“I just never noticed how at home you look in the kitchen. You are a pro mom!”

“Why don’t you come in a here and help then? I could teach you a few things.” Mom replied. She was sure that Billy would refuse. All the men in the family showed very little interest in anything that wasn’t a masculine ideal.

“Okay!” Billy quickly answered as he jumped up to help his mom.

The Blossoming of Billy

Part 5

By AshleyTS

The Princess and the Plague : 25

The Princess and the Plague
Part 25
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Karen J.

“Feels good doesn't it,” Samantha said from behind her.

Erika nodded.

“You coming to the party at Greg's?”

“I'm grounded,” Erika reminded her, “My dad is here to take me home.”


Something Feels Strange - 19

Something Feels Strange…

Feels Strange

Before going to bed, I log into my email account and what do I find? Another email from Joey! Laurie gives me an I-told-you-so look when I tell her.  He sent the email late in the day and attached another of the pictures taken yesterday. He asks how my day went and if I've found out anything about the race on Saturday.

Ugh!  What do I do? I decide to ignore it for the time being. I feel bad to ignoring someone who is trying to be friendly, but Laurie has me concerned that Joey is looking for more than just a friend. Maybe if I send him a thank you email late tomorrow he'll take the hint that I'm not interested in establishing a romantic relationship. Why can't we just be buddies?

Chapter 19: A Night Out


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