Teenage or High School

The XX-Factor - The Sequel: Chapter 2 - Welcome Home, Christy!

...she looked up into the face of someone she’d hoped she wouldn't ever see again, or at least not so soon. It was none other than Robbie.

The XX-Factor
- The Sequel -

Chapter Two - Welcome home, Christy!

by Woggie

Copyright  ©2005 Woggie
Revised edition: December 10, 2011

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 19 of 22

“I do need you,” she said, beginning to tremble. “I said — I said I didn't want to change back, and I don't, but I want even more to be with you, to make you happy. If the only way I can do that is to change —”

“Shh,” he said. “No, you don't have to change for me.”

Somewhere Else Entirely -40-

Garia learns something about her body's limitations as the days of rain continue. Rosilda introduces the bra to Anmar, Garia educates a Metalsmith about the economics of mass production and the Council learn about thermometers, barometers and fire tenders.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

40 - The Wrong Moon

Sweet Dreams-24...Holy! F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Sweet Dreams-24...Holy!F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Chapter 24

My waxed cup of coke and popcorn goes flying all over the place as I jump to my feet screaming. “Omigod!, Alex! Run, go, go, go!”

Maiden of Magic, Chapter 6

Maiden of Magic
Chapter 6


Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

Kevin's Dream

Kevin’s Dream

I had the dream again last night.

It used to be a once-in-a-while thing, now it seems like its happening every night, and I think I might be going crazy because of it.

I mean, I’m a typical high-school boy, so why would I dream of being a girl?

It always starts out the same - I go over to my girlfriend Tammy’s house, and I change into her clothes. She doesnt seem to be freaked out by this, in fact in the dream she has a blast helping me strip the boy off of me, and reveal a girl inside.

Mares Tales 2

Chapter 2 of Mares' Tales.

This story has been on FM since 2003 so it's not new, but I'm adding it to my BC portfolio to keep track of it.

I make no apologies for the content of this story. I had only just gone online a couple of years earlier and was at a very disturbed stage in my life.

Only just getting over the suppresive stage and slowly coming to terms with what I was after gaining access to the internet and gradually recognising my 'inbetweenie' circumstance that wasn't much discussed in those early days.

So no apologies and 'Damn the Torpedoes!'

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 5 the replies


though I admit to using drink as balm to my soul I implore you to abstain. At least moderate your indulgence. I understand the need. I miss my son grievously but we do not have that luxury. Clear heads are needed at this portentous moment. I will bring you some of that excellent vintage you requested but we must indulge sparingly.

Crown or Tiara Chapter 8

Now, the lumination crystals are rather curious objects. For one, although they are called lumination crystals, it does not produce its own light. Rather, it takes whatever light is in its surroundings, then somehow uses that light to shine and illuminate as if by magic. That is why the stronger the light source that hits the lumination crystal, the brighter its light will become.

Except from 'A Commentary On Recent Inventions' by Beregor the Curious.

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 8

By Shinieris

Lead Shoes-6

Lead Shoes-6

Chapter 6

Okay despite how bouncy I was I’m really scared and nervous as we get to the YWCA. There’s the fact My CP makes me stick out and there’s this fear of being found out. Aunt Holly gets out with a bag and I get out with her and we head inside and sign in and head to the changing rooms and…I see this guy?..girl..in the ladies locker room.

He looks at me and he’s Hindu? Hindi? And I can’t help but sneak a few peeks until he looks away shyly and sort of hides behind the locker doors.

“Aunt Holly? Uhm is he like me?”

Mistaken Girl chapter 4

Mrs. Peterson leads me by hand out the back to where the other girls are. Its strange but all that tape has altered the way I walk. Its more fluid or graceful. Me graceful now theres a laugh. I try stalling but she has a firm grip on my hand. She leads me to a walk of windows. Beyond that is the girls.

Christmas always made me think of Charlie...

Christmas always made me think of Charlie… CUchstms1.jpg
It was that time of year again; that time of year the last week before Christmas when everyone else around me was busy thinking of what last minute gifts to buy for whom. What sales to hit for the best bargains what parties to go to. Me, I mostly thought of Charlie…


I know I know is she ever gonna finish one story ...Its not my fault every time I sleep a new story comes and this gosh forsaken muse will not let me alone till I doth write it.

Quit that!

Child prodigy. Simple words and when one is found you hear that they are usually sent or trained and then are in papers and such. But what of the ones that are not discovered.

Good question isn't it? I should know it turns out I am one such. My name is Dane Thomas. I do not have a middle name. However many of you may know me by a much different name. Sailor D. Yes I am she from that rock group. It all started about a year ago...

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 5

Dear Ladies maid Francine and Dear ladies maid Evelynn.

It would seem you young maidens forget the punishment after you were both caught by me when you taunted those poor girls to tears for wearing the training corsets.

I have been given to understand that my grandsons are now my granddaughters and have not been told of such by my own offspring.

I unable to learn more of what is happening from here in Prussia. Since I am also trying to take care of a misunderstanding of magical nature here I do not need anymore from either of you.

Sweet Dreams-23...Holy! F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Sweet Dreams-23...Holy! F#*K!, Did I just get A Life?

Chapter 23

I’m crying…

I’m crying and it doesn’t hurt, there’s none of that bastard Cliff shouting in my brain. It’s nothing even remotely close to anything bad. It’s good; it’s actually so good that it’s hitting me.

I’m sitting in this pile of comforters and quilts in the sunshine and I’m softly curled into the arms of the most perfect thing in my life. Alex…

And kissing.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 18 of 22

She undressed in the dark and stashed her clothes and shoes on the shelves, then looked inward at her structure, deciding what form she wanted for this purpose. She started making changes, reducing her size and altering her structure. Twitching her whiskers and sniffing gingerly at the door, she slipped quietly into the corridor and scurried down it towards the front parlor.

My Super Secret Life-13.

My Super Secret Life-13.

Chapter 13

Yep WTF was certainly the perfect term.

Matt looks at me and smiles and I’m…I mean he’s…oh fuck.

Okay I said what I saw but it’s really like this.

Matt’s wearing some kind of wig that fits him perfectly giving him this head full of shiny, wavy sexy tumbly black tresses that go all the way down her…his back. Then there’s the face his face is perfectly smooth, no stubble or anything and he’s got these incredibly thick long lashes and perfect make-up.

Shiny black lace metal choker and earrings and bangles.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 4 the replies

Lord Everett Carl Stewart Envoy of his majesty King George.

Dear Evert,

I see know why his majesty placed this great responsibility in your hands, If anyone was born to be a diplomat it was you.

I have acted a fool. That it was in defense of my handsome son, now by stunning daughter is but part of the explanation, not an excuse. That I drank more than was prudent is also to my shame.

First time 16.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

My first (and only) steady girlfriend hit me in my mid-teens. 17, I was, 15, she was!! This was the Sixties….. But everything wasn’t THAT relaxed! (…not where I was living at least). So I wasn’t yet ready to go out en femme as they call it. Girlfriend time was weekend time, so weekdays were the only possibilities for dressing…..

Chapter 16

Crown or Tiara Chapter 7

Is this your wish, my sister?
To have us fight against our own flesh and blood,
our own brothers and sisters,
our own fathers and mothers,
our own sons and daughters?
Are we at the place
where we slay each other for comfort?
You resolved to slay our own brother,
and spill his blood on the pure, white clouds.
Melilica shall have no part in this, dear sister.
Do as you wish,
Melilica is already in disappointment.

Excerpt from the translated poem 'The Sorrows of Elanara'.

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 7

By Shinieris

Jem...Chapter 13

Jem…Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I can’t help but to stare at Raven. Then the way she said what she just said and the way the she’s looking at me sinks in and makes me blush. I…did I over do this? Am I making this to much for her? Am I going to hurt her?

She goes over to me and she smiles this smile that and forgive me for being lez-offensive wakes my lower self some despite the confinement and makes me get this very naughty bad Jason image in my head.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 4 - updated

Dearest Brother

Have you lost your mind? Yea Gods, you and your infernal temper have made another fine mess. Will you never learn. If our beloved mother hears of this I dare say your ears will never recover.

You may be my half brother but this this.. You will come to my house and we will discuss your many short comings in this regard at your earliest convenience.

It is not enough that I have to deal with the colonies as envoy to the king, No you have to create a mess at home as well.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 3 the replies

Dear Colleen,

First I must express my deep shame at being unable to prevent father from sending off that unseemly note to your mother. I should have been able to intercept that foul missive. Mother had warned the household staff to intercept all correspondence until father's anger had subsided but not all of the family servants are loyal to mother and I. Father is an imposing figure of a man and wields strong influence over many in our house. As Lord he was within his rights. But no man is without faults and we failed him in this time of difficulties.

The Voice in My Head

The Voice in My Head
Anam Chara

Like any other boy his age in junior high school, Danny has enough trouble steering his course through life. Parents, siblings, friends, classmates teachers, and everyone else are all telling him what to do. And that’s hard enough for him. But now, there’s this voice in his head questioning the decisions he makes for himself.

Kidnapped. Part 1

Kidnapped 1
By kayla don
Edited by Red_MacDonald

You know, it’s weird to be standing here in this spot, outside the place that made me the person I am to day. As I look at the building that has haunted my dreams for the past fifteen years, I just have to think back on the events that took place all those years ago.
“Mom, I’ll see ya later.”
“Be careful and call me when you get there.”
I went to the garage, hopped on my hummer H1 golf cart, and took off towards my friend Cade’s house.

Christmas Surprise

Spring Hills was in a state of total excitement! The small mountain town full of eclectic little shops and mostly geared towards the tourist trade went all out for the major holidays. Christmas this year would be no exception. Now Spring Hills wouldn’t forget about the religious meaning of this holiday, but that was mostly left for the churches and the individual families. The town itself was going all out for the business end and the commercial pageantry that would draw these tourists into town.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 3

Dearest Cousin Francis

The dressmaker and your maid are blind! My mother can assure you I am not graceful. Nor am I beautiful, although I do appreciate the compliment. Mother is forever on about a lady carries herself like so, eat smaller bites, put your hands in your lap. It is never ending. All the things I am to learn to be a proper lady and do, in truth, long quite painfully for our old days. I am jealous of your womanly curves, although I am not quite sure why.


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