
Boys Will Be Boys - 5 - Impressive, Me? OR The Spy Who Brained Me

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 5 — Impressive, Me?
The Spy Who Brained Me

Last time...
I took him through the whole story from the beginning. He didn't stop me once, just sat there and took notes on a little notepad. He changed pages a lot, I think he must have filled the whole pad!

By the end Marcie was crying openly and had her head on my shoulder. Mrs. Donner had a few tears in her eyes, too. Officer Daniels was scowling. "That's quite a story, John. If we hadn't already searched your aunt's house, I might have trouble believing it. We found the estrogen she was giving you, and that locked basement room. We also found the tactical baton she used to break your ribs. There are still tests to run, including a blood test on you to prove the estrogen is in your system, but it's going to be a slam dunk, I think. You're a really brave kid." he said.

I shook my head, "If I was really that brave I would have broken out of there a lot sooner, instead of giving in to my aunt and dressing and acting like a girl."

Uh oh, I've done it again!

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Here I am working on getting T&T caught up with VC (and I'm getting real close!), and now I've come up with another side story for VC! It's an idea I've had in the back of my mind for a while, though not necessarily as another side story. But much of what happens to this character will remain separate from the rest of the gang, so a side story really seems like the only way to go. So, Friday I'll be posting the first chapter of A Father's Rebirth.

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A Father's Rebirth


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A Father's Rebirth
A Venus Cursed! Story
by Saless
What's a father to do when he's lost everything that matters to him, including his gender? And if that weren't enough, it's all his own fault! Can he ever go back to being the man he was, and does he really want to? Some kind of change must be made, but what? And who will he be afterward?

Coming out of the fog (hopefully!)

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Hello again everybody! I haven't been too vocal lately; as in no comments to speak of at all, even in response to comments on my own stories like I usually do. It's been a pretty busy summer, and I was kind of tense for a while do to both that and anticipation of my sister's wedding.

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Late entry

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I actually managed to finish (more or less) my Summer Romance contest entry last night. It's kind of rough, but done. I still need to do some minor formatting stuff with it and give it a title. Then I'll go through it one last time and probably tidy up the ending a bit. So I'll probably be posting it sometime between eight and ten tonight (Pacific Time). A bit last minute, I know, but this one has been a bit of a pain.

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zzzzzzzz...ugh, what? Oh, yeah, I'm writing something, huh? What was it about...zzzzz...ZZZZZ...zzz...Whu? Oh, yeah, just a sec...*BAM* (smacks head into wall). OK, I'm awake, for now. So, uh, what was I saying? Oh yeah, writing stuff. So, I haven't gotten any writing done in a couple of weeks now. Really busy lately. And haven't gotten a good night's sleep in, like, a month or so. Camping was fun, though...

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A warning about 'Throw Me Away'

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I haven't posted it yet, but will do so tonight. I just wanted to give a warning because it's rather depressing and not very good. But I don't have anything else to post and it's been sitting on my hard drive for a month or so, so I figured I'd post something, no matter how bad. Yeah, really makes you want to read it, doesn't it? ;)

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Boys Will Be Boys - 4

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 4 — Whose Side Is She On?

Last time...
"Don't worry, after seeing how badly you were hurt, they won't be letting her anywhere near you for a long time! You just relax and rest, and we'll see you in the morning, okay?" Mr. Donner said.

"Okay. See you later." I replied. Marcie gave me a careful hug and she and her dad waved on their way out. I waved back and then settled back in the bed with a sigh. I was surprised how tired and achy I was feeling. But then, if I'd had surgery, that makes sense, right?

My eyes were drooping and I was just about asleep when I heard someone call my name. It didn't really register at first, but then I heard it again. I recognized the voice and my eyes snapped open. I'd almost forgotten that there was one other person involved in this who the police didn't have, and she was walking right towards me! "Mom?!" I gasped.

It's amazing what a little angst can do...

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I swear, I get some of my best writing done when I'm upset about something! Being depressed doesn't usually work too well, but other kinds of upset seem to really get me going. It doesn't hurt any that I've started using writing as a sort of therapy.

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It seems there is some kind of error in the html of my latest posting, The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu. Erin moved the break code to the very beginning to keep it from screwing up the front page. So on the front page it shows the name and an empty box. If you click on it, though, the story is there. Some browsers may have trouble with it, but it is there.

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The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu

The Chronicles of Mana
by Saless
Chapter 2 — Deja Vu

Wow, that last chapter sure had a sad ending, didn't it? Sorry for the long break everyone, I've been soooo busy! My sisters keep dragging me into political stuff, not to mention that attack last month we had to fend off. Jeez, you'd think people would get it through their heads that we're plenty powerful enough to protect Avalon when Mom's not here!

Draca says that a lot of people are still confused about where Mom comes into this story! LOL! You'll see! ;) Just keep reading, and I'll try not to have such a long break before the next chapter, OK?

Hugs and Kisses!


Chrysalis - 2 - Escape

A KittyHawk Tail
by Saless

Chapter 2 — Escape

Laura has achieved her dream, but now she has to escape. And even once she's done that, she should probably be watching her back...

Dream Fears

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I know, I just posted one blog, and now I'm posting another! But this one is quite different, so I thought it best to keep it separate. I had the strangest dream the other night. I was online visiting the sites of transgender fiction authors in my dream. I had come to a site that updates regularly (It wasn't any real site, but it reminded me of Maddy's site), and there was no update. I was surprised, so I looked into it and found out the author was dead, murdered! Another author who posted on that site who, in my dream, was another favorite, was also murdered!

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Comment Games

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There have been some blogs lately about wanting comments to stick to the story, rather than meandering off on specific aspects of it or whatever. Which is fine by me if that's what the author wants. Comments on my stories have often devolved into jokes and general playing around. I just thought I'd make it clear here that not only am I okay with that, I encourage it! I often get in on it myself, especially when I'm in a mood. ;) So by all means, have fun!

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Boys Will Be Boys Chapter 3

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I just posted the real third chapter to Boys Will Be Boys (with "The Real Story" added to the title to help clarify things). I added "The April Fools Edition" to the name of the previous version so it should be clear enough which one is the real one and which one the joke. Hopefully no one's too upset with me for my little April Fools joke! It's the first time I've done any kind of April Fools joke, anywhere, so I'll blame inexperience if I went too far with it or offended anyone. ;)

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Boys Will Be Boys - 3 - The Real Story

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 3 — A Chase and...uh oh!

Last time...
After drying myself off I put on the panties, which were surprisingly comfortable. I threw on the robe and stepped out into the bedroom to find that Aunt Karen had apparently been down here again because...

I trailed off when I heard the door open. Marcie and I turned to look at the door and found her mother standing there, looking very angry. "What is going on here, Marcie?! I told you not to open the door for anybody!"

Sorry for the delay

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I tried to post Toil & Trouble 3 yesterday, but my internet connection had gotten so slow I couldn't get the page to load to post it! I tried for two or three hours before giving up. I had to go to my grandmother's house today to help clean it up so it can be sold (she died last month), and I just got home from that. But it's up now, and the links to/from VC are up, too. It's kind of short, as it was a last minute thing because none of the other story chapters I've been working on were ready for posting yet. I'll try to do better next week.


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A year already?!

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Wow, it's already been a year since I registered here (my first story went up only eleven days later, seems like it was longer than that...)! Time really has flown by this last year. I've actually been a regular visitor here for three or four years longer than that, but I'm shy. ;)

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The Arena - 2 - Secrets

The Arena
by Saless
Chapter 2 — Secrets
Pentacle's Arena battle has shocked even veteran Arena fighters like Sebastian and Carmen. And the after effects of that battle will impact their lives in ways they could never have guessed. But other issues will muddy the waters even further...

Chrysalis - 1 - Metamorphosis

A KittyHawk Tail
by Saless

Chapter 1 — Metamorphosis

Mutation has closed doors for many, leaving them outcast and alone. But it has opened doors for some desperate individuals. Larry is one of the latter, and more than desperate enough to give it a try. An experimental new treatment may give him what he wants, or it may destroy his life forever...

Boys Will Be Boys - 3 - The April Fools Edition

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 3 — Betrayal

Last time...
After drying myself off I put on the panties, which were surprisingly comfortable. I threw on the robe and stepped out into the bedroom to find that Aunt Karen had apparently been down here again because..."

I trailed off when I heard the door open. Marcie and I turned to look at the door and found her mother standing there, looking very angry. "What is going on here, Marcie?! I told you not to open the door for anybody!"

So busy!!

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I just keep coming up with new ideas for stories; which naturally slows down the posting of old ones. It's kind of irritating in a way, but fun, too. The latest addition is a spin-off of sorts of Kittyhawk. I'll be posting the first part of Chrysalis Friday for sure, as I've already written 5,000 words of it. I'm not sure how big the first part will be. It may be the entire 5,000 words, or I may break it down some. I may even add more to it before then and post all of that as the first part, but I doubt it.

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Picture formatting

I've noticed that several people have stories with a picture on the same line as the title with the text centered in the remaining space, like Angharad's Easy As Falling Off A Bike. Whenever I try to get a picture on the same line as text the text ends up aligned with the bottom of the picture, and only one line of text; the rest goes above or below it. What am I doing wrong?



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Just curious...

How many other writers here find themselves engrossed in their own stories? What I mean is, I was re-reading parts of Kittyhawk to refresh my memory about a few things, and ended up reading the whole thing because I was enjoying it so much! This isn't the first time this has happened to me and I was wondering if other writers have, too? I just think it's kind of weird to get that involved in something I wrote.



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Story Update

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Well, I tried to get Kittyhawk 11 done in time to post today, but didn't quite make it. I got inspired from my dream and wrote a lot on it this week, which took a lot of time away from Kittyhawk. Oh well, I shouldn't have any trouble getting it out next week, at least.

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The Arena - 1 - Kill Order

The Arena
by Saless
Chapter 1 — Kill Order
Sebastian is a young mutant. All he has ever known is the prison he lives and fights in. His powers are simple and straightforward, and he is strong enough to protect himself against most other mutants. Even his nemesis, Crusher, rarely gets the best of him. But it is changes in his own body that will ultimately pose the greatest threat to him...

The Arena


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The Arena
by Saless

A hundred years ago mutation threw the world into chaos. Governments collapsed and many died before a new, worldwide, government took over and restored order. Peace replaced chaos, and was soon followed by rapid technological advancement which solved many of the world's problems. And what was the price of this peace, you might wonder? Just a little genocide, that's all. And all in the name of safety, and entertainment!

Milestones & Kitties

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One of my stories (Boys Will Be Boys, Chapter 1), has reached 100 votes! SQUEEE!!! *happy dance* Thanks to everyone who voted on it, and all of my other stories! Chapter 2 isn't even close to that high, but I'm too happy about getting a hundred to worry about it!

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Boys Will Be Boys - 2

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 2 — She's nuts!

Last time...

I groaned, "That's not the only thing I have to remember not to do! She's been drilling into me how I should sit, stand, walk, you name it!"

"Why don't you tell me about it while we wait for Mom to arrive?" Marcie suggested.

"Okay." I agreed. "I guess I should start with when she picked me up, after you left..."


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