Jessica C

Started with a Prom Dress - 3 - The Prom

I was asked who had added the flowers. I was praised that the little touch was magnificent. I asked if they thought Jeff would like the gown. Mrs. Richards commented “He will love the girl in the gown and that you look so pretty. It will be the other girls who will compliment you on the dress, shoes, your makeup and the many other details.”

“Will Dawn and Denise know how beautiful it is?” Mom smiled at my interest on how I appeared and what friends would think. “Mom, did you notice my feet, I need that second pedicure you talked about.”

Started with a Prom Dress - 2 - The Date N More

Started with a Prom Dress? — 2 — The Date N More

I started to putting on the skirt and now had a complication.
“Too bad Jeff’s not here to help you,” Dawn said with a smile...
“Young woman I am more than happy to be here for you and share,
but I think you need to be honest with me and yourself...
You may not have planned to kiss back but you did.”

Thanks Dad for Being There - 4 - Back to a New Normal

I practiced daily as I can and jammed with Dad at least twice a week picking up a cord sequences here and there. Travis remained my instructor; he was comfortable with my working with Dad, saying I was progressing well.
Dad shared he leaned things, which helped him as well. While Dad became my biggest fan and encouragement, Mom would take time as well on the keyboard. He would usually use the bass guitar when we jammed and his acoustical guitar if he was trying to teach me something…

Thanks Dad for Being There - 3 - A Weekend Away

I am sure it was a bit awkward for Dad as he went to work with no hint of his feminine side. He said it was like living in two worlds as Wanda and the office women wanted to see and know more, and others were clueless.

Dad did make the mistake of telling Wanda a week later our mom was back singing again. Wanda shared the news with Mrs. Dole the wife of the CEO. She was hosting a pre-holiday social for women but did not want it stuffy or dependent upon men.

Thanks Dad for Being There - 2

Thanks Dad for Being There
2 - Stepping Out

By Jessica C

…The Sam spoke again, “Jaz is that you, you are looking fine, it has been a long time, it is nice to see you again. Do you still play the guitar? Do you see we still have Joe’s old guitar since the last time they played here.”
…Cathy spoke up to our surprise, “Is that you Daddy why do you look so pretty?” She went running to Dad and he naturally responded with a big hug and picking her up in her arms. “Dan and I found some of your pictures, I think you look cute but he said you looked too much like Mom and Jenn.”

Thanks Dad for Being There - 1

Thanks Dad for Being There

By Jessica C

Daughter finds the secret side of her dad, thought to be an 'Average Joe'
Her interest to play a guitar and form a girl band, begins the unfolding of her dad's past.
Joe had been a very good guitar player but there was more...
Jenn's make-up kit had fallen out of her purse, while in dad's car...


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