Change of Summer Camps - 3 - Payback Time

Change of Summer Camps - 3 - Payback Time”

By Jessica C

Willy went to Camp ArrowHead...
but became a Rainbow Camper after he got into some mischief at the girls' camp...
Now at Camp Rainbow, it's time for payback to those who ran out...
Willy/Patti had given her word to keep his agreement...
He never expected to be a girl camper...


It was nice to have the excitement over, and as the week went on things got back to normal, though normal for me should have been Camp ArrowHead instead at summer camp is here. It was Thursday when both Sharon and Director Laura asked me and Cami if the camp should be expecting Austin and Matt on Friday. They were trying to guess what kind of clothes and sizes would be appropriate if they showed up.

I thought there was a 50-50% chance that they would both show up; Cami was 75% sure Matt wouldn’t come. I spoke up, “Well if one doesn’t show up, I don’t think the other will, do you?”

“They are from different towns so unless they communicate with each other, one boyish girl just might be here,” Cami giggled. All of us giggled, but I had mixed feelings about, what if, Austin did and Matt didn’t show up at Camp?

“If only Austin shows up, you would give him the option to back out wouldn’t you, Ms. Hills,” I asked?

“He would have that option, but I don’t plan on offering it to either of them.”

By now I was participating like any Rainbow camper; the 'Life Lesson' segments continually reminded me that girls looked at things differently. Guys tended neither to look nor talk about things until they were planning to act on them. Then we tended to pool our own thoughts, with a locker room ego mentality.

Where girls would share their feelings and think out loud; what they said often made better sense to me. That was more than I use to give girls credit for. Some things they shared with the full group showed they used discretion. There was more sensitivity not to hurt others.

Like this week they were talking about birth control. I know guys joked they know what to do, but that they should not trust a girl if she said she was using something. Today they shared condoms were 80% reliable, but that went down to 50% and 20% with guys who did not use them properly or practiced good hygiene after the first time.

Willy could have been in either of those latter groups. Nurse Jane privately gave me three packets of condoms but said I needed to account for them at the end of camp. “You should have one with you at the dances, just in case another boy wants to make-out with you,” she said. The idea grossed me out and Ms. Jane knew it.

“Well, you have already been kissed by a boy. Can you tell me for sure that won’t happen again?” I wasn’t planning on it and if Austin is here dressed as a girl. “I can’t think of any boy I would be tempted to kiss. I’m sure I won’t.”

“Has your pads ever stopped it from becoming noticeable that you’ve been aroused,” she asked? I didn’t respond but we both knew the answer was yes.

Julie, Cami, and Staci teamed up against me to find out what Nurse Jane wanted to talk to me about. I was surprised when they did not laugh at me. They did give me a bad time. They warned me that I better not have sex with any Rainbow Camper or they would turn me in and I would be kicked out. They smirked saying I shouldn’t need them until the 2 or 3rd dance with campers from ArrowHead.

I got angry but Cami came out and said, “If you kiss them a few times, you might be surprised how you could be interested in the right guy.” We were walking to lunch when Cami whispered, “Come and talk if you need to. I expect there’s a lot of thoughts and feelings you are not used to going through your head.”

I stopped and looked at her and I realized she was serious and trying to be considerate. We just squeezed hands and went to lunch. Stephanie came to stay with me during FOB, flat on back time. “Patti, I came down hard on you earlier and I am partially sorry about that. Part of my being a counselor is also being here for you. I understand all you did was kiss and that might not have been planned. You more than the others are likely to have a difficult time with all you are going through.”

She says, “You talk in your sleep sometimes and more of it’s as Patti. You really want to be like”...

“Steph," I was now holding one of her hands, "I want to talk but I don’t know what to say. A lot of it is as Willy, but I am starting to think and feel more as Patti.”

“So who would you like to talk with Dir. Laura, Sharon, Jane, or someone else?”

“No, I can’t open up to them. I'm not saying right now, but I feel comfortable with you.” We talked and I changed into some jeans to go horse riding. “There I just changed from my shorts to jeans in front of you and I liked just being Patti. You’re a pretty counselor and two weeks ago my thoughts would've been very different.”

Stephanie squeezed my hand, “You are thinking more as Patti, I think if it were me changing, you would have thought more as Willy.” The truth was she did change her top, but she had turned away from me and she changed from shorts to jeans, but did it discreetly as possible. It hadn’t registered until afterward that she had changed.

We were at the stable, the first of the afternoon; they had us saddle up our horses but the head staff person told me April was still young and I should not turn my back on her. I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, but I quickly found out. I threw on her blanket and as I lifted the saddle; I knew it would take a good heave to get it over. So I turned and lifted the saddle so I could swing it over. As I started April nipped at my butt and I scooted. I tried again with the same results.

Chad the other wrangler came over and helped me to throw it on and then handed me the belt underneath to cinch up the saddle. As I reached down under April, she turned her head and got me again.

Chad laughed, "There are three things you can do with a horse like April: Know her habits and act accordingly; you’re a rightie, you could have reached with your right hand and had your buns turned away from her head. You could be the boss and be tough enough, giving her more trouble than it's worth. I could show you but I don’t recommend it. Last, I have seen you two are usually friends; friends do better if you see them more often and talk to them when together. I don’t know where your head was, but April noticed you and you showed her no attention.

“You’ve got to be kidding, I like April and choose her every time. I don’t think a little affection is going to change anything.”

“I heard you like horses and told your sister and mother, you would like one. Come here and face me and let her head rest on your shoulder. Now raise that arm like you are hugging her; now bring your other hand up above her nose and pet her… Do you think she’s a pretty horse?” I said yes and hugged her. Several girls were taking pictures and it was as though April and I enjoyed the moment.

“If you enjoy hearing compliments for being a pretty girl, don’t be surprised she does too. Now take her reins and walk over to be one of the lead horses.”

I did and Staci spoke up, “You’re butt was turned to her and she didn’t nip.” I turned around and gave April a big hug and told her how beautiful she is. Then I started to cry.

Chad laughed at me, “Why do girls get so emotional when they get happy? That boy if he was still here wouldn’t be crying.”

Staci said, “What makes you think he isn’t?”

“I was told he had trouble making it until Friday and they sent him home with the short-timers.” The other girls laughed as did I. “Are you girls kidding, he’s still here,” Chad asked? The staff was not to snoop and ask about a camper if they didn’t know something. But Chad asked several of us as we rode for our session.

As we walked back to the tent to change for swimming, Steph said “You know a number of the campers will dance with Chad tomorrow. It would be funny if you and Willy both danced with him.”

During swimming I swam out to the platform several times, once lying down to tan a bit. I happened to be wearing my two-piece suit. Lisa and Susan both shared, “Wouldn’t it be nice to get a picture of you tanning yourself on this platform where this all started.”

“Well you can take your picture, but you can wait a long time if you want me to unsnap the top.”

Lisa says, “That is what I told your sister, but she was sure you would cooperate.”

“Susan, what would make you think that?”

Susan sat on my legs, “I’m going to unsnap your top, and if I were you I would smile, so your sister isn’t tempted to snatch it as she dives into the water.” My top was undone and Lisa took some pictures.

Susan dove into the water without hooking my top back on. Lisa said, “You are going to be in trouble with Sharon when she catches you like that. If I were you I would hurry up and re-hook my bra before Sharon gets here.”

“So are you going to distract me and hope that Sharon or another lifeguard comes out?”

I’m startled by Sharon’s voice, “No, it’s already too late!” I jumped and my top did not come with me. Sharon giggled. “Lisa if you and Susan set this up, I’ll be upset with you.”

I was hooking it around my back and Staci helped me hook it around my neck. I could tell both Lisa and Staci noticed my breasts were swollen. Lisa started to speak and I cut her off. “I’m sorry Sharon…”

Sharon laughed, “I don’t think so Patti. I don’t want you to lie to cover for her.” “Lisa this is a warning. Do not push your luck thinking it is justifiable.” “Patti not to excuse this, but you now have had a very rare experience to see it’s not so funny to embarrass another person.”

I was crying and went swimming back to shore when Sharon tried to stop me and we both fell into the water. “Settle down young lady before someone gets hurt,” Sharon said as she put me in a hug. “Lisa you are now on duty.” Sharon swam with me back to shore, and Staci was not far behind.

I lightly showered on the beach, as I would have to wait to get to the regular shower. Sharon, Staci, and I sat at my tent and we had a good trust time. Staci and I have been growing as friends and I felt good that she was in our sharing time.

We openly talked about my being a boy, but having so many experiences as a girl. Staci was restless and I knew why. “So Staci, you are wanting to ask something, aren’t you?” She tried to say no, but couldn’t say anything.

Sharon was called away, and then Staci spoke, “If I’m not mistaken you’re not wearing your breast forms, but I don’t understand it.”

“Of course I am, you saw them when my top was off,” Patti quickly answered. What would make you say that?”

“They had bumps that form on real breasts, what I saw is really you Patti, but it can’t be.”

I explained the hormone blocker for testosterone. Staci laughed and mentioned, “Some of the girls laughed about the food you are eating and said it would serve you right. They said tofu and soy milk and things like that were good to bring out the real girl in you.”

“My mom said if there are any changes they will go away when the blocker wears off. She thought it might help my experience.”

“My dad would go crazy if he knew the girl talk I am having is with a boy who has breasts as pretty as mine.” She reached over and touched my left breast, going under my swimsuit. “It is warm, soft; see that you are responding to my touch.” I tried to stop her. She says, “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you, nor tell anyone. But if you want a girl experience you should explore how your girl body feels.”

“You heard that a girl should feel guilty about her body, most girls do some exploring. Your mother may not have thought about this but this is part of the experience of a girl our age. Especially at camp when she's away from home. She should know from Susan that these are some experiences that make this unique. Not all the girls are permitted to attend life lessons, but your Mom gave the okay.”

She pushed me to lay back and placed my hand where her hand was. She touched the inside of my upper leg and brought my hand there. “I don’t know what is normal for a guy, but you feel like a girl with hot pants.” With that, my body shook and I knew what was happening but I hoped Staci didn’t.

She took my hand and tugged me up and took me following her. Without a pause to slow down, Staci was running me across the camp and we ended up at the nurse’s station. “Ms. Jane is it true that if we share something confidentially you won’t be able to say anything as long as we are not hurting ourselves or anyone else?”

“I think Patti just creamed herself, kind of like a boy, but it's because she was sensing things as a girl.” She conveniently left some things out so people wouldn’t get into trouble, but said, "I accidentally saw her breasts. I realized they were not the breast forms she had, but her breasts were forming as I saw her nipples budding. She said her mom said she was to experience being a girl as a Rainbow Camper. I encouraged her to explore her emerging girl. I think it is beautiful but until she creamed herself, I panicked. It’s beautiful but I think she needs confirmation from you as an adult what she is experiencing is kind of normal and beautiful. She also needs to be able to clean up.”

“Wow, I am not quite sure how this experience came about. I am going to presume that this is basically like you said and not something between you Staci and her as Willy."

"Patti, I would like your confirmation that you two were not doing anything bad or out of line. I especially want to know if this is something between you as Willy and Staci or another person on camp?”

She had me undress and said I would be able to shower in a moment. She sent Staci back to get me a change of clothes. Nurse Jane examined and visited with me, “You are some special person Patti, and you have attracted some special friends who will shake their heads in years to come. They too are sharing a special life experience. Could you imagine any of us trying to answer, ‘Mom what was Summer Camp like when you were growing up?’” We both laughed and I went to shower and clean up.

Staci brought back a change of clothing and waited until I was ready to go to dinner. “One more thing,” Staci added. Her thumb and index finger were on my lower jaw, opening it ever so slightly as she tilted her head and gave me a warm kiss. “I wanted her cleaned up so it wasn’t confused about whom I kissed.”


Jane said before dinner we should get to the project hut as they were making tie-dye skirts, dresses, and tops. I was familiar with the tie-dyed shirts we made regularly at ArrowHead. Ours there were simple hit and miss about whether they looked nice. Come one of the last two dances in July the girls and Camp Rainbow showed us up with dresses, tops, and even pants and shorts all tie-dyed that actually was attractive, having girls in them never hurt our perspective.

I was glad to have the opportunity to do something bigger. Judy and Thea headed up the 'Project Hut' and they were ready for stragglers like us. She had two styles of dresses and a camisole top I liked. Both dresses would have shorter skirts so it was hard to choose.

Thea suggested I consider making one for Austin and would show me how to make the skirt portion peach with peach, yellow and pink top. I would need to come back after dinner to get Ashley’s dress done on time. I went with a peaches and cream look for my camisole. The two would set me back $25. As I proceeded, Judy had the other dress ready for me to dye a soft blue, with a pretty pink to be applied this evening or early in the morning.

Staci found a light jacket she would wear along with a camisole. I knew the skirt and shorts that she would be wearing. They would make nice outfits.

Julie had come back to work on her project that she started in the morning. Jamie was now with her as well as Cami. Julie saw the dress I had started for Austin, under my suggested name of Ashley. She whispered something to Cami and then to Julie and asked me if she minded if Jamie added some satin ribbon as borders around the bottom hem, neck, and even under the bust-line of the dress?

Jamie knew who Austin was and though he did not seem feminine or gay, she thought he was a boy of his word. “If he thinks Matt is coming, I expect him to be here. And I think the dress would be really nice for tomorrow night’s dance.”

“You don’t think he will have to be attending the dance and dancing with boys, do you,” I asked?”

“Well, Dir. Laura did ask in particular for Friday and for them to stay overnight and fully participate as Rainbow Campers. Ms. Hills' ideas usually entail more than people considered.”

“I suspect the Arrowhead boys will be looking for you anyway, but Austin is too big to be you.”

“What are we going to do if they find out about Austin and give him a bad time?”

“You’re the mischievous one, what would you suggest?”

“If we have enough Campers willing we could raid their camp. If we could learn which groups are going to be away from their area overnight that would be ideal.”

“But we’d get in trouble with Ms. Hill even if we didn’t get caught by the boys.”

“The best pranks we pulled on you, you thought other girls did!”

“Like if we planted a couple of new pairs of panties and bras, having taken their boy clothes, we would initially be blamed. But if the stolen clothes were buried behind the grounds of one of the groups with ice cream sundae stains it becomes an ArrowHead problem.”

“You know Sunday there will be an Early Summer Sale at Today’s Fashion Shop?” Cami said with a hint of more to come. “If you give me the names of three of their guys I will have one of them meet me in town. He will buy a bra, in anticipation of catching up to Willy. We buy the same bra and he becomes the fall guy.”

Patti, “Cami, Willy curtsies to you that is good. Jeff, Cafferty, and Rob are my suggestions who Cami could land and who would likely be part of any trouble.”

Jamie, “I have not heard anything you have said, but I am officially telling you it would be improper for you to try a prank over at Camp ArrowHead. Patti would be the first one suspected and in big trouble if she were caught.”

“What could they do?”

“If they caught Patti or a girl; I’d hope they wouldn’t be as creative as Dir. Hills. I won’t say anything more.”

“Staci, could we plan to do something whether or not they give us any more reason. I suspect at least 1 or 2 of those guys were in on the prank where Lisa got hurt.”

We decided to go to dinner and we'd meet without Julie and Jamie afterward. Staci had me go back and change into my tennis dress and panty. The group had started to talk in my absence and their discussion was to keep me out of the prank. I just smirked and asked how they intended to get in and out undetected.

I was asked if it could be done. “There are two ways through the preserve and at least one under the net if we have 200’ of strong rope out to the platform.”

I had Ashley’s dress ready for Jamie to take home and finish. Jamie had the satin ribbon she would use and it was a unique pink that worked better than I thought possible. Quietly, I asked Jamie if I were able to get a similar dress done while at camp if she would finish it with a similar ribbon application.

We had fun around the campfire singing a lot of pop songs and getting lessons on dancing like a girl. It was fun. The reality I would be a girl only seventeen more days was hitting me. Four weeks ago I prayed for reasons it might not last. Even tonight I was worried as a competitive guy, about having girls outdo me in some of the activities. Like in the morning we were having a two-mile run and I'd like to be first or have a few girls beat me as possible.

I know better now how many were honestly in better shape than I was. I knew Lisa, Susan and Cami would probably outrun me if they were up. More girls said they would run when they found out I was running. I told one girl I thought I could beat her; her response was “Good, I will get to watch your cute butt. It would be cuter if you wore your golf outfit, so I get a glimpse of a boy in panties.”

The giggling grew at my expense as several said they would woop my butt, and that was one of the nice jabs. I knew 9/10ths was in good fun.

I woke early, dressed in layers, and ate an energy bar, and drank some water. There were some 15 runners compared to the usual 6. Jamie was happy and after everyone stretched the run began. We had run a quarter-mile to a trail that wove up and downhill. I made the first mile and some before I started to tire. There were a good six runners ahead of me and three others who finished with me.

Since I could not shower with the other girls I took a running dive into the lake and had my first wet-shirt display. My Sister quietly informed me it showed I was using a pad. I thought the giggling was a little much for the showing of nipples.

Nurse Jane told me to get a change of clothes and use the shower at the Nurse’s Station. I wasn’t thinking and grabbed a pair of short shorts, which now made me look like an all-American teeny-bopper. I was eating when the three of us got a call to the Director’s Office.

We guessed right and it was Austin being dropped off by his mom and a sister. Austin either had on a wig or a lot of extensions added to his hair and it looked very nice for a girl. While we would work to continue his transformation, Austin was well on his way. His sister Samantha said she thought the experience would be a good one, but warned us not to take it too far.

Samantha suggested there should be a community girls’ day, something Dir. Hills took note of. His mom shared while the family knew, the community did not, “While it is against the odds that everyone will be quiet, I would ask you to try.”

Cami did get their e-mail addresses so she could send some pictures. They suggested the name Bree and heard our suggestion of Ashley. Austin was the one who chose to go with the name Ashley Rose Jackson.

Officer Jamie drove up in her trooper car while we were still meeting and pulled out Ashley’s dress for the dance. Mom and Samantha thought it was really cute, girly, and would look good on Ashley. Ashley did receive it well but was upset about the mentioning of a dance. I am sure he wanted to back out, but his family quickly got in the car and left.

For me, it was so natural to hug Ashley as one of the girls. Lisa was to be his Big Sister. Austin was ready to lose his cool when she took his hand and asked him to come with us. We had him relaxing quickly. Sis met them at one of the high school campsites. I hear they helped him have before and after look pictures. A cold drink and yogurt were taken to him.

It would be 10:00 before we saw Ashley after they were done with her. We had a life lesson segment that Ashley was in with. The group warmly greeted her arrival. Ashley asked, “Who’s the other boy?”

“She was transformed weeks ago,” said Cami “If you sign on to stay the rest of the summer we could do the same for you. We'd even let you know who she is.”

Staci “Girly-boy is still here but we are protecting her identity through the dance tonight.”

The Life Lesson today was on skincare and hair removal. I was in the front row with Ashley and I was chosen twice to be part of Nurse Jane’s program. She giggled and thanked me for cooperating and wearing short shorts. Ashley took my hand, “That couldn’t have been easy in front of the other girls and another boy.” I kissed him on the cheek and said thanks.

Next was canoeing during which many of us were out to get Austin to relax by getting into a water fight. Lisa reminded Austin to be Ashley as others might be watching. Ashley's cool was lost as she stood up in their canoe and lost her balance. She went falling out into the water. When she got into our canoe it was obvious that she had a nice set of breast forms, which caused me to smile.

Ashley’s tent is a bit larger than mine, it is over at Cami and Julie’s campsite. Ashley got preferential treatment to the shower and using the loo that I did not. She did come out smelling a lot more girly than when she went in. If one seriously looked one could tell Ashley was a boy. Austin was taken through the experience for all it was worth.

During lunchtime, others helped her to choose a salad and small fish sandwich for lunch and a chiffon tart for dessert. It was funny to see her reminded how to hold her utensils, take small bites, and chew her food like a good girl. Ashley even got to go into the girls’ bathroom to clean up.

I expected her to come out like a boy with war paint on, but they were treating her very well. During FOB the campers with Ashley were able to help her practice dancing as a girl. Each step of the way Ashley would protest until after swimming when Austin just slipped away. I was feeling a little sad as I wasn’t getting attention.

On the other side during FOB I wandered off and was giving extra attention to April and found myself getting extra attention from Chad. His Mom is the lead wrangler. She said, “He wishes he was one of you too.” I wasn’t sure if she meant for me to hear that or exactly what she meant. “He’s around girls so much, he wishes he could let down his hair and be one.”

When I saw him again, I suggested, “Your hair is long enough you should put it up in a ponytail and dress a bit more like one of us.” When he smiled I was sure I was reading him right. “Well, how about you and I ride tomorrow afternoon with your Mom as our chaperon?”

“I don’t really want to be a girl, I just…”

I interrupted, “You don’t need to prove what you are or are not, but you probably would like one time being one of the girls. It’s a neat experience and I am game if you are.” He and I were saddled and riding some five minutes before others arrived, and by then it was agreed that we would ride a few hours on Saturday. His mom was to get him a pair of girl’s designer jeans and a country girl’s blouse at the farm and country store.

It was a fairly easy ride up into the state park and back. Then we, like Ashley’s group, had a chance to swim and sunbathe. All the campers were happy to make sure Ashley had on her skin protection, but no one warned Ashley about getting, a girl's tan outlining his swimsuit. Luckily she was wearing a dress for the dance.

I took the opportunity during swimming to swim and check my idea for getting under the netting, I was 90% sure it would work.

After dinner, we all had extra time to shower and get ready for the dance which was at Camp ArrowHead. Overall the dance was quite nice. There was a new guy Sam whom I found it easier to dance with. My surprise was I enjoyed dancing with him as well as taking a walk during which he kissed me. He wouldn’t have minded doing more, but he mostly honored my requests. He did hug me from behind and kissed me on the neck once, as his hands, accidentally came up to my breasts.

My ‘no’ should have been quicker, but I too was interested in seeing if my nipples responded to being touched. It was shortly after they did, I said “No!” as well as I used my hands to stop him. On our way back I saw Cafferty walking Janis away from the dance with Rob and Jeff following a little out of sight. I quickly grabbed Cami as well as Sam.

By the time we got there, they figured out Janis wasn’t me but were twisting her arm to get her to tell them who was. Sam was a gentleman and pulled Cafferty’s arm off her wrist and caught the one that would have slapped her. Cami warned the others not to try anything. Rob tried to push her aside and run, but Cami used her black belt finesse to force him to the ground and to stay there.

Janis was crying and apologizing for walking away with them. When I reminded her she was only walking with one guy, she said but they said it was the word of three boys to one girl. Cami knew Janis had a reputation that was not in her favor. We served notice to the boys to keep their mouths shut and their hands to themselves. Then we went back to the dance.

I suggested for Cami or Staci arrange to meet Cafferty in town and go shopping on Sunday. Cami thought he would not go for it after that exchange, but I assured her his ego was quite big and that he would believe in his charm if you would play to it.

While I was angry at Cafferty and the others, I was being swept off my feet by Sam and the surging feelings of my new body. Sam would be here through July so we would see each other again.

The dance came to an early end when Sharon heard about Janis’ treatment. Mr. Andrews was upset and got their director to phone our camp, both were rude to Sharon. They knew better than to call and bring Director Laura in on the incident. I danced a few times with Ashley and actually favored Austin either way over Sam.

Ashley had danced with a bigger guy, Jake, often during the night. I joked about how Jake kissed when I realized that Ashley had, in fact, kissed Jake. “Don’t be so surprised,” I said, “the Camp’s girly boy had the same experience but probably stronger.”

“But I’m not gay!”

“You’re probably right you’re not gay, nor are you going to stay a girl, but in some ways, you had the experience of both. And the world did not end and you did not become an unnatural creature with one eye, a deranged mind, and one or two boobs. For a guy, you look very good as a chick and hopefully, you're enjoying the experience. Patti can say pretty much the same things but is wondering.”

“Are you telling me that Patti is the name of the boy Rainbow Camper?” He paused and thought as he said, “But I don’t remember meeting another Patti. You’re not trying to get me to believe you are a boy, are you?”

“Ashley, I can’t take not telling you any longer. You met my sister Susan with Lisa early in the day. Five weeks ago when I was part of a group that played a prank resulting in Lisa getting hurt, I got caught because I couldn’t leave Lisa injured in the water. Sharon the head Lifeguard caught me, and for me, this was a punishment.”

“So if you truly are a boy, what would Patti be wondering about?”

“I am not sure if I want to stop being Patti and a sister. I know you won’t ever date me but I really liked being seen and treated by you as a girl.”

“You’re telling me you didn’t kid me to make me feel like a fool to the other girls.”

“Have the other girls treated you like a fool? They wondered about me and my motives, but they have treated me more than fair. They think you are neat, they know you have more courage than me. Would some like to get you in a dress again sometime in the future, I am almost sure. But they would see it for your enjoyment as well as theirs.”

“Why would they like me dressed as a girl if they don’t think I am a girl?”

“Because you listen better as a girl and they like your softer side along with how you look like a guy.”

“In two weeks when we have our next community dance if you’re here, would it be alright if I wanted to dance with you as Patti?” With that Austin/Ashley pulled me to him and kissed me and ran his hands down to hug my butt. “It may not be right but I like your soft side. I know I wouldn’t date Will be, but I might dance or even date Patti.” The kiss was warm and tender, the hug came from nice hands they belonged to a tender guy or young woman, and neither lasted long yet was very nice.

Susan was close enough to notice but her only response was to suggest we check our faces and redo any lipstick we were wearing. I said thanks and she responded, “Young women and men weren’t like that when I was growing up.” lol

Cami and Julie caught up to us while we were both redoing our lipstick. “Well,” said Julie, “Make sure neither of you gets pregnant that would be very hard to explain.”

Ashley jumped to her defense, “It is nothing like you think.”

“Patti is a very good-looking young woman, and if I didn’t treasure her friendship so much, I would be tempted to jump her bones,” Julie retorted. We got into talking about friends and sometimes wishing we were lovers but suspected that would be temporary and the friendship would be much longer.

Sharon and Samantha had gotten into our group discussion. Sharon said she still had three camp friends and half a dozen classmates she kept in contact with. Samantha as a staff person said she had many more campers she communicated with. I hoped soon to be another one of those campers.

“Will I be eligible to come to reunions?” Sharon responded saying it would be a good question for Dir. Hills to answer. The others said it would not be a good 2012 reunion if the special Rainbow Camper couldn’t be there. If she didn’t come too bad, but if she’s not invited it wouldn’t be a happy reunion.

Sharon finally shared her reason for coming around to the campsites, “I don’t want you, girls, to take into your own hands any repercussions for tonight. That especially goes for Susan’s brother, do you girls hear me?” We acknowledge hearing her, but when Staci mentioned we wouldn’t think of it; Sharon knew we were, I could tell.

We were up early with about two dozen girls going home. Most were here through July and Sunday about 50 girls would be coming for 1, 2, or six weeks.

About fifteen of us went out for a hike including Ashley, to minimize the talk of two would-be girls at Camp. Ashley’s mother and sister would pick her up any time after 11:30 am. Ashley was to shower and change into her new dress after our hike. We made Rock Mount by 9, had breakfast and nutrition bars, and were back to camp just before 11.

Cami and Joanie had permission to go to town early just before noon; Cami was rendezvousing with Cafferty in town. Cami had talked to him after the lights were out. Since we were back Staci went with them as well. Their cover was that Joanie wanted to see if she could work at the Fashion Shop and the other two wanted to snoop out bargains for the next day’s sale.

Cami met Cafferty and Sam, and then Cafferty came back with her to the fashion shop. Cafferty wanted Cami to purchase it, but she swore it was bad enough to be setting me up; she couldn't be on record for buying it. Heather as a good salesperson talked him into buying an inexpensive but cute camisole to go with it. Cami complimented him on his taste and said a girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend. Instead of saying “thank you” he agreed with her.

Back at camp, it was nice to be part of the group saying goodbye to Ashley. His sister was really pleased with the dress and a few pictures. We promised none of them were or would go onto the internet. Dir. Laura asked if it was alright if one picture without names went out in their promotional material the following year.

When Samantha checked the ribbon application around the neck, she noticed his tan and remarked, “Austin, you will have trouble with changing your girly tan, before vacation.”

“Sis, tell me I can change that by tanning in the backyard?” Sammy responded, “The small strap marks won’t be hard but since you didn’t undo your back strap that is next to impossible. Austin let me dash your false hope it is impossible.”

Ashley looked with shock as her sister and mom giggled. I too was in shock but for different reasons, but hid my feelings for now.

Susan put an arm around me and said, “My brother will have similar girl problems in two weeks.”

Samantha giggled and replied, “If your brother is as pretty and ‘all-girl like Patti I would say he has a problem. “Everyone gave the usual hugs and promises to stay in touch, they Austin left.

I then plopped on the ground as everyone turned and went their way. Except my sister turned after a few steps and Cami and Staci returned after a few more. I first spoke to Susan, “Sis what am I going to do in two weeks with vacation starting on Sunday?”

Cami was behind me with her legs unladylike spread next to me. She was giving my neck a massage and being quiet for a moment. Susan wasn’t sure what to say, but said, “Don’t worry Mom will figure out something. John and his two children will be there, part of the time, so she will want to make a good impression.”

“So you’re saying she’ll be nice but it’s not about me.”

“You are out of line, Willy. I will tell you Mom is going to be tickled about seeing Patti. You have handled this discipline really well, and the way you have handled being Patti, it is like you have grown and learned a lot. I hope I see a lot of Patti in you after this.”

Cami snapped my bra, “You know you’ve become a pretty good sister, and I don’t just mean to Suzie. (Pause…) You might not want to think of it, but it might be best if Patti went on vacation. You would have enough time to make the change for school.”

“Yeah, I could see myself 24/7 on a public beach. It’s funny that I will miss Patti, but I don’t see Patti apart from Camp Rainbow.”

“You have it wrong, being a girl among girls is a lot harder than fooling guys and adults. If you want I would leave Camp and you could come home with me as Willy or Patti. We like you enough, to go the extra mile. That is not what we thought when you first came here.”

I didn’t want to appear as believing what they were telling me. But I was calming down and thanked everyone as I got up and made my way back to my tent. Cami and Staci walked with me, telling me about their time in town with Cafferty.

Cami shared about their time at the Fashion Shop with Cafferty, “He liked the gag idea of getting a bra to shame you. He wanted me to pay for it with his money, but I said I was risking enough just by helping him. Heather came over and talked him into buying a camisole to impress his girlfriend a little more. When I mentioned a girl was lucky to have a guy like him, instead of saying “thank you” he was cocky enough to say I was right.

Cafferty and Sam said they were camping tonight near Mount Rock. “Cami, if you can tie the rope to the platform tonight, we might as well do it.” Cami and Joanie would not be in on the raid since they were at the store, nor would we risk getting Julie in trouble. Susan, Staci, Lisa, and I were the main group on the raid, Tonya, Tess, and Janice would help with a few things, with two others keeping watch all the time.

Susan and Lisa helped to give us added height as they would appear like taller boys going across the camp in the dark. We were in the preserve by their fence by 8:30, but wouldn’t enter the camp until 11. We and five others were signed out to be camping out up at a horse site. We borrowed latex gloves from the Nurse’s Station, shave cream, bags of girls’ stuff but not from our girls, and a small shovel to bury them.

It became a little interesting as Jack had stayed back at camp. Our only advantage was he was a snorer. Tess kept watch of the shower room and the shortcut from the state park. Lisa was digging the hole for the guys’ clothes. Susan, Staci, and I were working inside throwing clothes out to Tonya and Janice. I found Jack’s bait worms and told Tonya that they were to go in with the boys' clothes. I did save two worms for Cafferty’s bed.

The girls' clothes were distributed around, we took their Eagle flag and threw it behind the Bears campsite. I took my pants, shirt, and shoes off giving them to Susan and suggesting they take the other exit at the preserve for their return.

Tonya had grabbed the cook’s hot mitten from the Bear’s camp and I used it to handle the shovel out into the lake. I swam out to their second platform, I knew because guys dove off of it and searched the bottom; the shovel would someday be found. I stuck the mitten between the platform and the drums that are used to float it. Again I was sure it would be found.

I rested a bit before swimming for the net. A little flashlight marked the spot where the net was raised and from there I made it to the platform where Cami was waiting for me. She untied the rope and we swam to the shore and made our hike to the campsite.

Everyone was tired but no one was going to sleep. Lisa and Susan were sure someone was watching the area we entered the camp. Everything we knew went flawlessly; all gloves were accounted for and burned in the campfire. We weren’t due back to camp until 8:30 but word reached us at 8:00 a.m. that we were wanted by Director Hills.

She was neither a happy camper nor very angry at us; she did not interrogate us, but instead, she indicated there better not be anything to tie us to what happened at Camp ArrowHead.

New campers arrived and settled in Camp Rainbow as Camp getting back to normal and the new girls were settling in, some were even seeking out Patti.

Director Andrews from Camp Arrowhead came to our Camp at dinner time and was angrily making accusations, but Program Director and Head Lifeguard rebutted. “One of our girls on Friday was attacked and you called it insignificant. For years boys from Camp Arrowhead have played pranks and we credit it to boys being boys. This year Willy Landis was caught because one of our campers was hurt and he rightfully acted with compassion.”

“Mr. Andrews, if I have my way we will retaliate, but not with anger or hurt. I believe the relationship of the two Camps is on thin ice. If I had my way we would retaliate with whipped cream and lipstick. If your boys are good-spirited they would respond with water balloons and pillows.”

“Mr. Andrews!” Susan stood and spoke up, “Willy’s identity isn’t a big issue, his punishment caused him to learn more and to have more fun than he would have at Camp ArrowHead.”

Mr. Andrews had calmed down but was still angry when I stood and walked over to my sister. “I did not come over here to be lectured, but to ask for an apology and for you to identify and punish those who were part of the prank.”

“Director Andrews, I started this summer at Camp ArrowHead, and now I am a Rainbow Camper. I could orchestrate a raid from this camp to Camp Arrowhead as Lifeguard Sharon said. But you ask us to admit to a raid and prank without an accusation of what we did or the evidence you have that suggests we did it.”

“I know, who took part in the prank in which Lisa Hart got hurt, but you did not insist they be identified, two who knew Lisa was hurt. Friday a girl was hurt and her dignity not that of her attackers was insulted.”

“Young lady,” Mr. Andrews responded, “You don’t look like you’re the brother or sister of Susan, nor appear to be Willy. I am tired of being questioned by ordinary campers…”

I was now angry, “I am sick of what you think. No Susan and Willy and now me do not appear to look alike in all aspects. I use to look more like my father, but my resemblance to my mom has grown more. No, I don’t appear to be Willy, and I am beginning to think, I am more Patti than Willy. Do not use me as an excuse; I believe the evidence will indicate that the prank at your camp came from within the Camp. I think it is time for you to leave Camp Rainbow.”

It was but a moment and he left to the applause of the campers. Our new campers were quickly buzzing to ask about all that happened and appeared to be happy to be at Camp Rainbow. Susan sat with me and said that I should not get such a big head, “Campers new and old are happy because they are not on the short end of the crap with boys.”

“But little sister do you realize that you outed yourself. More than identifying who Willy is; you are acknowledging that you are transitioning from a boy to a girl. Whether you find yourself to be Willy or Patricia, I love you. Your Mom and Dad are proud of you.” I found myself in the most wonderful hug and as tears began to fall Cami, Julie, Staci, and other girls came as a group, and we embraced.

The various groups by ages broke up and had an evening of coming to reform as the group that would share their camp experience for the two weeks ahead. There was one change at our campsite. Lisa and I now had a larger tent as Stacy and Tonya had asked permission to the tent with us as their quarters would be overly cramped.

We were up and at breakfast, and I was wearing my tennis outfit when a big surprise came. Dir. Laura arrived at the dining hall and all attention went to her. “I have two announcements I would like to share as well as my welcome to those who joined us as Rainbow Campers yesterday. I apologize that I was not here last night for your encounter with Director Andrews of Camp ArrowHead, but I compliment you on how you, the Staff, and Campers handled yourselves and represented Camp Rainbow.”

“I have been told unofficially that any link to our camp was circumstantial at best and fitting for a prank of immature boys. Seemingly the clothing from one campsite was taken and buried behind one of the sleeping areas and replaced with girls’ underwear. That there beds and bunks had shaving cream under sheets or in the bedding, and that the flag for that campsite had been taken. A picture of a stick propping a fenced area is said to be evidence of where you entered and fled from.”

“If there are among you those who did the prank, I suspect you have seemingly done so well that the evidence will, in the end, prove to be a prank of their own campers, but indict no one.”

“My second announcement is for a special camper among us who lost track of when her mother was coming to visit. Patti will you please come forward, greet your mother, and then introduce her to the camp.”

I wasn’t to have on lipstick nor had I learned how girls greet one another without smearing it on the other. I jumped up from my chair and ran to my mother entering the room. I jumped into her arms as a much younger girl might do hugged and kissed her leaving my mark and show my panties from behind.

“Thanks, honey but I might remind you to act like a young lady and not a smaller girl. Showing your panties to your friends is not becoming for your age.” I turned red with embarrassment. After I regained my composure, I introduce my mom, Karen Landis to the staff and campers. I invited my sister Susan up to be with us as well.

“Yes I am here to see Susan as well, but I gave myself one week to visit you, at Camp Arrowhead I thought. Now I find us in need of shopping for a formal gown and accessories. We also need to decide how we’re going to handle going on vacation, young lady…”

To be continued…

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My thanks to two friends who helped to proofread and edit this chapter. Any mistakes that remain are credited to me the author.

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