Daphne Xu

SRU: Reforming the Brat


SRU: Reforming the Brat
by Daphne Xu

Credit: The song "Nuttin' for Christmas" was by Sid Tepper and Roy Bennett.

I wrote the first draft of this story eight or nine years ago, in a severely depressed, anxious, and/or furious mood. (I don't remember which and why, now.) I was recently motivated to revise this and finish it up. The first SRU story (Bill Hart's "A Strangeness at the Frat House") was written in 1996, so this could be considered a 21th anniversary homage to SRU, celebrating SRU's coming of legal age (to consume alcohol).

James MacBeth has had it up to here with his son Jeff. He encounters SRU; maybe they might help him with his son.

Vengeance and Beyond


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Vengeance and Beyond

Daphne Xu

Synopsis: A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

The Bridge

The Bridge

By Daphne Xu

Teaser: An old wooden bridge provided a short-cut for generations of schoolchildren walking to school. But now, the bridge is so rickety and rotten that children are warned in no uncertain terms to avoid that bridge.

A Modest Dilemma

There comes some point in teaching, where I have to introduce Coulomb's law in electricity. Here's where I always hit a dilemma: I give a series of sentences describing the properties of the Coulomb force. One sentence goes:

The force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The issue: should I underline (or otherwise emphasize) "inversely" and "square"? Or should I underline "to" and "the"? In other words,

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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The Race

A nasty, racist, offensive story with no redeeming value whatsoever. A white teenage girl and her secret black older boyfriend have disclosed to her parents that she is pregnant. Hilarity ensues.

Something Sinister

There's something sinister about this situation, a WWII account in TVtrope's "Awesomeness By Analysis":

Britain analyzed planes returning from combat, plotting the number of planes returning with holes or damage against position of the holes. Some areas had many planes returning with holes there, while other positions had very few planes returning with holes. The question here is, which sections of the planes should be reinforced.

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Vengeance and Beyond (Part III -- Final)

A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

Vengeance and Beyond (Part I)

A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

Vengeance and Beyond (Part II -- the Explicit Attack -- Optional)

A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

CAUTION: The actual crime is described here, and may trigger a reaction. The reader may proceed directly to Part III.

A Curiosity

For some reason, one particular story of mine, "John's Living Nightmare" gets many times the hits of my other stories -- except for a story still listed on the Home Page. It doesn't get many times the Kudos. ("Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit" comes closest to that.) Is there a particular reason?

Maybe it's not Bikini Beach?

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Grandpa Takes Beth to Bikini Beach

Some readers may recall sick Beth mentioned a couple times in "A Bikini Beach Summer". Unfortunately, Grandmother's solution to everything wiped out Ruth's attempt to get information about Beth's sickness to her parents. This is a side-story to the sequel, which is still being written. It occurs a few weeks later, and Beth's condition has consequently worsened.

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit
By Daphne Xu

Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W.


The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties.

Multiverse Lucy & Ruth

This is a totally non-canon thought exercise, describing the first-time "transformation" of Peter and Luke to Ruth and Lucy, in my story "A Bikini Beach Summer." It was suggested by a Multiverse interpretation of Bikini-Beach reality shifts.

John's Living Nightmare

John's Living Nightmare
By Daphne Xu
Copyright 1999

Bruce and other bullies who follow him pick on John by calling him Alice and calling him a girl. Eventually, everyone follows Bruce's lead, driving John crazy. I first wrote and posted this story elsewhere in 1999. Bruce and Alice in this story have nothing to do with Bruce and Alice in "A Bikini Beach Summer."

A Visit to Bikini Beach

A Visit to Bikini Beach
by Daphne Xu

A side story to "A Bikini Beach Summer." A couple characters in the main story visit Bikini Beach. Any further information would spoil the main story, which should be read first.

A Bikini Beach Summer 14-16/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 14: Luke, Carol, and Ruth join Daisy for dinner at her house. Daisy's parents have their own Bikini Beach back-story.

Part 15: Returning to Bikini Beach, Luke nearly bolts in panic over his mind. Changing to Lucy, Luke remembers far more than he expected.

Part 16: Sunday Dinner with Mrs. Winstead and Daisy's family leads to a visit to Bikini Beach to confront management.

A Bikini Beach Summer 11-13/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 11: Lucy and Carol agree, "What happened Friday night remains Friday night." Tuesday is the pass's last day. Last week's horror stories about Ruth come home to roost.

Part 12: As usual, Carol joins Luke, Ruth, and Daisy during their activities. Carol has to remind Luke of certain facts about Bikini Beach.

Part 13: Luke fearfully returns to Bikini Beach. Lucy gets in trouble with Jen, but manages to avoid being caught by Pa in her bikini. Luke, on the other hand...

A Bikini Beach Summer 08-10/21

A Bikini Beach Summer
by Daphne Xu

Part 8: The Day After, Lucy doesn't want to go to Bikini Beach, so her Bikini Beach friends come to her. There are new revelations, but things are also forgotten.

Part 9: Carol begins joining Lucy in her activities. Ma returns from a meeting enraged over horrible stories told about Ruth.

Part 10: Lucy joins the girls in the sleepover. They go shopping and play naughty games. Lucy is plagued with nightmares.

A Bikini Beach Summer


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A Bikini Beach Summer

Ma takes Lucy and her little sister Ruth to Bikini Beach for a fun wet Saturday. Lucy makes new friends, and experiences a whole new experience. However, this being Bikini Beach, not all is as it seems.

Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod.


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