Daniela A. Wolfe

Virtually Twisted - Shifting Attitudes

Cover Image

By accident Jim discovers his trick and finds
a whole new world of possibilities has opened up to him.

Please follow this link to read part 10 or this one read all parts.

Please take a moment to leave feedback on my website. Not only does it help encourage me, you might have the opportunity to influence the story. Likes are also appreciated.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:


Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

Blog About: 


Virtually Twisted - New Plumbing

Cover Image

After a trip to the restroom helped Jim sees himself in the mirror for the first time and is discovers just how much had changed.

Please go here to read this week's part or here to read all parts.

If you enjoy the story please take a moment to comment on my website. You may also make use of the like buttons.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:



Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

Blog About: 


Virtually Twisted - Part 7 AND 8

Cover Image

Now that he's been rejected by his mother, what will Jim do with his life now? As he comes to grips with his situation, he sees the first signs that his body isn't the only thing that has changed.

Please go here to read this week's part or here to read all parts.

If you enjoy the story please take a moment to comment on my website. You may also make use of the like buttons.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:



Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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An update on the layoff

Regarding my previous blog. First, I'd like to thank everyone who rang in and offered their sympathies. Although the writing had been on the wall for a good amount of time, it came as a shock. I am still feeling down, but I believe I've accepted the reality of the situation. I wasn't prepared for the emotional impact and I truly feel as if I am in mourning.


Virtually Twisted - Secrets

Cover Image

After his Twist, Jim and Megan are left alone in detention area. Megan's father arrives and a few secrets come to light.

Please follow this link to read this week's part or this one to read all parts.

If you enjoy the story please take a moment to comment on my website. You may also make use of the like buttons.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:



Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

Blog About: 


Virtually Twisted - The Naked March

Cover Image

Jim awakens to find himself surrounded by onlookers, but as he becomes aware of his new, and very naked, female body he realized he has much bigger problems.

Please click here to read this week's part or here to read all parts.

This particular part of the story sparked the most debate of anything I've ever written. Looking back, I believe much of the criticism was warranted, but this time around I hope I've managed make this so called 'naked march' more plausible. Before leaping to conclusions please be assured there will be repercussions at the end of story that I hope will satisfy any of the remaining naysayers.

If you enjoy the story, please take the time to comment. You may also make use of the like buttons on my website.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:



Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

Blog About: 


Virtually Twisted - It begins

Please follow this link to read this part
follow this one to read all four parts.

Eager to make full use of his incredible opportunity Jim begins playing with menu options despite Alex's protests. If he had known what was to follow, he wouldn't have been so enthusiastic.

Blog About: 


Virtually Twisted - The Stuff of Nightmares

Please click here to read this week's part. Click here to read both parts.

Jim's dreams take a rather disturbing twist as he grapples with the question, "Who is my father?"

Second part is up! This one's almost double length.

Blog About: 


Virtually Twisted - First Part

Please click here to read.

Jim Rumsfield always believed he was regular teenage boy, but when he undergoes a twist he discovers he is anything but ordinary.

Those of you who follow my stories and blogs know I've been talking bout a rewrite for Virtually Twisted for years. I began writing it a number of years ago, but I set it aside in favor of other projects. Now I've picked it back up and today I have begun serializing it on my website.

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Poll Results & My Plans

This blog was originally posted on my website.
You may view the original poll post here.

First, I'd just like to thank everyone who participated in the previous poll. It's been a couple weeks, okay well, more like four, but who's counting? Before I discuss my plans, why don't we take a look at the poll results?

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Santa Babe

Cover Image
Santa Babe
By Daniela A. Wolfe

Santa is no longer the merrymaker we all remember. After his wife has left him, Santa turns to alcohol to fill the void in his heart. It’s Samson the elf’s job to keep him from doing anything that would get him into trouble, but when the old man accidentally consumes a mysterious potion, Samson finds his job has gotten a whole lot more difficult.

Santa Babe - New Christmas story

I just posted a new Christmas story on my website!

Please, follow this link to read: https://danielawolfe.com/story/santa-babe/

Santa is no longer the merrymaker we all remember. After his wife has left him, Santa turns to alcohol to fill the void in his heart. It's Samson the elf's job to keep him from doing anything that would get him into trouble, but when the old man accidentally consumes a mysterious potion, Samson finds his job has gotten a whole lot more difficult.

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Exemplar Universe


Audience Rating: 


On an Earth very like our own where people, known as Exemplars, who have extraordinary abilities fight their villainous counterparts, called Aberrants, to keep Earth and its people safe, it is the government agency known as AEGIS' duty to protect the general population and keep heroes from stepping over the line. When a series of growing threats rise out of the shadows will AEGIS and it's exemplar allies be able to keep the darkness at bay or will humanity fall before the onslaught of this new threat?

Asking for your input again (a poll)

Okay, so I thought I'd take another stab at this poll thing. This time around, I have a few new stories to the list and instead of choosing one story. Each idea on a scale can be rated from 0 to 5.

Please follow the link to vote. https://danielawolfe.com/blog/gauging-interest-2/

I'll repost the full text of the blog here, but due to technical limitations the only way to answer the poll is on my website.

Blog About: 


Psyren's Redemption - The Final 10,000 words

Yeah, you read that right. I planned to post the remaining part of the story in five different installments, but, what the hell, I decided to suprise everyone and post it all in one fell swoop (totalling just under 10,000 words). So let's get this show on the road, shall we?

Did Indigo Knight act in time to save Ashira? Will Sapphira and Amy have their happy ending? What has become of poor Awe and Hailey? All these questions will be answered and more. Come on over to my site for the conclussion to this epic tale.

Blog About: 


Psyren's Redemption - The Gateway Predicament

Indigo Knight's attack has had its desired effect and Ashira was spared from a death at Babalawo's hands, but will she recover from her injuries in time to finally defeat Chemosh or will they all suffer a fate worse than death?

Follow this link to read this week's part.

This one to read the entire chapter.

Blog About: 


Psyren's Redemption - Dead Man's Switch

Inches from death, Sapphira and Amy are left at the mercy of Chemosh’s puppet. Will they perish at his hands or will they find help in the most unlikely of places?

Click here to read this week's chapter.

Click here to read from the beginning.

Go to the my stories page of the site to view individual parts or chapters and/or other stories.

Blog About: 


Amalgamated - Psyren's Redemption - Double Length

When they light clears, the tables have turned and Sapphira, Ashtar and Amy pose are stronger than they ever had before, but will they prove Chemosh's downfall or does the once-god have one last surprise up her sleeves?

Blog About: 


Late Posting - Psyren's Redemption

I apologize for the late posting this week, I had some personal issues in the real world and it's just been a very strange week for me.

Having faced down her own demons Amy must now face down Sapphira's, but will she have the strength or will Chemosh triumph over them both?

Blog About: 


Psyren's Redemption - Personal Demons - Read for free now

Just a quick note, if you read the story please consider leaving a comment. It really helps encourage me to keep writing.

Now that the exemplars have drawn into their own mental prisons, Amy is left to face the ghosts of her past alone. Can she overcome them without psychic abilities or will she succumb to her personal demons?

Blog About: 


It's weird isn't it?

So this week I've come down with a particularly nasty virus that has left me sicker than a dog. I missed two days of work which should tell you how sick I am as I rarely call in. I mention this not to elicit sympathy, but rather as explanation. I seldom am so sick that it effects my writing, but since taking ill I sit down at my keyboard and I am unable to string even so much as two words together. Even writing this blog is taking me far longer than it normally would.

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Anyone familiar with 'The Tick' Comic/TV series?

Is there anyone familiar with 'The Tick' comics and/or TV series (in particular the 90s cartoon or the 2000s live-action)? I recently started watching the amazon 'Original' reboot of The Tick and was a little disheartened to discover that the superhero agency was called AEGIS. For those that are following my ongoing serial on my website you're probably beginning to realize my problem, but for those that aren't well... I also named the superhero agency in my series AEGIS.


An update and a poll (seeking input)

I posted a new blog on my website giving a bit of an update on both my writing and the site itself. I'm seeking a little bit of input on the new site theme. If you don't mind terribly, could you pop over read the blog and give me your input.Click here to read it.

Have a delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

Blog About: 



This was originally posted on my website, but I felt I should share it here as well.

Apologies, for my absence over the last three weeks. December was a difficult and frankly odd month for me at least where the real world is concerned. I’m back and thankfully, most of the drama that was keeping me away has now died down. I’ll resume posting next week, but until then please accept my deepest apologies.

Have a delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe (you know that D.A.W. guy)

Blog About: 


Devil's Due (Revised)

Devil's Due: A Tale From Meridian
by Daniela A. Wolfe (D.A.W.)

A man has made a deal with the devil, now that one of Lady Satan's servants has come to collect his life will be changed forever.

Halloween story on my website

Read the story today!

I thought I'd take a break from our regularly scheduled programing and do something a little special for Halloween. Yesterday, I rewrote 'Devil's Due' one of my old Mixed Tape Entries. It's more than double the length of the original and best of all the new version is now considered part of the official canon for my meridian-verse.

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New serial up on D.A.W.'s website

Just a note to my fans as discussed in my previous blog, the first part of my new serial is up on my website! I do hope you enjoy. Click the link below to read it.

Psyren's Redemption - Chapter 1 Part 1

Also, I added a direct link to the RSS feed on my website to make it easier for folks to subscribe.

Blog About: 


A big thanks and poll results

I'd just like to take a moment and thank everyone who participated in the poll on my website.

I've gone over the results and my final decision concerning the future of my website in this weeks blog post. And surprise, I've opened up two of my story universes to other authors!

You can read about it on my website.

If you have any thoughts, please, leave a comment here or on danielawolfe.com.

Blog About: 


Requesting help

I just put up a poll on my website and am hoping folks here could head on over and vote on the sort of content I'll be adding to my website in the future. Mainly this would be for fans of my writing/people who intend to visit my website. Cast your vote or share comments in the blog. Either way, your thoughts will be appreciated.

Please, click here.

Blog About: 


Haven't been getting a lot of writing done.

My dog and constant companion of almost ten years and best friend, passed away unexpectedly late last week. I don't really feel much like writing right now. I've always been a bit socially awkward so I don't have many friends. Coming home to her after a day of work was always the highlight of my day.

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Any Spanish speakers?

Any one fluent in Spanish hereabouts who'd be willing to do a little bit of proofing? I have a few lines of spoken dialogue in my story that are in Español, and I want to make sure I've translated them correctly.

Whoever offers their help will get a hole heaping pile of nothing, unless my undying gratitude and an honorable mention in my author's rant counts for something.

Everyone have a delightfully demented day,


Blog About: 


'The Earth Source Universe'

In case anyone is wondering what the crap happened to Battle For Earth, it's still here I just moved it into it's new Universe Organizer page aka the Earth Source Universe.

Also for those that are interested Legacy of Earth, the sequel to Battle For Earth, is up to about 45,000 words and I'm getting really close to finishing the first part. It won't, however, see the light of day until all parts are finished. Sorry.


Well what do you know?

It seems my five year anniversary with this site has gone and past more than a month without me noticing. I certainly hope I'll be around in another five years. This place is such a welcome community and though I'm not as deeply involved as some folks in these parts, I've always found the attitude friendly and inviting.

Kudos to Erin, and crew for running such a great site!


After Battle For Earth... What's next?

So... I've received a number of inquiries about my next story... Most of my responses thus far have been that I was working on a superhero story titled Pyren's redemption, but sometimes plans change. I still intend to write Pyren's redemption and will probably work on it on the side, but the requests for sequels to Battle for Earth did not go unnoticed. I've been intending to write a sequel all along, but I generally like to take a break from a series after I finish it. This time around, I really, really, really wanted to start work on the sequel. So...

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A long overdue Battle For Earth update

I know it probably seems as if I've fallen off the face of the Earth (at least the part of it that happens to be on the top shelf of a rather big closet and other places where tg writers lurk), but believe it or not I do have good news for those that actually seem to like to read my demented ramblings. The final parts of Battle For Earth, will get posted in the near future when I have time to get them edited. I admit I did sit on the ending for long periods, but between those periods it went through a number of different and rather extensive revisions.

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The Music Celebrates With Me: A TG Mixed Tape

The Music Celebrates With Me: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

An unfortunate man, lost in a cave, a mysterious voiced calling him deeper. A witch with an acid tongue and an advice column. A travelling showman who is more than the charlatan he appears to be. Hit play on the latest Mixed Tape collection for all these stories AND MORE!

Swishy in Satin: A TG Mixed Tape

Swishy in Satin: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

A sextet of stories from six very different authors. Hit play on July’s Mixed Tape flash fiction collection for sea-creatures, sexy transformations, an interview with Amy Komori AND MORE!

Walk on the Wild Side: A TG Mixed Tape

Walk on the Wild Side: A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by Trismegistus Shandy and PersnicketyBitch

A young superhero obtains a mysterious cassette. In the near future high school students will be required to spend time as the opposite sex. A trans woman and a transformed man share lunch. Hit play on this month’s sweet and steamy TG Mixed Tape for all these stories, an interview with DAW, author of Battle for Earth and the Ragnarok Rising trilogy, AND MORE! [Also includes contributions from Amy Komori, Tmc and Jenny North]

Battle For Earth Delay

Just a note for folks who are anticipating the next episode of Battle For Earth, I have some changes I want to make to said part which due to a plumbing disaster and an all around busy week haven't gotten done. As such I'm a bit tired and burnt out. I'm pretty sure the delay will be less than a week, but probably more than a few days unless I find the time (or inclination) to revise it today.

Everyone have a delightfully demented day,


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Battle For Earth: Infiltration epub & pdf

For those that are still interested I've uploaded the epub for Battle For Earth:Infiltration. You can grab it from the outline page or download it directly from this link. As with Battle for Earth: Resistance if you want the pdf I will send it to you via email. Just send me a PM with your email addy and I'll get it sent out.

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