Catherine Linda Michel

Question about story size.

Okay. I have a story ready to post. It's one I've edited by another writer. Here's my question. It's about 80,000 words, according to my info thingie in word. Is that too big to post all at once? Do you all prefer shorter chapters or do you like to read a story in one shot from start to finish? Will the site accommodate a story of that size without problems? Is there any size limitation on the length of a story?

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Just finished a story by Jerrie256. Reminded me of Bob A.

called "Transformation Treasure Hunt." She wrote it in 2006, but while reading it, it seemed to be constantly reminding me of Bob Arnold. The link is here. Go read it and tell me I'm mistaken. Bob was such a huge part of all of our lives and is still missed... always will be, by all the lives he touched and enriched during his all-too-short stay with us.

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Thank you Veterans & Merchant Mariners Memorial Day 2014.

This is Memorial Day weekend, 2014 and I think it behooves us all, no matter what nationality, race, creed or religion to take a moment and thank all those who have served and who are serving in the armed forces of their countries. Without their sacrifices, without them doing the job they either volunteered or were drafted into doing, we wouldn't have the freedoms and privileges we have now. Some returned from far off battlefields and some didn't, but we all owe every one of them our thanks, our gratitude. Let's also not forget the Merchant Mariners.

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Sigh. The last few days have not gone well.

So, it all began a few days ago when my modem decided to limit my time on the internet, dropping the signal and kicking me offline. It did it three or four times in one 24 hour period, so I called my internet provider, Time Warner and informed them that my modem had somehow developed an overzealous and random sense of trying to keep me offline. They set up an appointment for someone to come and check the modem or replace it, if necessary. Pretty cool, right?

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That's what I turn tomorrow. An auspicious date certainly. After all, the Titanic sank on April 15th, Lincoln died on April 15th and, just to top that off, there will be a Blood Moon at 2AM EST(EDT?) on the 15th. Quite a trifecta,to say the very least.

I seem to have reached that awkward age. You know, the one where most of the people in the newspaper obituaries are younger than I. As Red Green so eloquently put it, "when I furrow my brow, it looks like a rump roast made of corduroy."

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What is courage?

What is courage? Is it that thing that causes a soldier to rush a heavily occupied enemy fort, knowing he might die in the attempt? Is it that thing that causes someone to do the right thing even though it might hurt them? Is it making the right decision for oneself, knowing that all the other choices presented are worse in the long run?

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Jessica's Revenge Chapter Breaks.

Due to what was likely a brain fart, I neglected to include chapter breaks in part of the story that I edited for Barbie. I have since corrected that error and I hope the story will be easier to read for everyone now. There are also a couple of spelling errors that snuck in under my radar. They were pointed out to me by a kind reader, but I have left them alone. They are very minor and do not really affect the telling of the story at all.

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There is someone out there I have been waiting to hear from.

I will not mention her name in the interest of respecting her wish to remain as stealth as possible. Nevertheless, it's been more than two months since I last heard word one from her and, with the things that have happened to her in her life, it worries me that something bad might have happened.

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Fighting illness and injury.

Since last weekend, that is, the weekend of Dec 1st, I had been fighting an abscess on the back of my shoulder. That Sunday I went into the emergency room to have the abscess lanced and drained, which they did, after some big time pain. I left with a large bandage on my shoulder, and not much else except a couple of pricey prescriptions which I couldn't afford.

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Hey Sleethr! Great stuff!

Instead of placing this in a simple comment, I chose to place it in a blog entry so more can see it. I've just finished re-reading MAU and Whisper. In case you were wondering where the extra kudos came from, it was me.

I'm very impressed with your storytelling skills. Both stories held my attention and enthusiasm all the way through to the satisfying endings. Your characters were very well thought out and fleshed out, til they became more real people to me as opposed to characters in stories.

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Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, fans and online family

At this time of year, we take time out to thank whatever God we may or may not follow, whatever person or thing that makes our lives just a bit better and hopefully easier. Remember who or what you are thankful for and bear in mind. However bad you might think you have it, there are many who have it much worse.

Thank you all for everything you have all offered me in the past and present. God bless you all, every one.

Holiday hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Headlights Girl is available at MANY places!

To my utter amazement, my book, Headlights Girl, is available not only at Lulu, Amazon and Barnes and Noble, but also at, Abe Books,, Itunes,,, Nook even! Here's where I found all this info:

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A note to all the RetCon authors.

Just to let you all know, I am making my way through all of the RetCon stories. It's been a good long while since I read them all and I've been looking for something to occupy my spare time.

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Thoughts from a confused and wondering mind.

A warning to begin. I am not thinking of anything dumb, or stupid, or suicidal. What follows are thoughts that passed through what I laughingly refer to as my mind... nothing more or less than that. I felt that I needed to get them out where I could see them and examine what they might or might not mean. Please do not read anything into them that isn't there.


I stand alone.. surrounded by dots
dots that are island-like spots

Talked with Beverly Taff in Wales, U.K.

We talked for a few minutes, but Bev had to go see to her wife, who is home from the hospital. The storm that hit England a couple of days ago, missed Bev and her family by several miles, but the rest of the U.K. really got clobbered. I hope all the rest of our friends in the U.K. came out of it okay.

Catherine Linda Michel

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New Story posting.

Barbie Lee has graciously allowed me to edit and post her new story, "Jessica Rabbit." It was originally posted last week at Fictionmania and, having read it, I felt it deserved to be here with so many other great stories.

I have corresponded with Barbie several times since then, doing the edit and making sure I would be able to do the story justice and abide by Barbie's requests that certain parts of the story remained unchanged regarding coloqualisms and other things. We have exchanged several emails and I believe I got it right.

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I'd like to ask for your prayers and good wishes

Beverly Taff's wife is in hospital suffering from an incurable brain tumor. They have operated and removed all they can get of the tumor. Beverly is such a good person and I would like to ask all of you, whatever your faith or beliefs, to send prayers and good wishes to Beverly and her wife.

Bev is a great writer and a good friend.

Thank you all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Anyone heard from Sasha Nexus?

It's been a couple of months since she last posted anything and she was also having upheavals in her personal life. i've been waiting to hear something from her, but she seems to have vanished. i always fear the worst when someone goes silent with no prior notice. As I have a history with Sasha, I am even more concerned. I know she said that her time was severely limited and her situation was such that she couldn't speak openly about a lot of things going on in her real life.

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I'm not back, but... everyone needs to watch this.

In my humble opinion, a very well handled and TRUE depiction of how Transsexuals are treated by others AND by the law itself. Frightening, frustrating, and maddening... but true.


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Well, here I go again.

Every so often I reach a point of surfeit. Where I've taken on too many other people's problems and woes and I need time to find me again. I am not leaving Top Shelf. I am, however in desperate need of time alone so I can get centered again. Losing Holly seems to have brought me to the point of finality and I just can't deal with any more problems or concerns right now.

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Today I am angry.

I find it incomprehensible that some people can't be decent when commenting or blogging. Remember, when you WRITE something, there is nothing that indicates anything but the WORDS you use. There are no other indicators that could soften the impact of words that appear unkind or severely critical. Normally, when people communicate, there are visual and verbal cues that can soften the impact of words that might otherwise seem unkind. When you write, all there is, is the words.

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Beverly Taff's Mom in law has passed.

In the wake of our loss, Beverly's mom in law passed rather suddenly as well, just the day before we lost Holly. Beverly is a warm, talented and loving member here and I felt it behooved me to at least make you all aware of this fact.

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Holly Happy Hart is seriously ill and...

is in hospice care as I type this. According to the best information I have right now, she is not expected to live much longer unless hospice care can bring her back.. Apparently the cancer was worse than we knew. This might be the hardest thing I've ever had to write.

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My comment on the BET issue is hard to find, here it is.

I cannot believe all the negative comments on this article... and about Transsexuals. This person was DISCRIMINATED against for being who she is! Hello? Any of that sound vaguely familiar to anyone else? Gee, what about the Blacks and their fight for THEIR rights? What about women and THEIR fight or their rights? I suppose all you negative folks here think that all blacks should still be slaves and all women should be barefoot and pregnant, huh? Remember this. The same things you all are saying about Transsexuals, were said about blacks and women who were fighting for equality!

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TG Universes & Series: 

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Edited and Originated by
Catherine Linda Michal

By Catherine Linda Michal, Erin Halfelven, Grover, Maggie Finson, and Sasha Zarya Nexus

Will five great guys turned gifted girls save the world?

An incomplete novel begun 2/8/2012


Today is a special day for our beloved Sitemom, Erin Halfelven! It's her BIRTHDAY! She has given up so much for all of us and has given us a place where we don't have to worry about someone putting us down. A place where we can all be who we want or need to be. A place where we can display our writing talents and where we can connect with others to help or be helped.

She has been a major influence on so many, myself included. Without her I wouldn't be a published author.

So let's all join in a rousing cheer for someone who is special to us all.

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I got a gift at the V.A. Clinic yesterday.

After my blood tests were finished, I got on the scale just to see what it might indicate. To my shock, it showed that I had lost 25 POUNDS over the preceding couple of months!!!! No, I'm not suffering from some exotic wasting disease, not have I been ill in any other way, save for being sick of heat and humidity.

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Okay. I know I'm somewhat strange,

but I find myself wondering... How many of you have done what I do? While walking through the mall, I look for the SRU store. Not seriously, mind you... well, sort of not seriously. I actually wouldn't know what to do if I actually found one. I know it's just fiction, but... you know?

Catherine Linda Michel

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Cousin located. Phone conversation yesterday.

Thanks to Pippa and her bulldog-like dedication, I DID locate and talk with my first Cousin in New Mexico. He was, of course, quite surprised to hear from me since it has been almost 35 years since last we spoke. Our separation wasn't for any personal problems, but more a case of moving around. Myself through the military, and him because of family and business opportunities.

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Anyone out there in Albequerque N.M.?

I'm trying to locate my cousin who, at last knowledge, was living there. I am, when it comes to using search engines on the internet, a complete dummy... clueless if you will. If you live there or near there, please contact me for his name. I haven't seen or heard from him in over 30 years and we were, or at least seemed to be, close pals when we were kids and teens.

Thanks in advance.
Catherine Linda Michel

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Okay. Big time question.

So... I'm at a store where I shop regularly. Well, maybe I'd better preface this. First of all, my transition has gone so smoothly that I can't believe it. There have been a handful of people I knew "before" who haven't accepted it, but almost everyone has simply adjusted and moved on with their lives with me still in them.

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If you have received an email from me, DELETE IT!

It appears that both my gmail and yahoo mail accounts have been hacked by some nondescript asshole in Pakistan. I have sent NO emails in recent memory from either account. Furthermore, I have cancelled my gmail account and changed my password on my yahoo account.

Catherine Linda MIchel

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Somewhat ominously, the Wiki page for FM now begins with,

and I quote: "Fictionmania was..." which indicates one of two things to me. One, Fictionmania might be gone forever or, Two: Wiki is being it's usual fallible self and spreading rumor and assumption.

I DO hope it's the latter. Even though FM has it's "one handed fiction" it also has some of the best works by some of the best writers in the genre.

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ATTN Buffalo T folks. I need help. Not monetary.

I have a transman in Buffalo who is at his wits end. He is a friend and has been run around by Social Services and every other agency he's tried to go to for help. I need a therapist who can help. You can PM me here at Top Shelf. He has no insurance and barely enough money to get by each month... barely.

This is someone I've known since his birth, the child of one of my best friends who can't help either because he's in Japan and struggling to get by there.

Please, I am begging. Someone point me to someone who can help.

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Adding to The Hartlepool Dictionary/ Jenny Pope's Britionary

Jennifer Jane Pope posted this extensive listing of Brit terms/slang a few years ago at Crystal's Storysite. I thought that if one has interest in the Hartlepool Dictionary, they might want to add this to their lexicon as well.

I haven't heard from Jenny in several years, and don't know if she is still writing or, in fact, if she is still among the living. We used to talk quite a bit in the chatroom at Storysite, but she went somewhat quiet owing to some business problems she was having and eventually she just stopped coming by the chat and sort of dropped out of sight.

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Three Cheers for Erin, Piper, Sephy, Cat,

and ALL the rest who work SO hard to make and keep Top Shelf not only the BEST TG fiction site on the web, but such a wonderful place to meet and chat! You all work SO hard for us, and I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate all you do. We sit out here like a bunch of junkies, waiting, nay praying for our next fix, and you all never disappoint. Whatever you have to do to keep our internet fix coming, you go right ahead and do. There's no need to apologize to us. We will wait however long it takes.



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I'd like to ask a favor of the readers.

If you've purchased a copy of my book, HEADLIGHTS GIRL, or if you've read it online, would you please go to my amazon page and leave a review? It doesn't have to be anything long, just a few words and a rating.

I'd very much appreciate it. Thank you so very much.

Huggles and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Anyone know where Scott Ramsey is?

I've been re-reading GENOMORPH by Scott and it's a great story. The first story arc is complete, but there is a teaser for arc 2, yet no stories have been posted. There was a link to Fictioneer for Scotts page, but it no longer exists, and Scotts name is not on the Fictioneer list of authors.

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