Catherine Linda Michel

Reckoning -1- Awakenings 1 and 2

The Earth has reached a crossroad. Destruction could be immanent. Can a Rookie band of newly created heroes stave off Doomsday? Chapter 1 of a collaborative effort by several Top Shelf writers will begin to explore this dilemma. Introduction of the heroes and their powers will be the first couple of chapters. Writers are: Catherine Linda Michel, Grover, Ariel Strickland, Erin Halfelven, Maggie Finson and Scotty, "Voice Of Reason" Bishop.

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This story is 69 words long.

The Prequel is posted.

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I will need to see/read each hero's bio (so to speak) to determine whether or not he or she is overpowered, underpowered, or whatever, along with his or her back story and a name is possible. PM them to me, or email to cathy_ t_ 99 at yahoo dot com. Any questions at all, PM me, skype me.


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Reckoning - New Universe.

This is the prequel for the new universe. Timeline: Today, Feb 8 2012


You humans go about your daily lives, dealing with each crisis as it comes up as best you can. Sometimes though an event that can and will change everything about your lives, your planet, your entire existence are destined to occur and, without help from somewhere, your race will vanish completely and utterly.

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This story is 86 words long.

A New Universe?

I'm thinking of starting a new universe which will deal with an alien superintelligence appearing to the people of earth with a doomsday prediction. To combat/stop this event, a team of heroes will be established by him. The powers/abilities he grants each member of the team will be limited to about half what Superman is capable of. This will be a co-operative series of tales and, by that I mean, we will meet regularly to discuss what the heroes do. each writer will have complete autonomy of their hero character, and will determine their actions etc.

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A Standing Ovation for Erin, Piper, et all,

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for the amazing job they have done in updating our home away from home on the internet. Words alone cannot express MY appreciation for all they do and all they have done to make this the PREMIERE TG Fiction site on the net, but words are all I have so,


For they are jolly good ladies, for they are jolly good ladies. For they are jolly good laaaadieeees... which NOBODY can deny!

From my heart, Thank you, one and all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Starting a new year with questions and doubts.

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Okay. I know a lot of you are gonna read this blog entry and go: "Jeeze, Cathy! Will you just make up your damn mind and DEAL with life as it is?"

The problem is that I have more questions than answers... about me, my life, where I go from here, and on and on, ad infinitum. Yes I know, this doesn't set me apart from many other people, or even the majority of people, but I do have issues in my life that I keep to myself. These issues cause me to go "quiet," or stealth, or whatever you want to name being uncommunicative for periods of time.

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! FELICE NAVIDAD!!! JOYEUX NOEL!!! FROHE WEINACHTEN!!! HAPPY CHANUKAH!!! HAPPY KWAANZA!!! HAPPY FESTIVUS!!! I wish you all a happy, safe, prosperous, healthy Holiday season, filled with love and joy!

Catherine Linda Michel

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Hillary Clinton speaks on human/LGBT rights in Geneva.

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I offer the following with no political, religious, or any other kind of commentary. Just listen and comment on what she SAYS...please.

There is also a link to a print version of Hillary's speech at:

Catherine Linda Michel

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I don't know what I'm feeling, or if it's even valid.

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I know that what I'm about to relate will seem like a very minor problem to those of you who have much more serious problems in your lives, but blogs are all about what bothers us, or what makes us happy, no?

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A bit of wish fulfillment.

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I make a habit of haunting our local Salvation Army resale store, as well as several other second hand stores. Wednesdays, at the local Sally's Boutique (our nickname for the Salvation Army store) are half price days on clothes and shoes, and some really good finds can be garnered.

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7 years 2 weeks for me.

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Wow. Well, I've always said that time's fun when you're having flies... or something like that. What a great place Erin and her assistants have created and maintained for us all.

Thanks to all of you for all your hard work, dedication and commitment to all us frustrated scribblers, and to those who read our efforts.

Catherine Linda Michel

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1 Full Week Post Surgery

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I seem to be pretty much good to go. My vision in the eye that had the cataract is now 20/20. After careful testing by my doctors, I have no further eye issues in that eye at all. No macular issues, etc.

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Day 4 after Surgery

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First of all. the surgery itself went very well, but I re-affirmed my belief that the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease. For months, the V.A. tried to tell me that my blurry vision was a simple problem that could be solved by using eyedrops. I insisted that it was much more than that, and finally went to an outside opthemlogist who informed me that I did indeed have a cataract! I went back to the V.A. with the proof and they finally did a more detailed exam, confirming the cataract and finally scheduled me for the surgery.

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Surgery Update

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very quickly. Back from surgery. All went well. Back up tomorrow for followup. still blurry but looks promising. Lots of eye drops to use...clear shield over my eye to protect it until it heals. touch typing sucks. LOL

can barely read what I'm typing...can't even start reading responses. Thanks to everyone who responede to my blogs. will type more as I start seeing better.

Be seeing you all soon.


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Surgery today.

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Off I go to have things stuck in my eye. I should be back this afternoon. Hopefully I'll be able to update. If not, don't worry. Simple surgery for the cataract and I'll be okay in a few days.

Thanks for all the info and encouragement you all have shown me in my previous posts about this. I feel confident and I'm looking forward to be able to look forward, if you get my drift.

Be seeing you all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Upcoming Surgery.

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Sooooo...Tomorrow, Monday, I go up to Buffalo for my pre-op stuff. Unfortunately it isn't EXACTLY the pre-op I'd LIKE to be going for...this is for my cataract surgery, which will be done on Wednesday.

I'm very upbeat about this, and have complete confidence in the surgeons, and trying very hard not to obsess over the surgery itself, nor for the recovery and return to what I laughingly call "normal" sight in my one good eye.

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Updating Cataracts and Me.

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After much frustration I am finally scheduled for surgery. I go to the Buffalo Veteran's Hospital on the third of October for pre-op stuff, then back up on the fifth for surgery and back the following day for post op stuff. Then about a week to two weeks for recovery and, hopefully, I will be back to what I laughingly refer to as normal, vision-wise.

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Lost In The 50s Tonight


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This is a bit melancholy, but it wanted to be written and I just tried to keep up with what my muse was dictating. I hope you like it.

Song Credit to Ronnie Milsap: Lost In The 50s Tonight.
Lost In The Fifties Tonight, by Catherine Linda Michel

Oh yes, I remember... so, so well that night, the music, the feeling of being held in your arms, swaying together and hoping the moment would never end.

Close your eyes babyӬFollow my hear-eartӬ
Call on the mem'rie-ie-ies, ӬHere in the dar-ark
ӬWe'll let the magic Ӭ

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This story is 103 words long.

Cataracts and me.

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Bringing you all up to date. About 8 months ago, I noticed a "blurriness" in my left eye. It went away, but then came back, and for the past few months has been coming and going resulting in moderate fogginess to outright total loss of useful vision in my left eye.

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Virginia Earthquake.

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I felt nothing, although my housemate and her Daughter said they did. It was a 5.9 quake centered in Mineral, Virginia. No word yet on injuries/deaths/property damage anywhere and no damage of any kind or injuries here in Southwestern New York State.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Some time ago, someone, and I don't remember who, posted a blog that had something to do with a site that streamed Mystery Science Theater 3000, 24/7. If that person is still visiting here, please PM me, as I have some really good news for you about the site and the chatroom there.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Got a great phone call.

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I got a call yesterday from someone I used to work with. His mother-in-law is visiting, and she read his copy of my book. She LOVED it, and wants a copy for herself to take back to ALASKA with her so she can have her friends read it! We had a very nice phone conversation and I thanked her for calling to tell me that she loved the book. So now I gotta order a couple of copies so I can have one handy should this happen again! LOL

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Happy Mother's Day!

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I know I'm early with this, but who knows what tomorrow will bring, so here it is, right now. I also know that most of us here aren't actually Mothers, but that doesn't mean we aren't Mothers in our hearts.

God Bless you all.

Catherine Linda Michel

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I have asked Erin to unpub,

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two of my unfinished stories. Let The Punishment Fit The Crime, and The Reluctant Biker Babe, as well as an abortive and completely useless contest to finish Let The Punishment Fit The Crime.

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I should be celebrating,

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my name change became legal, finally, yesterday. Instead of celebration, what I feel is somewhat empty. My family really could care less about this, and most of my friends are gone... either moved far away, or passed away. Frankly, I've never felt quite so alone as I do right now.

So I'm now, officially, legally, Catherine Linda Michel. Hooray for me.... I guess.


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Retcon Lexicon. Where is it?

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A few days or weeks ago, someone posted what was called A Retcon Lexicon. I had to do a re-stert of my computer this morning and when it rebooted, my link to the Lexicon was gone. Can anyone help me find it again?


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Am I the only one fed up with The "Royal Wedding?

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All the pomp and circumstance is making me violently ill! 30 MILLiON dollars for security and God KNOWS how much for the actual wedding! EVERYWHERE I turn, on TV, in the papers, even on the internet, this thing is wherever I go! Maybe there isn't enough "girl" in me to be able to appreciate the supposed romance and all the preparations, etc, that go into an event like this.

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Another year older and deeper in debt.

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Well. Here we are again. My Birthday. Under normal circumstances, I don't get presents on my Birthday any more. I've grown accustomed to that. This year, however, I get a BIG present from the courts. On Monday the 18th, the final court decree becomes final, and my name change is legal. All I have to do after that is go through my life of documentation and change everything. LOL!

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A story that should be read.

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Author: It's many chapters long, and somewhat drawn out, but it IS from a "mainstream" author, and it seems to be getting some attention from the so-called "straights".

Chapter nine, in particular, should be read by every therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist to familiarize themselves with the particular needs of the trans community.

It's free to read, but the author DOES ask for donations. If you like the story, think about encouraging him to write more like this by tossing a few shekels into his "hat".


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To ALL the authors writing in the Ret-Con Universe.

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AND to all the authors of ALL the stories in general:

In lieu of separate comments, I have chosen this means to compliment every one of you for your inventiveness and skills. I've been a comic book fan since my very early years, particularly the Marvel brand, but I did dabble in the DC comics, so I am familiar with most of the DC superheroes and superheroines.

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The last 24 hours,

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have been more than a bit busy. In an attempt to obtain a surgery letter from a psychiatrist, I have gone through three hours of shrink, therapist, and social worker. The upshot? No dice. The shrink doesn't feel she has enough expertise to diagnose me, so no joy there. I also found out that the V.A. doesn't even HAVE a psychiatrist in my area who is qualified in T matters! The therapist was more than helpful, but I already have a letter from a therapist.

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RE: Stories, comments, and the Ret-Con Universe.

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Speaking from the viewpoint of a former "comment whore" I completely understand the feeling that nobody gives A damn about what one writes. I learned, much to my chagrin, that the quality of the writing is seldom an indication of how many comments/hits a story will garner. It's become increasingly obvious to me that the more "hot buttons" a story hits, is directly related to the number of comments/hits it gets.

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It's OFFICIAL!!!!! Re: Name Change.

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As of the 18th of April, three days after my birthday, I will be officially and legally, Catherine Linda Michel!!!!! I never thought, for real, that this day would ever come, due to financial restrictions, but it's here, it's real, and I am ecstatic!!!

Yes, there'll be a buncha stuff I'll have to do AFTER the 18th, to change all my identification and stuff, and of course, learn to sign a new name... LOL, but I can already feel a new peace within myself and a renewal of my goal, full SRS. That however, can wait til I can find the funds. This step will suffice until then.

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Re: Another Lesson Learned.

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I have had a conversation with the person I harmed by my actions and we have reconciled. I'm returning to the "community" but provisionally. I will no longer offer advice, nor will I attempt to help, since I am obviously unqualified to do either. I apologize for any consternation I might have caused with my last blog entry, and to anyone who has been led in a wrong direction or confused by anything I have offered in the form of advice, in the past.

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Another lesson learned.

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It seems, by caring too much, I've inadvertantly hurt someone. So...from now on, I am staying OUT of other people's lives completely. I'm not answering questions, or offering advice, or anything else remotely like that ever again. In fact, consider this my withdrawal from the "community" et al!

Every fucking time I let my feelings get hold of me and I care too much, I end up with someone being hurt! Well, I'm done. Carry on without me!

Catherine Linda Michel

Please refrain from commenting on this blog, as I will answer none of them.

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Spare a moment of prayer for our Japanese friends.

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Japan has experienced a most devastating earthquake and tsunami. Hundreds are confirmed dead, and thousands are still among the missing. It might not be over yet either, as reports coming out of Japan seem to indicate that a damaged nuclear plant might be in meltdown.

The quake is the 5th biggest EVER recorded and the tsunamis spawned by it have already impacted Hawaii and the east coast of the U.S. Please say a prayer for those who have died, for those who are missing, and for a country that will have a horrible time recovering.

in sadness, I am,
Catherine Linda Michel

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I'm in the midst of a panic attack.

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A somewhat mild one, to be sure, but panic nonetheless. Reality has just come crashing down around my ears, what with the name change now being in the hands of the court and everything else. I've spent the last few days, surrounded by workmen who are doing stuff around the house thats needed done forever, and either none of them have twigged to the fact that I'm not a GG, or they just don't give a damn about it.

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Khadijah's computer is down and out.

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She'll be offline for awhile until she can either afford to get it fixed or buy a different one. She called me this morning and asked me to post a blog to let people know so they won't worry if they don't see her online for a few days... so I'm letting you all know! LOL. Those of you who don't know her yet as Khadijah, will probably remember her as Gwen Brown or Khadijahgwen.

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The final hurdle has been cleared, re: My name change.

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My Birth Certificate, the last piece of paperwork needed, is in the hands of my lawyer. All that remains is for me to sign in all the right places, and then the filing of the paperwork and the setting of a court date. Then, the REAL work begins. Changing all my identity papers to my new name. LOL!

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Spare a thought for our N.Z. friends.

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Several of our author friends are N.Z. natives, and the recent quake has really left a mess in it's wake. My dear friend Prudence Walker is a Cristchurch resident, and I am very worried about her right now. We haven't co-responded in quite awhile, but I know why, and I understand why we haven't.

Prue, if you read this, know that I'm still out here, and I hope you and yours are okay. I miss you a lot, but, as I said, I know why you had to go silent, and I accept that. My prayers are for you, yours, and all the residents of New Zealand.

Catherine Linda Michel. (used to be Cathy_t_)

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Last night I almost gave up.

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Over the last few weeks I've been feeling more and more like there's no point in continuing, with my transition, or my life. It seems that every time I manage to make some progress, something happens to set me back, not only in my transition, but also in my personal life. Last night it almost got me.

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Bimbo Bread?

A few years ago a story came out, in the SRU universe entitled "Bimbo Bread." The subject matter of the story should be obvious due to the title.

Recently, at our local "superstore/grocery store, I found the real deal! It's pronounced Beem-bo Bread, according to the packaging, but however you pronounce it, it LOOKS the same.

I don't, like, know if it, like has the same effect as the stuff in the story. I've been using it for sandwiches for the last few, you know, days? I haven't noticed any effects yet, fer shuuure, but I'll keep you...ummm. oh, you know, like appraised?

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Finally a bit of good news re:name change.

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I've been working on several legal documents, namely: a Will, a Health Proxy and a Power Of Attorney. Those I can afford. I've been putting off my name change because of the costs and another matter that concerns only me and one other nameless person. The matter between me and that person seems to be settled, and I am proceeding with the name change because... I've been informed that our local Legal Aid thingie will not only fill out the paperwork for me, but they can also get the fees waived due to my financial status... one step below poor.

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I could not have scripted a better day than today.

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My nephews and niece showed promptly at our agreed time, saw me for the first time as Cathy... and embraced me and told me they love me and accept me!

We went out and ate, re-hashed old times, insulted one another.. good naturedly of course, and just had a wonderful time. They all knew about my transition before this, but had never actually seen Cathy. Now they have, and I have regained some of my family. I had the chance to explain why I am changing, in a way they understood and accepted. THIS is the best Christmas present I could EVER have gotten, and I am so thankful.

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Monday is going to be a HUGE day for me!

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I just hung up my phone after making lunch plans with two of my nephews and one niece for tomorrow! None of them have seen me since I began my RLT more than two years ago, and I'm, I think justifiably, nervous. Long tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs, anyone?

This might be the beginning of a reconciliation with my family, from whom I have been estranged since I began my RLT. I'm so excited right now I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight!

Wish me well?


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