Catherine Linda Michel

More than a bit breezy here this morning.

Woke up this AM to winds blowing trash cans and various bits of lawn furniture about the yard and streets. Seems like we have gusts of over 50 MPH here although some seem higher than that. Kinda worried about losing power at some point if this keeps up, since usually if a squirrel farts sideways we tend to get brownouts. (pun intended)

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Comments from me, in general.

Let me say, at the outset, that comments from me are spotty... sporadic, if you will. When I first started writing I was, quite unashamedly, a comment whore. I lived and breathed for the comments on my stories. I DO understand, therefore, the importance of comments.

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Recent site outages. Thank you Erin, Piper, Samantha & Cat,

for all your hard work and vigilance in keeping the site up and running. Erin, Piper, Samantha, Cat, my eternal thanks for all you do for us. Top Shelf is my home on the net. It means almost as much to me as my real life home.

Huggles and love and gratitude,
Catherine Linda Michel

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A bitter lesson learned.

In years past, when my Dad was still alive, I couldn't quite connect with his feelings when one of his friends passed away. I guess it never really occurred to me that Dad had any lifelong friends...I don't know why. Maybe it was partly because he was always too busy working 2... sometimes 2 and 1/2 jobs to keep his family fed, clothed and sheltered.

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A Transsexual Summer. Youtube videos.

This series of four videos follows several transsexuals on several weekend retreats as they discover who and what they really are, and how to deal with it. The EXPLICIT warning refers to actual surgery scenes in one or two of the videos. As I watched these videos, I found myself becoming involved with the guys and gals as they become friends and, at the end, when they depart from the retreat for the last time, I actually felt tearful as they parted company and went back to their real world lives.

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My speech from our TDOR Observance

We are gathered here tonight to mourn those of us who have been taken from us by hatred, violence, and ignorance, but in a larger sense, we are here to celebrate their lives. That we might not have known any of them personally, does not lessen our sense of loss or our disgust for the way they were taken.

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Firefly Marathon on the Science Channel

The Science channel is, right now, running a Firefly marathon, followed by the final two episodes and then a reunion of the entire cast. The reunion is titles "Browncoats Unite" and will show at 10PM.

Catherine Linda Michel

Edit made. My mistake about the SciFi channel. CLM,

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Storm update from Western New York State.

We are located about 70 miles south of Buffalo and about 20 miles from the lake Erie shore. We got virtually no problems from the storm. Just some rain and light winds. There are some power outages, but very few. Some schools are closed and a few trees are down. We're protected from a lot of weather related stuff, with the exception of lake effect snow, because of the ridges surrounding us, and because all of the wind from this storm came from the north/northeast.

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If you're getting emails from me,

they are false. DO NOT OPEN THEM!!!!! Some puke who lives in his mom's basement has apparently hacked my email account. Unless the subject line of an email from me contains the word H E Y, WITH the spaces, ignore it. my email addy is Cathy _ t _ 99 at yahoo . com

My apologies to anyone who contracts any bad things from one of these false emails.

Catherine Linda Michel

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A very special Happy Birthday to Piper

Today is a very special day because it's Piper's Birthday. Piper has done SO much for all of us and she deserves our most profound thanks for all she has done. She's a very special lady and I count her as a friend, and am very humbled to think she might think of me in the same way.

Right now she is having a difficult time in her life, and I know that all of us wish her nothing but the best of luck. She's a talented young lady, and I know that she's gonna come out of this time in her life successfully and continue to be one of the best there is.


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Update on Close Call For Me

The cops actually think they have the guy who tried to get into my car! Nothing is positive yet, but they told me that the hospital called, it's routine with unusual injuries, I guess, anyway, they have some clown in custody who showed up with three broken fingers and a dislocated thumb. I guess he didn't let go fast enough when I peeled out of the parking space. There is no proof that he's actually the one, and I didn't get a long enough, good enough look at him when it happened.

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Yet ANOTHER close call for me!

I left my home about 20 minutes ago to make a quick stop at the grocery store. When I came out of the store, I clicked my remote to unlock my car doors and, as I got in, I clicked it again to lock them. As I inserted the key to start the car, someone came up on the passenger side and tried to open the door. I looked over to see a male pulling on the door handle. He shouted that I better open the door or... I didn't stick around to hear the rest. I dropped the car into drive and floored the gas pedal, almost hitting two other cars on the way.

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OT: Movie review. The Avengers.

Well, at long last, the movie I have been waiting for since I heard it was going to BE a movie, came out for rental today. The Avengers! I have to say, in all honesty, that it not only lived up to it's hype, but surpassed even my high expectations. To see, on the screen, the heroes I grew up reading about in the "comic books" and witness the incredible effects and acting displayed by the cast, just blew me away.

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Need permission to use poetry written by Top Shelf Authors

The leader of our local support group is looking for poetry to use in our Day Of Remembrance meeting/event. I have seen some very poignant verses written by you, the writers here at Top Shelf. If you wouldn't mind having some of your work used for this purpose, please let me know. NO poems or verses published here will be used without permission by the author of same.

If any of you know of some other works, please link me to them? Of course, none of this is being done for profit, and nothing used will be published in any way whatsoever. It's only for our event.

Thanks all.

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Happy Birthday Erin!

How especially fitting that, following the recent unpleasantness here at Top Shelf, along comes a day that we all can appreciate, Erin's Birthday!

From a happy, satisfied customer, sometime writer, fan and a friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIN!!

May the next year be free from strife and full of the love that pours in from your family, friends, and all who enjoy and appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Birthday huggles, love and respect,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Shutter/Shudder A pet peeve.

Okay look. I am by NO means perfect when it comes to word usage, but there are some common mis-usages that occur on a regular basis in a lot of stories.




and on and on.

One that just makes me SHUDDER, is using shutter, or vice versa. One may shudder, but one CANNOT shutter unless it involves a window one is shuttering. Fear can make one shuDDer, not shuTTer. One can shuTTer a window, but cannot shuDDer it.

When I run across one of these mis-used words, it jars me out of the story sometimes.

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Meteors stop fight against a Forest fire?

Okay. A news story this morning has me wondering, nay, in fact astounded!

It seems that there is a forest fire somewhere in the U.S. Not unusual, right? However! the report stated that some aircraft which were involved in fighting the fire were grounded because of METEORS in the sky, which would have endangered the aircraft!

Is this the beginning of some subtle invasion from "out there" somewhere... the beginning of the raprture again? The harbinger of the forecasted end of the world on Dec 21st?


METEORS interrupting the battle against a forest fire??

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Health update and an apology.

First of all. I am better. Whatever evil, mutated virus was attacking me seems to have given up most of the ghost. I say most because I am still having some after effects such as nose constantly running, multiple explosive sneezing, and a vague ache in my head and neck. I have been checked out by a doctor and he says that nothing is seriously wrong, just my general lack of anything resembling a healthy lifestyle, which probably led to the attack of the mutant virus in the first damn place.

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Showing one's real face, {pic included in this entry}

I have decided to upload and display my ugly kisser for your entertainment and/or enlightenment. I feel safe and secure in doing so, since I am comfortable with my position on the "transition trail grid" and do not feel the immediate need to progress further until and unless financial considerations permit me to do so.

I recently turned 65 and I don't think I look too bad considering that. At least not bad enough to frighten the children and horses. *giggle*

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I have been very sick...update

I have begun to feel a bit better, but am still down with this whatever-it-is. I've been to the VA health clinic and have gotten some anti-biotics which will, I hope, kick this thing in the ass and get me feeling better.

I thought to post this to update anyone who might have been concerned about me. Thanks for caring.

hugs and love,

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I have been very sick.

and I still am. I have been suffering with some kind of cold or virus since about April 15th or so. I've tried all the tried and true remedies with little to no appreciable improvement. I've missed a couple of appointments at the VA clinic, and have been too disoriented to attempt to drive there to hopefully get any relief from this whatever it is.

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Reckoning -8- Gifted, Assemble!

Shirt_Template_Gifted_Assemble2.JPGRECKONING -8- Gifted, Assemble!

FROM CATHY: Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter. A computer problem is to blame, but all is fixed and here we go!

An incident prods our heroes to jump into action. Chapter 9 will follow very soon, I promise.

Hoping to post Chapter 8 of Reckoning

by Saturday, Sunday at the latest. I've had a computer failure of my MacBook which required taking it to the repair place for surgery. Apparently we experienced a power surge which attacked the inverter, which is in the hinge where it opens, and also burned out the LCD, which lights the screen.

Approximately 200 dollars or so later, I might have it back by Friday. I've been using my old desktop, which I fortunately never got around to taking down and storing away. ALL the relevant info I need to post the story is, of course, on the Mac.

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The pitter patter of little feet.

As of 11:10 this evening, our little terrier mix has given birth to two seemingly healthy puppies. I wasn't present at the event, but my housemate, who is the owner of the dog, said everything went smoothly. Don't get me wrong, but I find it relatively easy to not be overly excited about this.

Okay. I guess that's enough for now. Flame me if you like. I am not mean to dogs at all. I just like cats better. Such is life.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Delay in Posting Reckoning chapter 8

My laptop, upon which rest ALL my files and corespondance regarding the story, has gone dead on me. It's at the hospital where it will hopefully be repaired within a week. It doesn't seem to be anything terminal. Merely something that won't let the screen light up. An inverter, they said. It's a MacBook.

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One person got it? The Princess Bride Reference?

"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya (Juan Pablo Montoya) You killed my Father! (You killed my car) Prepare to die!

Does that help?

I understand that NASCAR doesn't appeal to veery many people, but the GREAT reference, relating the amazing crash at this year's race (Thank God no one was seriously hurt) was, to me, inescapable!

The blog was about the reference to the line from the movie, and its similarity to the crash. NOT about the race. Sigh. Maybe mine is the only small mind amused by little things like this.

Oh well. I tried. I STILL think it's very funny.


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Best line from the Daytona 500

"Hello Jet Track Dryer. My name is Juan Pablo Montoya. You killed my car. Prepare to die!"

Another great one: How many NASCAR drivers does it take to kill a jet track dryer? Only Juan.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal, tip your waitress.


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Happy Birthday Beverly Taff!!

I take this opportunity to wish a very special lady a wonderful, nay magical day. Beverly is a treasure to talk with, and she educates me every time we talk. She is a writer of rare talent, and a true lady.... well, MOST of the time anyway.

Growing old disgracefully or not, you can't fool me. You're a good 'un, Beverly. Thanks for educating an uncultured colonist.

Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel

P.S. I almost forgot! CARPE CAKEM!!

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We are down one writer for Reckoning.

One of the original 5 has decided that, due to issues in her real life, she cannot continue as a contributor to the Reckoning storyline. We will miss her, but we intend to continue. I'm sure we all wish her well as she tries to get her life in order, and we thank her for her participation thus far in the story.

We will continue using her character and powers, but her part will become more like that of an NPC in a role playing game. We all want to thank all of you who are sticking with us to see how this experiments turns out, and we thank you for your comments.

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Reckoning. The story and the experiment.

I've been noticing that the counts, comments and kudoes have been decreasing as each story segment goes up, and I'm wondering if the story is moving too slowly for a lot of you. I know there's been a lot of exposition and conversation within the story, but I thought it would be a good thing to let the heroes get to find and begin to know one another, and for you, the readers, to get comfortable with them as well.

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Re: Reckoning, Chapter 5, et al.

This enterprise, that of having one story written by 5 very different writers, is the most daunting, ambitious thing I've ever attempted, writing-wise. If the story succeeds, and I fervently hope it does, it is entirely due to the spirit of co-operation, and the willingness to share credit among all the writers involved.

All credit is due to them. Any blame for spelling, useage, continuity, any errors in posting, is entirely on me.

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My muse is back!

and Holy Cow, is she talking to me! In starting this new Epic, in combination with several talented writers, my muse has been literally screaming at me to write, Write, WRITE!

The ideas are flowing like never before, being fed with the wonderful input from Ariel, Grover, Erin, Maggie Finson, I can hardly keep pace with my fingers, with what my brain is putting out, word-wise!

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