Cataracts and me.

Bringing you all up to date. About 8 months ago, I noticed a "blurriness" in my left eye. It went away, but then came back, and for the past few months has been coming and going resulting in moderate fogginess to outright total loss of useful vision in my left eye.

I had a vision exam in Buffalo a few months ago and they told me that I had a "small" cataract in my left eye, but it was nothing to be immediately concerned about. Since then I have had increasingly foggy vision and it's gotten to the point where I am afraid to drive, and somedays, I cannot focus on anything at all, near OR far.

I went to a different eye clinic last week and they confirmed the worsening cataract, recommending almost immediate removal. I made a fast appointment with the V.A. Hospital in Buffalo and went there today. They not only confirmed the cataract, but informed me that I have, in fact, TWO cataracts in the same eye!

They informed me of the risks of surgery, and acknowledging them, I consented... so... in about two months, I will be having the surgery. This is nothing life threatening, but because of my unique situation, the right eye being somewhat useless for reading, I might be offline for a day or two to allow the corrected LEFT eye to heal. As I said, I am quite aware of the risks involved, and I could, given a boatload of bad luck, lose the vision in my one good eye, forever. I have confidence in the Doctors and Surgeons at the V.A. Hospital, and I have every reason to expect a full recovery.

Any good thoughts for the accuracy and skills of the surgeons will be appreciated. As for me... well... whatever good thoughts come my way, will also be very much appreciated.

Be seeing you... I hope! LOL

Catherine Linda Michel

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