called "Transformation Treasure Hunt." She wrote it in 2006, but while reading it, it seemed to be constantly reminding me of Bob Arnold. The link is here. Go read it and tell me I'm mistaken. Bob was such a huge part of all of our lives and is still missed... always will be, by all the lives he touched and enriched during his all-too-short stay with us.
I'd like to think that the end of the story is what happened to Bob after he left us. If Jerrie is out there, and reading this, Thank you hon for a great story and for bringing Bob back to my consciousness for a brief time.
Catherine Linda Michel
wonderful story
folks, you need to follow the link, it is a wonderful story. just get the tissues ready.
Belated Thanks
Cathy and Robert,
Thank you for your lovely comments. It has been so long since I wrote this story that I had forgotten that I had even wrote it. Life has been handing me a lot of issues for the last few years and while I have tried working on other stories, I just haven't had much ambition to complete them. At least not since my friend Goldie Hunter passed away almost 6 years ago (I think). I have been working on a story off and on for several years but I haven't been able to work on it for over a year and a half due to family and work related issues. I have a weeks vacation coming up in a couple weeks and I hope I can sit down and do some writing again. I would love to be able to complete the story and post it. Who knows? Thanks again.