
It's Prom time for coming out.

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This time it is Linkedin and not Facebook.
I do think he looks very pretty and dressed very smartly. He is the spitting image of his mum.
Here's the link

Love to all
Anne G.

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My ignore list

Scanning the recent offerings here on BCTS I came across this on the front page.

Jacinta, part 20

Submitted by Debbie V on Thu, 2021/07/22 - 11:18pm

Debbie V

Mature Subjects (pg15)

7,500 < Novelette < 17,500 words


Real WorldRomanticSweet / Sentimental

College / Twenties

Posted by author(s)

Debbie V is on your ignore list. Click here to view this post

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MtF Hormone Study


Research is a never ending study. Only the uneducated claim science is settled. Keep in mind, medicine is science. I swore at Harry Benjamin and his Standards of Care the first time I read about his diagnoses of transgender. Truth be known, I wished for...,

I've parsed both articles and if one wants to read them as they were written then please go to the web page. However be advised I am not an outside observer as I am actively engaged. Thus I am kinda prejudice as to if it works.

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RL Cyber Stalking

This is a real life story of malicious cyber stalking where a young woman's life was almost destroyed. She spent time in court, jail, etc for doing things she didn't do. For all you writers who are interested in expanding your knowledge of the monster I think of the internet. This is how easy it is to disseminate lies and misinformation whether it is from an individual, main stream media, or individual groups.

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Just a quick note about a pet peeve of mine……

As I was reading a story today - one I recently stumbled upon - I noticed an error which seems to be very common and always annoys me. Apparently many authors miss this one, or perhaps I should say many editors miss it.

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Need help finding.....


A story I have read. It's a TG story. The assigned birth is a boy. Now the boy has been friends with a girl for a long time. But they drifted a part. His mom, his friend, his friends mom and he went on many vacations together as kids. I know they were at the beach, maybe the Grand Canyon. On the vacations, he dressed as a girl because he wanted to not because of his mom. He also had a girls name. His dad was no longer around. He stopped dressing like a girl because people kept telling his mom he shouldn't and maybe his father too. Not sure the last part.

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Kids and their dogs - made in heaven?

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One of the most devastating things that happened to me as a child was the sudden loss of my pet dog, a loveable, spunky mutt named Brownie. He broke away from my mother's grip on his leash and got hit by a passing car. It happened while I was in school, 4th grade, so I was 8 going on 9.

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4th of July


Happy 4th of July I hope every one is safe. I would like to thank every first responder and member of law enforcement that is out there working to keep everyone safe.

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You Look Just Like A Girl Again

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If you're familiar with the jazz singer Ute Lemper, you might have heard her interpretation of the Danny O'Keefe song, "You Look Just Like A Girl Again." Although written about a cis woman from the viewpoint of an admirer, to those of us of a certain age who may have missed out on that stage of our lives, it elicits an emotional frisson. Because in the mirror we hold within us, we can see the girl we might have been...again.

You Look Just Like a Girl Again

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none today

Here in GOC it's a grey start to the day but we are off out to Norfolk for the day so I won't get a chance to do a proper post today. As I'm out tomorrow too it could be Tuesday before I get properly online when you'll get a full update and chapter.

From my phone,
Bye for now

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Much as I've tried to keep a separate existence from myself (confusing enough), Lynda now has a Twitter account and a YouTube logon.

Unfortunately, twitter insisted I tie it to a physical phone number, which can trace back...

In the old days of the internet, it was much easier to juggle identities. Having two email addresses was child's play...

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Possible Story Plotting Aid

I stumbled across a website advertised on a youtube channel, so take it with a grain of salt, called World Anvil that may be a useful world building tool supposedly good for plotting rpg fantasy/sci-fi and in my opinion possibly other types of stories.

Disclaimer: I have not used this and I am not sure how the site monetizes the use of anything you create on the site, maybe there are non-web type software similar to this for story development but it seemed interesting that such tools are available.

The web site is

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Just be Yourself


My posts seem to annoy some people. I'm responsible for my actions. No one else is to blame. I am responsible for my own security. Add I'm ultra conservative and transgendered and it really upsets others. If you're one of those, please don't comment. Read Rule ONE! In response to some caustic remarks I basically posted my life resume of all my talents and accomplishments, licenses, and degrees I earned. Every bit of it true no matter how unbelievable it may be to others. If anyone has any derogatory comments take it offline or meet me in person.

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Additional proofing

I ran the printer version of "The Answer" through text-to-speech on my iPhone. That pointed out some misphrasings and typos to my ear, for all the strange pronunciations it resulted in.

The typos, at least, I'll fix shortly. And I'll think I'll employ text-to-speech as a late proofing stage on stories from now on, to cut down on errors.

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Reversed wedding


A few days ago as I was looking around Youtube I ran into a video that would be of interest to some folks here.
It showed a couple planning to renew their wedding vows on their fifth anniversary. The difference being they were going to do with reversed roles this time. They hired a professional company to do the transformations and record the event.
See what you think.

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Time for another "Boy protests school uni by wearing skirt" story.

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I suppose it is one of those normal parts of the British school year running late into June - boys get told they cannot wear shorts, start sweltering in the heat, and one or more get the idea to wear a skirt instead. Don't recall seeing any last year (probably thanks to COVID), but the boys (and schools) are right back at what almost feels like an annual game of chicken. BBC Link is below.

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Help on looking for a Story

I thought it was a Bob Arnold story from Zapped, but apparently not. MC is a Ham Radio operator, who is involved with a group that tracks weather phenomenon. S/He goes to an older drive-in theater just prior to a major storm where the storm wreaks havoc on the theater with several pieces of the large screen are torn loose.
That's about all I can remember of the story. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Heels: What they don't tell you

Ok, it should be common enough knowledge that elevated heels on footwear may hurt one's feet, make one walk funny, add noises to the progress, and of course add to bodily height.
What should be added to the cautionary list is banging your head on stuff, jamming knees under steering wheels and tables and suddenly being unable to reach items on the floor and low shelves. Thank you so much Rocket Dog.

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