
So much love


I just wanted to say that even though I don't always show it, I 100% support you. You are brave, and so pretty. I love you just the way you are. I heard this song a few minutes ago, and thought of you right away.

If you ever doubt my support, baldspot me.

Love you so much.



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Looking for another Story

The story is set (if I remember correctly) in the time of the Vikings or just before, and located in the area the Vikings hail from. I am unable to remember the Author or if the story was a solo or the plot is a segment of a part work.

While it begins with the main character seemingly being the youngest child of a high ranking member of a fishing Village, the men folk also loot other settlements, via the water courses.

The MC disappeared in a bad storm, can't remember if they were on the sea or on a headland and was washed out to sea.

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Names for Characters

Because I'm not a writer, usually the story and names are given to me. My only task is to transpose it to paper and ink. At times the names become so redundant instead of inspiring I seek to add my own flavor to the story which doesn't seem to antagonize those, whoever they are where the tales come from. Doing name searches on the net when a foreign name is needed helps. If it's a U.S. name I make a pass through the cemeteries taking note of the names and dates on headstones. It's unique as the names change from the older parts to the latest additions.


I wasn’t sure about posting this.......

As it could be upsetting to some.

Some time back, I posted about having a mole removed from my back and finding out it was melanoma. So, after seeing an oncological surgeon, she sent me for a PET scan. My PET scan came back negative, which was of course great news - but there was of course the fact that my mole still tested out as stage four melanoma. After the PET scan, this was reclassed to stage three based on the results of the scan.

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Publishing Yourself

To Ms. Leslie Moore and all authors, you do understand you are the author, book agent, publisher, and promotional team when you don't have the other mentioned agencies in a contract. As before I mentioned I could be sitting in my pasture giving away hundred dollar bills. No one knows so at the end of the day I pack up my table and tent and go home with all my money having gave away nothing.


Porno Site

Be very very careful checking out text messages. Received a text message with the return add coming from .hotmail. Didn't open it, and did a search on the web It is a porno site. Never linked on to it but getting close they dropped four cookies on me along with adding two more web sites to my surfing history. So much for add blockers, java blocker along with virus filters. Dug in and erased all of off and out of my computer. If by any stretch of the imagination my computer was seized because someone swated me, there would be no history or records of getting close to a porno site.


I'm looking for two stories

Hi hi. I'm looking for two stories that would like to read again. I believe both of them are posted on BCTS.

For the first story a kid transitions and goes to a new high school as a girl. She gets involved with the band and/or media department. She creates some songs which she submits to be played on the school radio. Her father is a music producer who has a studio underneath the garage. Eventually many of her friends wind up being invited to the studio where they make and record music. Some of her songs make it onto radio stations.



Short quiz for those who casually think about speed when they are driving or even when they see a vehicle speed by. Maybe they don't give it any thought.

Wolfjess' Speedway Demons brought to mind something I have contemplated since I was little. Only we are going to ramp up the speed from so long ago.
1: A vehicle is traveling at 200 mph. For simplicity's sake discount tire slippage on the surface.
2: How fast is the apex (top) of the tire traveling?
3. How fast is the bottom of the tire traveling where it fully contacts the surface?


Character Creation

This is Sam. Whether the mission is to be sweet and find the betrayer, or to be spicy by BEING the betrayer, Sam is ready.

And his favorite color is clear to all who can see.


(Ran into a new Among Us type game, had some fun with character creation. Entertaining reactions after "Dora and Boots" successfully killed everyone, with Sam obviously being "Dora". But I made sure to leave it visible in the attached photo that Sam is in fact a male character.)

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Moderna Vax Update

Well, I promised to relate my experience with the Moderna vaccine, so here goes. This is better than 2 1/2 days since I was vaccinated.

Day One Vaccinated at 6:30 AM CDT. The nurse was excellent, I didn't feel a thing. This was at the local Wal-Mart so after the waiting time (15 minutes) was up I decided to do a little shopping. Got home about 10 AM. All during this time I only had a small amount of pain in my upper arm, left arm BTW.

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Small donations make big contributions

No one must sacrifice everything just to make a donation. It would be wrong to give one's meal ticket if it meant they had to do without. But that is what I'm going to suggest. Daddy always told me to watch the pennies because the dollars will take care of themselves. Give that one some thought. Daddy was a very smart person. BCTS has a physical address (mailing address) listed. If one could drop five dollars in an envelope and send it. If you don't think it counts, think again. It counts very very much. Add the numbers and say a hundred people do the same. Are we getting there?


Comes in Threes

Selected for jury duty. I was laughing as I read I had been summoned for jury duty and when I had to report to the court house. Called the court clerk and explained my circumstances and told her I would be more than pleased to attend. Although I believe I have an excellent sense of fashion I would be bringing the past X number of years of medical files in my briefcase. I'm sure the judge and lawyers wouldn't be pleased.


Crisis averted

OK, false alarm.

I check a graphic heavy story (One Dozen Roses) and found all the graphics in place. That means they were still where they were supposed to be. So I poked around in the insert picture routine and found that some how Drupal had sent my search to the wrong folder. Sorry for crying wolf. Who knew there was more than one folder.????

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HELP!!!! BCTS Techies; My pictures have disappeared.

HELP! Just now I was trying to insert a picture in a PM. When I tried to preview the message, the message disappeared and when I tried to reconstruct it, all but three of my pictures have disappeared.

Is there any way to get them back? There are a lot of them that need to appear in current stories, both mine and other authors.

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