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for nobody.

Or in the case of todays new story post, maybe its Time For A Change! More on that later but lets catch up a bit first.


Monday was never going to be much more than doing the chores after Sunday's long ride, however the brighter weather tempted me to go a bit further afield for my shopping trip, almost 6km by the time I was done.


The weather for Tuesday was forecast as cloudy with the sun making a late appearance and with a breeze blowing from the north east I decided to head across the Cotswolds Cirencester way. A rough idea of a route was formulated and I set off with a light heart and two bidons. Some lanes, a bit of byway - where did the time go? It was after 12 and I was still some way short of my lunch destination. Oh well, I plugged on, it was about two when I stopped at Ampney St Mary for my sandwiches.

The sun was now out although the breeze was keeping the temperature comfortable enough and after perusing the maps I started on my return, a loop past Cirencester before dropping into Stroud to start a flattish route back south. After about 20 minutes I discovered that I'd missed a turn, a new route was needed, it added a couple of miles but it kept me fairly level past the Fosse Way before a few ups and downs got me west of the Roman town. You can go the direct route on the main road to Stroud, which is largely downhill but not much fun or use the lanes but suffer some quite stiff climbing, so of course, I chose the latter.

My GPS was showing over 100km covered when I stopped for a breather, a little perturbed by it being just after 5 already - I did a quick calculation, there was at least a two hour ride left! I set off once more, at least there are no more major climbs from here, quite the opposite, the long descent into Stroud was some recompense for the earlier efforts. Then it turned into a bit of a drag race, out to the A38 then down the old trunk route towards Brizzle, my speed sitting in the high twenties, low thirties pretty much all the way back.

It was after 7.30 when I reached Chez Beverly, 175km ridden, almost 1600m climbed in 8 hours of riding. I was tired but not exhausted which is quite good considering the last two hours of quite hard effort.


Today its back to the chores, washing (again) and getting in the remaining potato crop, @ 10kg which then needed washing and storing. Then it was repotting the herb collection and trimming the invasive Clematis from next door so we can see the green beans! phew.


I've posted the first chapter of a story wot I started to wrote in @ 1998. Its not TG themed but in later posts there are some more adult themes included in this time travelling historofiction novella.

tfac front cover.jpg

'Elke Jones was a time technician. Apart from her training she hadn’t yet travelled the time vortices. There weren’t many time technicians as yet; Elke still didn’t know how she had managed to pass the interview. Perhaps it was her qualifications, or on the other hand perhaps it was just her karma.
A tale out of time with a bit of a twist!'

So click here to read the first part of Time For A Change and let me know what you think.


Well that's it for today, I told you about Imber last Sunday, well this weekend is the only opportunity to ride there by bike for 2021 so thats where I'm off to on Saturday, I'll tell you all about it on Sunday!

Madeline Anafrid

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book 26 print cover_0.jpg

Dead tree Lulu and the Lulu digital~~~~~~~Kindle and the Amazon Dead tree

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Book 27

I’m desperately waiting for book 27 to come out