General Audience (pg)



by Jennifer Sue

Riley Thomas was a skinny fourteen year old geeky boy. While he wasn’t totally bad at sports, he wasn’t particularly good either. If graded he’d be the high side of mediocre. As such most of the guys looked down their nose at him. While they teased him things never got physical like some of the nerdier guys suffered. For the most part, he simply did his best to stay out of the way and avoided drawing attention to himself.

Like most of the eighth grade guys, he was enamored by Cindy James. The only guys who didn’t worship the ground she walked upon were gay. Cindy was captain of the middle school cheerleading squad, blond, blue eyed, and quite curvaceous. She was cute and knew it. The jocks were the only ones with enough guts to ask her out while the rest of the guys just drooled and dreamed. Cindy, much to the jock’s chagrin, enjoyed publicly shooting down their clumsy/arrogant attempts at getting a date. The other girls envied her looks and appreciated her leaving the jocks for them. However, that resulted in rumors spreading that she was a lesbian.

A prisoner in my own mind 3

A prisoner in my own mind

Sydney Moya

(c)2015-All rights reserved


Ashley touches an alien artifact one day and an alien invades his body with incredible results.

Chapter 3

Ashley had never felt so powerless. He was literally trapped in his own mind, unable to control his body which was being run by an alien called Jav intent on turning his body female so that he could reproduce.

I Can't Breathe.

Rob can't breathe and even as young as he is life seems to be closing in really hard.
Until he's given a chance, a very odd chance to get away from everything closing in an maybe find some breathing room.

Imp 3: An Imp-Perfect World part 2

Imp 3: An Imp-Perfect World part 2

Everyone knows that heroes are good and villains are bad, but what is a poor Imp to do when these roles get blurred.

This is a non-TG story that takes place in the Whateley Universe. This is also the third story about the Imp, with the first being The Art of Being the Imp and the second being Mission Imp-Probable. I plan on posting the new updates to this site a week after each one is posted on the official Whateley site.

Summer Secrets

Summer Secrets
By Varian Milagro

Chapter 1

It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I’d be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in high school when school started up again in the fall. I should’ve have been as excited as everyone around me, but I wasn’t. I was not looking forward to summer vacation.

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

It's not easy love, but you've got friends you can trust,
Friends will be friends,
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention,
Friends will be friends,
When you're through with life and all hope is lost,
Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends right till the end

Friends Will Be Friends – Queen

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

“But I ended up in hospital, mum! And…and Dr. Maggie had to bring in a nut doctor to see me! Dr. Karen is real nice, though” Drew mused.

“You and dad had to fly all the way over here to get me. I’m so happy you came, but if I hadn’t messed up, you wouldn’t have to be here. I feel really bad about making you have to fly mum.”

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

“……….I’m not totally sure. In many ways I comfortable as both. Although I do seem to get on better as Gaby, I have to admit. Except for cycling, sport isn’t really my thing, and I seem to be able to relate to the girls better than I do the boys.”

“*Sigh* and if I’m really honest, I have more friends as Gaby. And I find it easier to talk to people.”

Somewhere Else Entirely -129-

Garia and Eriana move out of the palace to make room for all the expected distinguished guests. On their return for lunch there are dispatches from the war to read before the first visitors arrive, which include an unexpected guest who has news of a different kind.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

129 - Rulers with Strange Names

Glossary for AF: “The Bodyguard”

Glossary for AF: “The Bodyguard”

This is intended as a stand alone document to support Altered Fates: "The Bodyguard." I was advised to create this document due to the length and complexity of "The Bodyguard" to prevent readers from getting lost in the possibly unfamilair names, terms, and places I used in the story.


When tales come true Chapter 01

This is a very short teaser to see if people want more of this story. If you do please comment and let me know.

When tales come true.

Chapter 1

The Mirror

Jenny and I were talking at school. I was telling her tales of the Grand Hall of Crystalis. She was lapping it up. She loved my stories. I was fond of telling them and always had a never ending notebook of them. She would ask questions and I would have answers ready for all of them.

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Maggie turned to Karen. “Would you like to wait until Drew wakes up and talk to him a bit this evening, or would you like to wait until tomorrow? I'm going to go in and sit with him until he wakes – he's met me before, and I already knew his secret, so he should feel safe with me.”

Caught in the Act - 8

Caught in the Act - 8

By Jessica C

No sooner are we through the door when Robbie comes bouncing up to us, “Mom Grandma Stephens wants Jessie over in the morning to go to church with her. She doesn’t need to wear her new dress to church but Grandma wants to see it after church.”

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Dr. Maggie sat at her desk massaging her temples. It had been a very long day, but at least she was coming up on the last of the interviews of those that were here in Grottoes. She had saved Maddy's interview until last. It had become apparent through all of the other interviews that everyone had their own agenda for making Drew over into Gaby, and all of them in her mind were simply a load of meadow muffins. And in her discussion with Jocelyn, the suggestion of those involved being made to do the same thing as a punishment had come up. Maggie was of two minds about that. While it would be an appropriate punishment, at least certainly in the case of Brit and Deb, she was not confident that it could be done without incurring psychological damage in those being punished.

SRU: The Map

SRU: The Map
by: Ellie Dauber
© 1999

"Fred, I think we're lost." Almost as soon as Margie van Arndt said it, she was sorry. Most men won't admit that they'd messed up directions or misread a map, but Fred, well....

"I'm not lost," he said through clenched teeth. "This road is just the long way to Wheaton. It's such a nice day that I thought I'd --"

After School Nightmare

Yet another TG Storytime immigrant. Eventually, I'll be posting original stuff here, don't worry. This one came from a dream, but the dream was significantly more graphic, involving rape/murder and other such themes. As it stands, there's still murder in this story, at least implied (I can't remember if I actually showed the murders or not, it's been awhile and I'm tired as I post this here). If you like ghostly possession, this story is for you.


A Mother's Love

Originally, I wanted this to be as an homage for Mother's Day, but I couldn't complete it in time. Oh well, better late than never - Hope you enjoy!

A Mother's Love

By Anon Allsop

It had been five years since I stood on this small grassy hill, five years since I had said my goodbye to one of the best women I had ever known. Sighing, I looked down at the flowers in my hand and quietly placed them in the little vase that stood like a sentinel before the polished stone.

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Mrs. W had headed back out to the waiting room, and she was not a happy woman. Her daughters, with the apparent complicity of a lot of people including Drew's chaperones, had deliberately hid the fact that Drew was a boy. And now, because of it, Drew was in a hospital bed, virtually catatonic. She was absolutely incensed that the chaperones would go along with this charade, and put a child in harms’ way for their own personal agendas. As for her daughters, well, they would be lucky if she didn't ship them off to private school for now and VMI (Virginia Military Institute) when they were old enough. They were certainly going to be grounded and broke for the foreseeable future.

Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals 4

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, is a young and abused Black boy with Asperger's syndrome, and is hated by his guardians, the Dursleys. A little over a week before his birthday, he discovers that he is also a wizard, and the Dursleys knew all along. Not only is he a wizard, but he's also famous in the wizarding world! An AU fanfic.

(Transgender character introduced in chapter 7)

"Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals"
By = Fayanora

Drew's Meltdown - Chapter 1


This is a Gaby Fanfic. It takes place during Gaby's Trip to America. It's an alternative look at what might have happened.

So far there are 15 chapters that I will be posting over the next week or 10 days. I finally have it worked out how I'm going to complete the story, so the remaining chapters should start showing up in just a few weeks.

The Reluctant Friend

The Reluctant Friend.

By Angharad.

“How was school?” Mary Phillips asked her thirteen year old daughter.

“S’okay, I guess.”

“No one said anything?”

“Not yet, haven’t worked it out yet, give ’em time.”

“Meet anyone interesting?”

“They were all a bit curious, didn’t tell ’em anythin’.”

“Find out who you can trust first, eh?”

“If it’s anything like last time, I don’t think I’ll trust anyone ever again.”

Father's Day

Father’s Day

“What do you want for Father’s day, Dad?”

“Some new shoes ... no, I really need a new purse.”

“You’d better come with me to help choose it, then. I don’t know much about that stuff.”

Speaking of which, your mother was wondering when you’d stop being a tomboy, Sara.”

“Tell you what. I’ll start wearing dresses when you go back to pants.”

“Point taken. Let’s go shopping.”


Brave New World, Part 23 - Finale

The Big Fight, Part Three

Charlie followed the man, at least until Elliot grabbed her by the hand. "Stop!" he said. "We don't even know who this guy is! He could be the Benefactor, for all we know!"

She shook her head. "No. He's not. Tim's fighting the Benefactor right now."

Allie asked, "How can you know that?"

She turned to her friends. "Because he told me. The Benefactor did."

Elliot raised an eyebrow. "Why would he do that?"

"Because..." She rubbed at her arm, sighed. "Because he used to love me."

"What?!" Allie asked.


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