
Three Wishes, Epilogue

Be careful what you wish for. If you're lucky, you just might get it!

(Sephrena asked me to do an epilogue to make sure it met all of the contest requirements, so here it is, hopefully squeaking in under the wire.)

I Need To Remember. Chapter 19.

Chapter 19.       The girls visit “Silks” a lesbian club in Truro.


Authors note:- Silks nightclub and some of the characters mentioned in it are from a series of stories called “Tales from Silks” posted on another site.


Taking the other bus.

Taking the other bus.


By Karin Beyaert

Kathy was always a little bit insecure. But then she meets Angelo and her whole live changes. And all that just because she caught a bus she never intended to catch.

A story dedicated to all guardian angels, and especially my own.


I Need To Remember. Chapter 17.

Chapter 17       Wishes and Linda go to a restaurant.--SEPARATOR--

Arriving home we decided that our dresses from last night were still clean enough. After all we were not at the party for long anyway. They just needed a very careful press to remove some creases. Wishes took on this task with a worried frown on her face, especially when she was pressing my dress.

Sing a Healing Song Chapter 5

Sing a Healing Song, Chapter 5.

I’ll give my dad credit - after a moment of shock, he recovered nicely and listened to me recount my encounter without interrupting until I finished.

Then he sighed, and said, “I guess there are worse things than to discover you’re hetrosexual.”

“Well ... I could be bi. I mean, I haven’t been exposed to a lot of girls, yet.”

He gave me a “I dont want to hear this” look, and sighed again.

“Look. This might be premature, but if you like guys, I need to give you a talk about ... sex.”

Get A Life!~Chapter 15

I could have cried, I should have cried, but I wasn’t in the crying mood. I was in the red-hot temper mood. I didn’t lose it all that often, but my blood was the blood of the Scots and we don’t take prisoners…

Get A Life!

By Susan Brown


The Prolific Scorer

The Prolific Scorer
By Anon Allsop

The old man sat on the park bench enjoying the warm spring air. He watched a young teenage boy dribbling a basket ball down the sidewalk toward him. His icy blue eyes, still watchful and alert even in old age. The boy was concentrating on the dribble, trying to bounce it between his legs but kept hitting himself in the bottom. The old man smiled.

Now working the ball behind his back, the boy was able to get it to bounce forward through his feet. He smiled and looked around to see if anyone witnessed his great feat. Only the old man was there smiling.

Broken Cup

Sometimes those outside looking in know us better than we know ourselves. The life they choose for us would never be the one we would admit to wanting. Much less having the courage to follow. A push in the right direction places us on the path we will follow for the rest of our lives. Those who share that path have their lives enriched at the same time.



  Then there were the times when I felt angry and frustrated at the least little thing. Was it normal for a boy, for regretfully I was one under my finery, to have such strange feelings?


By Susan Brown

I would like to thank Miss Jane Austen for the inspiration for this novella, which is based on a time prior to that which is described in Pride And Prejudice and involves a few of the characters in that great work.



  ‘Well Georgiana Digby, you must forgive me for startling you. I was not expected back until much later today. I will, I have no doubt, see you again.’


By Susan Brown

I would like to thank Miss Jane Austen for the inspiration for this novella, which is based on a time prior to that which is described in Pride And Prejudice and involves a few of the characters in that great work.


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