Once A Boy Now A Girl Chapter 3: Monday

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Once A Boy Now A Girl

Chapter 3: Monday

I found myself back in the silk sea, but I could see that I'm closer to the island, with a figure standing and staring at me. I felt myself being pulled down into the silk, so I scream to this figure “Help me please!”

I woke up, sweat trickling down my face, I sit up, making my breasts bounce, giving me a bit of a shock "What the fu... Oh… Yeah… I turned into a girl… Fuck!" I think to myself.

"Hey its not so bad when you get used to it." A female voice said out of nowhere.

"Who are you?" I asked, looking around searching for the owner of this voice.

"I'm your female spirit" she replied.

"My female spirit?" I said slightly confused.

"Well basically every person is either male or female, right? And everyone has either a male spirit or a female spirit, and the spirit tends to be the same as the body’s gender. But some people, especially the ones with gender identity disorder, have two sides fighting for control. Your seizure was caused by your mind fighting over which is going to be the predominate spirit." She explained.

"So basically you’re saying that I have gender identity disorder." I said a bit sarcastically

"No and yes. Your body was changed by a demon, I’ll explain that later, normally that would have left you as a mentally broken wreck, and you would be stuck in what you mortals call "Loony bins". But you’re lucky that Hera took pity on you making me help you as you enter womanhood. My name’s Bellatrix by the way." Bellatrix said.

"Hera? You’re talking about the Greek goddess. Hera the wife of Zeus, goddess of women!" I ask her.

"And marriage and birth, yes that Hera.” She paused for a bit and then continued. “My time grows short mortal, if you ever need me, just say my name and I shall appear." Bellatrix said as she turned into a gust of wind.

Moments later my mum opened the door, holding a bottle of Irn-Bru and some toast. She’s dressed in her usual work clothes, which is your stereotypical lawyer clothes made of a dress suit.

"Well look who’s awake! I think this is the first time since you were 6 that I had to carry you to bed." She said jokingly.

“What time is dinner?" I ask her.

"Honey, today is Monday." she replied

"Wait, crap! I've got school! God! If I don't hand in that homework Mr. Chili is going to put me in detention for the rest of the year!" I said trying to get out of bed, but my mum just put her hand on my shoulder, holding me there. Is she stronger than me now?

"I've called the school, they said not to worry. Plus Angela came round saying that she would hand it in for you." She said realizing me. "Now, I've to go to work, call me if you need anything." She said closing the door. Moments later I hear the ignition of the car, and I see her through the window driving off to work.

I pick up my phone off my desk and unlocked. It said 11:10 so it would be recess break. I texted Angela, asking her if she’s alright. She replied almost instantly asking what was wrong with me. So I replied "seizure"...no response I can probably guess she’s crying. Because one day she was having a sleepover with me. It was when I had my first seizure, and that was probably the only time that I’ve seen Angela openly cry. She was freaked out and probably worried for me.

I got out of bed and looked around. My room was littered with posters of games and bands. My herald acoustic guitar was sitting in one corner, while my PS4 and TV sitting in the opposite corner. I walk over my closet and opened its doors and drawers. I looked over at my boxer drawer, which now has various types of panties of every color, mixed in with my old underwear. Then I opened the next drawer, where I keep my clothes that I only wear during concerts. They are usually very loose fitting and punkish clothes. But now there are dozens of bras in there as well.

"Congratulations Billy, your concert drawer in now your bra drawer." I thought to myself. The rest of my closet was as bad, all my male clothing now have female attire mixed with them. Even my suit is now next to the dress I tried on in Hollister. I decided to strip off my clothes, which are only the panties I am wearing, and the tank top, but strangely no bra.

Then I remembered Angela saying that girls always take their bra off before sleeping, she then took off her top, removed her bra then put her top back on before lying on her bed and began making out with me. I felt a shock go through my bed and I let out a feminine moan. Looking down at my naked body, I discover that unconsciously one of my hands was rubbing my breasts, while the other was rubbing my vagina. This time I decided to keep going, if I'm stuck like this, I better get to know my body. I leaned on my closet as I rubbed one out for the first time as a girl.

My mind rushed with images of Angela naked. As a guy i had wanked to Angela several times, and I do believe she has wanked to me too. When decided not to be a couple we agreed some things we could do and one was that if we needed to get off we could think of each other. I started moaning louder and louder and I rubbed my clit faster and faster.

I screamed achieving my first female orgasm which was a million times better than a guys- no offence but orgasms as a guy was focused on the crotch whereas a girls orgasm ricochets all over- After laying on the floor for a while, I decided I should get some clothes on so I pulled out a pair of star wars boxers which belonged to Angela, I remember her wearing them, I then realized I was getting wet again.

"Jesus note to self there’s no cool down time for girls before they can get horny again." I jokingly thought to myself as I put the boxers on and stood in front of the mirror next to my bed.



Then I put a star wars bra that matched the boxers. I strangely managed to get it on the first time, and then I put a pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie. I went over to my table and saw a hand mirror sitting on it so I lifted it up and looked at my new face.


"Damn I look good" I thought to myself as I walked over to the full body mirror, the hoodie sort of hid my tits only if you see me from a distance, if you came up close you could easily see them. And if you looked at the skinny jeans you could easily tell that I was a girl, my ass kind of says everything. Plus my hair also gives it away. I looked over and saw a small bag nestled in with the bras, I pull it out and it was a small gym bag which had "BOY DISGUISE" written on the label.

I tipped the contents out onto the bed there was a: pair of black boy shorts, a piece of soft but solid material-almost like flesh- shaped like a cock and balls, a tight looking vest which, I guess was a breast binder, a bald cap, a spray and some skin colored tights in a pack labeled "GEOCO Prototype boy tights" and a small note "

Mr. Draco.

This prototype is aimed towards making women’s lower bodies more masculine looking and is aimed towards FTMs and Tomboys, It is to my knowledge that your daughter Angela is a tomboy, can you show her these and ask her to come in after two weeks to give a performance review? Signed

L. Abaddon CEO

P.S. if your daughter is pleased she can keep them, but be warned if she loses them I will hold you responsible".

"Jesus Angela! Thank fuck my mum works for GEOCO....hmm I wonder" I thought to myself as I stripped again and put on the vest and briefs and pulled the tights up to my waist.


I felt a sudden, sharp pain all over my body, I looked down and saw my breasts being pulled back into my body, my rear becoming flat and my hips becoming boyish

"Holy shit it actually works!" I said to myself as I rubbed my hands over my leg, the tights even had hairs on them. "I could use this and no one would be the wiser! Hahahahaha!" I said happily as I grabbed the "cock" and put it into the boy shorts.

"Jesus Fucking Christ! That’s cold." I gasped, as I pulled the jeans up, now I have a more masculine looking lower body and a bulge between my legs. Now people might think I'm still a guy, when I put the hoodie on, I noticed that I'm completely flat; I then looked at the spray with a label that said "Prototype Vocal altercation spray-female to male by GEOCO"

"Vocal spray huh worth a shot" I said, I then sprayed it into my mouth. "Hell! That tastes like that crap I had to take when I got that throat infection. (cough)(cough) . Huh, wow my voice... it’s… it’s normal! Yes, yes!" My phone ringing interrupts my celebration. It’s Angela.

"Hey Billy, how are you?" she asked.

"I've been better" I replied.

"Well me and the guys were going to go to the pit after school, why don't you come if you are feeling up to it?" she says.

"Sure, I'll see you there." I answer.

A couple of hours later school had finished so I put the bald cap on and grabbed one of the many wigs, which I usually wore during gigs. Most of them were just my hairstyle in different hair colors. I pick up the one with the same color of my hair and put it on. Then I started walking towards the pit.

The pit is a club that’s owned by Mr, Abaddon. He then gave it to his daughter Christina. Her nickname is Foghorn, for obvious reasons. Don't worry, you'll read about them later. It’s a two-story factory that had been derelict since the 60’s. The First floor is the stage where the town hosts a battle of the bands, the second floor are apartments that anyone could stay in if you asked Christina. It’s actually quite large, for only being a bedroom, living room and bathroom. And then there is the basement where the club is located, it sort of looks like the restaurant from pulp fiction; the one where John Travolta and Uma Thurman dance. It also has the best BBQ chicken wings in town.

I walked down the steps and was immediately ambushed by everyone. "Oh my God Billy! Are you ok?" everyone asked.

"I'm fine ok it was just a small seizure.” I replied

"Understatement of the fucking century mate, your dick fell off and you grew a pair of tits." I thought to myself.

"Alright shagger. See Bobby! I told you he wasn't dead. Now hand over that fiver." Said my partner in crime Neo Nasi and next to him was our mate Bobby who to be fair wasn't the brightest bastard. Neo had appointed us the "Pussy Patrol" of our generation, although I have a strict pact with Angela, every girl in town hates Neo and Bobby thinks we are called Pussy Patrol because we go out looking for stray cats in the neighborhood. We also are the three founding members of the greatest rock band in town called, "We Will Make You Wet". Take a guess who thought up that name.

Then I see Angela, so I immediately walk to her. She first slapped me in the face and then hugged me. "You needle dick bastard! Why do you always scare me?" Angela said her head buried into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry? I come round to your place and your mother tells me you had a seizure, and your sister says that her and your mum had to carry you to bed." She said. I can tell that she’s crying, as soon as I feel my shoulder become damp.

I know we were FWBs but I've always had a feeling that Angela wanted to be in a relationship with me, but was to afraid to do it.

I sat down and was given some BBQ chicken and as I was tucking in with Tyler. He’s the coolest guy in school and our bass guitarist. He sits down and begins talking to me. "Alright B" He said in his sly strong voice.

"I'm (Cough) F-fine." My throat tensed up and my voice sounded slightly higher pitched

"Jesus, every time mate! You just can't scoff down one of chefs chicken wings." he said slightly amused

"(Cough) Could you excuse me for a minute" I said, my voice more or less is coming back to the way it was before I used the spray.

I ran into the gents, big mistake in hindsight, and went into one of the stalls and started panting. My entire body is on fire and I am getting unbelievably horny. I pulled down my jeans, tights and boy shorts and was completely shocked the "cock" had inverted and was now penetrating my pussy. I started pulling it out but every moment was making edge closer and closer to climax.

I stop when someone entered. I quickly pull up my underwear when I hear a click. Turning around I see Neo standing there smirking. "Ha gotcha Billy boy, didn't figure you were one of those guys. But hey you put me on a herpes website, I'm going to put this on Facebook."

The picture was bad from his perspective due to it being a picture of me in women’s underwear, clearly horny with my hands in the crotch area. Neo had left but was met by Angela at the door.

"Hey shagged your shagger is a crossdresser." He says to Angela.

"Well at least he doesn't have to jack himself to sleep Nazi" Angela replied.

"IT'S NASI!" he replied.

Angela then appeared in front of me. Her face shocked when she saw the dripping wet "cock" before closing the stall door "Oh Fuck Billy, did you used all the stuff that was in the bag? Take them off, now." she commanded.

I did as she said and stripped her mouth was wide open when she saw naked female body. "What happened Billy?" she asked as she moved my hair away from my face

"I don't know, I woke up yesterday and I was like this." I said pointing to myself.

"Ok stick your clothes back on and lets get out of here" She said. We sneaked out through the fire escape in the back of the toilets and made our way back to my place.

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