
Mein neues Leben als Zuchtstute

Pferde waren schon immer meine große Leidenschaft, obwohl es für Jungs wohl eher ungewöhnlich ist.

Bei Pferden denkt man doch eher an Mädchen, die sich liebevoll um die Tiere kümmern und ihre Freizeit mit ihnen verbringen.

So war es jedenfalls auch bei mir, dass ich jede freie Minute auf dem nahe gelegenen Reiterhof meine Freizeit verbrachte.

Ich hatte das Gefühl, die Pferde könnten mich verstehen und würden spüren, wie es mir geht.

Warriors way chapter 6...showgirl!

Warriors way chapter 6...Showgirl!

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





Von der Reiterin zum Missionar

Ich bin nunmehr seit über 5 Jahren mit meiner Freundin zusammen, aber irgendwas hat sich für uns beide immer komisch angefühlt, auch schon vor unserer gemeinsamen Zeit.

Ich war schon immer der eher zurückhaltende und devote Typ und meine Freundin eher durchsetzungsstark und dominant, für die Rollenverteilung von Mann und Frau also genau anders herum.

Mich haben Frauen schon immer fasziniert und so kam es, dass ich irgendwann auf Transgender-Seiten im Internet gelandet bin, wo sich Männer in Frauen "verwandelt" haben, um ihr Äußeres dem Inneren anzupassen.

Katie Ann - Chapter 25: Costume Winner

Katie Ann

Nineteen-year-old submissive Kathleen was sick of men who only wanted to be her master for sexual reasons, but when she responded to a message from a gentleman on a matching site, she didn't realize how life-changing their relationship would be, and how right it would feel.

Pioneers, part 01 of 15

It was early September — far enough into the school year that the teachers weren’t holding back on the homework, early enough that we still had some pretty nice weather. Which I was missing out on because I was sitting in my room doing homework, that Saturday morning when the world changed and only a few scattered people noticed.



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After the strange machine appeared on the lawn at the library, Meredith found it was easy to physically transition to the feminine body she wanted so desperately. But socially transitioning, and getting her parents to go along with it, would be a lot harder.

[AotA] Royal Jelly (4/4)

It has been a year since Karina changed her race.
Slowly a new normal has established itself.
But the idyllic life won't last long as a promise by her soon requires another from Karina.
That of the matron.

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 1 - An Asshole

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Rairy Contrary Chapter 1 An Asshole


[AotA] Royal Jelly (3/4)

Karina and her newly created race finally reach their new home.
Sadly, it is not much to look at.
It will be to her and her sisters to change it.
Thankfully, they are introduced to two new roles that will help them.

[AotA] Royal Jelly (2/4)

Armas, now renamed to Karina, is on her to her new home.
But before she can fight the boredom that is a two-week-long journey by sea,
she first has to say goodbye to her current country by a last tour of the port town taverns.

CMC 13: Winning Awards

Cindy at Music Camp

By Teek
© 2019

Chapter 13
Winning Awards

Summary:The first trophy of Music camp is given out, and then we see two more presented. Trophies are good, but sometimes, a less tangible award has more meaning.

Water in the Sky: a TG Mixed Tape

An adventurer announces their retirement... and reveals the secret burden they've been carrying. A couple of exes try to salvage their friendship from the ruins of their relationship... and maybe something more. Two U.S. Marshals hunt for outlaws in 1876 Arizona... and find monsters. A fox running for his life from a trigger-happy farmer encounters a strange being... and finds a new life. Dive into these and three other stories by Dark Sun Morrigan, Desert Willow, Morrigan Q.R., MrSimple, Paradox, and Trismegistus Shandy.

[AotA] Royal Jelly (1/4)

Armas is one of the volunteers for the artifact of the ancients.
He and ninety-nine others will become part of a new race.
What said race it will be he doesn't know.
All he knows that it will be different.
Armas prepared for it.
Yet, he still gets surprised.
Follow along and discover his new race alongside him.

Undercover Angel - Chapter 4


Chapter Four - End Game

The final episode in this Tranny on the run adventure; Steve eventually catches up with Rachel, our intrepid undercover angel, what will happen to her? Will he hand her over to Tony Leonardo, the master criminal, or will he keep her for himself?

Der Badeanzug, der mein Leben veränderte

Mein Name ist Jess.

Ich bin ein 17 Jahre alter Junge, der einfach durchschnittlich ist.

Ich sehe nicht besonders gut aus und komme bei den Mädchen auch nicht sonderlich gut an.

Was mich allerdings schon immer fasziniert hat, sind Badeanzüge.

Zum Glück weiß nur niemand davon, sonst wäre das Gelächter in der Schule ziemlich groß.

Die Mädchen sehen in ihren Badeanzügen im Schwimmunterricht immer so geil aus, dass ich meine Erektion bei diesem Anblick immer wieder schwer zurückhalten muss.

SWTOR: End of the script

T'aa Onasi knows everything that is going to happen as she finds herself on the way to Tython.
However, she just got forced to switch with the real owner of this body, and wonders how she is going to cope. Can she change things? Will she be fighting against a fate that she does not want and how far will she be forced to follow the script? Not at all, a little, or the entire script?

Suddenly everything is not as it seems. What is real is slowly not real. Real is relative.

SWTOR: Adjusting the script

We spent three months on Tython training. I trained along with Kira on everything that Revan could teach us. Revan spent half this time teaching others as well and was speaking with the council on a daily basis. As much as I wanted to see how he got along with Satele, they managed to keep that part of their relationship secret. The Jedi Temple on Tython is one of eight different temples. Master Satele was shocked that we had found them so fast. I knew they existed and Revan knew how to find them.

Marti and the Doppelganger - A Follow Up. Chapter 7. The McKenzies Notice Something Different About the Raccoon Family. Penny Becomes a Woman

Chapter 7. The McKenzies Notice Something Different About the Raccoon Family. Penny Becomes a Woman

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the seventh part of ten or maybe eleven.

Rhonda and her mother talk about the Raccoons. Penny takes the next step to womanhood. Things go very well. This chapter is considerably longer than those previous.

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 7


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Seven

The conference had started, and, everyone got to know everyone else. There were representatives from the Arachnians, the Dixx, and, of course, the Elyrans. Humanity's newest friends, the bear cub-like Telcontari, had also sent representatives, as well as the Daemons, the ones that look like lions with their long, thick manes, but what was not expected were the people of Star-453 sending representatives. These particular aliens were considered the most technologically advanced race in the Federation - all their citizens were completely cyberneticized at birth, and all that everyone sees are their roboticized outer shells. If people didn't know any better, they'd probably assume these were actually sentient robots.

And, of course, there were the Humans.

The conference was all about the discovery that the Earthers made - that, apparently, Phase-Wave wasn't as never-ending as they thought, that there was an actual border to it. And, at the border where Phase-Wave ended and the unknown part of the galaxy started, the Fifth Fleet's Explorer-Class DSC Earthship II, and their most advanced Type-One ship, DSC Mikasa, discovered a new planetary system.

The new system was weird, to say the least, but what was discovered on one of its planets held the promise of new knowledge and something that was indeed world-shaking.

Roomies - Part 18

So life quickly snapped back to its routines after our weekend adventure and easing back to ritual on the Monday local holiday. Tina returned to classes, Zoe returned to hermiting in her room and I got back to my two jobs and dual life...... Until Tina accosted me on my way out to work in the middle of the week.

“So.... in the car on the drive to my folks, you mentioned your friends and said I really had to meet them....”

I stopped dead in my tracks, recalling the moment of unguarded honesty. I just stared at her like a deer in headlights.

Katie Ann - Chapter 24: Can We Borrow

Katie Ann

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look seven years old but you’re actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen’s entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn’t the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her the way she looks at seven years old?

Becky Anne

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 6


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Six

The plot that was behind the attack was slowly being unraveled, and it was revealed that it was a Dravidian plot, with an unwitting Detterex citizen as their instrument to carry out their plan.

Not too much detail of the plan has been uncovered yet but any betting person will say it was most probably another one of Cor's conspiracies.

Ever since the "Earthers" so noisily burst upon the scene, Cor, Dravidia's then-ambassador to the Federation, rubbed the newcomers the wrong way from the beginning, especially then-Captain Amelia Steele. No one could blame the Earthers, though, especially with the high-handed, patronizing, and condescending way that Dravidians treated everyone. The only advantage that everyone else had over the Earthers was that they were used to Dravidians and just let them be. But Mia didn't stand for it, and put them, especially Cor, in their place. Which began Cor's slow downfall from grace.

And ever since, Cor has been trying to undermine the Earthers at every turn. But this was the first time that Cor had actually tried this kind of thing. Could it be the precursor to war? Who knew?

Roomies - Part 17

As much as I adored meeting the Claypooles and staying at their charming B&B, as well as the refuge of Tina's room after my vaguely remembered but utterly mortifying 'girls night out' with her friends, it was heaven to return to the comfort of my own bed.

The bliss was short-lived as I quickly returned to the crushing routine of Tom's workday. I struggled through the first day back and slowly settled into my groove ….or was it a rut?....

A Midsummer Day's Reality

It was a so-so day, not clear, but not really threatening rain either. The temperature was a bit on the hot side, and the humidity had risen with it. Bob had decided to go walking in the woods as it usually felt at least a bit better in there. Besides, he needed to get away from everyone again for a while. As he ambled on a game path through the green dimness, he thought about how unfair life was. He had a body that many men would do almost anything to have. And not only did he not have to work out or take any 'supplements' to get it, he didn't want it!

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 5


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Five

After Mia's, Tasha's and Sahsha's people landed, they commenced the Fifth Fleet's version of a pass-and-review or a trooping the colour, but just before its conclusion, what looked like a Tirosian suddenly came upon the scene, and commenced an attack run.

With expert management, though, Mia was able to disguise the attack as if it was just part of the elaborate air show.

The pilot was caught and an interrogation was started, but Mia couldn't help because they just started the reception for the conference.

Tiffany's Deal - Chapter 3

Tiffanys Game.jpg

Chapter Three - The Turn

Tiffany is made an offer she can't really refuse which reunites her with some shady people from her past. She is intrinsic to their plan to defraud some rich gamblers but of course there is no honor amongst thieves..

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 4


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Four

Tasha's and Sahsha's "mission" to Earth and their short conference with Dr. Isabella Puerrot answered many of their questions about being able to have a baby.

For Sahsha, it was almost a sure thing, and she would be able to have a child by Mia through standard AI, or if that didn't work, she could still try for one by using the process known as EECF-SCPI, or the process where a human egg cell is fertilized without the use of sperm.

As for Tasha, even with the blood and tissue samples she provided, the doctor's analysis showed it was not a sure thing. After all, Tasha was an Elyran and Mia was an Earther. Common sense would tell anyone that this was an impossibility. But Tasha had collected evidence that it might actually be possible, including a photograph of an intriguing Elyran sculpture many millennia old.

But all that was put on the back-burner. At the moment, they had some things they had to take care of.

Katie Ann - Chapter 23: Fastest Prize

Katie Ann

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look seven years old but you’re actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen’s entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn’t the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her the way she looks at seven years old?

Becky Anne

The New Human


The New Human
By Bobbie C.

- - - - -

This story is set in an alternate present, where ten or so years ago, a new race of near-humans burst upon the scene and threatened the geopolitical balance of the world simply by their presence.

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 3


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Three

To the public, the upcoming event that the Elyran Royal Family will be hosting on Earth was just another of those events that they had from time to time, but even these events were of great interest, simply because of Mia, the famous "warrior queen of Earth." And having one of these events on Earth was just just a normal byproduct of Mia being from Earth.

For the Earthers, though, this was a pretty big deal. It was doubly exciting because it was Mia's birthday a few days after this event, and the preparations being done at the Sciolian Isles had been the subject of continuous coverage by the Earth media, and it just ramped up the excitement factor day-by-day.

What everyone knew about the event was it was one of Queen Tasha's, Princess Mia's and Duchess Sahsha's pet science projects - some sort of exploration thing. But what Marjorie discovered showed that it wasn't really any ordinary project, and was something more mysterious than what the royals were telling.

In any case, Mia was racing from Colossus, whereas Marjorie and her fellow grad students were onboard a special flight from Triton, and Tasha and Sahsha, onboard Talon, were already near Earth.


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