Sweet / Sentimental

An Invitation to Come Out

An Invitation to Come Out
By Patricia Marie Allen

Even after eight years of marriage, Charles still couldn’t bring himself to tell his wife. He was just too afraid of losing her. It would be different if he had told her before they were married. But who knew this would be a lifetime condition. Oh sure, he knew that by the time he got married, he had given into the urges five or six times a week. Almost daily. He had still thought having a wife would banish the habit.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XXI

Chapter 71

“That smells really good.”

“Dude.” Faye said, turning to Nick and rested her weight on one hip. “It’s bacon and onions. That’s it.”

“Still smells good.”

Faye had talked Nick into stopping at Freddie’s on the way home. She came out with a big bag of groceries in one hand and a long baguette of French Bread with the other. Nick knew better than to ask, just accepted that something awesome would follow.

Some more sounds in the kitchen clattered before Faye came out.

“What are you playing?”



By Patricia Marie Allen

The days were getting shorter. Summer had just flown by. Patrick was beginning to feel a quite a panic setting in. He had promised to find a job by the end of summer, but his heart just wasn’t in it. Here it was already the second week of September. His father was getting impatient. Patrick would rather have gone to school. He had the grades for it. But his father had not supported his choice of schools. Linfield’s College of Nursing at Good Samaritan Hospital was accepting men in the nursing program. In two years he could be an LPN if he stuck it out four, he could graduate an RN. But his Dad said “I’m not paying anybody to turn my son in to a pantywaist male nurse!”

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.



It’s my first time for that kind of kiss from someone that means it as a kiss.
So it’s a good thing when the feelings in your heart are stronger than the feelings in your body right?
We break the kiss and I’m catching my breath and Rudy looks at Sam. “Let’s go get cookin and we can let Morgan finally get to use her tanning chair and get some rest and Sun.”
“I kin grill?”
“Yeah, let’s.”
They leave and Rudy smiles at me and he walks out of the water backwards and his grin gets all teasing and devilish as he’d definitely sporting some serious arousal going on down there and I blush because he’s doing that and it’s pretty obvious if someone looks.
I sink down in the water some more to hide the goofy grin that’s there too because yeah, he’s showing off and stuff but he’s with me and he’s kind of showing off for me.
And that feels just.
Yeah I’m so happy hugging myself right now.

*And Now…

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 10

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 10


“Josie, you want to go out?”
“Huh?” Blink, blink… “Like…?”
“Out, out of here, go for a drive, see some things…go on a date.”
“A date…with me?”
“Yes please.”
Oh…that, that yes please…Never, no one has ever…it.
Just two words said with real earnest just…I had no idea that two words could actually feel that good…

*And Now...

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 8

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 8


No…honey not at all there’s nothing wrong at all about being trans.”
(Sniffle-whine.) “There’s not?”
“No, not at all…you’re a girl. It’s just a pronoun, it’s just one little thing about you.”
(Sniffle.) “But I’m…I’m like…”
She is wiping at my face with a tissue now and that helps and I see this soft concerned but actually caring and maybe even happy? How? How can she be happy about this?
Here hand strokes my face and she kisses my cheek. “You’re alive Sarah. You’re still alive.”
And I start crying all of over again and it feels like this deep aching dam of stuff inside that I couldn’t really articulate like right just kind of breaks in me and lets go with this flood.
………….right now, right friggin now I’m Sarah and i…I really have a Mom.

*And Now…

For Friends and Family Part 10

For Friends and Family Part 10 – Going Public

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter after Amy comes out of hospital Nichola gets a phone call that means she has to go public earlier than was expected. And Amy and the new Nichola have a truth discussion.

The Platinum Chef : A Tale of Delacroix Part XX

Chapter 68

“Roxx? What do you wanna do when you grow up?” Mary asked thickly. “Y’know, when school’s over?”

“Eh?” Roxx asked Mary, suddenly irritated by that question. Robb had asked her that once. More than once in fact. What bothered her was that she never seemed to have an answer. He was always going on and on about having a better life. Paying rent and bills were no fun. To the then Melanie, and now The One Who Is Roxx that the simplest, easiest way to accomplish that was always the best.

Take Three Girls Part 6

Take Three Girls - Part 6

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Take Three Girls. This is about 2 girls and one woman (myself) and their very different route to become the women they knew they should be. It was going to be called Take Two Girls, but an on line friend (she knows who she is) and the girls bullied me into the name change. Some poetic licence has been used to help the flow of the story but not very much.

In this chapter June and I get to talk to Kate’s mother Kate gets a referral to the specialist Tavistock and Portman in London


For Friends and Family Part 9

For Friends and Family Part 9 – Coming of Age

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter She experiences love as a woman had hair extensions so her wig is consigned to the wardrobe and Amy attempts suicide!


Get A Life!~Chapter 15

I could have cried, I should have cried, but I wasn’t in the crying mood. I was in the red-hot temper mood. I didn’t lose it all that often, but my blood was the blood of the Scots and we don’t take prisoners…

Get A Life!

By Susan Brown


Going to School with My Best Friend Megan

“Going to School with My Best Friend Megan”

A long seeded desire to go to school with Megan comes to be...
Kathy, Megan and my Mom help me to look better that I imagined
...But others aren't so happy with me looking like a girl.
It ends different than any thought.

Bridges 44

Bridges 44

Chapter 44


She kisses me again… and I get my bags and we head outside from the motel she’s staying at and she’s going to drive me to the train and I hear her squeal. “Brandon!”
She’s running over to him and I can’t help but to smile as he’s there and he’s been waiting for us and everything leaning against his truck and drinking a coffee.
Him and me…the things we had and have and the stuff that’s still there between us and it’s all just this.
We’re not together, together and it doesn’t matter to him I don’t think. We still love each other and he shows it by doing stuff like this.
Having him be that guy for me, to be this unasked for rock of support. It means so much and I set down my bags and go over and join Cass in hugging our guy.

*And Now…

Images 59


Chapter 59


Taylor’s with one of the guys that’s teaching the surfing and I sip my coffee and watch and then I set it down and see him actually get up on the board and ride it out for like fifty feet or sixty feet before there’s no room. It’s way cool he stayed up the entire time and I’m not sure that I could do that and I clap and cheer whistle at him when he’s done.
“Way to go honey, do it again!”
I see the smile on his face and the happy guy wave he gives me and him and the instructor paddle back talking and stuff. I see the guy look at me and it’s that checking me out look and something else and they do the guy thing hand shake once their sitting on the boards and riding the wave thing where they really aren’t going anywhere.
It’s so that guy giving the other guy props for his girl thing.
I actually don’t mind, he’s my guy and guys have their esteem things too….and Tay’s been knocked around just as much as me and I watch and cheer as he takes another wave and gets up on his board and I cheer him on and it’s good to see him just smile, doing something just for him and just smiling.

*And Now…

Take Three Girls Part 5

Take Three Girls

Take Three Girl- Part 5

By Christina H

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Take Three Girls. This is about 2 girls and one woman (myself) and their very different route to become the women they knew they should be. It was going to be called Take Two Girls, but an on line friend (she knows who she is) and the girls bullied me into the name change. Some poetic licence has been used to help the flow of the story but not very much.

In this chapter I carry on with Kate’s story her surprise birthday party and finally meeting her mother which was a very emotional experience.


For Friends and Family Part 8

For Friends and Family Part 8 – Boys and London

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For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter the new Nichola goes on her first date with the hunks they met at the hotel. These guys help them move to London and the girls prepare for a night of passion.

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

You Chose the Wrong Store – Part 15

By Jessica C

It was nice to get back from vacation, to sleep in my own bed and to go shopping for school. Joy has officially announced, she’ll be attending Central City High School this semester. She will attend full-time at the University for the second semester before she officially enrolls at a university she has yet to choose. Once it was known she was looking to go to college full-time; prestigious schools were recruiting her like she was a star athlete. Not only Schools like MIT, Harvard and Yale and Stanford, but Oxford and other institutions around the world. I didn’t know really intelligent students were wanted so much. I know Joy’s a genius, but it doesn’t think of her that way.

Take Three Girls Part 4

Take Three Girls
Part 4

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Take Three Girls

Take Three Girls. This is about 2 girls and one woman (myself) and their very different route to become the women they knew they should be. It was going to be called Take Two Girls, but an on line friend (she knows who she is) and the girls bullied me into the name change. Some poetic licence has been used to help the flow of the story but not very much.

In this chapter I carry on with Kate’s story meeting her stepbrothers and finding out more about her life - which has not been an easy one!


Snakes and Ladders-33

Snakes and Ladders-33

Chapter 33

I take a ragged breath as I’m sniffing and I’m just honestly so surprised really that he’s acting this way towards me and everything. I was expecting stern and commanding and all sorts of things I guess really I was not expecting an elf, a Sylvan man with hazel eyes and thick long brown hair with really dark brown deeper in and the outside of it lightened by being out in the sun.

I was not expecting him to smell like red clover and the best parts of a sawmill.

I was not expecting the hug like he’s a dad.

For Friends and Family Part 7

For Friends and Family Part 7 – Work and Boys

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.
In this chapter Nichola is now ready to face the world and goes on her first date with the hunks they met at the hotel

Anything Goes, Don't Blink: A TG Mixed Tape

Anything Goes, Don't Blink


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

A man wakes up with his wife’s nose. Two girls concoct a scheme to sneak a friend into an Elvish gathering. A dragon hatches and makes a decision that will change a young boy’s life. These are just some of the 14 stories on offer in the biggest Mixed Tape collection yet. Hit play and embark on a journey through time, space and unconventional fantasy, with a full cast of mad scientists, demonic bureaucrats, Time Lords and Ladies, and extraordinary ordinary individuals.

Masks Chapter 38

Masks Chapter 38

Chapter 38


“Well Lucy it’s really cool to finally meet you.”
She nods. “You’re my first.”
“I am?”
She nods.
“Your first what?”
“The first person that I’ve met since I started school this year…” She sort of blushes shy and stuff again.
“Well then I’m honored…”
She smiles and it’s shy sweet then questioning again. “So why not those guys?”
“I know how well they wipe.”
She cracks up laughing again and the gym teacher blows the whistle. “Wilson keep it down!”
Lucy Eeeps again and now I’m the one that’s laughing.

*And Now…

For Friends and Family Part 6

For Friends and Family Part 6 – Nichola Complete

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman. In this chapter after getting his (her) teeth capped she now has the perfect smile also the hypnotic suggestions are working well. Meanwhile the real Nichola suffers another breakdown and Andy admits that he is enjoying his new life and also considers remaining a woman.

For Friends and Family Part 5

For Friends and Family Part 5 – Life as Nichola

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.
In this part surgery which transformation him into Nichola is completed and he leaves the clinic. Now he begins to learn his new life as a woman called Nichola.

I am back in sequence now after my horrific blunder


Bikini Beach: The Diving Team

Bikini Beach: The Diving Team

Natty's diving team is having a meet in the season-ending championships, but two of their divers are suddenly unavailable. Where can they find a substitute at the last minute so they don't lose their chance at winning the first-place trophy?

[email protected]

Take Three Girls Part 1 - Totally Re-Written

Take Three Girls - Part 1 (Totally Rewritten)

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Take Three Girls

(The reason for the re-write of this is given at the end of this chapter. I apologise if I have upset anyone)

Take Three Girls. This is about 2 girls and one woman (myself) and their very different route to become the women they knew they should be. It was going to be called Take Two Girls, but an on line friend (she knows who she is) and the girls bullied me into the name change. Some poetic licence has been used to help the flow of the story but not very much.

In this chapter we meet all three of the girls and you get a flavour of their experiences. As this is a true story all names and locations have been changed.


Staying in Character Part 1

Staying in Character Part 1

By Paul Calhoun

A trade with Dieter Schaumer.

An actress playing a queen being slowly turned into a legendary wolf has to wear her costume home for budgetary reasons. Her boyfriend isn't very happy and after he refuses to have sex with her she has an idea to show him what it's like.

For Friends and Family Part 3

For Friends and Family Part 3 – Nichola is Reborn

I have restarted this story, the reasons I suspended it was that I was posting three separate stories at once and I was getting confused so I decided to concentrate on a single story. If you have not read parts 1 to 3 I would advise you to do so then you will see how Andy had agreed to be changed into Nichola


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