A New Start in Life part 25

A New Start in Life Part 25

The Girls Mk2.jpg

This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.

During the flight my nerves were again getting the better of me as once again I was entering a country.
We were discussing my problems with the male box on my passport. Charley as usual hit the nail right on the head saying, “Susie, when you filled in the form with your new name and photo why didn’t you simply leave the box blank?”

My mouth hung open with the simplicity of the statement. Shaking my head I replied, “To be honest I never thought about it – bloody hell if I’d have done that I probably would be ok.”
Charley simply shrugged and said, “I just thought I’d ask.” The flight to Sydney was three and a half hours. And again the closer we got the more nervous I became.
But once again as I went through immigrations no one batted an eyelid – this time I actually looked more feminine.

We picked up our bags and got the shuttle bus into the city. We knew that Kelly’s aunty didn’t have room for us but we had arranged to camp on their back lawn while we were there!
When we got into Sydney we had to find our way to Picton where Kelly’s relations lived.
Railway was the answer! The Southern Highland Line stopped at Picton station and it was a short walk to Kelly’s Aunties place (About 1.5km) when we pitched up at the door it was answered by an attractive girl about the same age as the four of us.
She made a beeline directly for Kelly throwing herself at her and squealing, “Kelly, you must be Kelly – you look like a younger mum.”
A voice from inside the house shouted, “Ceri who’s there?” “It’s Kelly and her friends mum.” Shouted Ceri.

We heard footsteps and Kelly’s Aunty Sue came to greet us! Ceri was right there was a striking resemblance between Kelly and her Aunty Sue. Kelly’s aunt threw her arms around Kelly’s neck welcoming her and us warmly.
We were ushered in and after we had settled down with some fruit juice we got a telling off for walking from the station.
Ceri had a thousand and one questions for us and soon it was like we had known her all our lives. It was the same with aunty Sue (she told us to call her either Sue or aunty Sue but not Mrs Hind) so the four of us settled on Aunty Sue.

We were shown where we would be sleeping we thought we would use the tent but aunty Sue had different ideas. The garage had been converted into what Australians call a ‘rumpus room’ that I assume is a chill out space this was our bedroom for as long as we wanted it!

We were left talking to Ceri she was really a great girl and we all felt at ease in her company Ceri was our age she had a younger sister Shelly who was 16 and an older brother Greg who lived and worked in Sydney.

We found out that Ceri loved surfing, beach volleyball, dancing and cheerleading! We mentioned that we had practiced cheerleading in California and found it fun and great exercise.
She got excited at this and asked us if we wanted to practice with her and her friends – is seemed like a good idea so we happily accepted.
When she found out we had never surfed she promised to teach us then we got to discuss travelling Australia.

Now to any Australians reading this this will sound really stupid but we had thought about cycling around Australia – this was until we realised that the distances involved were impossibly HUGE!
To cycle this would take ages and would be very difficult if not impossible!
Ceri then mentioned the Greyhound bus that covers all of the country so we stored this away in our mind to research later.

It was now four in the afternoon aunty Sue was back talking with us when Ceri stood up saying, “You girls want to come to practice with me?” “Ceri” her mum chided her, “Ceri the girls have only just got here at least give them chance to recover.”
Poor Ceri looked so crestfallen; she had been so very friendly towards us that I stirred and said, “Well I’m up for it – c’mon guys we’ve been sat down all day!” Ceri’s face lit up, “Gee guys – if you’re sure?” Kell answered, “We’re sure now what do we wear?”

We were told stretchy shorts, sports bra and top. I rummaged in my backpack and emerged clutching the uniform we wore in Auckland (we begged one set each as a souvenir).
Me pulling these out caused great hilarity among the three of them much to the wonderment of Ceri and her mum. So Kelly took great delight in telling them the story of me refusing to wear them.
So we squeezed into them – actually after cycling nearly 4000km they were a bit big!
Off we went to the local sports hall where we met with the other girls including Ceri there were 10 in all.
We quickly got to know the girls and with my limited knowledge; the moves they were doing were quite basic so the four of us could easily keep up! Not bad for 16 hours training some 2 months ago!

We got some sodas and sat outside chatting away and joking. We were asked about out kit (which had the name of the bar and ‘Auckland’ splattered all over our boobs).
So the story was again told this time with me adding my bit into the story.
The girls were training for an audition to be cheerleaders at the Pepsi IPL T20 tournament. The audition was in 2 weeks time and the all were getting nervous.

For those of you not used to cricket. The IPL or Indian Premier League is arguably the best twenty-twenty cricket tournament in the world.
It runs for 6 to eight week starting May and finishing in June. (The Aussie Big Bash is the next best! Any Aussie will certainly disagree with me – but’s that’s a natural thing – they always disagree with a Pom!)

We left the girls about six thirty and arranged that tomorrow we were going to the beach where we would be taught how to surf!
In absolute truth we had an idyllic time with Kelly’s relations Ceri was great she was friendly, open and very giving.
So daily we went to the beach hung around with the girls and went every night to practice our cheerleading skills.
Thanks to the dancing we did we were quite good – not up to the standards of the California Girls who enter contests but we could do all the routines the girls in Australia could do.

True to her word Ceri and her friends took a lot of time to teach us how to surf and while we were not world class after a week we could stand on the board and make the beach riding a wave I was made up! As this added another pastime to our growing repertoire of different sports.
It was fun and good exercise! One downside of all this beach time is that I had to let my boy bits breathe more often as once salt water dried it becomes a little abrasive so I got into a routine of removing my ‘vagina’ every time I showered.

We planned our trip around Australia bus was the best option but it cut down the chance for working.
Greyhound (Australia) has a pass system where you buy a ticket for a given number of Kilometres this can translate into distance travelled by bus and/or accommodation.
As I said before the distances in Australia are huge we planned to start at Cairns, travel down the coast back to Sydney then Melbourne, Adelaide, Alice Springs (Uluru), Darwin, then to Broome, Coral Bay, Perth then finally back to Adelaide.

We reckoned that a 25,000km pass would see us but this costs Aus. $2,500 or about £1700!
We checked our finances which thanks to Gill’s contribution was very healthy and reckoned that if we worked for a while along the way we could easily manage this.
To keep costs down we would camp where possible and cook our own food.

Just before we went to buy our tickets and I mean like the day before we were going to buy them - disaster struck the cheerleading squad.
The parents of three of the girls refused to let them travel to India as someone had been telling them stories about what the cheerleaders got up to!
So the whole adventure was off.
We arrived with Ceri for practice only to be told the whole thing was cancelled as the squad had to be nine or ten girls - the rest girls were disconsolate.

Then without thinking I blurted out, “Gee if only there were someway we could help!”
I realised exactly what I had said when six pairs of eyes stared at me. I thought ‘Oh, Oh I know what’s coming here’.
Ceri said, “Can you guys help us pleeeeease? If we pass the audition all the flights to and from India are paid for your hotels and food are paid for you get to see India and you get about US$80 a game – oh and a manager looks after you and you go to some parties with the players and things. Come on guys it’ll be fun – say you’ll do it!”
We looked at each other these girls had been so friendly so welcoming we just had to do this for them – little did I know exactly how much this would change my life!

The girls continued to bombarded us pleading and to be honest I think we all felt that this would be fun so really we didn’t take much persuading. So we joined a cheerleading squad.
We were certainly experiencing life in all its many varied forms (I wondered if I was the first boy girl cheerleader – if you see what I mean)

So instead of travelling around Australia we practiced for a week then went to Sydney for the Audition the four of us now had the same costumes as the rest of the squad.
Now hair tied back skimpy costumes on (I was used to showing my body now – in fact I got a thrill from it) pom poms in hand we gave it our best shot in front of the men (and woman) from the club we could be dancing for – and waited for the outcome.

There were four other squads being auditioned so the wait was a good few hours we sat there sipping soda and talking and very, very nervous finally one after another the squads went in to hear the verdict.
There must have been two doors (or else they were thrown to the lions or something equally horrid!) As they never came back out!
Finally it was our turn all ten of us trooped into the room facing us were the people we had danced for - the representatives of the team. To say we were nervous was an understatement! And yes there was a second door in the room.

It didn’t really sink in that we had got the job! In just under two weeks time we would be travelling to India as a Cheerleading squad for one of the premier teams in the IPL.
To say we were over the moon was putting it mildly we were pumped up. Then we were introduced to our manager for the tour he was a middle aged man called Mr Ghoshal.
A woman came and took our measurements for our uniforms then we filled in all the paperwork for our visas we were given a list of do’s and don’ts and a list of what we should take with us.
Finally another list of how we were expected to behave while we were in India!
Then we were sent home and told to be back in Sydney in just over a week for our flight to India!

The train journey home was memorable to say the least we all were buzzing with excitement. The girls kept thanking us for stepping in and keeping their dreams alive.
We told them that in truth we didn’t need much persuading we were happy to help out friends.
When we got home everyone was over the moon for us, we set off getting what we needed on the list. Mr Ghoshal had told us that we would be better buying the skirts and dresses in India as we would find it cheaper. (And I assume that he made something out of it)

Preparation included getting the necessary shots we would need for a visit to India the time went so quickly but soon it was time for our trip to Sydney and India.
After saying goodbye to everyone we knew the ten of us boarded the train and headed into the City.

We met Mr Ghoshal at a mid ranged hotel and more was explained to us. In India we would be sharing rooms, which to us four were no problems as we were well used to sharing.
If asked we had to say that we were visiting on a holiday. But he said with a smile, “But everyone knows what 10 young foreign girls are in India doing.”
He had a quaint way of speaking and I never did get to know his other names he was always Mr Ghoshal.

We were two days in Sydney then we flew out to Kolkata. Shonali was really excited, as this was the first time she had ever been to the land of her mother’s birth.
Me well as usual I was panicking about my passport but again there were no problems Mr Ghoshal seemed to take care of everything in fact he took our passports and all the paperwork – we never even saw an official we were simply whisked outside to the waiting transport. All the formalities completed.

We left the airport and headed into the city of Kolkata. We travelled in a private mini bus and I was sat next to Charlie and like her I was amazed at what I was seeing.
India to someone who has never been there before is an assault on your senses!
Every sense you have gets thrown into overload the amount of traffic number of people is beyond anything you can imagine. The main road into the city was a cross between a parking lot and a pedestrian precinct!
Kelly (who was sat behind up) popped her head between us and said, “Have you ever seen anything like it?” All the other girls were similarly stunned.

When we got out of the bus at the hotel, the rest of our senses were assaulted. The noise, the smell also the sight of an elephant sedately proceeding among the traffic oh and sacred cows just wandering around the streets.
The heat and humidity the temperature must have been upper 30’s C and the humidity nearly 100%!

Shonali gasped, “Mum said I would be blown away; but this is like something I have never seen before it’s amazing.”
The four of us had a room together while Ceri and three of her friends had another room with the three remaining girls in the third room – they were adjacent to each other with Ceri’s room being in the middle.

We settled into the rooms then set off to explore now as you can imagine 10 western girls, young and fit and very attractive do not blend into the scenery.
But apart from polite curiosity we were left alone as we wandered around amazed.
Shonali tried some of her Hindi and was quite amazed that she could be understood even though Bengali was the main language of Kolkata.

Getting back to the hotel Mr Ghoshal had arranged for a seamstress to measure us and make the extra dresses we would need then we ate.
We had tasted Indian food in the UK; BUT this was totally different and really tasty.
Charley on the other hand had not really tasted this type of food she was immediately hooked and became an Indian food nut!
In this heat I had to be very careful with my hygiene so every night I slept without my vagina putting it on again during the day – the others understood my reason for this.

Next day we went to the stadium where the team we were cheerleaders for had their home games – Eden Gardens the place was huge my mouth hung open in surprise and shock.
Kelly looked at me and with a grin said, “Well Susie, you were worried about flashing the flesh to a few people – how you feel about this?”
I was stunned! I was going to be on display to thousands! I think I went into shock I was unable to speak.
The stadium could hold 80,000 people!

We were taken on a tour. The cricket team were practicing but when they saw the ‘new meat’ had arrived (us) we were soon surrounded by these hunks of men all nationalities.
After they had had their fun teasing us the coach and captain got them back to practice while we were shown the changing room and our uniforms.
Deep purple ultra tight fitting very stretchy tops with gold trim also a matching micro-mini skirt with tight fitted panties the pom-poms were mainly gold with some purple shot through there were also long ¾ leggings in purple for the more conservative area’s where games are played to go with these leggings a long there was sleeve fitted top also in purple and gold.

These conservative uniforms covered more of our bodies but certainly didn’t hide anything.
Then it was down to practice for us ten girls we divided into teams of three the spare girl was in case of injuries and to rotate the girls giving one a rest.
We would practice in the mornings until the heat started to build then again in the evenings we had our own practice kit but realised that we would need a couple of extra sets each.
Cue Mr Ghoshal! He fixed us up and soon we had all the kit we wanted plus someone to wash them each day and deliver them to the ground.

The idea of us cheerleaders was the following. We were in teams of three strategically placed for the home fans (the away team had their own squads) we had to dance when a six was scored in between overs and when a significant score milestone was reached (50 runs etc.) And when an opposing player was out and also between innings this amounted to a lot of dancing.
An afternoon game the temperature could be in the 40’s C with 90 to100% humidity, while the evenings were ‘cooler’ a mere 35C and still 90 to 100% humidity.
So apart from 2 hours in the morning and two hours in the evening plus an hour in the gym we were free to see India as we wanted.

Kolkata I believe means City of Joy and is HUGE there are loads of places to see so in our free time we wandered around the city.
Things to see are many and varied temples and religious places abound of course there is the Ghats on the River Hooghly the Prinsep Ghat is beautiful and so serene in the manic city.
Then the palaces and places of interest the Kolkata Marble Palace is another place that sticks in my mind it is absolutely beautiful.
Another place we visited was the Sunderbun National Park, which is also a sanctuary for the beautiful Bengal Tiger. We went around riding on the backs of elephants, which we helped to scrub down in the river.
All the time we were practicing ready for the start of the tournament and getting to know the players socially.

The first game boy oh boy will I remember this! We were in our uniform skimpy top and mini skirt hair pulled back and waterproof make-up on (100% humidity).
Nervously we waited in our teams of three. Being one of the taller girls I was paired with two Kelly and Ceri who were slightly smaller so with me in the centre we were symmetrical.
Just before the players entered the arena we made our entrance.
The wall of noise and cheering was unbelievable it was deafening I for one was like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car.
Luckily Kelly was behind me and gave me an almighty shove. (I hate that girl at times)
My entrance was not graceful as I stumbled into an arena of sound, smell and colour. We trotted to our seats next to the stage just in front of a high wire mesh fence the seats we sat on between dances were sheltered from the direct sun and had a good supply of chilled bottled water.

Before things started music came over the tannoy so we danced to warm the crows up (not that they needed much warming up!) This was some experience for us all.
As once we were seen dancing we became instant celebrities, instant wet dreams for thousands of men I think we were lusted after and loathed in equal measure.

It was hard work and at the end of the match (average length 3 hours) we were shattered but part of the job was making an appearance at after match parties when the sponsors wanted us to attend.
So we had to shower change get the waterproof make up off and be bright and chirpy at the party even though we were absolutely shattered.

A word here about cricket and India. Take Australia there is cricket, beer, beach and religion (mainly in that order). In the UK its football, beer, cricket and religion. But in India it’s cricket, cricket and more cricket then religion a very close second.

But it was FUN real FUN! The players were naughty flirting unashamedly with us cheerleaders – no hanky-panky was allowed (or don’t get caught doing it or tell any tales)
After the first match we arrived back at the hotel in the early hours of the next day and slept until noon.
A knock at the door woke us and a voice shouted through the door in Hindi.
Shoni rocketed out of bed squeaking, “It’s my surprise for you guys!” When she opened the door it was the dressmaker with a load of clothing.
Her and Shoni spoke for a while then Shoni ordered us to shower then her and the dressmaker would dress us in our Sari’s.
We showered and I replaced my vagina, slipped on some panties and wrap then back into the bedroom to see Kelly being shown the correct way to wear a sari.

Kelly being blonde had a most gorgeous pink and pastel sari she had her shoes and bra on then came the tight fitting shirt (or Choli) this matched the main sari. Her shirt was sleeveless and came to just below her breasts.
Next she fastened the petticoat around her waist. This is important as it holds the sari together.
The sari was draped around her and tucked into the petticoat then the lacy end of the sari was passed around her and draped over her left arm the sari was then pulled tight around her back to her right hip.
Then the dressmaker skilfully made pleats out of the remaining cloth tucking these into the petticoat the lacy end which is the more decorated end of the sari called the pillu was then draped over her left breast and shoulder held in place with a small safety pin.

She looked so elegant in fact she looked gorgeous. She stood in front of the mirror swirling this way and that admiring the cut, drape and fluidity of the sari.
Mine was in a gorgeous green colour while Charlie’s was a peacock blue and Shonali’s a beautiful red. All the time the dressmaker was tutting and clucking away finally she was happy with the way we looked.
We hugged Shoni thanking her profusely for this wonderful present the dressmaker spoke to Shoni causing Shoni to burst out laughing.
She translated for us, “Mother says that the sari will make ladies out of the westerners! I told her that it would take more than a sari. But she disagrees.”

We were a bit unsure about going outside in case the sight of us wearing the traditional Indian dress may be insulting. But the dressmaker (or mother as Shoni called her) made us go outside shepherding us through the door.
It felt really comfortable to wear the sheer light material was so cool and so comfortable to wear AND it was impossible not to look and feel elegant attired in a sari. These garments made you walk elegantly – it is truly a wonderful garment to wear.
We wandered about and I think we caused less of a stir than when we wore western clothing.

So our time in India continued every three days there was a cricket match we flew to the different venues rehearsed and danced at the match.
One venue really stuck in my mind and this was one that was overlooked by wonderful Himalaya mountains through the gap between the stands you could see the spectacular sight of the Himalaya’s with the huge moon in the background it was so atmospheric.

With there being ten of us one of us always had a match off - which is how we managed to let Shoni go and see her relations.
However before she left we were in Jharkhand in the North East of the country our team were playing at Ranchi stadium.
The others decided to stay in the hotel so Shonali and I went out for walk. The hotel was on the edge of the city so we walked into the country dressed in a sari as by now we all had a selection of them.
We sat under a tree on some rocks seeking some shade having a drink of water each lost in our own thoughts when a thin reedy voice disturbed us.

I opened my eyes and through the sunlight I made out two shapes one larger than the other.
As my eyes adjusted I made out the shapes to be a really old man with long white hair and beard wearing only a loincloth his skin was deeply wrinkled his eyes milky white.

With him was a small boy I would guess about 10 years old. Shoni spoke as I made to get up to offer the old man the rock I was sitting on.

The man spoke rattling off words the boy listened then spoke to Shoni in Hindi.
Shoni looked shocked then looked at me with concern etched all over her face.

“What did he say?” I asked. Shonali took a deep breath saying, “The old man said that you are the one he has been seeking - you are the girl caught between two worlds he is commanded to give you peace.”

I looked at her in amazement I was about to speak when Shoni said, “Susie, remember this is India this man is a mystic please listen to him with an open mind – please I beg you.”

I had never seen Shoni so agitated so earnest. I nodded not trusting myself to speak. I offered them a bottle of water the boy spoke to Shoni as he took a bottle. Shoni told me, “The mystic never drinks but he thanks you and bids you to sit!”

I slowly sat back down looking into the milky eyes of this withered old man in front of me.
He spoke again through the boy Shoni translating, “Susie the mystic says that you are caught between two worlds you are unsure where to go and that he was summoned to find you and bring you peace – now if he may he wants to lay his hands on your brow.”

I felt numb unable to speak I nodded my consent how did he know? How did he find me? What was happening?
The boy led his master up to where I was sitting he then took the old mans hands and placed them on my head.

The old man then moved his hands to my temples and held them there firmly but gently. He was muttering chanting but no translation came.
In the searing heat I suddenly started to feel cool, relaxed and calm.

Soon I was drifting, drifting but I was walking however I could feel no ground.
It was opaque like a milky mist but I knew that I must continue walking towards the light I could see in the distance. “Stephen, Stephen.” This was a voice I knew oh so well - before I turned I knew whom I would see!

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