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This is a gentle coming-of-age story about a college-aged boy becoming the girl he knows he truly is.
With the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna as they teach him all about life as a girl.
Please note this is a gentle, sentimental tale and although there is some sexual content it is inferred, NOT graphic and tagged where it occurs.
After the group hug we all went it to see Kelly she was still wired up to the monitors and her breathing being done by a ventilator though later today they were going to see if she could breathe for herself.
Liquids were being give by drips though she looked pallid there was some colour to her she wasn’t that ghastly white/grey colour she had been last time we had seen her.
We decided that we were not going to leave Kelly alone so we organised ourselves into pairs doing 8 hours at a time with Kell.
So to this end I was sent to find a campsite close to the hospital. My first place was the hospital reception where I found out that the nearest campsite was 3 miles away.
They must have seen the disappointment in my face because they then told me that there was accommodation available at the hospital – for a price!
This was an emergency and 3 miles was too far to travel so I thought sod it I have the money available from Thailand as I was not now getting my operation done – yet; so I’ll use that so we could be close as possible to Kelly.
I explained that there were four of us and I ended up with an ensuit, which could accommodate up to 4 people and consisted of 2 bedrooms, toilet/shower facilities, small lounge/dining area with television. It also had refrigerator, microwave, kettle and toaster.
There was a kitchen on each level so we could cook there. Also Kelly’s mum and Dad could use it when they arrived which should be tomorrow.
So absolutely chuffed with myself I went back to the girls and told them what I had arranged and promptly got told off for paying for it on my own credit card!
I told them that I thought I was doing the right thing as we were not going to Thailand now and I got a little weepy as everything was getting on top of me.
I think the girls realized that I was a bit hyper so we compromised a little with the others paying for our food.
We decided that Shonali and Ceri would be together and Charley and as Charley and I had got some sleep on the coach we remained with Kelly.
This was because Ceri and Shoni had only cat napped so we sent them off to get some ‘proper’ sleep telling them not to rush we could start our time off when they had had enough sleep.
We settled down keeping our vigil over our friend.
Later that day we got shooed away while they removed the tubes that were breathing for her.
There were a few heart stopping moments when she either didn’t breathe or she coughed and choked finally after an hour or so the doctor was happy and we could return to the bedside.
Kelly was breathing by herself, which was a great leap forward. We sat next to her talking away just like she was with us we chatted away about everything and anything we gave her chapter and verse about our journey to Adelaide.
After nearly 12 hours Ceri and Shoni came to relieve us they explained that they had been so long because they had been shopping and there was a salad and fruit waiting for us in the fridge.
This was very thoughtful of them. They also told us that as Kell’s mum and dad would soon be here they had decided that we would use one of the two bedrooms using our sleeping bags then this would leave the other bedroom free for Kelly’s mum and dad.
When we arrived back at the ward Kelly’s mum and dad were there I hugged Kell’s mum exclaiming, “I’m so sorry Mrs. Jackson it’s all my fault I was the one who suggested the stop over.”
Shonali snapped at me, “Susanna Emma Johnson will you please shut up about it being your fault. WE all decided as we have always done. This was nothing but a tragic accident.”
“But” I started to say when Kelly’s mum stopped me, “Look child it was an accident no ones fault and I thought I told you to call me mum!”
Just then Charley who was at the bed close to Kelly exclaimed, “Guy’s be quiet I think Kelly’s trying to say something.” This got all our attention and we turned to the bed.
Charley was leant over Kell her ear close to Kelly’s mouth. We could see Kelly’s lips moving but not make anything out.
Then Charley grinned broadly and she said, “Ok Kell word for word!” a slight nod from Kelly – this was the most movement we had seen since the accident.
Charley looked at us all then focused on me and said, “A message from Kell to Susie.” I simply looked as Charley carried on, “Kell said would you please stop being such a stupid cow! You didn’t bite me the bloody snake did!”
My hand shot to my mouth and I gasped, “She said all that?” Charley grinned and admitted; “Well no she said most of the first bit; I simply finished it off for her! So are you going to stop beating yourself up?”
A bit sheepishly I nodded and mumbled, “OK I promise” Charley was not letting me off that easy saying, “Speak up Susanna Kelly can’t hear you!” I glared at Charley but as usual it was like water off a ducks back.
So I repeated myself in a louder voice and was rewarded by a slight smile from Kelly who so far had not opened her eyes.
Kelly’s mum said, “I take it that this is your friend Charley?” Shoni answered for us all saying, “Yes this is Charley Willis our best’est friend” the niceties over Kell’s dad gave an enormous yawn reminding us that they had just travelled from the UK and must be totally shattered.
We told them about the room we had and that one bedroom was theirs we also told them that one of us is always with Kelly so if they wanted to they could try and get some sleep.
They were a bit reluctant to leave Kelly but once again Charley’s level headedness came into play she said, “Look Mrs. Jackson You’ll be no good to Kelly if you are out of it so if anything changes we’ll get you here please get some sleep.”
Kelly’s mum looked at us with tears in her eyes and simply said, “You are all good girls our Kelly’s lucky to have friends as good as you four.”
Then Shonali and Ceri showed them to the place we called home for the time being.
While Charley and I sat with the now sleeping Kelly. “Susie” Charley said, “What’s the UK like this time of the year?”
I smiled telling her, “Well the end of October is usually wet, windy and cold, then things go downhill and it rains then if you’re lucky it freezes and snows.”
“Oh” she commented, “And if you aint lucky?” I gave her a broad grin and answered, “It just carries on raining and half the country floods – why?”
Charley smiled ruefully and said, “Well I have a feeling our trip is over and I was wondering if you guy’s would mind if I tagged along when you go home?”
This time when I smiled it was with genuine affection “Charley” I exclaimed of course you can! You can stay with the rest of us at the flat”
There was movement from Kelly we looked and she was looking at us gravely.
“Oh Kelly” I exclaimed, “We’ve been so worried about you!” she gave a wan smile and croaked, “I’ve been worried about me – where am I?”
Charley went to get a nurse while I told Kelly where she was and when it was she was amazed that it had been nearly a week since she had been bitten.
A nurse arrived and checked Kelly out, gave her some water then looking at us told us, “I think the worst is over but she’s still one very sick girl.”
As she made to leave she instructed us, “If Kelly asks for water give her small sips not a lot at once – OK?” We nodded our understanding then turned our attention to Kelly.
Kelly asked, “I thought I heard mum and dad?” we told her that they had just arrived and were asleep but we could fetch them if she wanted to see them.
She croaked, “No Susie let them sleep. I’ll only get told off for being so clumsy and treading on a snake.”
There was nothing wrong with her sense of humor at least.
We were talking – well Charley and I were doing most of the talking with poor Kelly listening and croaking the odd response. After about half an hour we could see she was tired so we gave her a sip of water and let her sleep.
The two of us simply sat by her bedside grinning at each other in relief because our friend was improving.
We decided to give Kelly’s mum and dad a few more hours sleep then wake them with the news that their daughter was awake and talking.
While Kelly slept Charley and I discussed us going home. I could see that Charley was despondent and by now she was a really good friend and a great person being down was so unlike her.
Eventually I asked, “Charley why so down?” Charley looked at me giving me that wry grin she does answering, “Well Susie since meeting you guys with your outlook on life I feel I really fit in. My life in Chicago seems a million miles away - it’s going to be hard leaving the three of you.”
“Then don’t” both of us looked around and saw Kelly was awake looking at us. “Huh” I snorted, “Eaves dropping again!”
Kell gave a wan smile answering, “It’s my bed you two are talking over – so I’m not eaves dropping.” Even this short sentence had taken some effort.
So I took over saying, “Look Charley; Kelly’s right you don’t have to leave us if you don’t want to. Our flat is really big enough and we have a spare room we just have to get it decorated for you.”
“It’s your flat not our flat” Kelly butted in. “Kelly Jackson how many times have I told you it’s our flat!” I informed her. Then added, “She’s a bolshie bitch even when she’s sick!” As I said it I glared at Kell but her eyes were closed again.
I continued, “Look Charley come to England and see how you like it. If you want to stay that’d be great with us – wouldn’t it Kell?” I looked around expecting her eyes to be open but she was asleep.
Charley still looked doubtful saying, “I’d love to guys but I like paying my way I don’t want to be a free loader.”
This made me snort so I answered, “Charley you’re our friend we’d love having you. But how’s this for an idea you come to the UK on a visitors visa.”
She nodded saying, “That sounds good to me – but what if I want to work?” I had all this planned out in my head but just how feasible it was I hadn’t a clue.
So I suggested, “Look your collage degree is in media studies – right?” She nodded so I carried on, “Well there is a huge media centre opened up close by where I live surely there must be a opening for a smart American girl with a relevant degree?”
I was excited but I didn’t know if this was possible visa wise. Charley said, “It sounds a good idea, but I’ve no smart clothes and what happens with the visa?”
Just then a voice from the pillow spoke – Kell was awake again, “You and Susie are the same size and she has more clothes than Top Shop (a well known UK store) share until you get some money – simple!”
Triumphantly I looked at Charley and said, “Sorted! Right I’ll go and wake Kelly’s mum and dad.”
Kelly groaned and said wearily, “Well I suppose I’ve got to get my bollocking over sometime. At least they’ll go easy on me”
After this Kelly made a rapid recovery though she was still very weak but the hospital would not let Kelly go home in case of serum sickness, which can occur up to 14 days from the time of the incident.
About nine days on and Kelly developed a fever and a wonderful full body rash and aching joints as the hospital told us they were watching for any signs of renal impairment.
So we had to watch her suffer throughout this luckily she showed no signs of renal problems.
Meanwhile we were arranging flights back to the UK and organizing Charley’s visa for visiting the UK.
Which when we looked into it as she was visiting friends and an American citizen she didn’t need one – but if she decided to work she would have to go through the hoop’s of officialdom!
The steroids that were used to treat the serum sickness worked well but Kelly was still weak and her muscles really hurt.
This was due to the action of the venom and while weakness would be there for some time the prognosis was now good.
Ceri’s mum and dad came to visit periodically but it was obvious to us all our trip was over so to help with their travel we all gave them our travel passes with what was left of the Kilometers.
Finally a month after the accident Kelly was given the all clear to travel. She could go on a ‘normal’ flight as long as she had someone with her that was medically trained – the insurance we had took care of this.
So we trawled around the websites until we all could travel together (us 4; plus Kelly’s mum and dad; plus a nurse!)
At Adelaide airport we said a tearful goodbye to Ceri and her mum and dad. Ceri had become a really good friend and we all would miss her.
Kelly joked that we’d come back to Aus. And finish our trip missing out the snake.
Ceri also promised to come to the UK to see us.
A final group hug and we were ready for boarding Ceri hugged me and whispered, “Let me know how your operation goes.”
And with that we trooped through security to board our flight.
I think we were a bit down our adventure of a lifetime had been cut short.
But and here’s the main thing I had a feeling that the rest of the girls felt like me deep down inside we were ready to go home.
All except Charley who apart from he aging aunt in Chicago had no one – we were her family and she was part of our family.
The flight was - well a flight as we approached the UK the sky’s below turned leaden and yes you guessed it when we landed in Manchester it was pouring down and cold and windy.
“Welcome to the UK” I joked to Charley. “Gee thanks” she ironically replied, “Is it always like this?”
“Oh no it changes completely in the summer.” I told her. Charley perked up a bit at this until Shonali grunted, “Yep Susie’s right in summer the rain’s warmer!”
We got through immigrations – it took Charley a bit longer than us but soon we were reunited with out backpacks.
The lovely weather had us frantically looting them looking for something warmer to put on.
Kelly was destined to go home to recover. Shonali not having seen her family in over a year got a lift with them back to Leeds while Charlie and myself headed for the apartment.
Kelly’s mum told us that as soon as we had got ourselves sorted to head across to Leeds and stay with them for a while.
An invitation we certainly could and would not refuse.
The nurse that travelled with Kelly headed for a hotel to get some sleep then she was flying back tomorrow – so we said our goodbyes to her
We got a cab and soon we were at the apartment block Charley looked at it and gave a low whistle, “Looks a nice place Susie.”
I smiled warmly at her saying, “We like it and don’t forget it’s your home for as long as you need it.”
I swiped the security pass and we went into the building as we took the elevator to the top floor I said, “I’ve got a spare set of keys for you and the I’ll phone the security desk and get security pass once we get inside and get warmed up.”
When we got into the flat Charley was well impressed I showed her bedroom and told her to decide how she wanted it as I would organize it to be decorated.
I showed her Kelly and Shonali’s rooms then mine did the whistle stop tour of the place including the balcony and sun deck hot tub then we made up my bed with clean fresh linen and slept solid for 24 hours snuggled up together.
When we finally woke up I opened my extensive wardrobe and told Charley, “Anything I have you are welcome to use please don’t feel stiff or uncomfortable you’ll soon get some clothes more suitable to the British weather.”
We dressed in jeans and warm woolen tops. Heading for the kitchen we found that we had – nothing at all in the house we, well I had forgotten this small thing. Even the fridge and freezer were turned off!
Again we emptied our backpacks and found some teabags some coffee and our emergency food rations that we had packed over a year ago. Four of these were porridge, which you simply added water to. So to fill us we had 2 packs each along with coffee and tea without fresh milk - but we had some powdered stuff as a substitute. (Not good but ok in an emergency)
Just then my phone rang I knew the ring it was Shonali. “Hi Shoni” I answered brightly “We’ve just woken up.”
A very distraught Shonali answered, “Is it ok for me to come home for a couple of days?”
This caught me unawares because she was at home so rather stupidly I answered, “Eh you’re at home.”
“Susanna Johnson” she snapped “I mean home with you before I kill that sniveling bastard coward of a brother of mine!”
Whoa she was in a temper so I said, “Ok, ok you know you can but what’s up?”
“I’ll tell you when I get home” came the terse reply.
“Look Shoni we’re going shopping do you want us to meet you at Piccadilly Station?” I asked.
She thought for a second and answered, “That’d be great I’ll phone when I set off – ok.”
I recounted my conversation with Shoni to Charley then we got ready to get some food in and do a big online order for delivery.
We went into the bedroom I said to Charley “Shoes and boots in there, handbags above them, jackets coats scarfs and hats it here.
Help yourself to makeup jewelry and perfume.” Charley grinned and threw up a mock salute saying, “Yes sir Ma’am!”
Soon we were ready for Charley’s exciting introduction to the UK! Which was shopping at the local Asda superstore!
We each took a trolley and absolutely piled it with everything we needed right now from toilet rolls to tampons, tea bags to chocolate (this was important as with the mood Shonali was in it could take a lot of chocolate to settle her down.)
To get this lot back to the flat took a taxi. We had just got the perishables stowed away and the wine in the wine cooler when my phone rang it was a text from Shoni saying she would be arriving at two pm.
So off we set again on the tram to the station Charley was taking all this in her stride like she had been here all her life as we got off at the station she asked, “Is it ok to do some shopping while we’re in the city?”
“Of course Charley you’re a free agent do what you want.” She smiled her thanks and set off saying, “Give me a call so we can meet up when Shoni arrives.” I nodded and pointed her in the direction of the main shopping area.
While I made my way to the station to collect a very irate Shonali wondering what her brother had done to her.
I stood waiting thinking about my next move I would have to see Jill Harvey and of course my surgeon Dr. Kendrick as now I was clear in my own mind I needed to discuss my surgery.
I spied Shonali coming down the platform and waved her face seemed to light up when she saw me.
Once through the barrier we hugged and greeted each other.
Instantly she asked me, “Has that bastard of a brother of mine phoned you?” I was a bit puzzled so I shook my head saying. “No why?”
“Oh Susanna” she wailed, “He’s no gut’s he promised he was going to phone and tell you!”
By now I was totally bewildered! But I had an inkling as Shonali was totally freaked out.
“Shonali” I begged, “For god’s sake calm down – look I’ll phone him!” as I spoke I took out my iphone. “B, b, but are you sure! I mean do you want to?”
I was starting to get a bit annoyed as I found Gill’s name in my contact list I said, “Look Shoni you’re not telling me what Gill’s done. So he better tell me what he’s done to get you so worked up.”
I pressed the call button and waited I had a good idea that Gill had found someone else but I needed it confirming – I wasn’t really worried either way but my friend was really upset.
As he answered I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask the worst question possible and really put him on the spot.
“Hi Gill how are you? And before you speak when are you getting married?” This had some effect at both ends of the phone. Shonali gasped looking at me with her mouth hung open.
While Gill descended into a coughing fit followed by hiccups. Finally he could talk and asked me, “I take it that cow of a sister of mine couldn’t wait to tell you?”
This annoyed me so I answered, “Shoni hasn’t said a thing I guessed – and please don’t call my friend and your sister names!”
I glanced at Shoni and continued, “Shonali please close your mouth!” (It snapped closed).
Gill told me that he hadn’t meant to meet someone else (as if I was interested) but it just happened.
In the end I had heard as much as I wanted to and was really cool with the situation so I simply said, “Look Gill we are freezing on Manchester station, I wish you and your fiancée all the best for the future. Oh and don’t forget my invite for the wedding.”
And with that I ended the call Shonali was looking at me amazed and managed to say, “You don’t mind Susie? You honestly don’t mind!”
I smiled wearily at her and hugged her close saying, “Shonali I honestly don’t mind!
I took a deep breath and continued, “What I do mind is that he didn’t have the gut’s to tell me. I do mind that you are upset. And I really do mind that I am absolutely bloody freezing stood here! So let’s phone Charley and join her shopping – OK?”
She returned my hug saying, “I’ll never understand you Susie but I love you.”
So with that we phoned Charley and arranged to meet her in a café close to where she was shopping.
Sounds easy until you remember that Charley had been in Manchester for a day and a half and most of that time we were asleep. Eventually we got a street name and the name of the café she was going into.
We walked to the place Charley was waiting for us and soon we were reunited. I had only left Charley for an hour but in that time she had four bags of shopping (she would definitely fit in with her liking of shopping) it was just after three in the afternoon so we decided to eat where we were then go home.
As we sat down with coffee waiting for our food I quietly said, “Shoni it would be nice to phone your mum to apologise for storming out. After all she hasn’t seen you for over a year and one day and you’ve stomped out.”
She looked at me then quietly said, “As usual you are right – I guess I over-reacted a bit?”
That made me grin, “A bit? I would say a lot but thanks for thinking about me – you’re a good friend.”
Shoni smiled ruefully and made the call telling her mum that she’d be home on Monday.
I phoned Kelly and found out that she was being killed with kindness her mum wouldn’t let her do a thing – and yes it was driving her crazy!
So I suggested that we go and see her on Monday as well.
I spoke to Kell’s mum and she was more than happy to see us to save any embarrassment I would stay with Kell while Charley would stay at Shoni’s.
Then we talked about getting Charley’s room redecorated to her taste. There was the usual argument about me doing this but we won and I phoned the designer that had done the work on the rest of the place.
He agreed to call by tomorrow afternoon to see what we wanted doing, as this was only one room getting the wardrobes and stuff should be relatively quick.
When we got home we did a huge on line food order to be delivered tomorrow morning – early!
I could see Charley was still ill at ease as she kept asking us if it was all right to do everyday simple things.
Eventually I said, “Charley please treat this place as your home you needn’t ask us if you want to do things it’s like......... err like.” I had run out of inspiration then Shonali chipped in with, “Charley think of ‘Friends’ but without the guy’s we are simply that Friends who live together.”
Then she went on her I-Phone and Wi- Fi’ed (is that a word?) the theme tune from Friends onto our sound system.
This got us giggling and dancing and started our three-girl party, which lasted late into the night and consisted of wine, chocolate and loads of laughter!
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You seem to be starting to break up
How are you going to cope without Ceri? She seemed so nice.
I think that Charley needs to relax and chill out a bit too.
I'm glad that everything turned out alright in the end and you all got back to the UK.
Now you're back in the old country, how does it feel to be home.
Is it true that the snake died after biting Kelly?
Cold and Wet
As usual in the Old Country cold and wet!!
Rumour has it the snake was so scared after the encounter it's heading for Brisbane!
Be afraid be very afraid!
Hopeless romantic
I know it's just a story but I'm sad! I had such hopes for Suzie and Gill. I know she's young and all but he seemed such a nice man and showed such interest. I know she's grown heaps and I truly know it is his loss. I know if I were in her shoes, I would say I was ok but I'd be heartbroken.
Then again, Gill was a jerk and never once answered her calls or returned them. Cad!!
I hope Kelly
Recovers quickly & returns to the apparent quickly it's not the same with out her. As for Gill he's stupid!!! He lost a good girl in Suzanna but his loss Suzanna will find someone better then Gill!!!
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Guy's I don't do unhappy stories I think that there is enough hurt in the world
I suffer from what's called the Ostrich Syndrome!
The snake is probably telling
The snake is probably telling all its snake friends that it had bitten one mean lady and was very lucky to be alive after doing so. Kell just may want to go back and try to find the snake, she can whack it.
I'm thinking Charley is just like everyone else who is new to a place that has been 3 other girls home for a couple of years now and she feels odd trying to fit in there. She will adjust quickly, as she seems to have done regarding clothes shopping. Just takes a little time to settle in and loosen up. Maybe see her room decorated as she wants it will do the trick and show her she is a welcomed and loved member of the new "Fab Four."
Apparently the weather in Manchester is like around here in Kentucky, you don't like the weather? Wait about 10 minutes, it will change.
The Hacienda in Leeds?
I'm guessing before your times Christina? Mind you British weather was better in the olden days than Susie describes.
Rhona McCloud