A New Start in Life part 9

A New Start in Life 9
The Girls.jpg

This is a gentle coming of age story tale about a young boys search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental with some sexual content but where there is it any it is inferred sex NOT graphic sex and will be tagged as such.


The alarm clock dragged Kelly and myself out of our slumbers. I for one resented the intrusion as I was having really pleasant dreams about Gill! My budding nipples were hard with passion.
But today was the day we were going back to University for our final year. This time next year we should be working if we were lucky! This was a scary thought as depending on where the girls got jobs I could be living on my own again. Still I vowed to enjoy the time we had left together.

Kelly managed to get to the bathroom first and it took a bit of pounding on the door before she would let me in. I always thought the relationship between the three of us was to say the least unconventional as these two beautiful biological girls accepted me a man at the start my transition as an equal there was no shyness between us and there were no sexual overtones at all - I was just their girlfriend.
We got showered and washed our hair moisturised and douched as normal then we dried each other's hair and got dressed Kelly's dad was taking us to the station so to make the train we had arranged to pick up Shonali at noon.

I slipped into my bra and knickers loving the fact that the breasts in the bra cups were my own. I had a few pairs of 'B' cup bras until my breasts developed enough for me to use my 'C' cup bra's hopefully without the enhancement of the silicon 'chicken fillets' I now used to boost my growing boobs.

I slipped on pale green camisole then skintight stretch jeans that looked like they were painted on showing my shapely legs and my now most definitely feminine hips and bum. (The hormones were certainly doing their job well) these jeans had rhinestones on the pockets.
As it was cold I wore a cashmere cowl neck jumper in a very pale green also brown fashion ankle boots with a 3" heel and a matching bag finished my ensemble.
Kelly was wearing thick black tights with a mini tunic dress in a floral pattern mainly in blue's, she wore her black knee length boots with a 4"heel matching belt and handbag.
We both had shiny quilted jackets to keep us warm mine in red with a fur-lined hood. Kelly's in a shocking pink also with a fur lined hood!!!
By the time we had grabbed some breakfast and packed our bags; Kelly's Dad was shouting up to us that it was time to pick up Shonali also grumbling that we were late - typical dad!

Eventually we were ready Kelly said goodbye to her Mum and I said goodbye to my new adopted Mum (Kelly's Mum) it was quite tearful but I knew that I would soon see her again. Then well late we went to pick Shonali up the same tableaux was repeated as I said goodbye to my second adopted Mum (Shonali's Mum this time).
By now Kelly’s Dad was really muttering about ‘bloody girls always late’ but we still got to the station on time and made our train - just.

We got the train back to Manchester to all intents and purposes three girls. During a break in our nearly continual chatting to each other Shoni asked me, "Exactly what have you done to the flat then Susanna?"
I answered as best as I could without telling them about their rooms. I airily answered,
"Well really I have redecorated to reflect my new life made the place more feminine in keeping with my new life and my gorgeous flat mates!"
I told them some of the work I had done to the flat. The new mirrors in the entrance hall so we could check ourselves out before we left to go out. Also the changes to my bedroom the extra wardrobe(s) I had put in to accommodate my rapidly growing collection of clothes!
But I didn't tell them anything about their rooms I would let that be a big surprise – hopefully a nice one.

My boobs were itching something terrible and I kept having surreptitious scratches to try and ease the itch Shonali giggled and said to me, "Susanna, for god's sake stop groping yourself!"
I blushed furiously and whispered, "I'm not they are driving me crazy they itch something rotten!" Kelly smiled "Ahhh" she said wisely, "That means that they are growing and depending on how fast they grow you'll have the itch."
I groaned, "Oh god, this becoming a girl is difficult!" they both grinned and Kell said smugly, "It's not easy becoming a member of the superior sex".
Shonali chipped in, "When my boobs grew they itched on and off for three years" Kelly then said, "I was lucky once mine started sprouting I remember the itch for about a year and a half".
Finally we got off the subject of my itchy boobs much to my relief and discussed the course work we are going to have to do over the term, as we only had eight months of study left before the finals.
We discussed how we were going to cope with this and not as Kelly put it turn into nuns for these last months at University was going to be hard going the easy ride was most definitely over.

Now we were heading back to Manchester I started worrying about the changes I had done to the flat and specifically if Kelly and Shonali would like the way I had redecorated their rooms.
We arrived in Manchester and got the bus back to the flat I showed them the new living room they thought the large mirrors in the hall was a great idea for three girls then they went into their bedrooms I waited with bated breath for their reaction.
Kelly was the first to come out of the room she didn't say a word but simply hugged me and said, "You are the best friend a girl could have Susanna the room is lovely. And you know you definitely think like a girl cos there's everything a girl could need!" I felt another set of arms around me Shonali whispered, "And I certainly second that I absolutely adore the room thanks so much Susanna".

"Are you sure that you like them" I asked anxiously, "You're not just saying that" they both assured me that they really loved their rooms and that they also loved me.
"Well" I said, "If your mum's are going to visit we are going to have to do something about the spare room also Gil may decide to stay here if he visits.
Shonali snorted, "What do you mean IF! The way he can't shut up about you it's when he visits and anyhow I think he'll be sleeping somewhere else certainly not the guest room". I blushed crimson at the inference but didn't argue.

Kelly butted in, "Susie, you needn't have done anything for us we must have the best flat in the whole of the university and it was fine the way it was........... But I do agree it was a bit mannish." "Exactly," I exclaimed, "Mannish, but it's not now its fit for us three girls." I was finally comfortable in calling myself a girl!

The flat was huge my dad bought it as an investment property along with others in different cities around the UK. So when my family was killed and there was only me left I inherited everything. I sold most of the properties only keeping the flat in Manchester and a small villa in the Canary Islands what with insurance and the sale of the property I was quite well off but I wish oh how I wished I still had my family alive!

So getting back to the apartment. Not only had I redecorated the lounge and games room. I had completely redecorated Kelly and Shonali's bedrooms in their favourite colours and individual styles. The bedrooms were large but with all of us being shopaholics we were short on wardrobe space so I had specified that there were to be plenty of wardrobe space when the new bedrooms were designed.
However now I don't think we will ever fill them up! They both got new beds as the old ones were pretty ropey these new beds had a TV built in which retracted into the foot of the bed and they also had under bed shoe storage.

The ensuit bathroom's had been upgraded with modern showers bidets and toilets. While the large communal bathroom (which was off my room) now had a large spa bath with enough space for at least 4 people also new bidet and toilet and lots of mirrors for make up etc.
And finally the hallway had fitted mirrors so we could check that we were perfectly groomed before we hit the town a bit vain but there it is since I decided to live as Susanna I took a great deal of care to always look the best I could something instilled in me by my teachers Kelly and Shoni.
And finally on the large sundeck I had a hot tub fitted that would seat 8 people. Needless to say Kelly and Shoni loved this when I showed them.

I had got some hand signs painted for their doors:

I was going to make some tea but they insisted on wine so while I got the bottle and opened it they took pictures of their rooms and the flat and sent them to their Mums.
They inspected the bathrooms and thought they were perfect the lighted mirrors ideal for putting make up on then Kelly who was in her bedroom let out a shriek! When Shoni and myself ran in to see what was the matter we found that she had found the TV controls and was busy raising and lowering the TV set – just like a big kid!

We finally settled down listening to music and sipping our wine and as usual talking. My phone rang and it was Gill. My heart started pounding as I answered it was great to hear his voice so soon and it didn't take long for me to forget the world and concentrate on HIM.
After about an hour and much phone kissing we hung up Gill's last words to me were, "Susanna, I am falling in love with you! Bye for now." I hung up stunned. Kelly said to me, "What's the matter Susie? You look like you've seen a ghost." Shoni butted in, "If that brother of mine has upset you I'll kill him."
I looked at the two of them and said in an amazed voice, "He's just told me that he loves me! How can he? I mean I'm not." Kelly butted in saying, "Yes you are! You are a loving caring beautiful girl and worthy of his love."
Shoni followed on reminding me, "Remember Susanna he knows all about you and he simply doesn't care so stop fretting and let yourself go girl."

It was now about seven in the evening and we decided to get a bath together in the large round Jacuzzi bath in the main bathroom they could see I was a bit reluctant but reminded me that nothing was going to be on show that none of us had not seen before.
We ran the bath and used some relaxing lavender bubble bath I went to the fridge and took out two bottles of white wine and the cooler plus three glasses.
Shoni brought some scented candles and strategically placed them around the bathroom we then stripped off and slid into the sensual bubbly relaxing bath I showed them how to work the pump and heater and left Kelly in charge of the controls. We simply sat there sipping wine with the Jacuzzi on low power keeping the water at a nice temperature.

We were discussing the coming term at uni then for some reason I mentioned that my nipples were sore so they were inspected and it was decided I was getting some nice plump female nipples and that my boobs were coming along nicely.
Kelly asked when my next appointment with Jill Harvey was (Jill is my counselor and is guiding me through my transition): As it happens my next visit to her was the following week both Kelly and Shoni asked to be remembered to her and for me to ask her when will she be coming for a drink with us so we can whop the guy's at pool again - Jill is more like a friend but I suppose this is art of her job.

I still had my WeeVee on and again it must have been the wine leading my brain as I commented that I really must remove it as I had worn it of a good few days and it needed to be removed to let my skin recover.
Kelly just said, "Well take it off now you can wash and your skin can recover overnight!" I looked at her with my mouth hung open and managed to stammer, "But you'll see my boy bits!" They both grinned at me Shoni retorted, "Look Susanna! We both know you have a couple of pieces of flesh between your legs but you are a girl now - anyhow you can see our girly bits! Kelly's right nothing should be off limits to the three of us."

Still a bit unsure I said, "But I hate looking at them and I'm terrified of you two hating me because of them." Shoni shuffled around the tub and put her arm around me. "Sweetheart," she softly said, "It doesn't matter a damn what's between your legs we both love you the same as you love us so don't be a silly girl let your skin recover. The tub will do you good."
Kelly echoed these sentiments adding, "Just feel comfortable with or without your vagina, after all we've both seen a man's dangly things before." I grinned wanly. "Not as small as mine."
Kelly snorted I wouldn't put money on that anyhow yours doesn't need to be big because once you decide to fully change you won't need them any more!"
When she put it like that it really put things in perspective for me. So somewhat shyly I wiggled out of my WeeVee exposing my little boy bits to my friends.
Kelly looked and said, "No matter what you've got down there you are still a girl to us - right Shoni?" Shonali nodded her head and added, "You look normal to me a bit small, but you’d look better with a pussy sweetheart." I grinned already feeling at ease and commented, “I hope I can soon get my head together and decide on a sex change.”

This got us onto the subject of me and in particular how is my transitioning going to move forward. I told them that I will see how big my boobs get over the next few months and if needed have implants to make them the size I want them namely a 36c.
Shonali commented that my face and neck were now perfect so as far as she could see I wouldn't need any more changes there. Kelly agreed but I wasn't too sure and asked them, "What about my cheek bones?"
They looked at me intently then Shoni declared, "No, you have a similar facial structure as we do – you look fine as you are."
This pleased me intently Kelly then informed us, "Let's have 10 minutes of full bubbles cos we've been in here over an hour we'll look like prunes!" So that's what she did turning the pump to full power!
BIG mistake! We didn't realise the power of the pumping unit or the amount of bubble bath we had used! Because when Kelly turned it to full power the bubbles engulfed us - and part of the bathroom!
We were squealing in shock telling Kelly to turn it down! Kelly meanwhile had lost where the controls were sited - it was total chaos!

Finally we got it under control and giggling happily we got out and dried ourselves then put out nightdresses on.
I did feel a bit self-conscious about my little boy bits but the two of them just acted as normal even suggesting that we sleep together which we did all cuddling together just three girls - and no I didn't wake up with a raging hard on much to my relief even though I was sure that I could never get a male erection ever again.
I was sandwiched between two gorgeous girls with Kelly spooned into my back and me spooned into Shoni's back and all I felt was love and friendship towards my best girlfriends.

In the morning when we all were awake we laid there discussing what we were going to do for the day as term started Monday. After a lot of discussion we decided to have a really good pampering day hair, facial, body, nails the works.
Of course we would have to go down to the large branch of Boots to get all we needed. We lay there chatting when Shoni suddenly said, "Are you comfortable now Susanna, with your boy bits?" I thought for a while and replied, "Comfortable is not a word I would use. I hate my boy bits because they stop me looking like you two. But - and it's a big but there is something going on in my head that is stopping me completing my transition and it's something I am going to have to sort out with Jill"

Shoni hugged me saying, "You poor thing, any help we can give you, you know you only have to ask but it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference to us as you are Susanna a beautiful mixed up girl."
Kelly gave me a hug and whispered, "Anything at all we can do to help you know we will. And you’re our beautiful crazy mixed up girl!”
I really felt surrounded by love and felt tears rising so I climbed over Shoni and headed for the shower.
It really felt strange wearing a soft silky nighty with my little boy bits rubbing sensually on the material and my budding boobs bouncing well bouncing is the wrong word nestling would be more appropriate in the bodice.
I got a shower and carried out my morning routine then back to my bedroom to get dressed. Kelly had disappeared to her bathroom leaving Shoni to slip onto the bathroom.
I picked up my WeeVee to wiggle into it Shoni commented, "Why don't you leave it off Susanna? Then your skin can really recover."
I hesitated for a second then I put it down and picked up a tight fitting pair of briefs - not that my man bits needed much flattening. Slipping the briefs on I followed with a pair of thick black tights, cream satiny bra and a ivory jersey polo neck, then a silky abstract pattern tunic dress in creams with some black squiggles.

We had breakfast then I got my three quarter beige winter coat which was a wrap around style with a belt and my black patent knee length fashion boots of course a matching bag.
We were very good girls shopping today only going to the large Boots store in the city centre where we bought face packs, body wraps, essential oils, scented bath soaks, body oil, some new nail varnish which changes colour with heat, exfoliator's and a loofa! Everything we needed for a days pampering and that's what the girl at the checkout said. Her exact words were, "By the look's of this lot you three are going to have a really good time – I wish I could join you." We simply smiled saying that we had decided we needed it.

So we got home Shoni got out her book on essential oils and the art of massage we were going to have some day.
First the body wrap and face packs soon the three of us were neatly packaged in the body wraps our faces caked in brown goo and soothing pads on our eyes. We lay there chatting feeling the sensations generated by the packs working on our bodies after the required time we released ourselves and Shoni proceeded to show the two of us how to give a facial massage. This was truly an amazing experience she did my face and then I watched as she did Kelly’s face finally Shoni let me give her face a massage.

Next was a full body massage with essential oils, Kelly watched while Shoni massaged my whole body even close to my boy bits! But apart from feeling absolutely totally relaxed I felt no sexual feelings towards her at all! In fact as I lay there in a semi stupor my thoughts were on Gill and doing this to his sexy body then him making love to me!

We then went onto manicures and pedicures. The joy of doing each other's toe and fingernails were intense and such small things made me feel really feminine.
Then finally we set up the Jacuzzi scented bath oils, scented candles and wine in the cooler bag. Learning from the previous night we didn’t use as much bubble bath and we set the Jacuzzi so it was only just bubbling keeping the water at the temperature we wanted.
The three of us slid in and relaxed for a bottle of wine time (about an hour).
We dried ourselves and dressed in playsuits sat around listening to music and talking it was great relaxing day – men simply don’t know what they are missing out on!

The weekend passed very quietly for us we shopped for food and wine and of course chocolate come Sunday I took my last hormone pill which meant that Monday would be the start of my false periods (and Kelly's)
Sure enough Monday I woke up feeling bloated with a slight cramp as I slipped on my false vagina I realised that I had been without it for the whole weekend and not even bothered!
As I slipped into high waist cotton briefs I put my maxi pad in place and slipped on some loose fitting wide legged pants feminine but practical. As I fastened my bra it struck me that for the first time I was attending uni with my own boobs filling the cups! (Well apart from the chicken fillets boosting my assets).

Once I was dressed I grabbed my ¾ jacket and tote bag and joined the other girls for breakfast. Shoni commented, "No need to tell me what's happening with you two you both look grotty!
Susanna, I don't know why you put yourself through the agony of having periods, when you can stop them poor Kelly can't."
I smiled wanly at her and responded, "I suppose that's the reason I have decided to have them, I want to experience what being female is really like and support poor Kelly if you see what I mean."
Kelly simply grunted, "For someone so clever you are real dumb! You put yourself through the hell of periods but for some reason you don't want your boy bits removing! You are going to have to get your head sorted Susanna."

Being emotionally high with the period symptoms tears welled up I couldn't help it weakly I said, "I know Kell I know - I am going to have to phone Jill Harvey and discuss it with her."
Kelly apologised profusely for upsetting me but this was the kick up the bum I needed, I told her to forget it as once again she had helped me.
All friends again we went to classes the symptoms of my periods got worse bloating, tender breasts, cramps and the constant knowledge that the maxi pad is between your legs.

True to my word I phoned my counselor and discussed my growing paranoia about my boy bits. Thank god she was very understanding trying to allay my concerns telling me that I am only starting on my journey into woman hood so its natural to have these feeling of indecision.
But as I broke down she realised that this 'problem' was starting to eat me up inside and told me she would ask around and see me tonight at the Cross Keys to talk things through with me.

I thanked her profusely telling her that the three for us had been trying to figure out what is stopping me making the decision to eventually take the final step but this for me is rapidly becoming a big issue.

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