
Tiffany's Deal - Chapter 1

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Chapter One - The Deal

Tiffany is a high class call girl who moonlights as a poker dealer. After being caught rigging a game of Texas holdem she is fired but another opportunity comes her way. This four part story is the tale of a young transsexual girl who overcomes adversity and goes from being used to a position of power.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 182

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 182

The Vet to the resort. And, ...
Book smart and street smart?
The Chevy dealer and the ‘57.


Uncle Paul really wanted to drive the Vet. ~o~O~o~ Armbruster did what! ~o~O~o~ Book smart and street smart? No way. ~o~O~o~ The '57 Chevy is now ready for New Mexico.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 181

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 181

Back at it with a fresh insight.
It’s here. But, why is that also here?


I know what's bothering me about the circuit! ~o~O~o~ Charlie, Jackie, and I are picking up the '57 Chevy. ~o~O~o~ I'm glad that there are three of us. ~o~O~o~ A drive, a meal, and some more driving in the '57. ~o~O~o~ Surprise Amy! ~o~O~o~ I blow Dr. Joe and the Dean's collective minds.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 180

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 180(

A confession.
Something is just not right.
A weekend get away. The Trinity Site.
Damn. That’s it!


Well, I think it's time. ~o~O~o~ Peyote! Peyote at the ceremony! ~o~O~o~ Something wasn't right with the circuit design. ~o~O~o~ A weekend in southern New Mexico. ~o~O~o~ The very first one! ~o~O~o~ That's it! ~o~O~o~ A six-hour drive that is normally three.


A Vial Mistake Part 1

A Vial Mistake
E. M. Pisek

     At a bar a man tells of where he and his wife still wished for a family as they approached old age and his wife's beginnings of menopause. The bartender, with different shades of eyes, offers a possible solution.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 179

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 179

The seminar.
A Special Ceremony.


Amy's seminar. ~o~O~o~ Naainish. Qua Ah. But, who are the others? ~o~O~o~ A special ceremony? ~o~O~o~ What's this next to the hogan? ~o~O~o~ The “Wolf Prayer.”


Hit'n those notes... Chapter 11

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.

Thursday, March 29th 5:06 PM
Mom, Bill and Charles, and Kaley were all in my room from about 4:00 PM until just a few minutes ago. I kept saying I was going to be late and they all know it is a major pet-peeve of mine! I hate, hate, hate being late! Got them out of the room by leaving myself. Plenty of hugs and well wishes - which I love and appreciate from them - but I was late!

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 177

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 177

Just what is Armbruster’s agenda?
Why are you talking about me!?
Let’s see now, what’s my agenda.


It's not a show! ~o~O~o~ What a way to ruin your lunch. ~o~O~o~ Detective Edwards, it's good seeing you again. ~o~O~o~ The Dean is not happy. ~o~O~o~ An interesting talk with my classes.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 176

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 176

A hike and the Yei spirits.
A meeting at Los Alamos.


It's not a show! ~o~O~o~ Another talk with Naainish. ~o~O~o~ Why is there smoke coming out of the smoke hole? ~o~O~o~ Go to Los Alamos? What about my classes? ~o~O~o~ I guess it was worth it for a meal at the Pink Adobe. ~o~O~o~ The dean asks me, "Are you going to stay in New Mexico?"


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 175

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 175

More talk of a house.
We miss doing this.
The loan of Biil dresses. One of them special.


What's on your agenda, Mr. Armbruster? ~o~O~o~ We're finally able to meditate at a bonfire. ~o~O~o~ Aunt Ruth, I can't wear your wedding Biil dress! ~o~O~o~ Which headdress?


Cop Town - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four - Jesus Bishop

Penelope finally gets to go out on the beat with surly Sargent Randy Cody who she suspects is a corrupt cop. He treats her poorly until she stands up for herself and then he lets her do some real police work. An incident where they take down an arms dealer and Randy is wounded brings them closer and helps her find more evidence regarding her father's murder but their relationship is rocky to say the least.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 174

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 174

A meeting with Kathy, and who are you?
A house and a family.
Off to Taos and the resort.


A nice talk and doctor who are you. ~o~O~o~ A house? Really? Where? Kids? ~o~O~o~ A letter to mom with a copy of the new maker's mark. ~o~O~o~ Look what we have Mr. Yazzie. ~o~O~o~ Who are all these people?


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 173

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 173

Do Charlie and Jackie understand us?
The Eagles and more.
The Yei spirits and the horse girl.


A bonfire with Aunt Ginny and Uncle Gaagii. ~o~O~o~ Do Jackie and Charlie really understand us? ~o~O~o~ A stop at the Four Corners Area. ~o~O~o~ A stop to see the Eagles. ~o~O~o~ Why are they here? Hello officer. ~o~O~o~ Why does Kathy want to talk? ~o~O~o~ A dream about the Yei spirits. ~o~O~o~ Why did the Dean and Dr. Joe do this?


The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 5

When Tizzy, her husband Ikaika, Krisha and Cheshire arrive back at the house. They could smell the scent of food in the air. Christina had come home after dealing with the two men and put the groceries away. Instead of waiting for Tizzy or Cheshire to come home and cook. She decided to go ahead fix dinner for everyone.

She fixed everyone a dish Nora taught her. She figured Cheshire might like it. It was a Spanish dish and it was one of her favorites.

“Mmm, whatever is cooking smells nice.” Tizzy loved the smell floating in the air.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 172

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 172

Why didn’t I think of that?
A trip to Window Rock for a talk.


We saw some movement. ~o~O~o~ Can you tell us why? ~o~O~o~ One to three! ~o~O~o~ A trip to Window Rock and Charlie and Jackie. ~o~O~o~ Aunt Ginny has a piece of jewelry. ~o~O~o~ Peshlakai will be “talked” to.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 171

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 171

Thank you, Chief Clah!
The Eagles. Where are the Eagles?


A meeting with Chief Clah at Cousin Ahiga’s shop. Why? ~o~O~o~ Cousin Ahiga, that was not nice! ~o~O~o~ We met Chief Clah's wife Mai and she's writing a book. ~o~O~o~ The Eagles don't show up. What the heck. Where are they?


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 170

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 170

Me counsel Naainish? Help a girl?
Meet with Chief Clah tomorrow. Why?


How can I counsel Naainish, who is many Moons older than I am? ~o~O~o~ How do I help her, I'm not a healer? ~o~O~o~ I felt a strong spirit in her. But, did I do any good? ~o~O~o~ Why does Chief Clah want to meet with Ajie and me, and at Cousin Ahiga’s shop in Old Town?


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 169

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 169

A meeting over Peshlakai.
Chief Clah and the silver jewelry.
A night rescue by the mica mines.


Who is he? And, why is he here? ~o~O~o~ Is it Peshlakai himself or is it someone else? ~o~O~o~ We stop at the display of the silver in the hotel. And have a talk with our visitor. ~o~O~o~ Uncle Gaagii makes some phone call. He didn't put out a contract. Did he? ~o~O~o~ Ajie and I hike to the cliff, and meet some other people who love winter hiking. ~o~O~o~ Two people are missing somewhere in the area of the Mica Mines. Time for a search party.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 168

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 168

A letter. A talk and a meeting.
Oh dear Great Spirit, not him!


A letter from Los Alamos. No background check. No research. ~o~O~o~ Do we stay in New Mexico or not? ~o~O~o~ Amy's level head makes me see the light. ~o~O~o~ I meet with the Assistant Director of the Los Alamos Laboratory ~o~O~o~ Why in the hell is he back in the picture. And a talk about him. ~o~O~o~ Everyone is happy. Am I?


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 167

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 167

Dinner with Vickie and Chief Tom.
The resort, the hogan, and a talk.


Il Hózho? ~o~O~o~ The campus rumor mill had failed, so we had to tell. ~o~O~o~ A change to Amy's seminar and a doctoral thesis? ~o~O~o~ Naainish surprises us at the remote hogan. ~o~O~o~ Tears and a quiet talk.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 166

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 166

It figures. And, back to Los Alamos.


I just knew that would happen! ~o~O~o~ I tell the people at Los Alamos about Kai. No, not everyone. ~o~O~o~ I'm going to break my hand one day doing that! ~o~O~o~ It was a big surprise to our liaison people at Los Alamos.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 165

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 165

Did I hurt you, Mr. Richman?
Lieutenant Zimmerman and I talk.
What do we do now?


He works for who! ~o~O~o~ Yes, a gun Mr. Smith. ~o~O~o~ Yes, Lt. Zimmerman, I'm a guy. ~o~O~o~ Surprizes at the apartment. ~o~O~o~ A meeting with the Dean.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 164

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 164

The box and the FBI. Getting hit on!?
The Rio Grande River Trail.


What's in the box? ~o~O~o~ Young man, are you sure you want to date me? ~o~O~o~ You're taking a gun? ~o~O~o~
A walk and a sit on the bench. ~o~O~o~ FBI! Stop! Stop!


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 163

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 163

Mr. Smith, and the FBI. Aoó!


School's in session. ~o~O~o~ Is this whole thing a test? ~o~O~o~ What do you want, Mr. Smith! ~o~O~o~ I wonder what the FBI will say. ~o~O~o~ Navstar? You've got to be kidding me!


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 162

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 162

Mr. Mayor, you are so wrong! That title is not good!
This is funky.


Mr. Mayor, do you realize who you're talking to? ~o~O~o~ Yes, we are doing it. ~o~O~o~ That title is just so wrong! ~o~O~o~ We have the research project writeup. ~o~O~o~ Something is just not right.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 161

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 161

What is this hózhó thing? The nest site and company.
A talk about silver Jewelry. A dinner invitation.


Yes, it's cold. Yes, we're crazy. ~o~O~o~ Why are they at the reservoir? ~o~O~o~ Why the camera bag? ~o~O~o~ Happy New Year! ~o~O~o~ An informal dinner with Chief Tom and Vickie.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 160

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 160

Some people! Charlie and Jackie are back.
The trip to the Taos Pueblo. What’s Hózhó?


I'll pay for their dinner! ~o~O~o~ A phone call from Quah Ah? ~o~O~o~ I guess they don't want to sell to us. ~o~O~o~ Charlie and Jackie are back and I'm going to hate doing this. ~o~O~o~ A quiet drive to the resort. ~o~O~o~ A feast, Hózhó, and Iz.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 159

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 159
Tommy wants to come back. We say so long.
Put on a seminar? A dream, a wolf, and an Eagle.


Take the '57 Chevy back? ~o~O~o~ No Tommy. Tommy, I said no! ~o~O~o~ A dream. ~o~O~o~ The summer plans. What's a barbecue? ~o~O~o~ The dream.


A Sissy For Christmas -Part 3

“You think this’ll fit me?”, asked Melissa holding up a bra made for a preteen girl.

Tiffany laughed. “No way…at least not in the cups….maybe the band size”.

Melissa just looked at her confused.

“Do you even know what size bra you wear?”, Tiffany asked.

“Well..not really anymore”, Melissa answered, looking away.

Tiffany walked over in front of Melissa. “I know your secret”, she said in a tantalizing tone, her eyes practically sparkling.

Melissa backed up slightly “Uhhh what secret?”, she asked, giggling nervously.

The Prisoner Wore Panties - Chapter 5

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Chapter Five – Subtleties and Nuances

Having successfully escaped, Danielle and Steven are in hiding with Katerina and Hans. Steven tells Danielle things that she would rather set aside while Katerina Scholl decides that Danielle needs a little coaching in the womanly arts. The escape begins to take a bad turn.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 158

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 158
Even in church! Christmas.
A future sister-in-law?


Lady, You've got it all wrong. ~o~O~o~ Oh no! ~o~O~o~ Oh come on! Even buying a typewriter. ~o~O~o~ We tell Charlie and Jackie. Not good. ~o~O~o~ A feast to honor the Governor.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 157

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 157
The lone Eagle. The crew, Billy, and Bridget.


Is he or isn't he? ~o~O~o~ A deep talk with the crew. ~o~O~o~ Mom, dad, the crew, pizza, and more talk. ~o~O~o~ Bridget is surprised to meet the author of the paper. ~o~O~o~ Bridget is in for a bigger surprise.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 156

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 156
The doctor’s surprise. A talk with our friends.
And, Miss Bridget MacDonald.
Yes, the thermal pools and the spirits. ~o~O~o~ Dr.Joe! I thought it was going to be after the break. ~o~O~o~ Who is this cute redhead with Amy's brother? ~o~O~o~ Why has Larry's paper on Kai come back into the picture? ~o~O~o~ A decision?

Reason for living Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1 — The Escape

I was as nervous as hell. My uncle sat behind his big desk in his home office, which was really his man cave, looking at me with a frown. The thing was, no matter how nervous I was, I was also determined.

I didn't consider my uncle as evil, just greedy and inconsiderate. My deal appealed to his greed as the carrot with the threat of court action as the stick.

“I don't know where you get this foolish notion that I am wasting your inheritance and you shouldn't threaten me.”


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