Proxy / Substitute / Stand-In

Immortality of Emotion - Part 4 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 4 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

Immortality of Emotion - Part 3 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 3 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

Immortality of Emotion - Part 1 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 1 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?


By Ellie Dauber  © 2003

I’m posting this now because that kidnapping of the three women in Cleveland is in the news.

For Bart Kabakjian, being kidnapped by religious fanatics wasn’t bad. His kidnappers had the Medallion of Zulo, and they were grieving over their daughter.

Costumes and Cars

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Brittany really does not want to give up her Easter Saturday in order to move her school's costume collection. On the other hand, her brother Tom says he'd do anything to see Sir John Thunder's collection of cars.

Author's Note: This is a standalone story, one of several set at the Seacombe Independent Girls' High School, or SIGHS. If you enjoy this story, you might like to try more SIGHS stories: Jolly Hockey Sticks; Your Starter For... and Strings of Sighs.

Warning: This story, like most of my other stories, is a light-hearted cross-dressing romp, and is not to be taken seriously.


Audience Rating: 



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Strings of Sighs

When the cellist doesn't turn up for the rehearsal of their school's string quartet, the girls decide they need a stand in. The problem is, the only other decent cellist they know is the second violin's brother.



Audience Rating: 



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All Girl or Nothing (Part 5) [The Finale]

All Girl or Nothing (Part 5) [The Finale]

Thank you for reading and supporting AGoN over the last two years. It has been a slow process in reaching this stage but none the less it has become my most popular entry here.

I decided it was time to at last put it to bed in order to give you all a little closure and to allow myself to concentrate on other work.

I would love to write something similar but in a new found style sometime in the near future, so please watch this space and thanks again!

Catburglar 2: Seeing Double

Seeing Double
By Paul Calhoun

Kelly and Reg have been dating for awhile, but Ned is starting to worry that the elusive Starling is becoming too notorious. He's also worried that he and Kelly never show up in the same place. He can decrease the number of heists he pulls as Kelly, but she'll need her boyfriend's help to fix the second. The only problem is that she'll have to get him to do it without him knowing why!

Hell of a Wedding

hell of wedding bhnhb.jpg

Synopsis: Ben's sister, Bev, and Joe were planning to have a quiet wedding with hardly anyone present. But when Joe's mother hands down her wedding dress to Bev it creates a big problem — for unknown to Joe's mother, Bev is highly pregnant and the mother mustn't find out.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

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Ships that Pass in the Night


Synopsis: A short story about two people who meet aboard a cross-channel ferry. Even ships that pass in the night can be affected by the other's stern waves.

Author’s Note
: This story is a little darker than my usual stories.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

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All Girl or Nothing (Part 4)

All Girl or Nothing (Part 4)


So here it is, the long awaited 4th installment - can you believe its been almost a year?!
After facing writer's block and controversy, I had to wait until I knew what was right to take this story forward. I hope this pleases everyone! Thanks for waiting, reading and supporting!

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 7

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

Morgan’s attending physician orders her to stay overnight for observation at St. Bonaventure’s. Sandra brings Sean wearing Kelly’s cheerleading uniform out of the cold rain into Café Tír na n-Óg to sleep off whatever’s wrong. But what about his morning audition for the Daughters of Danaan? News of Kelly’s accident spreads.

Twice As Mice

Twice As Mice
By Paul Calhoun

A pair of mice have to infiltrate a cat party and find out that this week's glamour girl cat wasn't going. You can guess what happens given this season's theme.

Belle of the ball 23

The sun was shining from an odd angle as I woke up. I was warm but felt cramped. I struggled with a thicker comforter and arms before I was able to see that I was in my parents bed. Sam was on one side of me with daddy on the other side of her. Mother was on my other side. I do not remember how I got here nor how I got into my lavender silk pajamas. I did know that my bladder was calling for immediate attention. I padded out of bed being careful not to disturb any of my family.

Belle of the ball 3

"I can't believe I'm doing this!"

How many 15 year old boys accompany their moms shopping for new bras for him to wear since he is gonna be wearing them for a bit again. Mom is getting a bit too enthusiastic about it though. She is now picking out lacy bra and panty sets.


"Oh just look at this one Belle it will look so cute on you don't you think."


"Oh and this one would look just great under a nice dress and make you feel just sexy.

Belle of the ball 2

I can't believe I'm doing this.

After Friday's performance I had asked Kim to remove the forms and hair things. She just looked at me funny and asked me why since I was gonna wear them again anyways. Seems nobody told me that the play was on for four days. Two shows on Saturday, two on Sunday and a final one tonight.

Belle of the ball

Hi everybody! Please don't blame this one on me I swear I didn't want to write yet another possible theme but it sorta landed there last night when I went to bed and well...

I can't believe that I'm gonna do this.

Yesterday I was my usual self. I may be scrawny looking. Okay I was a wimp and everyone knew it but this is ... well.

My Summer In Remembrance

This is the last of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In Remembrance

By: Zylux

Ezekiel's Victory - Chapter 3

Ezekiel's Victory

Chapter 3

In a time and place where his wrongness would lead to him being stoned or burned unto his death, Ezekiel found a way to fulfil all of his duties as given to be him by God, and yet still be true to himself.

This is the story of Ezekiel's Victory.

And so, in the space of less than an hour, Ezekiel the strange and ungainly boy became Ezekiel the man — husband and father with, not one, but two devoted wives, a babe in arms and another on the way.


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