
Placebo 1 - Pills

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Placebo 1


Lacey Mitchell


The two friends carried their burger combos outside to eat on the patio in the early summer sun, only one more week of junior high before real summer began. One week, one Friday and the rest of Thursday afternoon, to be accurate.

Blonde Joke-22

Blonde Joke
Chapter Twenty-Two
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Can you name some of the inventions blondes have developed?
1. Tricycle kickstand.
2. Solar flashlight.
3. Fire proof matches.
4. Inflatable dartboard.
5. Glass hammer.
6. Black light bulb.
7. Boomerang grenade.



Written by Dauphin
An 11 year old boy plays little sister with his neighbour . On a walk they save the president’s daughter. Now the haunt is on for the hero(ine)
"Heros come in all shapes and sizes. Dauphin writes a cute story for us unless you can see some things that do not happen in reality" Diana
"The idea was good. It was a rush job and certainly got some reactions. " Dauphin

Blonde Joke-07

Blonde Joke
Chapter Seven
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, a dumb blonde,
and a smart blonde are walking down the street
when they spot a $10 bill. Who picks it up?

The dumb blonde. There’s no such thing as
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, or a smart blonde.

Blonde Joke-05

Blonde Joke
Chapter Five
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How many blondes does it take to make chocolate chip cookies?
Three. One to mix the dough and two to sort the M&Ms to remove the “W”s, “E”s and “3”s.


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