
Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 10

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

Miki's *predicament* becomes known to the Sabers. Joanie's BET recording project gets a Weird producer. End of semester looms; Joanie impersonates Experiment 626. A shapeshifing experiment goes Blondly wrong; people start seeing double or is that quadruple? A BAD hair day follows. The Asian Playmate and sister stop by. Joanie subverts the American justice system.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Becoming Antonia Part 25.

Warning, the following chapter contains very technical writing. You have now been warned, and I don't want any comments or PM's about that fact. ENJOY the chapter for what it is. A STORY!

Becoming Antonia Part 25.

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 7

Becoming Antonia Part 24.

Helga was able to tie up one of their girls in the corner with the puck, and I signaled Tracy for a double hit. She and I started at the two in the corner struggling for the puck.

Becoming Antonia Part 24

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

As luck would have it, we did find a race from back in the day. Even luckier, was that it was my first drag race, and I pointed out to her when ever I saw myself on TV.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 6

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 4

Becoming Antonia Part 23.

“As some of you know, and one of you didn’t, today was the tryouts for the Columbia* Hot Flash. I’m pleased to announce that we now have a full roster, with the addition of Beth Stickle, and Toni Trepasso.”

Becoming Antonia Part 23.

By; Toni, Edited By; Holly Logan, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

“You aren’t alone hun.” she said, pulling me into a tight hug. “You will never be alone. I know I’m not your mom, but the body you’re in is the body of my daughter. I’ll never let ANYONE hurt you. I’m here for you.”

“That goes for me to.” came a male voice from near my door. I looked up to see Mark walking toward me with open arms.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 2

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026 Part 1.

Technology in the future will allow someone whose body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Mean Girls 3026

Technology in the future will allow someone who's body becomes badly broken, to have their brain put in the body of someone who becomes brain dead. Find out what happens when a 31 year old man ends up in the body of a 17 year old girl, after he is cryogenically frozen following a motorcycle crash.

Mean Girls 3026

Written by Toni Trepasso
Edited by Gwen Brown, with my many thanks to her.

Gaby's Manx Tale

Just to prove I can write a complete story. This was written for the proto-Gabycon in July 2007, and read to the assembled crowds by the author(who has since lived in hiding). It has previously been posted on Maddy Bell's site.

Gaby’s Manx Tale.
By Angharad.

“You do this to me everytime,” protested Drew.

“You could always do your own packing!” snapped Maddy and went off down the corridor.

Becoming Antonia Part 22.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But I have to tell you lady, you hit harder than they did when I tried out for the Bruins.” he said with a laugh.

“Boston? Good thing you didn’t tell me that earlier. Or else I would have really hit you.” I said to him with a giggle. “Go Sabers!” I shouted and heard a “right on!” come from one of the others.

Becoming Antonia Part 22.

By; Toni

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

I looked up just as I sat down on my bike to start for home and saw the guy that Jimmy had turned in earlier heading toward me in his truck, at a high rate of speed. I gunned the bike and took off like a scalded dog. I was just in time, to have him miss me and hit the guard shack I was parked right next to.

Becoming Antonia Part 21.

By; Toni, with help from Zomba

Becoming Antonia Part 19.

Have you ever seen the look in the eyes of a deer, just before you slam into it with your car? It’s a look of complete confusion and shock, as if to say ‘Oh my god, what is that coming at me?’ That was the look I got when I went to Sarah’s house to see her mom.

Becoming Antonia Part 19.

By; Me, & Zomba.

Becoming Antonia Part 18.

“Yes ma’am,” he shot back with a quiver in his voice. “I mean sir, I mean.”

“You mean you were just leaving,” I told him as I pointed to the door.

Becoming Antonia Part 18.

By; She who loves telling lawyer jokes, & Zomba.

Becoming Antonia Part 17.

All I could think to myself was that line Harry Gant used in the movie ‘Stroker Ace’, “Aw hell, here we go again.”

Becoming Antonia Part 17.

By; Her, you know the one, & Zomba.

Becoming Antonia Part 16.

The last thing I remember seeing was the ground rushing up at me, then everything went black.

Becoming Antonia Part 16.

By; She who has been put in witness protection to stop you all from lynching her.& Zomba, who is also in hiding, so don't bother looking.

Becoming Antonia Part 15.

“It’s 3am here, so that would put it 6am you’re time?”

“What are you doing up Kahlene?”

“I couldn’t sleep. Look, there’s trouble brewing, and I wanted you give you a heads up.”

Becoming Antonia Part 15

By She who is not a morning person, and Zomba

Becoming Antonia Part 14.

“You know what. F*** YOU! All I’ve done is take s*** from officials and more s*** from the press. F*** it! I don’t need it!”

Becoming Antonia Part 14

By Little miss potty mouth, & Zomba

714: By the Book

714: by the book

A brother and sister use a magic book to help her become pregnant. What can possibly go wrong? One part of a mult-thread story for the How Novel is It? catagory of Erin's Strangefellow's day contest.

"… Holy mother of ... ! … it’s worse. This is beyond my knowledge, time for me to call in some BIG favors. The Witches’ Council will have a fit over this. At least Laura and … John are alive and healthy … VERY healthy, all things considered.”

Becoming Antonia Part 13.

“If I didn’t think I could do it, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve never been one for a dog and pony show,” she informed him. As I whispered to her so only she could here me, “Hey lady, you want to see a donkey?”

Becoming Antonia Part 13

By The girl with the wrench in her hand, & Zomba

Accidental Magic - Chapter 08: Dreams And Growing Up

Synopsis: Terri begins to learn more about herself through a dream and discovers that her responsibility to herself extends past her hygiene.

Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Eight
Dreams And Growing Up.

Becoming Antonia Part 11.

Toni2.jpg            “You know the worst mistake I ever made?”
“No, Toni, what’s that?”
“Giving you up.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Yeah, but I still think it was the worst mistake I ever made.”
“Oh really? You seemed pretty damn sure about it that day back in the hospital five years ago.”

Becoming Antonia Part 11

By The drunk chick with the red hair, & Zomba The Great!

Becoming Antonia Part 10.

I swear to you dear reader that as god as my witness I will get back at Chip and Jess for what they did.

Becoming Antonia Part 10

By Toni Trepaso & Zomba the Great

Much Love to Zomba for proofing this chapter for me.
Alright, cue the "voice over guy."

Becoming Antonia Part 9.

I got a call from mom, right after the NASCAR banquet. My dad died. He was driving back from his doctors office earlier this afternoon, after a routine check of the kidney transplant he received a few years ago. Everything was looking pretty good. However, while driving back home from Syracuse, he slumped over and plowed head long into a bridge abutment on the highway.

All It Would Take -03-

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

3 - Surprise

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special; by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

The Old Woman's Tale.

The Old Woman’s Tale.

A Fable.
(Inspired by a close friend).

by Angharad.

She was led through sunlit gardens to a huge mansion, by a being whose countenance could only be described as blissful, not a line on his or her face — the being was of indeterminate sex.

Something that had struck her from the beginning was the light, it was so bright, yet there was no glare, and it warmed rather than burned you like normal sun.

Becoming Antonia Part 7.


Later that night as we both sat in the hot tub and relaxed, I had to ask Brit, who told George about my tool box covered in Billy’s work? She of course got that shit eating grin she always gets when she tries to keep a secret but can’t. I just hugged her and we went to bed for the first night as a married couple.

Becoming Antonia Part 5.

“Toni wait!”

This was the first time he’d even acknowledged my existence since my change, and all I could do was just turn in my seat to look at him as the tears started to roll. He opened the door and gave me a big hug, which I returned.

“Oh daddy.”

Becoming Antonia Part 4.

“I guess you were right back in the hospital Brit.”

“Oh, how’s that?”

“Jamie asked if I was me, and I told her that I was still me on the inside but on the outside I was, and you cut me off to say.”

“My next girlfriend.” She cut me off again. I giggled and kissed her again.

“If that’s an invite I might have to take you up on the offer. Just promise me that you’ll be gentle. After all, I’m a virgin again... or at least I was until tonight.”

She just laughed and hugged me tight till we both fell asleep.

Becoming Antonia Part 3.

My inner monolog started to hold a conversation on it’s own.
“Well think about it. You were at a party, fell down a hill and woke up as a woman.”
“And you think freaking out will solve anything?”
“No, I guess not, but I don’t want to loose the old me.”
“I’m still here, and not going anywhere. Just relax and go with it. It’s either that or end up in jail for killing someone and THAT would suck.”

Becoming Antonia Part 3

By Toni Trepasso

The Note part 3, the final chapter.

     "Thou shall not lay with man in the same way as woman.” he told us.
“Uh, does that hold true for lesbians or what?” I asked him almost laughing.
     “Don’t you blaspheme in here little girl.” he shot back less then happy with me.
“Alright then, whatever happened to love thy neighbor. Or god made man in his own image?” I asked back. “If that is the case, then wouldn’t you be sinning right now for showing intolerance to us? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The Note Part 3

By Toni Trepasso

Becoming Antonia Part 2

Last Time:
...As we went in, our hostess was someone I used to work with when I was behind the parts counter at the local Hardly Dangerous dealer, (you think I’m that nuts to get sued for copyright violations?) so I had to play it cool and not do anything stupid. Surprisingly, lunch was rather un-eventful, well, other then the fact that I couldn’t eat half of what I used to be able to do. (The Dinosaur has this platter called the “Tres Grand Hombre’s” it’s half a chicken, a  ½ rack of ribs, and  ½ pound of pulled pork, two sides and corn bread. I used to pound one of those and then get a piece of home made pie.) I took my “to go” box and we headed back “home.”

Becoming Antonia Part 2

By Toni Trepasso

The Note part 2

I just looked at her in shock. “I don’t understand.”

“I was born a boy too. But an accident on my dad’s farm caused my genitals to get ripped off my body. They couldn’t put them back on, so my parents made the choice to have the doctors turn me into a girl. It was either that or live life as a male without the part of my body that makes me one.

The Note Part 2

By Toni Trepasso

The Note part 1

Warning: the following contains adult situations and extreme language. If you are easily offended, or just are not old enough legally to be viewing this, please leave now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! This is a complete work of fiction, any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is pure coincidence, and not intended. This is the first chapter in the story of a college student who changes from a man to a woman. It’s written as a letter he leaves on his computer to be found by who ever notices him missing. I’ve been told that there are times when my writing doesn’t have enough emotion in it. Well I hope this is enough for you.

The Note Part 1

By Toni Trepasso

Becoming Antonia Part 1

Warning: the following contains adult situations and extreme language. If you are easily offended, or just are not old enough legally to be viewing this, please leave now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! This is a story about a man who has an accident with a chemical spill one night and wakes up from a coma to find that he, is now a she. Follow along as he learns that just because the body may change, a person's will, and dreams don't have to.

Becoming Antonia

By Toni Trepasso

Dolly Daddy - Chapter 1

A brilliant inventor suffers a an unusual accident and needs to get to the local store to acquire a part needed for his invention before he can return back to normal. His young daughter innocently offers to help. Deciding to accept her help starts off a chain of events leading to the incredible adventure of the dolly daddy!

Dolly Daddy - Chapter 1
Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

Princess of Trimaria - Part 2

When a reckless plan goes wrong Keri and Marc must learn to adapt, but they face far more than just filling each others shoes. Someone wants the Princess dead, and a specter from Keri's family tree emerges, determined to destroy the House of Lockeleigh.  ­

Lucky Shot

Lucky Shot

by shalimar

copyright 1968, 1990, 2001, 2007

A soldier lost less and more than he expected.

Suddenly shots came from every direction as the troop was on patrol in the jungle. Everyone in the troop took cover and returned fire.

"Medic! I've been hit!" shouted one of the soldiers.

Suited For Danger - Book 2 - Chapter 4

        I was crying. I could no longer speak. All I could do was cry my heart out over the loss of my life, my dreams, my friend, everything. All the intrigue, all the danger, all the running, and fighting, and everything else from the last few weeks just came rushing in on me all at once, and all I could do was cry.
        “What the hell can I do, Jerry?” I tried to continue through my tears. “I'm so tired of all this. I just wanna go back and be me again!

(sort of)

Book Two, Chapter Four

By Catherine Linda Michel

Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 9

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction, Chapter 9

Joanie meets one of her idols, who prefers to be called Jen, they talk, have lunch and she gets an invitation to appear on a TV show. The narration duties for NOVA finish up. Joanie gets a shocking surprise from a close friend and a whopping big surprise from her familiar. Oh, did I mention the idol is Jennifer Marie S...

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Accidental Magic - Chapter 07: Letting Go and Hanging On.

Synopsis: Cindy and Allyssa are convinced Terri doesn't need to be so depressed at her situation. They begin trying to change her attitude and self image. They want her open up a bit more.


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter Seven
Letting Go and Hanging On.


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