
Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 3

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 3

Having been abusive to five gay and lesbian students, Brad has agreed to act as one of them for a full year. This is in place of being incarirated for seven years as an adult.



Chapter 20


I look at it and it’s her smartphone and she has music files on it. And I’m wearing sunglasses that are muting out a lot of the neon and the flashing screens everywhere too…I press play and I smile as music from the Lord of the rings starts to play…*Concerning Hobbits* from The Fellowship movie the music as you’re just seeing The Shire.
I exhale tension with the sounds of the music and she looks at me with this I love you Pi smile.
“You did this for me?”
“Yeah…and it’s all the fun and calm stuff nothing all aggro either.”
The time and the sheer fact that she took that time doing it for me and had all this ready for me and my moments it.
I am really close to crying.
She takes my free hand and laces her fingers into mine. “C’mon lady love I’ll teach you home to twirl.”

*And Now…

Butterfly Girlfriend Part 2.5


In this world, there is a balance. When there are too many women, the world changes girls into boys. When there are too many men, the world changes boys into girls. If you are changed before you reached 12, you have 98% chance to emerge as the opposite sex. The closer you are to adulthood, the more dangerous the change becomes. By the time you are 18, 'change' means 100% death.

My name was Arif bin Mohamad Zafri. This is the story of the worst, most annoying year of my life.

Butterfly Girlfriend
Part 2.5

By Shinieris

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 2

Gandhi’s Instruction Leads to Kinship - 2

Gandhi, sorrowed over Hindus and Moslems in his country becoming independent, judging and killing one another like they were no longer neighbors and fellow human beings.
A Hindu man who killed the father of a Moslem boy asked Gandhi what he should do. Gandhi said he should raise the boy as his own, but raise him as a Moslem.

X-Why-Me?...Chapter 19

X-Why-Me?… Chapter 19

Chapter 19


It didn’t matter, it really didn’t matter…she was really debating too on letting Kira know her own little secret but…not right now…not after everything today and this.
Kira was really scared because Emily could feel her shaking as she kissed with her.
She broke the kiss and looked Kira in the eyes.
“It doesn’t matter.”
(Sniffle.) “It doesn’t?”
“Nope, not a bit you’re still the most beautiful girl in the state.”
Kira gave her this; a little teary but really amazing smile.
“You’re so amazing Em.”
Emily shyly smiled back.
“Ditto beautiful, Ditto.”

*And Now…


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 29
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Bridges 41

Bridges 41

Chapter 41


And I’m with Cass…and the baby and last night.

I step into the shower with her and I hug here again. “You’re amazing y’know.”

“I am?”

“Yeah with the chopper and everything it all could have flooded back on my after
everything calmed down but it didn’t. And that’s you…”


I tilt her head up and I kiss her.

“Thank you for loving me Casey Chase.”

*And Now…

Debriefings 11



Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Sweet Dreams-55

Sweet Dreams-55

Chapter 55


“You are home.”

“Yeah…but I’ve never felt this before in my life.” (Sniffle.)

I’m kind of trying not to cry but when Adam and April come out with Jen and Cindy and some of the others from school…here…here for me and then there’s the Welcome Home Hunter Banner in the garage as the door’s opening.

I can’t help it I start crying.

Oh…oh…wow…these hormones are strong!

*And Now…

Come back soon…Part 8 Finale.

Come back soon…Part 8 Finale.

I think it took three full days for me to calm down really after getting Mar’s letter. I mean I was kind of calm especially after a nice little pill but with everything that I’d been through and that had happened and just built up in my life that letter became a touchstone.

I kept in the envelope but that envelope was with me everywhere…well except the shower.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-17.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-17.

Chapter 17


He gets up and pulls a knife and comes at me and I switch my bolt to a ball of shield and think rubber and fire whacking him between the eyes with a “rubber” energy bullet laying him cold.

I lower the shields and say to the people here. “Every please just remain calm the police will be here to arrest this man and to take your statements.
The squad van isn’t too far behind either.

That’s something that we’ve got here that home you’d never see and that’s the police have an entire force of guys that all they do is come and take and transport the perps and log in the arresting officers badges and all the reports and stuff is filed at the end of their shifts and the actual officers on patrol go back on patrol instead of having to run in the crooks.
I just get my badge scanned in and leave them to it when I get another call of officer down.

I give the guys a nod and they just point go and I blast off into the night sky.

*And Now…

My Super Secret Life...Villain-16.

My Super Secret life…Villain-16.

Chapter 16


She leads me inside I look around and it’s stalls and some shops like a mini-mall upside but in the middle is more like a flea market and most of its tools and combat styled gear ranging from ganger looking stuff to old military surplus and even some new stuff.

“Welcome to Sassy’s market mate!” She puts on a horrible accent but she’s smiling.


“Aye like a play off the S.A.S. from the commonwealth colonies luv.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay let shop for some toys.”

“Oi luvy those kinds of things are sold somewhere’s else.”

“Ha-ha-ha very funny Link…oooh are those grenades!”

*And Now…

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-32

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-32


I look at Cheyenne.

“Can we talk?”

Mom looks at me as dad’s passing her a towel. “You two are not hooking up you got that! Dylan you’re not going through three girls this summer.”


I turn red and Shy nods and gets a plate of whatever and takes me by the hand.

“Sure…let’s go where we can just sit and talk.”

We leave but pass Kaylee who’s biting her lip and heading towards the house for her own breakfast.

Hoo-boy I can feel mom revving up even as Shy’s leading me away.

*And Now…

Bridges 40

Bridges 40

Chapter 40


“Yeah Oh…and my wife is more important to me than a shift.”
I’m blushing. “Cass…god I love you.”
“I love you too Mrs. Chase.”


She’s leading me by the hand to her room and opens the door and grabs the do not disturb sing and slips it on the outside and she starts to kiss me as she shuts the door.

My hands are actually shaking with excitement as we kiss and I’m taking off her things and…

Okay…I’m getting to strip a RCMP officer out of her uniform and her gear and that is so incredibly sexy a thing.

*And Now…

The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 4 Part 3

The Maiden of Bronze

Chapter 4 Part 3

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.

Masks Chapter 27

Masks Chapter 27


I think it helps he can really actually dance some too, he’s not as self-conscious. I’m having a really good time too and then something happens.

M.J. looks at me. “C’mon lets go to the bathroom.”

And Amber and Toni and Becky are going with us and I stop at the door…oh…oh this is big.

And scary.

I’m freezing up because dressing and dancing is one thing this, this is something else altogether.

*And Now…


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 26
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

What a good boy...Chapter 25

What a good boy…Chapter 25

Chapter 25

I get up after a few minutes and head over to where Jamey is sitting and ease down into the seats. He looks over to me and he smiles ad blushes. I grin. “Looking at the pretty?”

“I uhm…” He’s turning red.

“Hey as a V-boy and new to the whole with guy’s thing too I’m seeing the same kind of yummy.”

“I…Oh damn Tracy…I can’t help it, you and me…it was so good I see them and I’m wondering and I’m not sure I want to.”

“It’s a trip.” I nod and sort of lean on his shoulder. “I was so on the fence about being attracted to you.”


“Yes you, you’re a beautiful boy.”

X-Why-Me?...Chapter 17

X-Why-Me… Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Emily grinned back. “My mom does want to get to know you more we could have supper and an in house date.”

“In house date?”

“I found out we can watch that Buffy show on Net flicks together.”

“It’s a date then.”

……………………The bell rang to get back to classes, and they all got up and left together as a loose sort of group but one that was trying to be there for each other.

Emily smiled a little and took Kira’s hand once they were clear of the crowd. “Walk you to class?”

Kira smiled at her. “Please that’d be really nice actually.”

*And Now…

Severance Pay (Chapters 25 through 30 of 78)

Peter/Patricia final gets her face to face meeting with Raymond Hobbes. Themes and Elements apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for editing assistance.

Masks Chapters 24 and 25 the Finale.

Masks Chapters 24 and 25 the Finale.


But….Then there’s Randy Sweet, the captain of my hockey team and he stands and he beckons me over where the other guys are at.

Where all the team is at for a change.


I head over and look at them and Nick asks.

“It true?”

“Is what true?”

“Are you gay?”

I look at them and I really don’t know what I can say, there’s some pretty fixed faces there.

*And now…

Severance Pay (Chapters 13 through 18 0f 78)

Jessica puts Patricia to the test, as does Sister Carmela of St. Ann's. Patricia returns the favor and makes initial contact with her target, Gretchen Hobbes. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly for editing assistance.

The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 3 Part 3

The Bronze Maiden

Chapter 3 Part 3

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.
I apologize for the delay in posting as Fantasy Hero: Game Changer sort of distracted us, and still is.

Severance Pay (Chapters 7 through 12 of 78)

Peter Harris experiences the joys and frustrations of living in the body of a petite teenage girl while discovering hidden skills that surprise Daniel and Jessica. Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story. Rating applies to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly for editing assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 1 through 6 of 78)

Disabled and retired undercover cop Peter Harris is recruited for one last job. He's going to infiltrate the household of Raymond Hobbes, notorious drug lord and criminal kingpin, with the support of an unusual group of experts and unapproved technology. Listed Themes and Elements applies to entire story, rating just to this submission. Editorial assistance from Marina Kelly greatly appreciated.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 20

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 20

By Katherine Day

(The play ends and Karen faces another scary encounter. As summer comes, Karen worries that Mark, the love of her life, will be able to find motivation to overcome his injuries. Karen also hopes that she is woman enough for him.)

Covered Bridges-10.

Covered Bridges-10.

I like Frank’s old Crown Vic, back when I was a kid we had a coupe of police officers are neighbors and all the cop cars were the big old Crown Victoria’s. It’s as clean inside as out and the there’s this smell of one of those coconut air fresheners lingering there.

He spends a good deal of time in his car too. I see a small double picture frame of Robyn and Frank and his late wife Mary on the dash. The one concession is a newish stereo in the car with the satellite radio in it.

We drive down to the canal and it’s absolutely pleasant. I love these big old cars they have this feeling when you ride in them like you’re just kind of floating and honestly they’re just nicer.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 17

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 17

By Katherine Day

(Having been accepted by most — but not all — as the girl she is, Karen finds an unexpected opportunity awaits her. It’s both frightening and exciting. How will she do?)

Snakes and Ladders-28

Snakes and Ladders-28

Chapter 28

It’s like out of LOTR when Boromir was talking about the horns of Gondor calling them home. Rampart has that sort of feeling right now a little as this is the place that I’ve spent the most here and there is something that tugs at me as I fly over to the castle section itself and see streets I know and shops I’ve been to while training here.

I bite my lip at some of those kinda sort of home feelings.

I had a few towns like this when I was trucking. Those places you’ve been to so many times that you know them well. It’s actually a good thing y’know.

Home away from home can be good because it’s not home.


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 25
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.


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