Serial Chapter

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Chapter 58


“C’mon Jenna Let’s go and actually have some fun with our daughter before my buzz wears off and my meds wipe me out. I didn’t haul my butt out of the couch and into this get up for nothing okay.”
I give her a hard squeeze and take a deep breath and nod and wipe at my eyes. (Sniff.) “Yeah, I really want to do this.”
I go with her and Hunter and Angie’s joining us with Giselle after she got her into her little one piece and we start with the wading pools with the other little kids and she scream-squeals and she’s waddle running into the water and splashing and slapping the water with that bouncy thing she does with that. “Yeeee-he-he-he!”
I’m smiling and laughing because she’s such an amazing little spaz and she is having that Omigod freak-out where she’s just blown away by the coolness of being in a pool and is hitting brain overload.
And there is no way that that can’t make you smile and have that blow all the bad stuff away.
I look at Iggy and I hug her around the shoulder.
“Thanks, thanks for her and making me a mom.”

*And Now…

A Friend in Need Part 7

A Friend in Need
Part 7 Christina's Rise

Life goes on for Christina and Tony, the story covers the after effect of the attempted rape, and Christina's way of dealing with it, I felt that this should be an introspective episode, if I was wrong to go this deep; I apologise, and hope you will forgive me.

Dedicated to Christina, my dear friend who taught me how to be a woman and left me her name.

For My Princess: Part 15


Will Helene and Arabella be able to resolve their differences when Arabella returns, how will the rest of the hunt be for both of them. Will King Oswald and Queen Aster think Helene is a suitable match for their son and what will it mean for Arabella's future?



A Friend in Need Part 6

A Friend in Need
Part 6 Life Goes On

This part of the story is again told from Christina's (used to be Tony) side of the story and it continues to follow Christina as she really begins her new life after the wonderful first day of femininity.
This part of the story does contain some sex and some violence, I have not gone into graphic detail, just enough for the storyline so please be advised.

My Super Secret Life-35.

My Super Secret Life-35.


I shoot her the occasional glare even though she’s out of it she still shot over a dozen people despite my and Champion’s best efforts.

I didn’t realize how hard I was holding my breath and clenching my jaw until the EMT’s got here.

Sunny kind of surges a bit inside of me because there’s a lot of blood and then I see the cover some people up…like fully up.

I want to cry somewhere…for what? For money?

Everyone there looks at me as I scream and boot one of the garbage cans all the way across the tracks and imbeded it into the wall.

*And Now…

Alex in Wonderland - 16

Alex always wanted to be a girl.
He gets his wish when he wakes up on an alien world.
Alex in Wonderland
Chapter 16
Need to Know

Lannah’s mind felt sort of numb to me as she thought, ~but that’s not possible…~

A Friend in Need Part 5

A Friend in Need
Part 5 Christina's Story II

Continuing the story from Christina's (formally Tony) point of view, there is some sex in this but nothing extreme. Both of them are now getting used to their new bodies and living their new lives, each is convinced that they have the best new life.
Things progress between them. Your comments are always welcome.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

Masks Chapter 37

Masks Chapter 37

Chapter 37

We leave heading for class and I sneak a look back and Elizabeth just threw her Starbucks coffee in a huge splash all over the hallway wall and she’d be coming for us or at us if it wasn’t for two teacher’s bee lining it to see what’s going on.
Yeah my mask’s still on pretty tight and I might still be Stephen but I’m really Stephanie…and Stephanie's tired of getting stepped on already.
Has anyone ever came out and not taken huge amounts of bullshit?
Maybe, Maybe I’m going to find out.

*And Now…

A Friend in Need Part 3

A Friend in Need
Part 3 New Lives

By Christina H

The two friends have now exchanged bodies, this is the morning after the exchange and explores how they cope with their very new lives
Starting the new lives, after the change, to try and avoid confusion I will refer to the protagonist's gender as their NEW gender. The change has been done, the two of them are starting to experience their new lives

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman

A New Start in Life part 2

The Girls.png

The story continues with Susanna getting more into her new life, for those of you who are concerned this may turn into an X rated story let me put your mind at rest, it will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey.

A New Start in Life part 1

A New Start in Life Part 1

This is a gentle tale about a young boy's search the become the girl he knows he should have been, with the help of his two girl friends he becomes Susanna, the girls teach him all about life as a girl.

Please note this is a gentle tale sentimental, with little sexual content, but where there is it will be tagged as such.

A Friend in Need Part 2

A Friend in Need Part 2

The Beginning

By Christina H
This is the continuation of the story where two friends find a way through magic to solve the problem that their lives are giving them.
It has some dates in it to add some context to the story (I hope) the TG and mild sex starts late in this chapter.

Dedicated to Christina, who gave me her name and taught me how to be a woman



Chapter 11


The teens the gang kids he sent in first anointing them with the green light of the angel until it shone in them a little and they headed off to first draw the fire and face the defenders of this place.
The real fighters came next also anointed and braced for war.
“Kill every adult that defies us, be wary of sorcery and capture all that you can and bring them to…there to the auditorium.”
He waited and he could hear some fighting started in there and he could feel the wards being tripped and once the way was clear he nodded to his most loyal followers and headed in with the way safe and cleared for them.
A beatific smile started to spread over his face and he felt the dying starting to happen and he reached with the stone to pull them inside and feed his master…their savior.
More…they needed more and….they needed the children.

*And Now…

Evanescence 28

Evanescence 28

Chapter 28


“Oh Molly…Molly, nobody has ever loved you!”

(Sob!) I can’t help it…the words hurt so much. Drake/Rapture’s blade hurts even worse…he’s so fast when he cuts my arm, my side. (Pain-scream.)

There’s something on the blade…the cuts burn like acid.

It’s hard to breath immediately.

The blade flashes at me and there’s a shing as Jill catches it on her blade and brings her gun up towards his head.

“Wrong meat sack I loved her!”

*And Now…

Sweet Dreams-58

Sweet Dreams-58

Chapter 58


“Honestly girls I could give two shits about the schools popularity wars and stuff. I don’t care who owes who what or who’s sleeping with who and who looked better in what effing outfit that who and shit like that.”
Jen chuckles. “Yeah exactly why they hate you.”
Betty… “And like no offense but you’re poor Hunter they are really like offended you’re even in the school.” She then mimics someone she heard. “Effing crack whore isn’t there like rules for having people like her in our school.”
The girls are nodding and I turn around from the sink and the mirrors. “Okay…if Alex is in I’ll do it but can someone tell me what the actual point is? I mean other than the dance and stuff what does Homecoming Queen actually do?”

*And Now…

For Friends and Family Part 2

For Friends and Family Part 2

Becoming Nichola

Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.

This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman, in this part the transformation into Nichola begins.

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 9

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

New talent is sought, while an abandoned talent is encouraged once again. Fathers talk about their sons—and daughters?—pondering their futures. The bandleader follows the band. An exhausted neighbor sleeps blissfully in the night.

Bridges 42

Bridges 42

Chapter 42


She looks at me and she nods and she smiles at me "Yes Ma'am." and Cass looks at the cash and she doesn’t freak out or say anything except to kiss me again lightly but sweetly.
She breaks the kiss and she gives me that smile…that I love you in her eyes and take your breath away smile.
“God I love you Samaritan Chase.”
I smile and blush and there’s almost tears there from that because I’ve never heard a woman, never heard anyone use my full name and love in the same sentence.
It’s not Samantha but she made it sound like it…it kind of feels like this sweet little impact in my heart.
Her…my name but as a girl…as a woman and she’s telling me she loves me.

*And Now…

From this moment forward, you are a girl - Part 2

-Seven Days Earlier-

I pressed the button on the remote and the fucking machine came to life…so fast that the dildo ramming into my ass hurt a LOT. I jerked forward in the restraints, my free wrist slamming into the bar. The shackle swung to the end of its hinges and bounced back, clicking into place…my wrist inside. I was trapped!

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Chapter 57


We are all talking and having a good time and eating from a bag of cotton candy dad got somewhere all the way to the water park.

I really, really needed this…I look at Dad who got to claim stuff he lost with me and Taylor who is still being daddy and he’s getting cotton candy little blue hand prints on his face from Giselle and that makes me fall in love with him just a little bit more and even Ingrid who’s recording it because it’s going everywhere but into his mouth.

*And Now…

The Unusual Clownfish Part-6

The Unusual Clownfish



In the not too distant future, evolution has taken humanity down a different path. In a society where gender is controlled with numbers, one young man finds that being evolved might not be such a good thing.

Snakes and Ladders-32

Snakes & Ladders -32

Chapter 32


I ache in a good and bad way as I see him quickly vanish off in the distance and part of me is wondering…just wondering that whole what if thing.
Or just if when it might come to Ryann and Shaya and Myself.
I wrap myself in my cloak against the cool air of the night and head back inside to meet up with the commander and to go with him to speak to The King.
I’ll be heading with Bhlaze back to The Holy City and to Lilac House.

*And Now…

Sisters Forever~1

It should be a happy day. That was what birthdays were about. I had just turned thirteen. I was now officially a teenager and it made me feel a lot older.

Yes, I should be looking forward to today, but I wasn’t. ...

Sisters Forever ~ Chapter 1

By Susan Brown

The Unusual Clownfish Part-5

The Unusual Clownfish



In the not too distant future, evolution has taken humanity down a different path. In a society where gender is controlled with numbers, one young man finds that being evolved might not be such a good thing.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-12 the Start.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-12 the Start.


How do you explain the stuff you do, feel to someone? Especially to someone that’s been literally inside of you and living in your head. I mean Quinn wasn’t with me that long but he recognized me right off the get go and as strange as Halo is. And all of the other kids and students are pretty odd given everything and everyone it’s also not as odd as me I’ll bet.

It’s really not fair that Quinn can fly either. I might look like I’m in shape but I’m really not.

Because I’m actually a fat kid with super powers and not this tall girl with a nice bust and bum.

When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 21

He paused a moment, considering, then said, "I hope you don't mind if I make a personal observation."

"Not at all," I said. "I'd appreciate it."

"What you're doing is quite brave. Most people wouldn't have the nerve or the courage.
It's incredibly hopeful, but at the same time, it's immensely sad."

My Super Secret life…Villain-17.

My Super Secret life…Villain-17.

Chapter 17.


“And The Guardians?”
“Most countries have a standing army Rook, we have our militia to keep us safe from the surface government that would put us under regulations and boot heels.”
“Wow that’s kind of…” I don’t really have the words. I mean it’s kind of cool and it’s sort of scary when you think what people could do here unrestricted. But they are sort of self-restricted. I look at her. “This, this is where I wish I had actually gone to school and stuff. It’s cool but I don’t know any of the right terms for this.”
Link looks at me and she smiles. “Liberty, Freedom.”
I nod. “Live free or die right?”
The look she gives me it feels like I just nailed it.
So much to do yet, so much to learn.
She switches arms with the stuff she’s carrying and she takes my hand and she holds it as we walk. I’m holding hands with someone after everything that happened and it’s not that strange…not here it’s.
It’s scary but it fits.

*And Now…

I Have to Endure Four Greedy Bastards...

Hi! I'm Reagan Cathay. I've been working for a Border City, California company, Four Greedy Bastards Security, for over four years now. I'm trying to work my way up the corporate ladder, making success all the way until some goofball throws a wrench into it. Read about how my wife and I learn to cope with the consequences...

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-18.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-18.

Chapter 18


And he’s very, very married.

Man…getting used to this and being me and these super hero types is going to take a whole lot more getting used to.

I kind of get him out of my head and I’m trying to take note of the ride since I’ve never been in an aero-ambulance before and the EMT looks at me and it’s the guy that I met with the whole big thing that happened down town when I first helped out all the other AA’s.

“Hey you.” He says in quietly and nicely kinda of caring guy and gentle like…I know because I’ve used the same tones myself.

“Hey…….” Oh...oh man I can’t remember his name.

*And Now…

Vampyre 9.

Vampyre 9.

Chapter 9.


I rip the leg off a chair and slam it down and he screams as I stake his arrogant French ass through the shoulder and arm joint and into the floor.
I grab another one and full one Nightrage at him pull on all that death is willing to give me. “Where!? Where is Michel!?”
I hear Raine yelling at me telling me not to kill him and I turn to snarl at her and then back and swing the improved stake down and there’s a flash at his wrist as a handgun some small automatic is suddenly there.
He laughs that high pitched nasal almost giggle of his and all I see is muzzle flashes.
I feel the hits and I feel searing pain ripping through me….wood?...silver...?.....

*And Now…

When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 20

"Let me get this straight: Say I come to Texas with you. We go back in time, to two weeks ago. At that point, there'll be two of you, right? The one who is back there now, and the present you. Once you return to the present, there will still be two of you, right? because the one who is back there now will have caught up. How do you handle that?"




He looks at Justin this time. “Bramblewood.”
“What’s that?”
Justin’s closing books and he’s grabbing new clothes. “It’s one of the major guild houses for those of the craft. This could be really bad if they turned on us.”
“Would they?”
“I wouldn’t have thought so. They’re closer to the druidic types.”
I’m stuffing down barely warmed burgers with liver puree smothered on them with some cheese and I’m over getting dressed and it’s no time to get all girly about being naked in from if them….yes they both looked even during this.
“Okay then mages or not we’re moving out…Tim…you and your lads with us?”
He’s staring at me and I can smell apprehension on him but anger too and his attraction all mixed together.
“Aye…these fuckers are so interested in demons then let’s give them hell.”
I slip my SWAT pants on and my feet into the combat boots using a cantrip to lace and tie them as I get a dark grey sweater on over my sports bra and just grab the leather jacket.
“You got an armory?”
“I grew up in Belfast what d’you think?”

*And Now…………

Evanescence 27

Evanescence 27


Us….Me and Maeve…one of the other Evanescence’s before me…not the one that defeat Asmodeus but she was still one before she died killed and hunted down by Rapture. We call on others inside us together waking more of before me's.

*And now…


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