Chrissy's New Life Part 4

Chrissy's New Life Part 4

The next morning I awoke from my slumber suddenly, light streaming into
the girlishly decorated bedroom as Carolyn, the beautiful maid, flung
the curtains wide.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," whispered the maid in my ear. "Breakfast will be
ready in just a few minutes."

As the cobwebs cleared from my brain, the activities of the previous
evening flooded back into my consciousness. As if somehow disbelieving,
I quickly peeked beneath the satin sheet, blushing as my feminine attire
was confirmed.

"Come on, sweetheart - we'll have to hurry," Carolyn said as she threw
back the covers.

I was startled and tried to cover myself, but the maid just grinned and,
taking my hand, pulled me from the bed.

"Here, my girl, slip on your robe and let's wash your face," she said,
holding the diaphanous, lace-trimmed bed jacket. As I slipped my arms
through the flowing sleeves, she smoothed it over my shoulders, letting
it settle lightly over the much shorter pink baby-doll.

Carolyn led me into the bathroom; she draped a fluffy towel around my
shoulders and then, lathering a soft facecloth with fragrant soap, began
to wash the sleep from my eyes. After rinsing the lather from my smooth
skin, Carolyn gently patted my face dry with a soft absorbent towel.
Just as the night before, I stood passively, unsure of my feelings but
somehow almost under a spell as everything was being done for me. Unused
to such pampering, I found it quite pleasurable. Taking a toothbrush
even squeezing the paste on it for me and then inserting the brush into
my mouth and brushing for a few strokes, she said, "You finish brushing
now, Chrissy; I'll find your slippers."

Newly refreshed, I sheepishly returned to the bedroom where Carolyn
motioned me to the small seat facing the mirrored vanity. Seated before
the mirror, my eyes were drawn to the lace-trimmed bodice of my dressing
gown. As Carolyn stood at my back, slowly brushing my longish blonde
hair with an ornate silver brush, my mind reeled. "This is crazy," I
thought, "She's treating me just like a little girl or something."
Despite my embarrassment, however, the more overpowering emotion was
guilt, guilt that, beneath the blush, I actually delighted in her
ministrations. I felt I should put a stop to all this, but the gentle
stroking of the brush and the silky touch of my gown and panties on my
skin seemed excuse enough to postpone any rebellion. My mind was brought
back from my reverie as Carolyn knelt and slipped a pair of pink satin
slippers over my feet.

The image of a princess being attended by her ladies-in-waiting rushed
through my brain as the maid took my hand and brought me to my feet.
"Oh dear, we'll have to hurry; we can't leave Mistress waiting."

Though the backless slippers had short wedge heels, I took hesitant
steps. "Let me help you, sweetheart." Reaching her hand around my
smoothly covered waist, Carolyn assisted me in my feminine gown from the
room and down the wide stairs to the brightly decorated dining room.

Again the input from my boyish senses seemed almost overwhelming. Here I
was, being supported by a beautiful woman dressed in the briefest of
costumes and smelling of the most wonderful perfume, her arm encircling
my waist and pulling me close, all the while my own skin sheathed in the
silkiest of fabrics; and more, not only was my attire softly arousing
it brushed my thighs, it was exquisitely feminine. I was glad of the
longer gown, as my penis was getting hard from being sheathed in the
silky fabrics.

"Good Morning, Chrissy," greeted Aunt Mary, my host as we entered the
room. "Did you sleep well, darling?" she queried as Carolyn led me to
her waiting arms. "I know a big boy like you doesn't want to hear it,
but you look very pretty in Susan's baby-doll," she cooed as she
enveloped me in her arms. "I'm sorry about your lost luggage but it
wasn't so bad, was it, dear?" I blushed deeply as she gently brushed a
stray hair from my forehead and I could only nod. "It's a shame boy's
never have the chance to wear such pretty things and look so nice," she
continued. "It's just not the same around the house with Susan being
away at school; she loved playing dress-up with all her pretty clothes."
As I took my seat at the table, I noticed what must certainly be
loneliness and heartache in my host's eyes.

Carolyn cut up my melon for me and then left us. I felt like a small
child having everything done for me. I bent over my plate and quickly
scooped up a large amount of pieces of the melon and shovelled them into
my mouth and began to swallow them. Aunt Mary exclaimed, "Ooh, Chrissy
that is not how a sweet young girl eats." as I finished swallowing the
large amount of pieces of melon. I wondered about her referral to me as
a sweet young girl.

I replied," Sorry, Aunt Mary, I was forgetting my manners but I am quite

Aunt Mary replied," That's ok but you should scoop up less pieces sit up
straight and bring the spoon slowly to your mouth."

I did so and Aunt Mary praised me for doing so. I finished my melon and
then later Carolyn brought our toast and coffee. Aunt Mary cut up my
toast for me. I once again felt like a small child. I took a piece of
toast and took a small bite and Aunt Mary smiled at me and said," That's
how young girls should eat."

I wanted to say something about the continued referral to me as a girl
but did not say anything for fear of offending my host.

"Oh Carolyn, you'd better try calling the school again and see if
they've found Chrissy's suitcase," Mary called to the maid as we had our
toast and coffee. Unsure of my emotions, I looked forward to finally
getting back into jeans and shirt.

"I just tried again, Ma'am; there's still no answer at the school," said
Carolyn as she returned to the room.
Noting the distress in my expression, Aunt Mary motioned me to her, and
cradling me while I was still night gowned in her lap, she hugged me
close. I was glad the distraction of eating had caused my penis to
subside. "Don't worry, sweetheart; we can't have you spending the whole
weekend in Susan's baby-doll, now can we?"

Again, a sense of guilt and shame came over me, for that very thought
seemed somehow appealing.

"I suppose we'd better drive over to the school; perhaps your suitcase
is still in the driveway where we left it," comforted Aunt Mary. "In any
case, it's time you were out of your baby-doll and dressed. Carolyn,
take Chrissy upstairs," the maid was directed. "We'll have to find
something else for him to wear in the car."
Carolyn led me from the room and back up the long curved stairway and
knowing that I would soon be out of the silky gown, I took special note
of its whisper like softness. As I climbed each step, I secretly
delighted as the lace hem caressed my thighs and panty-covered rear.
Before we were halfway up the long staircase, I couldn't help but notice
another sensation. The sensuous touch of the filmy fabric had had a
dramatic effect on my adolescent member as well. Growing more tumescent
with each caress, seemingly out of my control, it strained against the
lacy confines of my silky panties. This new "problem" did not pass the
notice of the sexily clad maid. Smiling, she let her hand glide around
my waist and teasingly slowed our pace a bit. Her proximity made matters
worse as the added sensation of her touch roused me even further and at
last reaching the bedroom, I, now almost quivering broke free and
into it to hide my embarrassment.

"What is it, sweetheart?" responded Carolyn, hurriedly following me into
the bedroom. There she found me, my cheeks ablaze, covering myself with
my hands as best I could.

"Darling, don't be embarrassed," the maid said softly. "Did your lacy
little baby-doll do this?" she asked.

Moving my hands from their position, she let her fingertips side over
the front of my gown, her nails barely brushing my now engorged penis.
Her eyes noting the tent-like bulge, she teased, "It seems our little
Christine enjoys being a precious little girl, doesn't it?"
She reached beneath the hem of the baby-doll and caressed my throbbing
male hood and laid me down on the bed.

"Oh Chrissy, look what you're doing to your frilly little panties; if it
wasn't for this, I'd think you were a sweet young girl."

Moaning softly and now captive to the maid's intoxicating caress, I
surrendered to the rush of pleasure. My body sheathed in delicate silk,
my feet shod in pom-pom satin slippers, and my pantied and swollen penis
gently milked by Carolyn's enveloping fingers seemed ready to explode.

"You like your little panties, don't you, sweetheart?" cooed Carolyn.
"You want to be a sweet little girl, don't you?"

At that, my penis shuddered and released its pent up excitement into my
pink panties. I quivering, for the second time since my arrival, Carolyn
had excited me to the point of sexual climax; this time, however, I had
erupted into the silky pink panties I had been forced to wear after
forgetting my own clothes back at the academy. I was embarrassed as the
scantily dressed maid helped me to my feet and led me to the bathroom
and sat me on the padded bench opposite the tub.

"You do look precious, Chrissy, but you really needn't blush. It's plain
you love your pretty nightgown and panties; I'd find it even more
unusual if you didn't."

I looked up into the maid's eyes quizzically. "What do you mean?" I

"It's just as Mistress said," she went on. "Boys are so deprived, never
able to dress up in pretty dresses and nightgowns like girls. Forgetting
your suitcase has given you a chance to see just how nice wearing silky
frillies can be."

"But I'm a boy! I shouldn't feel this way," I answered ashamedly.
"Don't be silly, honey," she said, slowly lowering the now stained
panties down my legs. "There's no reason boys shouldn't be able to feel
pretty like their sisters." Taking a soft washcloth, she carefully
washed me.

Not since early childhood had anyone seen me so intimately, though
considering the occurrences of the last day, there was little left to
feel embarrassed about. Both Carolyn and her mistress had treated me
with a kindness and love I'd been without since leaving for school at
summer's end.

"Come along now, Chrissy; let's find something especially pretty for you
to wear in the car."

"You want me to wear a dress when we drive over to school?" I
questioned, my voice almost faltering.

"Don't worry darling; before I'm finished, your own mother would swear
you were her daughter rather than her son," Carolyn joked. "And I don't
want to hear any excuses; I know you're just dying to wear a cute little
dress and have your hair curled."

Though I didn't answer, I knew she was right. I could not wait for to
put into a dress. Yesterday I wouldn't have imagined it, but like so
much that had transpired since my arrival, I was certain the day ahead
would prove most exciting.

Just then, Aunt Mary entered the room. "And just what are you two
scheming in here?" she said with a smile.

"Why, Christine was just telling me how much she was looking forward to
going for a little drive," the maid answered, her eyes twinkling.

"Oh, I see.... didn't I tell you wearing Susan's things wouldn't be so
bad, sweetheart?" she asked as she hugged me to her.

"It'll be just like having Susan home again, won't it, Ma'am?"
volunteered Carolyn.

"Indeed it will; come along now Christine, we'll have to pick out
something especially pretty," Aunt Mary said, leading me back into the

Remembering my now lack of panties, I clutched the lace-trimmed robe
tightly around the nightgown, and sheepishly followed, the anticipation
of actually leaving the mansion while dressed as a young girl building
with each tick of the clock.

"Let's see now," Aunt Mary thought aloud, throwing open the sliding
mirrored doors lining the wall of the bedroom. My eyes widened as row
upon row of delightfully colourful dresses, skirts, and blouses were

"What do you think, Carolyn?" Aunt Mary queried as she removed an
exquisitely feminine pink dress from the rack. I couldn't take my eyes
off the airy creation. The dress was a beautiful pastel satin, its
bodice and skirt highlighted with a wide band of white lace.

"I think our little girl will look adorable in this, don't you agree,

"Oh Yes, Ma'am," the maid replied, her beautifully manicured hand
caressing my cheek as I blushed deeply.

"Isn't it pretty, Christine?" she asked excitedly, winking at her
employer. "Well? Christine, what do you think?"

"Yes, it's very nice," I finally answered, both women smiling at my
obvious embarrassment.

"Nice? Judging from the look in your eyes, I would have thought
something more than just nice," giggled the satin and petticoat clad
maid. I'd almost forgotten; we'd better find you a new pair of panties,
hadn't we sweetheart?"

Aunt Mary said, "Why what happened to her panties?"

Carolyn said, "Chrissy got so excited she ejaculated into her panties,
with my help of course." Aunt Mary replied,
"So you really love being a girl my darling Chrissy."

I said, "I am a boy and should not be feeling this way but I do like

Aunt Mary said, "You will soon see that wearing frillies is far better
than your male clothes."

Opening the top drawer of the large chest near the bed, Carolyn searched
for a moment, and then returned to display a darling pair of white satin
panties. They were trimmed in frilly lace at both the waist and leg
openings, and even more elaborately across the seat with several rows of
lace running from one side to the other.

"My goodness, those are precious, just perfect for my new niece's first
day out and about!" gushed Aunt Mary.
Stooping low, the maid held the panties open, and steadying myself with
a hand on her shoulder, I, one foot at a time, gingerly stepped into
them. Trying to remain modest in the presence of the two ladies, I
attempted to hold the hem of the baby-doll down as Carolyn slowly raised
the wondrously smooth panties up over my knees. I was red-faced with
embarrassment as she smiled up at me, she continued on, tugging the
panties up all the way and her hands hidden beneath my gown smoothed
them over my recently drained penis.

"There now...that's better, isn't it my girl?" she asked me. Not waiting
for a reply, she stood and began removing my filmy robe.

"Let's not waste any time, Chrissy dear," Aunt Mary said, taking the hem
of the baby-doll in her hands and lifting it over my head.

Standing before them in only my girlish new panties and slippers, I
tried again to cover myself.

"Don't be so shy, Chrissy; we'll have you all pretty again soon,"
laughed my host. "I think our little girl should be properly powdered
before donning her pretty dress" Aunt Mary directed the maid.

"Certainly, Ma'am," she answered, taking a feathery puff from a wide-
mouthed jar on the vanity. My eyes closed tightly, she dusted me
generously with the sweet smelling body powder, coating my shoulders and
then moving down over my hairless chest and finally down over each
Returning from the dresser, Carolyn held out a wispy white training bra.

Unsure of what was happening, I took a step back, but Aunt Mary promptly
instructed me to raise my arms and quit stalling. My arms outstretched
before me, Carolyn slipped the lacy confection up over my elbows, and
reaching behind, clasped the hooks, which secured the silky garment.
Though hardly needing any support for my non-existent breasts, I did
feel somewhat more modest. My penis was getting hard again and this did
go unnoticed by the two ladies who smiled at each other.

Any relief was short-lived however, as turning to Aunt Mary; I spotted
what I knew to be a garter belt in her hand. In my mind at least,
wearing panties and a dress was one thing, but being attired in
something so totally feminine was somehow moving to an entirely
different plane. Entirely at their mercy, however, I resigned myself to
whatever they had in mind.

Circling my waist with the satin and lace belt, Aunt Mary motioned me to
the vanity stool. Seated, I watched in apparent awe as Carolyn now
approached, a pair of sheer white stockings flowing from her hand.
Removing first one slipper then the other, the maid carefully gathered
the sleek looking nylon and then slipped the stocking over my foot.

"Raise your leg, sweetheart; a girl should always take care to keep her
nylons straight." As she glided the wondrously silky stocking up my leg,
my breathing became more of a gasp. It didn't help as she reached
beneath my little panties and guided the frilly garter tabs under and
through before attaching each tautly to the lacy tops of the nylons. In
the process her hands brushed against my engorged panty covered penis
causing me to shudder.

Carolyn said," Chrissy darling just hold yourself in and don't mess your
panties again."

Just as Carolyn fastened the last of the garters, Aunt Mary returned
from the large walk-in closet with a pair of white patent leather low-
heeled pumps. The front of each was decorated with a pink satin bow.
Still kneeling, Carolyn took the shoes and slipped them on my feet.

"Oh, those are darling, Carolyn," she said as standing, she looked down
at the pretty little shoes. "It's fortunate Christine and Susan are
almost exactly the same size; our little girl will certainly have quite
a wardrobe from which to choose," beamed Aunt Mary.

Checking the length of the dress hanging from the closet door, Carolyn
rummaged thru the back or the closet and shortly reappeared, a shiny
petty-slip in her hand. Though somewhat short like the dress itself, the
skirt was very full. Constructed of multiple layered taffeta and edged
in delicate lace top and bottom, it rustled deliciously as she lowered
it over my up stretched arms.

Together, with me sandwiched between them, Carolyn and Aunt Mary
adjusted the thin shoulder straps until it hung perfectly, the smooth
bodice hugging my chest and the frothy skirt tickling my thighs. I was
glad of the garment as it concealed my ever-hardening penis.

"Don't you just adore this wonderful petticoat, honey?" Aunt Mary asked,
giving the skirt a shake. An almost imperceptible moan escaped from my
lips, as the loud frou-frou and the silken touch of the lace brushing my
nylon-sheathed thighs seemed to envelope me in a kind of soft cloud.

Taking me by the hand, Carolyn again led me to the vanity where, after
showing me how to sit properly in a skirt, she turned me away from the
mirror. "It's time we fixed your face, dear," the maid said taking a
broad bib-like cape and tying it around my neck and shoulders.

"Just wait till I'm through with you, Christine; you won't even
recognize yourself."
After a few minutes, the change was remarkable. Eye shadow, a bit of
mascara, and blush had served to remove any hint of boyishness. I
enjoyed being made up as it would remove all traces of boy.

Lastly, lifting my chin gently, she brought a tube of lipstick close.
"Purse your lips for me, sweetheart," she asked, and after responding
with a coquettish pout, she coated my lips with a pinkish gloss.

"Excellent," complimented Aunt Mary, "a little touch-up with the curling
iron and our little Chrissy will be perfect".

Still facing away from the mirror, I sat quietly while Carolyn brushed
and curled what was longish hair for a boy. After looking through a
small drawer in the dresser, Aunt Mary approached with two matching
satin ribbons, the exact color of the dress. After tying each into a
pretty bow on either side of my head, both women smiled. Still beaming,
they pulled me to my feet. "Don't look yet, Chrissy," instructed Aunt
Mary, "let's slip your lovely dress on first."

Taking the pink satin smock from its hanger, Carolyn directed me to
raise my arms carefully. Watchful of my makeup and new hairdo, the women
lowered the beautiful garment over my head and outstretched arms. They
fussed and primped, tugging it down gently until it settled over the
fluffy petticoats. After fastening the row of buttons up the back, the
maid removed a long sash from the hanger and wrapped it around my waist,
forming a large bow in the rear, giving the dress an almost bustle like
appearance. The anticipation was excruciating, but when the two women at
last spun me to face my reflection, I almost fainted in wonder.

Looking back from the mirror was no almost teenage boy in a dress.
Instead was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. My eyes moved from
her delicately painted face, down over the bodice of her lace and ribbon
trimmed dress, lower to where her legs seemed to escape from a bouffant
cloud of frothy skirts, and finally down to the tiny pink bows which
decorated her girlish slippers. I was lost in a trance.

"How was this possible?" I thought to myself. As I turned to see the
reflection from another angle, it hit me. As the layers of taffeta
swished about my nylon-covered legs, there was no mistake. This was no
dreamlike image - this was I! I could have remained before the mirror
for hours had the two women not awakened me from my reverie.

"It's almost 10:30; if we're going, we'd better get along," warned Aunt

"Ooops, I almost forgot," exclaimed Carolyn, rushing to the closet once
more. After briefly searching, she turned with a small white patent
leather clutch and a pair of white glace gloves in her hands.

"We can't have you going and forgetting your purse, now can we
Christine?" she grinned. The gloves, though snug, fit over my hands,
ending just above the wrist in a ruffled lace cuff.

"Now, come along, sweetheart," said Aunt Mary, trying to rush things
along. With one last look in the mirror, I raised a gloved hand and
lightly patted a stray curl back into place, and then turning, I was led
from the room. With the two women, one on either side, I was led down
the wide stairwell. Each held one of my gloved hands to steady me as I
maneuvered slowly down the stairs, still a bit unsure of myself in the
low heels. With every step, my frothy petticoats made a delightful frou-
frou sound as they bounced and tickled my nylon-sheathed thighs. I could
feel the excitement build within the silky confines of my lace-trimmed
panties and I could feel wetness in my panty as my penis began to leak

Embarrassed by my own reaction to the soft touch of my exquisitely
girlish attire, I tried to think of something else, but even the
smallest movement seemed to defeat me and hold my mind captive to
intoxicating caress of my borrowed frillies.

Being November, there was an autumn chill in the air, and as they stood
in the entrance hall, Carolyn went to fetch her mistress' sable coat.

"You'd better find something for our little girl, too," Aunt Mary

The maid quickly returned with a beautiful pink woollen double-breasted
coat. Carefully she slipped it over the lovely dress and fastened the
front. Lastly, Carolyn took a hatbox from the upper shelf and opening
it, took out a wide brimmed straw skimmer.

"Hold your head up, dear," she asked as she tied a fancy bow under my
chin. "There now, you look just adorable, Honey," she said, her hand
straightening the flared skirt of the coat. Bending, she gave me a
little kiss on the cheek and opened the front door.

Taking my hand while I was dressed delicately Aunt Mary beamed,

"Come along, sweetheart," and with my skirts bobbing we walked together
to the car. Looking back as we drove down the avenue, I could see Carolyn
smiling and waving. Just yesterday, I had sat in the same seat, but now,
everything was so different. Instead of jeans, my legs were now sheathed
in smooth white stockings, and despite the weight of the woollen coat,
the multi-layered petticoat made my skirt puff up all around me. I felt
I was sitting on a cushion of frills, my ornately trimmed panties only
adding to the froth of my skirts. Folding my gloved hands on my lap, I
looked over to Aunt Mary, who smiled down at me.

"Don't look so nervous, dear. No one is going to recognize you now."

We drove on, heading down the shaded boulevard toward the academy. "I'm
sure we'll find your suitcase, but it will be so much of a shame; you
look so pretty as a girl."
Blushing, I lowered my eyes in embarrassment. "Really dear, you should
have been born a girl; wearing pretty dresses is only half the fun." The
gates of the school came into view.

"You'd better let me do all the talking, dear. We wouldn't want you to
give yourself away."

I froze in my seat, wishing that I could somehow become invisible. The
large Iron Gate was shut, so Aunt Mary pulled up and stopped just in
front and got out. Seeing a lone priest working in the garden, she
called to him. I recognized him as Father Patrick, one of the older
faculty members who was more or less retired now and spent most of his
time tending the grounds.

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