Chrissy's New Life Part 10

Chrissy's New Life Part 10

Next morning I woke feel myself wet in the front of my panty, had I wet
myself again without me knowing it. I touch my panty and the sheets
around me and discovered they were not that wet. I felt inside my panty
and felt it was a bit sticky, I brought my coated finger to my mouth and
licked it tentatively. It taste a bit salty but otherwise not unpleasant.
I supposed it was a wet dream that I had in the night

Mommy came into the room just then carrying two cups. I still had my
finger in my mouth and I quickly took my finger out my mouth as I

"No need to be embarrassed dear," said Mommy, "Babies like to suck on
their fingers, Aunt Mary has just told me of how you love to suck from
her and Carolyn's breasts. I loved it when you and your brothers fed from
me and I was disappointed when that time passed."

"Aunt Mary said that a lady without a baby could take pills for that," I

"Or just become pregnant," Mommy smiled. "You know how you encouraged me
to ask dad if we could try for a girl?"

"Yes," I said.

"Well we did it and now I am 2 weeks overdue with my period, you know
about periods and a woman's monthly cycle don't you dear?"

"Yes, mommy, I do."

"Like I said, I am two weeks late which means I could be pregnant, my
breast are tender and I am sometimes queasy in the morning."

The enormity of it sunk into my mind wondered if Mommy had a girl would
she still want me as a daughter.

"So you will need to get a home pregnancy test or see a doctor," I said.

"Yes my darling I will go see the doctor today and whether it's a boy or
girl, I will still like you to be my darling oldest daughter, I think you
will be far suited to be a girl, you are small and slim and you are such
a sensitive person, just look at your interests."

"Yes Mommy I know, I love more gentle things, and the smell of flowers
for example, and a boy would not like to admit he loved the smell of

"Oh you are just so precious and girly, Christine, give me a kiss."

I puckered up my lips and kissed Mommy on the lips.

"My darling that was a lovely girly kiss, I'm getting more and more
convinced that you should have been a girl.

"Yes, I suppose you're right Mommy, Karen says I should see a doctor, my
scrotal sac appears to be empty, it's always been like that mommy, ever
since I could remember."

"Oh my, I don't think that's good let me have a look."

I pulled my panty down an opened up my legs for Mommy to have a look.
Mommy felt my scrotum and she said she could see what we meant.

"And this did not worry you earlier?"

"No, Mommy, I didn't think anything of it."

"Well, as you know if you don't have testicles you can't produce sperm
and father children."

"I know that Mommy."

"Let's ask Doctor Moorehead what she thinks, she might ask you about if
you have had ejaculations. We will tell her you have masturbated and have
had ejaculation over the last two months since you have been at school; I
know it not strictly true but I don't think Doctor Moorehead would
approve if she finds out Carolyn has been stimulating you."

"I have so being enjoying what Carolyn, Karen and Edwina have been doing
to me; I just love it when they rub my clitty with satins and soaps."

"Yes and that's another thing, would a guy refer to his penis as a

"No, Mommy, I suppose not, I only call it that as Carolyn suggested the
name, but I do like the name. I'm so excited about our new lives, my new
brother or sister, me becoming a girl, wearing cute clothes, looking
after my new baby brother or sister, when we will we know if it's a boy
or girl?"

"Yes I can see you are excited, you look so happy and content and we will
help you to become a girl, to answer your question at about when I am 5
months pregnant."

"Mommy I so love you, I'm going to help you look after my baby brother or
sister, how does it feel to be pregnant."

"My darling, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world, to know
there's a new life busy growing inside you, childbirth is painful, but
once you give birth to that precious bundle it is all worthwhile."

"I would so love to be pregnant too, but that's not possible."

"Yes but you can still breast feed a child that you adopt and it always
depends on if you marry a girl and keep some of your sperm to implant in
her so you have your own child, there are possibilities, and you can have
develop breasts and get medication to produce milk and feed your child,
but we are getting ahead of ourselves. I want to hear more about what
happened at Aunt Mary's and I want to hear everything that happened."

I told Mommy of the lovely Thanksgiving dinner, the trip to the ladies
room, how Carolyn held my penis while I did tinkle, I used that exact
word, the trip home resting my head on Aunt Mary's breast. I began to
blush when telling Mommy of the evening Aunt Mary's room, how Carolyn
brought me to another climax. That they told they would like me to
experience what it was to be a baby girl, Carolyn had a baby girl and how
Carolyn invited me to suck from her breasts and then afterwards how they
put me into a diaper. While I was telling Mommy this Karen came into the
room and she had breakfast for us. She said that Mommy's maid had cooked
and that she offered to bring it to us.

"Chrissy darling would you like me to feed you your breakfast," said

I said, "I would like that very much."

Mommy said, "I would like to do it Karen, I want to feed my sweet baby

"Ok, Ma'am, let me go and see to Mrs. Alexander."

Mommy began to feed me my breakfast and I continued to tell her about my
time at the mansion. How they dressed in an all in one pink satin sleeper
suit after they put a frilly rumba panty on me. How I liked being
powdered by the ladies and I was told I was expected to use my diaper to
wee and how I did that. Feeding from Carolyn was just so nice, to feel
her milk squirting in my throat as I sucked on her nipples. How she
washed in the morning after I wet the diaper and how I helped with her
baby when she needing changing.

How I was fed breakfast that morning and I talked like a baby and then
afterwards how Edwina bathed me and how Karen joined in bathing me. The
two ladies washing me was so wonderful and they bought me to another
climax as I was so excited. Mommy wasn't to know just how many times I
had climaxed at the hands on the ladies, I told her I had lost count and
it was starting to lose its appeal. I had selected my outfit when we went
to the mall and we had a lovely time there. Aunt Mary bought my doll
Sarah for me; we met one of Aunt Mary's friends. I way bury trying on a
wonderful dress and I was invited to Aunt Mary's friend's daughter
Sally's party. The day of the party I was bathed by Karen and Edwina and
Karen was in the bath with me, I sat on her lap. The party was lovely and
we played games and I had lots of fun with the other girls. After the
party when we were home Carolyn invited to feed on her breast as I
relaxed. I began to think of when I would have to go back to school and
wear boy clothes again, I began to become tearful as I sad. Aunt Mary
began to come up with solutions and then we got your call. They were such
a great comfort and that night Aunt Mary had let me spend the night with
her in her bed and now I sucked on her nipple while inside her nightgown
to go to sleep. I continued to tell mommy of the next morning of how I
was dressed in girls' underwear and how my boy clothes were put over my

When Mommy finished feeding me breakfast she said it was time for her to
give her baby girl a bath so we could go out. Mommy said she had to meet
with Daddy's boss about the funeral and also wanted to see if get an
appointment with her doctor..

Karen came into the room and asked mommy if she could assist in bathing
me and Mommy said that would be wonderful for her to help. Mommy was also
going to bath and she said we could bath together. Karen helped me out of
my nightgown and panty. She remarked, "I see you panty is wet with semen,
Chrissy did you ejaculate in your panty last night?, Did mommy help you?"

Mommy answered for me, "Chrissy said she was fine last night and then had
a wet dream, I'm' not surprised, I think we will have to put a diaper on
her at night, just like Carolyn did. I don't mind putting my darling into
diapers; in fact I can't wait to see her cute ruffled bottom."

"Yes ma'am I agree with you there, Chrissy must be put into diapers."

I said, "I like being diapers Mommy, I love it when I am powdered, it
just does something for me."

"Yes, my baby girl, we will keep you in diaper at night and when you nap
during the day. We can also put a maxi-pad inside your panty so you don't
leak your boy juice into your panties; I think it will be far nicer if
you ejaculate just from the sensations of wearing your frillies."

Mommy had also taken her night gown and panty off and she got into the
bath which was filled with lovely flowery smelling bubble bath. Karen
helped me to sit down on Mommy's lap. As I rested my head against Mommy's
breasts Karen began to wash me tenderly. As the perfumed soap was rubbed
over my body I began to feel so good knowing I was going to be clean. As
I enjoyed sitting on Mommy's lap I thought of all the good things that had
happened to me the last few days and I was sure there was going to be
more nice things. Karen said, "Ma'am I've noticed that Chrissy does not
appear to have anything in her scrotal sac."

Mommy said, "Well yesterday was the first time in years I've seen my
girl's privates, I did notice that yesterday Chrissy was not full down

"I told Chrissy she should ask you to see a doctor about."

"I am due to see my doctor today, I think I might be pregnant, so I can
get my doctor to check her too, Chrissy you will have to wear your boy
underwear I'm afraid."

I realized that and said, "Yes Mummy, I wouldn't want to be embarrassed."

Karen put one of mommy's satin gowns on me and then led me to my room.
She helped me into blue Y-fronts and a white undershirt.

I was pronounced clean and Karen helped me out the bath as mommy began to
wash herself. Karen dried me and then led me to the sink so that she
could brush my teeth for me for me.

Mommy sad, "Karen dear I'm sure Chrissy can brush her own teeth."

"Yes Ma'am, she could but I so enjoy doing this for her."

I wore grey pants, white shirt and black sweater. At least my pants were
not rough like jeans. Karen and I went to living room wait for Mommy and
Aunt Mary after I got my socks and shoes on. I was glad to see Mommy and
Aunt Mary walk into the living room hand in hand.

I was disappointed to be wearing my boy clothes and at least the sight of
Mommy and Aunt Mary put a smile on my face.

Mommy said, "You weren't happy till you saw us my darling, it's those boy
clothes isn't it, Soon my darling you will be able to wear girl clothes
wherever you go, just have a bit of patience."

Aunt Mary said, "At least you are wearing girls' underwear now."

"Well, actually no, Aunt Mary, Mommy and I are both going to see the
doctor today."

I saw the surprised look on Aunt Mary's face.

Mommy replied, "Well I think I may be pregnant and Karen has brought to
my attention a problem that Chrissy may have, her little scrotal sac
appears to be empty."

"Susan, I'm glad for you and Chrissy its good to go get it checked out.
To change the subject I have a place in mind in Palm Beach, a nice
Beach front mansion. Can you imagine walking out the front door onto our
own private beach wearing a lovely bikini or nice dress? I was online
last night I found the ideal place where we all can live. I'm going to
fly there tomorrow; I'm sure you two would like to accompany us
there, your new grandmamma lives in Palm Beach too. I spoke to her last
night and told her that we were here and we intend to move there."

Mommy said, "That would be great Mary, thank you, we will love to go with

"Did you tell her I was actually a boy, Aunt Mary?"

"Yes dear, I did, but she agrees with you becoming a girl and she can't
wait to meet her new granddaughter, she is hoping that we make it before
Christmas, she has big plans for Christmas day."

My mid raced ahead to the thought of having a Christmas with a new
family. I wondered if there would be any of Aunt Mary's brothers or
sisters coming to celebrate Christmas so I posed my question

"Yes my dear I have two sisters and a brother who live on the east coast
they will be coming down."

We left in mommy's car to go to mommy's doctor and while Aunt Mary and
Karen went into town, they had arranged for a taxi. On the way I spoke to
mommy about what Karen had said about my empty testicle sac. Mommy said
she would ask her doctor to see me as well.

At the doctors Mommy explained what was happening with herself, what she
suspected. They took blood and told mommy they would let her know. Then
it was time for my examination. Mommy said she just wanted the doctor to
check me over, as I had said I did not appear to have anything in my
scrotal sac and that was a bit unusual.

Doctor Moorehead told me undress and put on a gown. She began her
examination of my penis and scrotal sac. I felt my penis begin to harden
as she began to feel my scrotal sac and I began to blush because of my
arousal. She asked if I had emissions from my penis like wet dreams. I
told her I had already had several in the last few months. Doctor
Moorhead wanted to know was it from masturbating or nocturnal emissions.
I told her it was both. I was weighed and measured, blood was also taken
from me.

She said I would have to have scans done to see what was going on and
gave mommy a form for us to take to a hospital for the scan. Mommy did
mention the fact that we would in all likelihood be moving from Amarillo
to Palm Beach. The doctor we could always take the results of the scans
with us and see a doctor once we were settled in our new home. Mommy
thought we would be settled in before Christmas

This same doctor was attending to my brother's injuries and she
expressed her condolences to me and told I should be strong for my
Mommy mentioned I was great support so far. We went to see daddy's boss
and he also expressed condolences to both of us. We were to get the
funeral behind us as soon as possible. Mommy and I were tearful when
memories came into mind.

After the visit to daddy's boss we went into town where we met up with
Aunt Mary and Karen for lunch. Mommy said she wanted to buy something
girly for me after lunch.

We went to a clothing store where they sold dance clothing. Mommy said
she wanted to buy me clothes for ballet. We got stockings, ballet shoes,
leotards and tutus. I knew that mommy had done ballet in her younger
years. Mommy said she could teach me ballet as she had got a
qualification in it.

Mommy said we should visit my brother in hospital. We went from the mall
to the hospital after Mommy stopped at a shop to buy my brother some
snacks. During our visit in James's room Mommy asked the nurse if it was
ok to give James a bed bath. Karen offered to give James his bed bath.
The nurse brought everything to the room.

Karen began to wash James. She soaped up the washcloth and washed every
area she could get to. I liked the gentle way Karen washed James as
normally like a typical boy James did not like bathing and as a result he
did not mind being bathed. I thought of the times I had been bathed by
Karen and the other maids, where I found it extremely pleasurable and I
knew I was completely clean afterwards. Karen had towel in one and was
drying James after she had washed an area.

Karen volunteered to stay behind when we went to Palm Beach to visit
James when she could and bath him. We were not going to be away that long
in Palm Beach just a night or two while Aunt Mary viewed the mansion she
wanted to purchase and then signed all the paperwork and arranged for
payment. She finished off the cleansing by brushing James's teeth for

We made our way home and once we were there Mommy took me up to her room
where she and Karen helped me get dressed in my ballet clothes after
taking all my clothes off. First was the pink stocking and then the pink
leotard followed by the ballet shoes which were secured to my legs with
long satin ribbons up my calves. The best part for me was when the tutu
was put on me. The skirt of the tutu was very stiff and stuck straight
out the skirt was made of white stiff lace and was decorated with gold
satin ribbons. Mommy began to teach the various steps in ballet. I
enjoyed it thoroughly prancing about in my girly ballet dress. Aunt Mary
and Karen clapped for me after I finished my lesson.

Karen helped get me ready for bed while Mommy and Aunt Mary prepared
supper. We were in the bathroom and she began to undress me after running
bathwater. Once I was nude I was helped into the bath and Karen also
undressed and she sat in the bath and let me sit on her lap.

As always I just loved it when she soaped my body leaving me oh so clean
and fresh. It was always such a delight to be clean. Karen said she would
be bathing my brother also once he was out of hospital.

"Karen you bath me so well, I could see James loved you bathing him. I
remember Mommy always having a battle to get him and Mark to bathe."

"And you Chrissy, did your mommy have a problem with you not bathing?"

"No she didn't have a problem with me as I took my bath or shower on
time, a bit odd for a boy wasn't it."

"I didn't expect that you would cause a problem for your mommy in that
area, you are such a good child wanting to be clean as possible"

"Yes, I was a good child always listening to my parents."

Karen finished bathing me and then we both got out the bath and she dried
both of us off. Karen invited me to put powder on her.

I loved the idea of taking the powder puff, dipping it into the
container and dusting Karen's lovely body. Then it was my turn to be
powdered as I lay on the bed and every square inch was covered.

Karen asked me to hold out her panties for her to step into. I did this
with pleasure I knew she would be doing the same to me. My night gown for
the night was one of Karen's white see-through creations.

Karen enjoyed making her own sleepwear. I loved it when she put her own
nightgown on. It was very revealing as mine was.

We put gowns on and then went to dining room for our supper. I sat
between Karen and Aunt Mary and Karen fed me my supper.

With supper over we all relaxed and watched a movie. After the movie it
was time for me to go to bed. Mommy said she was going to fashion a
diaper for me. She used one of her fluffiest towel and folded it into
shape and managed to find some big safety pins. Karen was there assisting
Mommy. When the diaper was under me I was thoroughly powdered with baby
powder. Mommy and Karen fashioned plastic pants from some plastic bags
and elastic.

Mommy said I should sleep in my own room and get a good night's rest
after I kissed her and Aunt Mary good night. Karen accompanied me to my
bedroom after we went into the bathroom for Karen to brush my teeth for

I got into bed and had Sarah next to me as Karen tucked me in. She kissed
me goodnight and then left the room.

As I lay in the darkness, I began to think of the flight tomorrow and
where we would be staying, meeting my new Grandmamma.

My clitty was hard and erect inside my diaper and while lying on my tummy
I was rubbing myself against the mattress and causing the same lovely
sensations that the maids had produced in me. I ejaculated into my diaper
and dozed off and was soon having lovely dreams. I was walking down the
aisle in a church while wearing a pink and white flower girl's dress. The
rest was a bit vague but there were two brides.

Note to dear readers.

This is the last part of this story. I will be continuing in a story
called "The Tale of Two Girls" which will be the combination of this
story and my other story "Chris's Surprise Prize"

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