Sisters Forever~7

I was in hospital for a total of three days whilst the medical ‘experts’ tried to work out what was wrong with me, if anything. On the second night at approximately 2.30 at the morning, I awoke suddenly....

Sisters Forever ~ Chapter 7

By Susan Brown


The large, newish, state of the art hospital was now directly below. As we came into land, I wondered what would happen to me, what tests I would have and how long it would take for me to be transformed into a girl. Also I realised that would have to be very careful not to give away the fact that my sister was living inside my head and sharing my body.

And now the story continues…

The room could have been mistaken for a one in a plush hotel, not somewhere where sick people went. It had plush carpets, expensive furniture, tasteful pictures on the walls, state of the art TV and entertainment center; this wasn’t the National Health!

The room also boasted an en-suite which was nice and I looked forward to having a nice relaxing bath later on if I got the chance.

Daddy had a few things to do with paperwork and stuff and so, after a brief hug, he went off and left me to get settled in.

I had just settled in bed wearing one of those silly backless hospital gowns when a nurse came in.

Once she had dealt with things like blood pressure, temperature and asking rather intimate question regarding my last bowel movement and the size and condition it had been in, I was left to myself.

I won't go into all the details regarding the various tests I had because it was only of interest to myself, Hannah, Daddy and the medical staff.

Needless to say, I puzzled them, not surprising as I was kind of puzzled myself! Hannah didn’t seem all that bothered and just accepted that we were different and should move on and embrace the changes in our body; yes, I still considered it to be our body now and I agreed with her that I should just go with it. The past was the past and we needed to move on and embrace our new condition.

Mind you this I and we business was getting a bit tiresome and somewhat confusing and goodness knows how others reading this account of our lives would ever make sense of all this!

I was in hospital for a total of three days whilst the medical ‘experts’ tied to work out what was wrong with me, if anything. On the second night at approximately 2.30 at the morning, I awoke suddenly.

‘Sophie, wake up!’

‘W…what is it?’

'We’re complete!’

‘What do you mean complete?’ I replied, yawning and sitting up.

There was a faint glow from a light in the corner and I was able to see things around me, just.

'Our girlie bits are fully formed.’

I was suddenly very awake and without thought, my hand strayed under my nightie and in my panties as I felt around…

It was true, where once was a penis now there was a rather damp slit. I felt uncomfortable exploring about too much, it smacked of being a bit pervy, even though the said equipment was mine and I assumed that it was perfectly legal for me to touch it.

For some reason, I burst into tears.

‘Why are you crying, isn't what you have always wanted; to be a real girl?’

‘I know what I wanted; I don't know if I’m crying because I’m happy to be a girl or sad because I have lost a bit of who I was.’

‘Blimey, that's a bit heavy. Look, it was meant to be, that's what I think. Fate, God helping, I don't know what, but here we are, so we need to get on with it.’

It took a little while to get back to sleep. Everything was going on around my head. What had happened to make me into a girl, a real girl and not one that had to go through the operation to get anywhere near where I was now?

Had it been God's intervention, magic, something else? I didn't know and wondered if I ever would. The locket obviously had something to do with it. Millions of lockets similar to mine had been made, they couldn't all be magical; that didn't make sense.

None of it made sense and it took a while for me to calm down. I wish that I had Hannah practical down to earth look on life.

Hannah had always been the sort of matter of fact person who took everything in her stride. I suppose that I was the follower where she was the leader. It had been her who suggested that I first try on her clothes and I went along with it. It was only after a short while, that I realised that I was more girlie than boylie, if there was such a word.

I sighed and turned over. It took me a while to go back to sleep.

The following day, when I told Daddy that I thought that I was now a complete girl, things got a bit exciting. The doctors reiterated their feelings that the news should be told to the world and papers written about my unique case. Needless to say, Daddy repeated his threats and that, as they say, was that.

Doctor Sawyer, being the lead physician, sat us down and told us the verdict following the extensive tests I had been subjected to. I had been worried about some sort of cancer thing going on with my body and causing the rapid changes that had taken place.

'Well Sophie, you don’t need to worry. For reasons unknown, your body has decided to change from male to female. There have been incidences of a similar nature in the past but none, as far as we are aware, as dramatic or rapid as yours.’

‘So you are saying that my daughter is perfectly normal?’

I felt a sort of squishy feeling when Daddy said that. He had accepted me for what I now was, a girl…’

‘Yes, God knows how, but she has the body of a normal girl. I would like to keep her in for a few weeks to do some further tests…’

‘Why, didn't you just say that she’s normal?’

‘Yes, but it just doesn't make sense and…’

‘Daddy, I want to go home.’

‘ You tell ‘em Sophie, don’t let some snotty nosed doctor try to get you to stay here. I hate hospitals, full of sick people and it smells hospitally…’

‘Quiet Hannah, I can't hear myself think.’

‘Doctor, are there any medical reasons why Sophie can’t go home?’

‘No, but…’

‘But me no buts Doctor. Sophie is going home.

‘Ooh, Daddy is quoting Shakespeare…’

‘That’s not Shakespeare, we had it in English Lit, although I can't remember exactly who said it.’

‘No one likes a smart Alec,’

‘Ssssh, Daddy is in mid rant…’

‘...with her permission, I will allow you to visit and maybe have some further tests at a later date, but only if she is happy to do this. For now, it has all be very traumatic for her and I feel that I would be best for Sophie to go home and then she can come to,terms with what has happened to her. Do you agree Sophie?’

I just nodded…I was in mute mode.

Things got moving then. I was allowed to dress and put on figure hugging jeans and a glittery pink t-shirt that proudly proclaimed that girls have more fun.

Father Dear just shook his head when he saw me but Hannah said that we looked cool and sophisticated, especially after applying some make-up including the all important glossy pink lippy with matching nail polish.

Daddy had ordered up the chopper (as you do) so I had the time to make myself look nice, even though he kept looking at his watch and pointing his eyes skyward. What is it with men, have they no patience?

With goodbyes and hugs with the nurses, I was finally on my way and soon we were in the air heading for home. Doctor Sawyer wasn’t around and I wondered if it was something we said?

Things were a quiet as they can be on the flight back home. I could tell that Daddy wanted to talk about things but I wasn't very receptive to chatting.

Hannah was quiet and I sort of sensed that she had done one of her disappearing acts. For once I was glad as I had things whirring around in my mind and I was still confused, shocked and not sure why I felt up one minute and down the next.

When we arrived back, I said that I was a little tired and just wanted to rest in my room. Julia, who had come with us on our trip to the hospital seemed to realise that I wanted some time to myself and asked Daddy if she could have a private word.

I mouthed, 'thank you,' as she led him away towards his office and I made my way upstairs.

With relief, I found myself back in my bedroom. Laying down on my bed, I sighed. I felt like I had been on the go for ages even though I had been lazing about in bed for a few days. For goodness sake I was just 13 and I felt like, I don't know, 30 maybe?

What was I like? I should be as happy as a thingie in a whatsitsname. I was a pure 100% girlie girl. I was now what I always wished I would be. On top of that, I had my sister back; okay, she was in my head, but what the heck, that was better than losing her completely...

I must have drifted off.

Mummy was sitting on the bed, looking at me. For some strange reason, I wasn't at all surprised that she was there.

'Hello Mummy.'

'Hi Sophie. We'll this is nice.'

'What is?'

'Me seeing you. I must say that you make a lovely girl, but there again I always thought that you were.'

'What do you mean, always were?'

'A girl of course. You always thought that your dad and and I didn't know about your dressing habit, but we did. I only regret that we didn't do something about it sooner.'

'Mummy, I'm a real girl now. I sort of changed suddenly. I don't know whether I should be sad or happy. I'm confused.'

'I am not surprised dear. It's all about the unknown and remember you have hormones coursing around your body. I remember that; I was a right cow to my parents and everyone else at your age. Enough about me, you are now on a journey that wasn't really planned. You should have had more time to think and plan what was going to happen to you but now. It's all sort of forced itself on you.'

'So I'm not being silly then?'

'No honey; just take your time getting used to things and then it should all work out.'

'Thanks Mummy. I miss you.'

'I miss you too honey. But I'm always here for you, even if it's only in your dreams.'

She looked just as I remembered her. She was even wearing the same clothes that she wore when I last saw her. She was so pretty and she had such a kind and caring face. I loved her to bits and I just wanted to get up and hug her, but of some reason, I couldn't move.

She stood up and came over and then bending down, she kissed me on the forehead. I felt a slight tingle go through me and then I woke up. She was gone.

I looked around. was it a dream? it all felt so real.

'Hi Sophie, are you okay?'

'Yea, I'm fine, just had a weird dream about Mummy.'

'What about her?

'She sat on the bed and talked to me about my changes. It seemed so real.'

'I have dreams like that too.'

'Do you?'

'Yes, I just said so, didn't I?'

'Alright, touchy. Pardon me for speaking.'

'Sorry, I'm not normally this bitchy.'

'True, you are normally worse!'

'Ha ha.'

'Anyway enough of dreaming. I wonder how everyone is coping with me being, erm, like this?'

‘Like what?’

‘You know a full member of the girls club?’

‘It not a club, silly, it’s a gender.’

I sighed.

‘Yea, I know that. It’s just...’

‘You have an attack of the nerves or the screaming ab-dabs haven’t you?’

I nodded.

‘Not surprising considering what you’ve been through. You’ll be OK. There’s not many people who can say that they have been through what you have; you know, meltamorphawatsitting or whatever it’s called.’

‘It’s metamorphing, I think.’

‘Swallowed a dictionary or something?’

‘Ha ha, I have you know...’

There was a knock on the door.

‘Come in.’ I called, wondering if the conversation I had with my sister had been overheard. I wasn’t sure if I had been speaking out loud or not.

Julia came in.

‘Ho, hi Julia.’

‘Hi yourself, how are you feeling?’

‘Not bad, a bit low after all that’s happened. It’s all a lot to take in.’

‘Well everyone’s on your side, you know that.’

‘Yea, I hope so.’

‘Still having doubts?’

‘Sort of.’

‘Well, what you need is something to get all this angst out of your system. Tell you what, how about a quick ten mile bike ride over a few hills?’


‘That sounds great,’ I replied, ignoring the internal groans coming from my dear sister.

‘Twenty minutes long enough to get changed?’

‘Yes, I’ll see you by the garages.’

With a smile, Julia left me to go and change whilst Hannah went into immediate whining mode.

‘I cannot believe that you are going to force me into going on that flaming bike. you know how I hate getting all hot and sweaty.'

I sighed.

'Hannah, we'll have a swim later, okay?'

'If you say so.' she sniffed.

'I do, now let me get changed!'


Daddy was busy doing something or other when I went downstairs. I popped my head around the office door and there he was, phone glued to his ear. I smiled and gave him a finger wave.'

'Hang on,' he said into the phone, 'going for a ride?'


'You've just come out of hospital. Are you sure that you are up to this?'

'Yes, I wont be going fast and Julia will look after me.'

'Alright, have fun.'

'Okay, I will.'

He went back into business mode and I made my way to the garage where Julia was waiting. She looked at what I was wearing critically.

'Your jersey looks a bit tight around the chest area and your bottom appears to have inflated a bit.' she remarked.

'I know, its all tight in places where it wasn't as tight before. I will have to go and get some new kit. It will have to do for now.'


'Shh, Hannah!'

'Right, lets get going!' said Julia, full of enthusiasm.

I felt my cares go away as we rode up and down hills and through the tight, bendy lanes of Cornwall. Hannah had gone and hidden in one of the recesses in my mind and I was glad as I didn't want to have to placate her every five minutes. I tired quite easily and Julia could tell and so we eased the pace to little more than a gentle training ride.

It was good to be out in the countryside and I could almost forget what had been happening lately, but not quite. The last time I went for a ride I was still, notionally anyway, a boy. I now no longer felt any protuberances, if that's the word, between my legs and I was conscious of my budding breast swaying slightly, even though I was wearing a training bra.

We peaked a hill and some idiot in a souped up hot hatch came over the top at speed and his wheels literally left the ground. He missed Julia by a yard and me by a foot. To say I was shaken would be an understatement.

Just a few feet between being alive and being dead.

We stopped briefly to get our breaths back and recover from our near death experience but soon felt slightly chilled as the sweat...sorry perspiration started to dry on our body. We decided to carry on.

As we continued, with sudden insight and a lightening of my heart, I realized that it was nice to be alive and enjoying my riding. Okay, things had changed for me. I was a girl and lets face it, that was what I wanted. I decided there and then, that I would accept what had happened and just get on with things and embrace my new future with my sister, as long as she stops complaining about my healthy sporting preferences!

We cut short the bike ride as I wasn’t exactly fit at that time and I was still a bit shaky from the encounter with that stupid boy racer. That, together with a couple of days in hospital, not to mention all the tests and the dramatic changes to my body, had all taken their toll.

'Thanks Julia,' I said as we put the bikes away.

'Feeling better?'

'Yes, tired but better. It really clears your head, a bit of exercise, doesn't it?'

'Yes it does, as long as you don't get run over by mad, bad motorists!'

We parted at the house and I went up to my room with admittedly rubbery legs. Soon I was stripping out of my yucky cycle gear and getting a well earned shower.

'That's better,' said Hannah.

'Oh, you're back are you?'

'In the flesh...well your flesh, anyway.'

'Had a nice snooze?'

'I hope that that isn't you being sarcastic, young Sophie?’

‘Who me?’

Yes you.’

‘Never, anyway, where were you then if you weren't snoozing?’

There was a pause.

‘Well it was strange. All right I think I was a sleeping, well there’s not much else to do when you are riding about on those silly two wheels...’

‘Get on with it then.’ I said as I dried myself with a towel and then got to grips with the hair dryer.

‘I was getting to that. Anyway, I sort of zoned out and there was Mummy. She was trying to say something to me but I couldn’t hear her voice. Anyway, she smiled and then waved and then she sort of gradually disappeared. Talk about strange.’

‘So do you meet other ghosts when you’re zoned out like that?’

‘I’m not a ghost!’

‘Maybe not, but where you are, sort of inside my head, isn’t normal.'

I worried that I might have offended her but I could hear her sigh.

'Nothing about this is normal. Don't you think I haven't thought about if I'm some sort of ghost, ectoplasm or something else? But I feel as real as you do. When you touch something, I touch it. I can feel us breath in and out. I feel pain, especially when you go for a flaming bike ride. When you let go, I can control us a bit. Its hard to do, but I have a feeling that if I practice hard enough and with your help, I can do most of the things you do. Does that make sense?'

'Yea, I suppose so. We are two crazy mixed up kids. Anyway enough of that, we need to get dressed. Daddy might come barging in and see us in the nuddy!'

There were a few disagreements about what we should wear and that was not unusual because we both had slightly different tastes in clothes. Hannah had always been more of a casual dresser, although she liked to glam up when the occasion arose, but I was always unashamedly a girlie girl; pink still being my favourite colour even at the advanced age of thirteen.

Eventually we chose pink top and a short denim skirt and that suited both our tastes. One thing I didn't have (or is that two things?) was ears pierced and that was what was on my list of things to do. I was going to have a mega-salon experience as soon as practicable and I didn't want anything or anyone to hold me back. Surprisingly, Hannah was in agreement, so there was hope for her yet!

After brushing my hair and applying some essential but minimal make-up, I was ready to face the world.



'I don't want to sound off, but can you try to keep the noise down when we are with anyone else like Daddy.'


'You put me off and I lose track of what I'm saying.'

'Yea, Mummy always said that I was very good at interrupting. I will do my best, but if you say something silly, I may not be able to stop myself.'

'Fair enough.' I replied as I brushed through my hair.


I went downstairs, my short heels clicking on the parquet flooring. I liked that sound as it was very girlie and as I may have mentioned before, I am a very girlie person!

I followed my nose and it inevitably led me to the kitchen. Brenda was stirring her cauldron, well a large pot on the Aga; it smelt yummy.

'Hello Sophie, are you hungry?'

'Starving, riding a bike does that for me.'

'Well all the others have already eaten, you were a long time getting changed.'

'Being a girl does seem to take longer, doesn't it?'

She laughed.

'One of the downsides of being a girl. When you were thought to be a boy, you would have taken ten minutes to get ready and wouldn't have then fussed about how your hair looked and of course, you had no make-up to contend with.'

'I still prefer being a girl and anyway, I was never what you would call a normal boy.'

'True, there was always something different about you, in a nice way, of course.'

We both laughed.

I had my soup in the kitchen, together with Brenda's extra special home made bread. It wasn't like your normal soup, it had lots of things in it and it was more of a solid meal rather than a soup. With the bread, it was all very filling and I even decided not to have a pudding afterwards, as I was so stuffed.

'Thanks Brenda, you are a star.'

'Get off with you, you know I love cooking.'

I hugged her and then went to see where my father was. As usual, he was in his office and he was having a video conference with half a dozen people, so I decided to leave him to it and then went to find Julia.

She was working out in the gym, which was situated next to the indoor swimming pool. Our gym was state of the art, had all the usual torture apparatus and lots of electronic gizmo’s to hopefully get the most couch bound person, fit and well. I liked the stationary exercise bike most and I had spent many an hour on it in the depths of winter when I couldn't go out on my real bike.

Julia was doing her taekwondo or origami thing on the mat and had twisted her body into a shape that was far from natural. My eyes watered just watching her.

'I bet that hurts,' said Hannah.

Julia noticed me and un-knotted herself.

'Want to try?' She asked.

'Another time perhaps.'


'Does it show?'

She nodded and we both laughed.

She stood up and walked over to me, wiping her face with a towel.

'So, feel a bit tired and sore after our bike ride?'

'A bit,' I confessed.

'Not surprising really, after all that has happened. Take it easy and see how you feel in a couple of days.'

'Okay, that sounds good. Anyway, what I was going to ask is; can we go into town and get some new cycle kit tomorrow? I know that I can buy it all online, but I prefer to try the clothes on and see what they look like before I spend my cash.'

'I don't see why not. I'll arrange the security side of things and as long as your dad gives you the go ahead, we should be fine.'

'As I said earlier, I wouldn't mind some time in the salon, my nails are disgusting and I want to do something with my hair, it still looks a bit boyish.'

'You would look like a girl with no hair all all, but it sounds like a great idea. I'll try to get an appointment with Maxim for you.'

'I don't mind the salon bit, as we could do with an intensive care treatment on the nails, but do you really have to shop for cycling gear? Now a nice posh frock, now that’s more like it.'

'Are you okay Sophie, you seemed to be away with the fairies just then.'

'Erm no, I'm fine, just wondering what style that I want, hair I mean. I'll leave you to continue torturing yourself; see you later.'

'Do you think she suspects?' asked Hannah as we made our way outside.

'Oh, that I have you swimming about inside my head? I'm sure that that was the first thing she thought of.'

'Swimming, did you say swimming?'

'You have a one track mind sister dear. I'm still tired after the bike ride. Maybe we can have a swim later.'

'You sound like my mother...sorry I shouldn't have said that.'

'I know,' I replied sighing, 'I miss her too.'

Walking out into the sunshine, I went down the path that led to the beach. Overlooking the sea was a garden seat, a favourite spot of mine. Sitting there, looking out to the sea, was Daddy. He must have finished his conference call. I went up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He jumped and then turned to me.

'Oh hi Sophie, I was miles away.'

'I can see that,' I replied, sitting next to him and grabbing hold of his hand.

'So, how are you feeling?' he asked.

'Better thanks. The bike ride took it out of me, but I'm glad I went, it sort of relaxes me.'

We sat there in silence for a few moments. He seemed to have something on his mind and I wondered what it was that was distracting him so much.

'Are you worried about something, Daddy?' I asked.

'What, oh nothing. Its just...erm, look Sophie, I have something to tell you.'

He looked distracted and sort of far away and then he turned to me, took a deep breath and said, 'its like this...'

To Be Continued..?

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