Sisters Forever~3

‘Oh God, I can’t stand this!’

‘Stop whinging Hannah.’

‘I’m all hot and sweaty and I can’t breath and my legs hurt and this hill is going to kill me, Sophie!’

Sisters Forever ~ Chapter 3

By Susan Brown


With that I stripped off, had a quick wash and then put on my bike kit. My sky kit was mainly black and I loved it. As I may have mentioned, it was almost unisex, but not quite, although both seem the same, the girls’ kit is cut slightly different. I had a boy’s kit, but at least it looked a bit like a girls one.

As I dressed – it felt a bit tight in places, probably all that Birthday cake – I had to endure Hannah’s complaints about cycling.

‘It makes you sweat and the kit is too tight. I hate going up hills and any time I ever tried it, my legs were like jelly afterwards.

‘Hannah, that isn’t as bad as riding your flaming pony. When I had riding lessons, I had a numb bum for ages and the riding a pony made me feel sea sick, what with all the gigging about and then…’

‘Erm Sophie.’

‘And then there’s the smell, ponies smell and they drop their doings on the floor and…’


‘Eh, what?’

‘You’re in front of the mirror, look at yourself.’

‘What are you…Oh-My-God!’

My reflection didn’t look right; it didn’t look right at all, as I now had slightly larger hips and my bum seemed a bit bigger. However, what took most of my attention were the two small but very pronounced mounds that could be seen clearly through the tight fitting top.

I had girls’ breasts.

What was happening to me?

And now the story continues…

‘Oh God, I can’t stand this!’

‘Stop whinging Hannah.’

‘I’m all hot and sweaty and I can’t breath and my legs hurt and this hill is going to kill me, Sophie!’

‘Look, this is my body too and I’m doing all the work and all you are doing is complaining.’

‘I hate riding a bike and you are really nasty making me do it.’

‘It’s us not you. I never knew my sister was a baby!’

We started climbing a steep hill, Julia was just in front of me and I intended to take her half way up. I was a bit competitive on a bike and I liked to stretch myself a bit. I could feel the rivulets of sweat going down my back and I smiled. I might be all girlie inside, but I was a girl who liked to win.

‘I feel all wet and yuckie!’

‘Oh shut up Hannah; get over yourself!’


After discovering in my bedroom that I was growing girly bits, I nearly fainted with shock. Hannah took it far too calmly for my liking. All right, I wanted to be a girl, correction I was a girl inside and the thought of me turning into a physical girl made me almost weep with joy.

That euphoric feeling lasted for only about ten seconds as I realised that more than a few comments would be made, firstly by all the numerous members of staff and hangers on, but more importantly, by my dad, if I turned up with boobs the size of Dolly Parton’s.

As Hannah pointed out to me, tiny little bumps were not anything Partonesque. I knew that Hannah’s breasts, when she was physically alive, weren’t very big, not much more than I was now, but how do I explain what was happening to me?

‘I…I…I don’t understand what’s going on!’

‘It looks like you are going all girly, that is so cool!’

‘Its not cool when everyone sees me as a girl when I have been pretending all my life that I’m a boy.’

‘Yea, but all you have to do is tell everyone that you are a what’s it called, erm a trans thingie?’

‘Hannah, don’t play the dumb blond, you know full well that I am a transsexual. We talked about it lots of times when you were alive.’

‘Do you have to keep saying that sort of thing? I’m trying to forget that I’m officially dead and you have a certificate to prove it.’

‘Sorry, I didn’t know that you were so sensitive.’

‘So would you be when you find out that you’ve been turned into mincemeat after crashing into the side of a mountain.’

‘You always were a drama queen.’

There followed an internal conversation that involved several swear words and a number of things best left unsaid. Eventually we calmed down, apologised to each other, mentally air kissed and carried on a bit more rationally.

‘So, you are worried about sprouting out all girliefied and what everyone might say about it?’

‘Der, yes; I’ve spent most of my life hiding it all away and now everything is out of my control.’

‘It might just be that thing that boys have gynoclamatis or something.’

‘You mean gynaecomastia.’

‘That’s the one, clever clogs.’

‘That might be it, but they’ve grown kind of suddenly.’

‘Maybe you just hadn’t noticed it, what with everything that’s going on.’

‘Yea, that could be right. Hang on though, what about my bum and hips?’

Pr’aps that’s something similar too.’

‘I don’t know.’ I said doubtfully, ‘OH-MY-GOD what do I do about school?’

‘It’s a boys school.’

‘I know that silly. How can I turn up looking like this?’ I waved my hand around.

‘You’ll be a boys wet dream.’

I groaned. Things were not going to be easy.


We had no more time to think about what was going wrong with what I now considered our, rather than my body, as we had to go for a ride. Hannah suggested that I wear one of her sports bras, something that she rarely wore, but had a few of. I went into her bedroom and then taking my cycle top off, I slipped one on. I was concerned that it might show under the lycra and after re-dressing, I noticed that there was a vague outline, but I didn’t think that it would be noticed. However I was taking no chances, so I put on a gilet and that hid any possible chance of discovery.

It was with a sense of trepidation that I went out for my ride with Julia. It didn’t help that Hannah was singing in my head, Sometimes its hard to be a woman.

I didn’t think that Hannah was taking things seriously enough.

Julia was riding really well and it was all I could do to get home before her. The ride had been good and had calmed my fears down a wee bit. Julie hadn’t twigged that my body shape was any different, although my hips felt and I believe looked huge in the tight lycra I was wearing. Perhaps it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Hannah had been silent on the last descent and I had a feeling that it was sheer terror that had kept her quiet. I didn’t know what the fuss was; we had only been going at about 50 miles an hour, my back wheel about an inch away from Julia’s, as I rather liked slip steaming even going down hill…

‘Thanks Julia,’ I said as we stopped, ignoring the complaints from Hannah, ‘that was great. I’ll have a quick dip in the pool and then a shower; you coming?’

‘No, I’ll have a shower in my room then I have a few things to do. See you later.’


I went to the swimming pool and took my clothes off. Hannah was still strangely silent and I relished the peace and quiet. It didn’t last long.

I went to slip on one of the pairs of swimming trunks I always kept in my locker by the pool and was about to put them on and then I saw my reflection in the mirror on the wall.

I saw my breasts and my bum and my widening hips. Then, with horror, I noticed that my penis was now a shrunken worm size and my scrotum was a lot smaller too. I rummaged around a bit and noticed that my testicles (sorry) were the size of garden peas!

‘Well that’s interesting,’ said Hannah, ‘it’s a good job that Julia didn’t come swimming. How would you have explained your altered plumbing, fat distribution and lack of manhood?’

I felt nauseous and after putting on my trunks, noticing that my tell-tale lumps and bumps between my legs were now more like where-tale? I sat down heavily on a bench, totally undecided as to what I should do.

‘I can’t go swimming now. What if someone comes in and sees me like this?’

‘You should be wearing a girls swimming cozy not boys trunks and if Julie had agreed to come swimming, then that would have been awkward.’

I had already realised that and had hoped that Hannah didn’t notice my slip-up.

I really wanted to swim because I felt hot and sweaty and also because it was a great warm down exercise after a heavy cycle ride. I went over to the door leading inside the house and turned the key. I didn’t want anyone to burst in and see me like that.

The windows outside already had the blinds down to keep things cooler inside, so I was pretty safe from outside peeping toms, not that there were any on the staff; well I hoped not anyway. I was just lucky that the roof was covered as usually at that time of the year it was mainly used as an outdoor pool, so any overhead helicopters wouldn’t be able to see anything, even with long range lenses.

You may have noticed that I was beginning to be a bit paranoid

After those simple security measures I went back to look in the mirror.

‘I need to do something about these breasts,’ I thought, ‘ they might be small, but they feel uncomfortable and exposed without any support.’

‘Why don’t you put the sports bra back on?’

‘You heard that then. I thought that you couldn’t read my mind unless I let you?’

‘Well no, but I sort of guessed that was what you were feeling. Lets face it, we share the same everything now including bits of our brain. Don’t ask me what’s going on, I’m just here for the ride.’

After agreeing with Hannah’s suggestion, I put the sports bra back on, I felt a lot less naked, but it felt yucky, as it was all sweaty. It looked ridiculous and it was the wrong colour, but there was only me and I suppose Hannah there so there was no chance of being seen.

I took one more look in the mirror, shook my head and frowned. I was now wearing boys’ swimming trunks that didn’t fit well because I was shrunken in certain places and stuck out in others together with a sports bra that covered my budding breasts. I realized that it wasn’t fashionable but it would have to do.

‘We’ll have to get you a bikini.’

‘Don’t go there.’

With a sigh, I dived into the pool; well sort of belly flopped if I was honest, as I wasn’t a good swimmer like Hannah was before you know what…

I was struggling. My body didn’t feel right and I was out of balance; probably something to do with my body changes.

‘Oh for goodness sake, let me do it, you are showing us up.’

‘No-one’s watching.’

‘Never mind that, you are swimming like a drowned rat. Look, just stop doing what you are doing and let me take over.’

‘You can’t take over,’ I gasped as I attempted to do a front crawl that appeared to more of a sideways crab crawl.

‘We wont know ‘til we try, just relax.’

I stopped swimming, if you want to call it that, and held my breath as we slowly sank to the bottom and I kind of semi-panicked. Then I sort of let myself go and then all of a sudden we were going up again like an express lift and a few moments later we were swimming powerfully to the end of the pool.

‘Well cool!’

I could sense her happiness as she swam along as if she was in the middle of a race.

This was seriously weird. I was feeling just like I was a passenger, as Hannah did all of the work. I was still out of breath and my muscles ached from the bike ride and then unexpected speed of the swim; but it felt good, very good. I had never swum this well in my life. I knew that Hannah was a very good swimmer and had won several medals at school and now I was experiencing the adrenaline rush that she had when she was on form in the pool.

The pendant was tucked in my bra so it wouldn’t fly about and it felt a bit hot, strange that…

After several lengths, my body tired. We had, after all, just finished a punishing bike ride and then swum at what I considered to be at break-neck speed. I wondered if this is how it felt to do two parts of a triathlon. Suddenly, Hannah let go of the control she had and I was back in charge of our body.

It was like a switchover, but I had no idea how it worked, nor did Hannah. Thinking about it later, we both wondered if it was something automatic and unconscious on our part, like when one lets go, the other somehow takes over seamlessly.

I dried off and put on a toweling robe that hid my new assets adequately. Then picking up my cycle stuff, including the wet training bra and swim trunks, I made my way back to my part of the house.

Hannah was strangely quiet, but I knew that she was there. Like me, she probably had a lot to think about. Sharing a body is a strange experience and something that is difficult to explain to someone who has never had that unique thing happen to them. I loved having my sister back, but I wasn’t sure how this would all pan out. Would I just turn into a clone of my sister and lose my identity? Was I just being paranoid? Will we stay like this forever just sharing my body? I desperately wanted to be a girl, but was this right way to go about it? Not that I had much choice.

I had a quick shower and then put on a bra, which normally I had to fill with gel inserts. I wanted the bra cups to at least give some support for the growing girls, but they weren’t really big enough to fill it. I was in training bra country here, not the almost grown up type bra that I had been using. I tried the bra with the gel inserts and that didn’t work either, as it was all too uncomfortable as they pressed up against my slightly sore breasts. I needed to get some properly fitting bras somehow, but I had no idea how quick I was growing…

‘We need to go shopping; your bra is useless now.’
said Hannah.

I looked at myself in the mirror critically.

‘I don’t want huge great breasts,’ I said reflectively.

‘Well I didn’t have big ones, although being twelve, I didn’t have enough time to grow them and Mummy’s weren’t that big and she was grown up. If you are like her, you should have manageable ones when you become an adult. Look, wear another one of my sports bras, they compress things down a bit and give you some support too. It will have to do until we can get you some proper ones to wear. It’s a pity that all of my training bras were in my case on the plane, they might have fitted you’

‘I can’t wear a bra outside, everyone will know.’

‘They will find out soon enough.’

‘I know that, but I can’t get my head around things as it is without telling the world that I’m some sort of freak.’

‘But you want to be a girl.’

‘Yes, but Dad has enough worries and I don’t want to add to them.’

‘He will have to know and soon.’


‘Because its going to be hard to hide that you are a girl. Someone will notice something like your changing shape. What if the press do one of their long-range photo snaps when you are with Daddy and add two and two together?’

‘You know that we don’t often go out together. Dad protects us from the press and any media exposure.’

‘You don’t know this, but one of the members of the gutter press took photos of me without any clothes on when I was at school and then tried to blackmail Daddy.’


I could feel her embarrassment.

‘Me and Margy Johnson went skinny dipping in the lake next to the school one evening for a bet. We weren’t to know that there was anyone watching us. Daddy went nuts about it and threatened all sorts of nasty legal action. He also had someone make sure that the man would never do anything like that again. I don’t know the details, but nothing got into the papers.’

‘Dad can be a hard nut sometimes.’

‘Not when you are his little girl and can wrap him around your tiny finger.’

‘Hmm, maybe there is a bright side to this?’

We both giggled.

I thought what she suggested about the bra situation and thought that it was a good idea, so I went into her room and picked out several sports bras. She had a variety of colours, which was good, but the worry was that they would show under my male clothes.

I put on a white bra that squished down my little girls a bit, but not too uncomfortably and then slipped on a black top and panties and skirt. At least in my rooms, I could dress like this without being seen. I was feeling rather hungry now so I decided to have breakfast.

I had a fridge and essentials like Weetabix, cornflakes and orange juice in my room. I sometimes liked to breakfast on my own, dressed in my nightie usually and sitting on my balcony, which isn’t overlooked, luckily. I had an uninterrupted view of the sea and it was always a favourite time for me.

‘I would have preferred eggs and bacon.’

‘You always were a piggy.’

‘I can’t help it if I like food,’

‘Well you are in my body now, so what I say goes.’

‘That’s not fair!’

‘Who said anything about being fair?’


‘Language, Hannah!’

‘It was nice sitting there looking at the deep blue sea, gently lapping up the shore of the cove. For a few minutes I could forget all the things that was happening and just enjoy my breakfast. Hannah went into another sulk and she went off somewhere in my brain and mentally shut the door behind her.

I realised that we wouldn’t see eye to eye (if that were possible) on a number of things, but I knew that she loved me and I loved her and any arguments that we did have, normally blew over fairly quickly. I had no ideas where all this was going, but I would just have to wait and see.


After breakfast, I went to clean my teeth.

You missed your back ones and you need to brush for at least three minutes. When you kiss boys, they don’t like bad breath.’

Hannah was back.

‘I know, about teeth I mean!’ I replied, ignoring the crack about boys.

I didn’t want to think about boys, sex and things like that. I was too much of a crazy mixed up kid to think about that sort of thing. I had a feeling that Hannah had had some dealings with boys and I would quiz her about that later, but for now, I went over my teeth with the electric brush a little bit more. Then I rinsed using alcohol free mouthwash and Hannah then pronounced that she was satisfied.

‘What shall we do now…’

The internal phone went off and I answered it.


‘George, could you come down to the security suite please?’

‘OK Julia; anything wrong?’

‘I just want to show you something.’

‘Give me five minutes.’

I put the phone down.

‘I wonder what that’s about?’

‘Probably wants to show you her latest toy; laser guided missile or something.’

‘Yea, she almost has as many gadgets as Daddy. “Daddy”, where did that come from?’

‘Probably my benign influence.’

‘Did you learn such heavy words at that chocolate Swiss roll of a school you belonged to?’

‘Flaming cheek!’

We both giggled.

I changed into jeans and a loose t-shirt that hid my sports bra covered breasts quite well and then made my way down to the security suite.

Julia was in there by herself. She put the phone down and looked up with a strange look on her face.

‘Hi George or is it Sophie?’

To Be Continued..?

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